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<br /> �_.�. S. Haasrd or Property Iasuran+ca Bflrrower ehall keep the improvemeats aow ea�'nng or her�after erected . .. . , _
<br /> � . .. , �1�P�y�agaiast lo�by fire,ha�rds imcluded within the tetm°eateaded coverage"ead Bny other hszards, =
<br /> <. � iaclnding ftnads or flaodiag,for wtucb Lender requires iasutaace.This iasuranCe shall be maintaiae�ia the�moun� . �,._
<br /> `- - 'end far the geri�ds t�at I,�nder requirea.'The insuraaae c�rrier grovidiag the msurance sbaU be chasen bp H�sroWet �` --
<br /> - subjeci to Leude�''s appmvat which shatl aot be unreasoaably withhet+d.If Borrower fails to maiataia coverage desc�ibed , :�` _
<br /> ," . . above,Lender may,at I.ende�s option,obisin cove�ge to protect LQnder's rights in the Proger[y in accotdance cvith , �-
<br /> . . . - � P�S�Pb 7. _ : ` . —
<br /> . ,<. - Atl insuranc�pouci�and renewals eball be acceptable to I,eader aad ehall iaclude a staadard martgage clause. -_
<br /> � ���.��` = : � Leader shall bave the right to hald the policies and renewals.If Lender requires.Homnwer sLatl pmmptlY g►ve to . - `,*=
<br /> . � � Lender all receipts of paid premivins aad reaewal aoticQS.In the event of tos9.Barrower sball give prampi notice to t he ,'I .;', �...-�,
<br /> : . � ' � `� insucaace carccer and I.eader.Lender sasy maYe proof of lasg if not made promptlq by Borrower. <r.i :.-� ,:.�`;�,
<br /> � ` � a ia writin proceeds sball be a�plied to restordtioa or repair ,.'`.s; ;a:,
<br /> " . ' � ' Un2es�Lender aad Borrovrer otfiernise gree g,inautance ;`' .
<br /> '` � � ' oY the Property damaged,if the r�tora�ion or repair ia economically feasible ead Lendei's security is not l�sened.If the . _ - - :�,
<br /> � • �� re.storation ar repair is aot ecoaomically feasible or Leader's security would be lessened,the insurauce ptooteds sbal�l be '.,�i.�r.x- .�
<br />� . • . applied to tha sums secure�by this Security lnsuvmen�whether or aot then due,with any esc�s pai d w Borrower.I f • ,: :. ` <
<br /> ' �- ..,�,r.,
<br /> �. �. Bortower abandoas the Froperty,or daes aot answer within 30 daps a aotice from Leader that tLe insuraace c�rrier hes
<br /> � . � offered to settle a cTaim,then I.eader may wllect the iasw�ance praceeds-Lender n�ay vse tt�praceads to repair ar {�= -
<br /> �•.�..: '.��rS~
<br /> ` .;� restore the Property or ta paY sumE secured by ti�is Se�uritg Instrument,whetiier or noE then�.The 3�dap penod wilI � �,�-�-.,�
<br /> : �
<br /> .. . .
<br /> ..� . . ;:� _
<br /> �...".;..:�.:; ,. �. :.: ��testendor . �.;.�s_, __ _
<br /> bsgia whea the notice is given. - ,,� ���on of to ' shal
<br /> . ._, -.�,-.---�--.- -- �.-. ---�-----�iJnlesa.I�ender and_Borro�er_atb,�.i�e agcee Ir�wn�„_�.�P. .- Pi'� _ P�P� -
<br /> • , �. �. .� , -
<br /> .� ... ... . � Postpone tha due date of the montlily payments referned tv in paragrap�.s 1 and 2 or cliaage the amonn3 oY� � p yments:-- --- - ° `,` -
<br /> . � If under pasagcaph 22 the Propetty ia acquired by Lender,Borro�er's nght w aay insurance policies and proceeds ; . . ..:,._¢
<br /> . : , . resultiag from damage to the Property prior w the acquisition sl�alfl�to Lender to the este��the suma secured by . :'*.�.%�'=-'--
<br /> ' . this Security Instrumeat immediately prior to the acqwsition. . , � 'r r.
<br /> -_ . . ,. , , . -
<br /> • ' • - ' 6.Qecupsney,Preservation,Mainteaance and Pratectioa of the Proptrty; Horrowet's Luan Application;
<br /> . ..
<br /> .. . _ ..
<br /> ' �. ' � Leasehol d s.Borrower e h a l l occuPY�e s t a b l i s h,a n d u s e�P r o p e rt y a s B o r r o w e t's p ri n c i p a l r e s t d e n c e W i t b i a s i s t y d a y s -
<br /> ` � �� after the esecution of this Security Instrument and' t� continue to occupy the Praperty �s Horrower's principal �_�� � '
<br /> , . residence�or at teast oae year after the date o f acxupanc9,u n less L e n der o t heravise a g e e a i a w ri�n g,w h ic h consent shall ��.� _
<br /> . .. � ;,. :, . . ..�._ not be unreasonabip�vithheld,or unless esteuuating circu�stances esist which are bepond Borrower's coatrol.�osrower �... � .
<br /> ti ..
<br /> � � ' shall not destroy,dausege or impair the Property.ailo�t�e Ptoperty to deteriorate,or�commit waste on the Pmpesrty: , �:�:,. . ' .
<br /> � ,�.,: � Bonower shall i�e ia default if any Porfeiture acfion or proceedipg,whether civil or crimiaal,ie be�un that in Lender's :���-� � , �
<br /> gaod faith judgment could tesult in forfeiture of Ehe Ptoperty or othercvise materially impais the lien created by tlus , :•.
<br /> � -- Security Instrus�e�t or Lender's securit9 interest. Borcower may cure such a default and reinstata,as provided in .��'.
<br />� . ..,. , � -- - -- P��Ph 18. bF causir►g the action or proceeding to be dismi�d with a ruling that, in Lender's gaod faith .,',t�. _ . -
<br /> • � �.. ��, determuiation,preclud�forfeiture of the Bortowerrs intereat in tbe P�opetty or other msteri�impairment of the lien ..,.�y� ,-,
<br /> • �• ' � created by this Security Instn�ment or Leadet's security interest.Borrower stiall also be in default if Boaower,during . :�.
<br /> � . the loaa application pracess, gave materially falsa or inaccurate iaformation or statements to Lender (or failed to �
<br /> � . . � � � , provide Lender with any material information)ia co�ection with the loan evidence�by the Note.iacludiag,but not �:� ; " . .::
<br /> . limited w.regr�tations concerniAg Bonower's occupancy of the Property as a priacipal residence.If tt�ie Securitq •_�' ...
<br /> , • � .. Inatrument is as a 3easehold,Horro'wet sha11 oomply with all the pmvisions of the leasa.If Bonower acquires fea title to ��--�
<br /> eas
<br /> �� �� tha Property�the leasehold aad the fee title shall aot merge untess I.ender agrees to i�e merger ia writing. . .r�.`y u',F''�
<br /> . . ;;�;;. �.Prote�tian of Lender's Bights in the Property.If Borrower failato pesF�.-m the covenants and agreementa .,�,�,. ..:�
<br /> c o z�tained in this Securi t y Iastrument,or there ia a legal proce�diag tbat may eignificantly affect Lendet's rigf�ts in the
<br /> � ' " property (such as a praceEding in bankrnptcy, probate, for eon demaatioa or fo r feiture or t o e u fo r c e l a w s o s �-
<br /> ��_..
<br /> � . '. � � re�lations).then Lender may do and pay for whatever is neces�ary w pl�otect the value of the Property ated I.ender's . . � ��.�
<br />� .� � . ' : � • � righta in the Property.Lender's actions may include payiag any sums secured by a lien which has priority over tius , : ,�_
<br /> _ �;... , . Secnrity Insttument,appearing in court,paying reasonable attorney�fees attd enteriag on the Pmperty to raeke repairs• �� . • :,
<br /> �T � Aiti.��ugb Lender may take action uAder t4ais paragcaph 7,LeAder do�not have to do so �.,�, � , i-'�
<br />-� ��� .�' . � Any amounte diabursed by Leader under thia paragraph 7 shall become additional dabt of Borrower secured by tlus _. ., __•��;
<br /> -_ ' . Secusity Instr�sttent.Unless Borrower aad Lender agee to other terms of payment.these atraonnts shatl beas interest � _
<br /> -��� � � � ' ' from the date oF ttiabursement at tha Note rate astd ahall be payable.c:ith interest.up�n aotice fmm Lender to Borrower
<br /> i �• � requesting payment. � �� '
<br /> � �.'. • �. 8.A'lortgage Iasuraace.IIf Leader required mortgaga insurance as a condition of making tAe loan secured by this E .
<br /> � � . , Securicy Instrument,Borrac�er shall pay the premiums reqnired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect.Ii.{or any f :
<br /> • . reason,the mortgage insuraace coverage�requued by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Bonower shall pap the � . ,
<br /> premiume required to obtain coverage suicstantially equIvalent to the mortgage insurence previously in eitect.at a cost ;
<br /> �. < . � .� � tiall ivalent to the cost to�oaower o4 the mortga� insurance previously ia effect,from an alternate E � .
<br /> ' �� y� va�eat mort e insurance covere a ia nvt available, � �
<br /> _,,- • . . mostgaga insurer approved by l,euder. If ss��t�tially eq�i gag g S � �
<br /> .' . Eo�rower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ane-r�setfth of the pearly mortgage insuraace premium being : �
<br /> -•*• � • � � paid by Borrower whea the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased W isa in eftect.Lender will accept.use and retaia these ; . .
<br /> '� '� . '. payments es a loss r�erve in lieu ot mortgago insurance. Loss reserve papments may ao longer be required, � �
<br /> � �.,, . . �. � .. •
<br /> . . � F�rm 901/ 9/90 � •
<br /> ., � , Q��6R�to=�2! v�a��e}e . � Initiatc , . .
<br /> _ , , ,. � .
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