..r;. �� �t �� '. . � � !
<br /> �7�.,.-.. � . �� . ,. ' � , ,� .• f �° t`. '� c , �_ >
<br /> �' ',y,.:, - - , -�,�� , � `` <� _�,. �, `
<br /> `( : , ,`, : � . _, • �� t �;� � ; . � �� . �. <
<br /> • t , . . _. .
<br /> ` . `� `` - . • ' ` a ' `� en�rtem-msn�fa�d![tefr►e.a h . ` .'. ` �-
<br /> , � ; . . �. ,� . t.Rro4�ctIo�ot O.en�er's RiQtita t»the propeHy. �eosra�fes so ve�arm tn�� _.—
<br /> ' � � ., �' • this SecurBY lnstnurs�nR ar tAe�Es a Te�l O�oCee�'�Q th�t m�Y a��uY eHect I.�tds'e�hts fa tfla Pro�ty(sueA as s proCe�dtnp b - � .
<br /> . ��Y" , '� . V..
<br /> '`; t �'c �. � bankruP�Y�D�bzta,iar eand�tlen ar forle�ue ar ta enfo�es�ws or essu�etions?,tNen L�►d�may do end PgY tor whate+re►Ea�ees�1► .., ' _
<br /> � � •� ` to protec!the valie ot the PrroDeRY ar+d Lendmrs r�YS tn the�caA�7►. lenQers ectSams mai►i�u�Qs pa]Ma �Y sums s�tuad @y e 6ert �
<br /> va!
<br /> . � . wt�ich has D��Y arrer thi�Sequ�Y�strus?pnL aPFe���c�•DgY�►y raascnaD�e a4icmeys Pores an0 ente�InB an tA�_PropertY ta rtnk� � K
<br /> . • «�: � repaHs. MhOUgh L6nd�maY ffika ectimt ustder Ws Rera�D�7.t+eader dast not haw�do sa � � ' ,
<br /> ` `.'y My nmaunts dSsburse0 bl►Lsnder un�er Ws O��PA 7 sAa�becosr�add3ional debt af Bacrowar secure0 Dy thls�c+udli tnsunm�nt , �
<br /> ���' ` " � Un�ss BorcowaQ and La�tt�e�e to offier terms at psymea�L tflese arnotmts shaB Oear hiesest from tAe date ot dtsOWSBm�i e!th9 Nots • '�•';.Y��.' . _-
<br /> , � ,-
<br /> � ` rate end SNa9 be Oayabia.w$h ht�t.aAcn notkg Uam LenEer to Ba+rowar rflquestln0 DaYrt'�►t . •� .,,. <<. . --
<br /> _•-°---- . - . ,8.lUqOdtg�QE=1R8pt�dltC!'. tI L,�nd�r re4u�ed mortSaIIs hsurartee as a eond3F�n ot metdng tNe toan seettred by thls SecufdY • �
<br /> �-`-•�==` -- tnsCVm�t,Bonower sHae PSS►�D�+���1x0 tQ�the moRgage hswance in eNset.ll,tnr eny�eason.Ne mortgaqe trtsurance _ _-_- _ - _'�`'
<br /> � . � cavera4a�eQuhed tr!►l+endar 1a95ee or casses te 6e h sSaet,Borcaw�shaII DaY �s P���aaqu�e0 to o0tafn Covsr�Re substant1a871 '., � �1
<br /> �•:�� ��
<br /> < � e�Natent to the m�ttQapa hsursns�D��y b effec�et a cost subsffintt�Y eputva�ent to the cost to Bort9�er of the mortgag�fnsu�zee �.4'`
<br /> -~�- - - previousl!►h eHect. �ram an aEamatO�tnsurer eDD�bY Lsrtder. II su�smntleIly►equkelent mortQase hsu�[ee cave�ap6 Es aot - ��
<br /> ::. ;....:��..':.�_, . �vaaa5�a. Borrawet sh6�PSII to lenEec eaeh mortn 8 eum equal to ane�iwe@Bt o!ths Ye�8r1Y moR3�4¢ insurence P��m 6eirt9 psid ON . . - . _-�-.
<br /> Batmwer w3�en �� hsur�rs cavareSg�pssd or cessad to 68 b efleeL L�Qer w¢f accep�uss and rem➢�th�e psyir�ents as a toss �-.��`,'.��-�i+
<br /> �. . . ' resenre Tn 6eu ot mertQsga insurance.. lo5s resenre payrt�nts msf►no hn8ar be�equTreO. at t�e opUon ot Lend�.B mortgaSe hsutanes ;:': , ...
<br /> � . beeomes ava0able.and ts �., .c-
<br /> . . . . coverage(tn tha emotmt and tor Me perfod tnat Lender requires)provlGad by an hsurer eAProvad by Lendsr egafn . �,:-:,�.,•,t Y,�.
<br /> , . . obtafied. BOrrowet 6hsD OSY �0 premiums.re�i r a d to m3 i n t a h► t n o rt g a g B i n s u t a n C e i n e R e C t. o t t o D�Qe B toss resstve. UnU7 ths ���!-�-;;'..;T�v,�'-�
<br /> � rrow t • •
<br /> • . ' • requtrement tar martgags Insurance cnds h accordartee�vRA enY wc2ten e�reemen-+hetween Hossawer an0 Landat or appGr�ble taw. , . .-�
<br /> � :. � 9.tns�eetion. Lend�or QS aS��Y make reasonabia entrt6.s upan end insP�ons ot the ProDertY Lender shaD gks BOfrower `2 .,-`.-i.�� k
<br /> . , � nottce at the Ume af or prtor to an Inspectton spacQyring reasanaLt�cause for the insp6CBan. � .';t;<ik.5,.�:�;��":
<br /> � � 40.Condemnation. TAe Oroceeds ot anyr awsrd or c�n fcr damages. direct ar conseq�:entta6 tn connectton wa» arry �,s;�,y����"
<br /> . , condemna8on or othe�taWng ot�anp paR of IAe PmpertY.os for comreYance tn Geo of eanQertmatioa.ere t.aeDy assfgned and sha0 be patd 'r ,._�_---
<br /> . ��_--
<br /> <,"�•. to lender. . - •--=�Y=�
<br /> � ` m the event ot e totai tatcin�of the ProP�f.tha g�ra�ts sheD 6e apA�ed to the sums secured bY thts Secuc�ll lnstrument;whett�er or ".;�'`•!tq;.:.
<br />-._- �. .- � - - -no!then.due.w8h.sny.�s��ic!to�orrower. Lz�a ee�t bt a pa�Hol t�tn�of the Ptoyarty in whieh the tair rtiarket va0ue o!the PropeRy • ; _- ----,.
<br /> iH r�;-�
<br /> ..._;�� ..,
<br /> . �� • � � immedlatey beforo fhe t�kkinp ts e9�a1 to or�t��the artiourt ot Me siui�s secured 6Y�thi9�8ecur3y�sbument immediatet�l betore tAe-_. . ' , ,.�T.�.,.-
<br /> � ' takU►g.un�ss Bortower and Lender othetwise a�ee b wr�n�.the sums secured by tAts Secur@5►fastnnr,�.�sha9 be reducsd by ttia amount `'-�- -= -
<br /> of tAe Oro���+�D�d by the fo0owinp UacBon:(a)the totel amount of thB sams seeured hunedlateN beto�tha takhg.dMded bY NI�e ; ��-�_y__
<br /> .' � tatr mailcet va4�B ot tAe PropeRy+Immad�ateH befor�Me t e k h&A c►Y 6 a l a nce s h a 0 b a p a t d t v B o a o w e r.I n t h e e v e n t of a psRfal takin p ot thv ,.,,;4.c:y�-,:_—•-
<br /> � .`� ` Propertl/�whicA tne faY martcet va�a ot the P�operty U�onediatety before the takin9 is fesa than the amount at the s�un3 secured immediately ;:=,;,,;Y`_.. .L,3gillr•
<br /> .� � '� betore the teking�uniess 8armw�end L�d�r atherwLse agree b wrriY+g or untess appQcabTe taw oUienvis9 pravlCes;-the proceads sheU b0 ...;r.-;����."—
<br /> aDpited to the sums secuce0 by thls Securitp(ns6ument whelNer or not the sums are then dua. ,;,, ,�,� _ .
<br /> • • ' � ll the PropertY is abandonad by Bortower.or @,efter noflce by Lender to Larrawer that the cos�demnar oftera ta make an awerd or seWe �',.,,,��.,�;
<br /> o e e�Un for Qamapa9.Borrawet ca�to resp�nd to LenQar w�hin 30 days efter the date Ne r.c�ce ts gfuen.lenQer Is autherGed to colleet end .�;i.;-j�,f::
<br /> • �� ?��1��r
<br /> � � • . � • eCF,y the Pmceeds.et fts opUon. eRher to�estoratton or re��ir of the Propeaty or w the s�secured by t�is Secu�}l tr.suument,whether r ..
<br />• • , or not tBen Qua . . :`:.�,�' . .
<br /> � , Untess Lender and Borrower ofherw�e apiea in wnTnp. ar►Y BDD��n of proceads to�rinCt�al sh29 no!extend or postpone Me due `"•���•?�• �
<br /> ' date of tha rtwnlhtY paYme�ts�fe�ea to in pas^.,r,�aphs 1 end 2 or chanpe 4he ac►►ount of such p8yments. ; �.,��;r
<br /> � � it.Bo�ower Not Reteased:For6earance By Lende.f Noi a Waiver. 6dension or cne cuna ror vaymen: or ,,: . ,, ��; � . -
<br /> --- --. -�------- - meddfcaiton of amortl�tton of ttte sums SeCUred by tAis SeCUfd1�(nsCUment Qr+anted by las�r to any successor in inter}�..�o}Borrower shall :;.: ;,�� �. .--- -
<br /> � ' not operate to refease the Oab�3y of the orfsinat Bormwer or Borrowefs SuccessoB in cezrest. Lender shaU not bo raquhed to commenee •, ;,.� ; �
<br /> ay ,f
<br /> • • ', proceedings agahst any successor h Tnterest or ratuse to extend time for payment or otherwtse mod�y emoRizaUoR of the sums secured by ;jy,f.�
<br /> � �' tnis Security �ns7ument by reason o!erry demanA made by the odginal Borrower or Boaowers successors in NteresL My tarbearenca 0y :��
<br /> • Lender fn e�enkh�eny�ight or remedy sha8 not be e wafirer of ot precludB e�n�cer�ise of eny rtgfit or remedy. . � ' ,
<br /> C6-81 ItCf9. The covenents esfd e�6ement8 ot
<br /> � 12.Succe$aora and Assigns @ound;Joint and Severel Liability; g ' ` .- ��b�-
<br /> . this Security Insgument sha0 bind end bea�efd tAa successors and assigns of Lender an0 8ortowar.subject to the D��jons of paragreph ; �,f+."-`*-�.
<br /> 1T. Borrowefs cavenants.end aQree�ne�ts ShaD ba jpht and several. MY Borrower who co-signs this Secur�f► tnstrument but does not ,� �,.T ;
<br /> � exeeute the�tote: (a�(s co-si�nhp thTs Secufdl►tr�sbusnent anly to mort�e,�anL end convey t�St Borrovrers hterest�n the Proparty under . _ ; �
<br /> _ . � , .� the terms ot thb Securgy tnstrument(D)ts no!personady obllgHted to pay the sums securc�by thls Se�ufty Instrumen�end(o)agrees that !;.�
<br /> LQnder end arry other Borrower maY a9rae to extand.mod3y.iorEeer or make eny accommndaUons+vRh cegard to terms ot lhis Secur7y . . «.;.
<br /> . ._i,:���";• . .. . +1�
<br />- •,��. • instrument ot the Not�w$tl0ut that Bormwers Consen4 • • _
<br /> ' 13.l.oan Cherges. If the toan secured by tA�Securftf►(nstrument�suDject to a Iaw wt�kh sets maximum loan charges,and that �. :.,yz.
<br /> ° � law i; :,S,P� :s�reted so that tha ht�est or other laan cfiarpes coHectad or to b�co�acted tn connectlon wtth the toan �eed the �. �,'.
<br /> '�.�. . ",
<br /> � �� permmed Cmfts,then;(e)am►sucb ban,Charyes shaD be reduad by the arr.ount necessery to re0uce tho cha�go to the pertnRted�a n�e n d . • ..�;
<br />•:.�, � ' (b)any sums alreaCy coQected from 8orrow6t wh�h exceeded pertni#ed Gm7ts wAI ba refunEeO to Borrawer. Lender may choose to.^.�ake • ,
<br /> � this cefund by reduchp the prhelp3l awed und�th0 Note or tiy matcing e d'aect payment to Borrower. It a refund reCuces pftncipa4 the E
<br /> 3}f `� .' reduction wID be treated es a partial PreDaYment wahout enY O�Aayment Charge under the NOte. � .
<br /> ' � � notiC9 to Bortow6t rovtded Por in th1s SecurdY �nstrument shaA be gNen Dy QaIlveMg ft or by ma�Tin9 �1 by fast �' • ,
<br /> 14. Nottces. atiy v
<br />• � � class maD uniess 8DD6cabie taW re�uYeg ys3 01 enotAer metDOd. The notice shaU be directed to the Frcpa�t�r Address or any other address .
<br />- � '- • � Bortower designate9 Gy notice to lenQer.tasy notke to Lend�sha0 be piv�by frst ctass maD to t,e��ets adQress steted hareln or any �
<br /> � . od::r aQdress lenQar des��y notice to Borrower. My nofica prmrlyded for In this�urdy tnsuument shat!Oe Qeemed to have Oeen i ,
<br /> � � Qtlan t0 Borrow�r Ot L�td6t uch.en pNen a9 O��d h this D�{PeDh. : . .
<br /> � � 1S.Gaverntng Law;Severabliiry. mts secu�y mswrnani sna�ne gwemaa oy reaera�raw and�ne�aw of cne�u�sa�an n �
<br /> � � ' vrhich the Prcyety E9 tocflted. tn th�euent that any prm�ston or cteus9 of thfs bbcurky fnstrument ar tho Note Contlicts w3h eppiiccabt�taw. ; .
<br /> ' � , . sucb confQct 6ha9 nof aftect other provisbns of thls Secus3y teSUUmen! or the Note which can be gAren effect w�lh0ut the Con`GcthB �. " -
<br /> • -� provtston. To fhis end thv provtsians ot tAb Secutdy tnsUUrtwnt and the Note ore doc�red to ba severabte. � ` ,
<br /> �. ' 16. Bonower'a Copy. Bortmver shaD 6e g:ven one eontoaned capy ot the tJob and ot thts SecurBy Inshument , _
<br />- ;' ' � � � 17. Trensler ot the P�operiy or a Beneftetal Interes't tn Borrower. N 6ll or eny paR Of th9 Property or 8ny 4�terest N .
<br /> ; � • ' d is snld or trensterted(or B a beneflcial hferest In Bortawer Is sotd or transferted and 8ortowar is not e naturat Derson)withau!L6ndefs
<br /> - . �-- •- - � prlor vRMen cansent,Lm�der may.nt Rs oyito�l,cequ�ro bfimedt3to psymert 1�!uD ot all sums secured by thts Securnyr tnswmen4 However. , .
<br /> Gfl
<br />� ° � � thi�opUon sha�not te�rctsed by Lender H�I591s prohibaed Ey ieder8l taw es ot fh9 date ot thb Secun'ty tnstnrment. ,
<br /> ,. . � � . , If Lander exerctses this optlan.tenQer sha0 givs BoROwer notice at flccoSe�ation.The notice sha�provtda e pertod o1 not less than 30 i
<br /> Onys from the data th0 noiice is deAuerad ar maIIed w3hfi whic� the Bonowtr must pay e7 sums secured by this S9cufity tnswment.I!
<br /> `'' ' Bortowat faL's to pay theso sums prtar to tha e�iratlon o1 thb Perto0.�d��Y�ka e"y remodtes permNted by this Securdy Instrumant .
<br /> .� �1 . � vr�haut MMer notice or d�rsand on Bortower. • ' ' � '
<br /> , � .. . , +
<br /> � ' ' •
<br /> , �� . • . . . _.
<br />-.. _'.'..f...' ._-._.... . •' .
<br /> ------- -----_::.— .
<br /> � . � Ct�e 9 of 6 , co.n.sc�a a� �-.-.- --. .
<br /> .
<br /> ., . •
<br /> �
<br /> .. , � f�028.tt1.0�tOl�I � -
<br /> . � ��. ' _� � ,' , ,. � ' _ ' _.
<br /> , � .,". . .� ' _ . - - . • --- - �--- . : . . .- -----. '_ ..
<br /> . .
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br />