Sa. . ` � .. . ..w�+�., i . . . . -' v J�.. ..:—`�
<br />- , ,��.. ,� ' . . . . , �.. .. _ . . �r" R ' ��, .� .'r --? �':
<br />,. Y- yi`t]y `,a.
<br /> ' � E '1�. . ` A" - 't � . � . r • '� .. ::t- ..., c.. � <�` �t � i'�_3e�..,
<br />. . .� ._ � l ' V `,f.. . • � . ' � _ y . � . '��_'f, _: f _4-� _
<br /> , _ . ?= - j , . !U�.." �.it.. . �` S "
<br /> - ti� _' . . `' 'c e,"Rl+�`-• t < .- .. � . . ' � � - - __�°'''s. :��. .�'6�::-
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<br /> � y�t rf��
<br /> . . - � .. . ��5���} t� _ v_
<br /> , � ' � . ' fo trow s esc:a�l��t undar t�e ;�� � , ,,�.�
<br /> • . < � •„'s . ept Eo ex�esd the maxAnum emaw►!a t�Qer f�r e t�Qe�aH�a�ttd mcRq�Qe taaA�y�� • _� �..'.
<br /> . . .` tederal iieat E&t�U Settlsme►t Praca�ses Att ei 1974 as tsnn�►Qad�cam tin+s to tfrtFa� 18 U.�A.261�f e!taq.('Wc�PA"��uniess an�i�he g� ` ,<.., ':"���_
<br /> .. .."c . :�..`�±`4t'�!r-k`=`�.
<br /> � that eAPIIes to tRe�iu+d�sats a i�ss�oma+mL If�r rtuY.u any U�r�.eo8�et�nd hot� Fuads��n amaunt aat iv eAeaod tA� .:�.,
<br /> ' -o .� � � ` 19SSer dmGUt1t L�tder m&y asUrnat�ltts emount ot Nnds Qyi cn tlts bisis a1 cttttent d3t3 end reasanabi� est9�tates ot tacDeatd�tsa�s! ` � t
<br /> : �,:. � , ,
<br /> • '' ' (utuae ESCrOw Itmns ot ottt�w�Is acCOtdutc9 wttf�Dpfi�abT9 tnw. , ,
<br /> ��� " ttre Fun�a st�sD D�Ratd h u►lnstmrtbn wfiqss�as4s an hsured by�[eQadal eS�ieY.�cbumenta� erftEy linc9�dtnp I.efider.� . .. '.
<br /> ' ' � • - t�r�der ts sush en tnat�2Saa)or in sny FedetB��ur�to�n Bsnk. 4en�sA8�1 eDDtY Ne Fnn�a to pay ths Eserow Items. Lender may not , �.; , ` _-
<br /> ' charga 8artawar tor hoidinp er�d aPPHh�th0 Fund9.annuaQy snsty�inD th0 escrow acceunt�o►veritying ifle Escrov�ftems.un�is�ns� � .t�`,����
<br /> � , , pays Barrexer Interast an the Fvnd9 end app4Cab�law penn3s Lsnd�to makg suai�a charge. ltawmre►.Lender msy tepuVe Bartower to ?,_
<br /> _-_ -- - psy��e.�r�a cl�R9�Ct.en h►�tQ9nf�pe1 e�fats t�c r�oRfnp s�u,ed 0y Lend�tn ConnecUon w�h tPUs toIIn.urtess aADl�bie��v . ��
<br /> rp '. _
<br /> proviQes othsrwlse. Untess an a9teecn�t(s rt�adfl ar�epnTnabSO i►w ceQuires htsras!to bo pal� Lsndar stra9 aot�s reqs+6•ed ta Wy �-
<br /> " ` • ' Borrawet ru►y fntacas!or eemir�qs an tha Funds.Borrowat and Linder tr�Y agree in wtE�9�howeirer.ttiat(ntec�st shatl be psid on Ne Fund�. -�•
<br /> � :� ...<..,,..
<br /> -- . .-.. I.ender shaA ptva!0 8arrower.wdRaut Ch�e,an aMUa!aecounNn�ei tho Funds.showinp eBdRs end debLs to tna Funds etcd tAO O�Pa� - •,�
<br /> to:vrhich esch de6B to the Funds wva9 mad�. TN F�m��rt pt�0 as�dd3lanaf socuc3Y ter aD sums sscured by this See�rdY InsinunmL ' .. -
<br /> . . + _ � . .- It the Funds lteid by Lan� �eed the�urtts 0�� ��s hef�bY e6P9cabla faw.LenQ9r ShaB HCCOUnt to Borrower far tha • : fl `°�.;
<br /> • exaess Funds b accardeneo w@h the reQui�nents of�ppYcebt�taw 0 tha ameimt of trte Rrnds heid by Lsnder et enfr ttme ts noi S�FCta►t . .,' .
<br /> � . , to pay Ne�Est�ow 1�►�v�hen Que.LenQer maY so nob'(Y 8osror�rar(n wr�tnQ.anQ,In sueh easi Bortov�rer sh80 Pa/to Lend�the amaunt � .
<br /> . • . `. neaesseq►to meke up t�e deth�cY. Baaoxrer shaD maka W ms delictanaf► �no more than twetua manthN� tsnd�s sote ' .. -"`
<br /> h. ;
<br /> , '.��`.`��'' � ' dI5Ct8tf00. - . •,:
<br /> , _ . �pon peym�; in (u0 af eD sttt►ts seCUred by thts Seew�Y tnsWman� Lender shaD Ptomytty refimd to Bortow6r eny Funds held bY .ft.�:,
<br /> . . ,. � ., -• • Lender. lt,uader pelagraDA 21.lender st►sD aaquYe ar seU tho ProPertY.L,�id�.Drtot to tfle acquts�tan ar sate ot Me PropertY.ShaD eAPh ' , •
<br /> ,' ` ; �'-�=-
<br /> �y Wnds hetd py!�►d�at the tima of ecquis$tan or sata es a cred3 aqahst tQe sums secured by Nis Securitfl Instrument ha t end . �'
<br /> - . . - 3,ppplicatton af Payit�ents. Untess ePD�ie taw D�IdBS othenivise.aU OaYments recelved bq Lender under D�6�P . ' .4.—
<br /> � 2 sha0 ba apDGed:fUst.te enl P�AaY�t�B� �undEr ths Note; qmbunta payaDi9 under parsgreph �thUd t0 fntersst , . . _ ��
<br /> . •
<br /> : . ....._: ..: ' , .. .. � _
<br /> • - -
<br /> ---- .. -�--'--`- .. �- � --�-- �-�due�tourth;to�pSrteipalQue:�end-tast-to a�Y-�����e.unQer.tAB Note. � ,
<br /> —� -- •'Y�,'
<br /> . . 4.�r9es;Ltens. earrower snau Pav en �ws. assessmenes.cnerses.fnes an0 6�AosiKons a&�uZabS�tar th�PropertY�whbA - �- - �� �-.. g�
<br /> . ' may attaat PRornf►ov�tfiis Secutd7l Instr�unen�end teeseho9i PSY�ts or 9��d rents.H an1►. Bortower shaU PaY these obt�attans tn tt►e �• ,,�
<br />`� ''~ � mannsr p�vWed H paragreyA 2. ar M not paid tn that manner+ Bortower shaD pay them on tima d�ectN to tha person owed payment � �'
<br /> �...��,;�'�` �.', . h It Bortower makes these psyments � ' ��
<br /> . ,. Bortoxrer shall PromDt1y► fumtsb to I.ender aU noUces ot emounts to ba patd und2r this paBfl�A • . .: �,� -
<br /> --- � " - - � - �aectty�8orr�wer shaD promptTy(umish to L�tder cece�ts�9�8 OaYn►emts• - �':,�_--
<br /> • . Borrower sheD pmmptly d15Chac60 a�►Y 6sn whktf has Pdcr3Y wer tAis Securd5►1nsUument untess Bortower.(a)agreas in w�tng to the :_�._ ,
<br /> . . _ ., .. ', . .Oayment of the obUgaUon seeuBd by the 6en tn e mann�acceptehi�to L,ender,tb)contests 1n goo0 tanh the fien bY. or detends aQainst _.:<� - _
<br /> 4 �;;�,. ..� er�for�ement ot tha Uen h,tegal pmcee d t ngs w R k h h t he Lenfle�s o pinion operate to prevent tha enforcement ot the 6en;or(c)secures ftam
<br /> • ��;;�,' .the hotQer of the Qen en a�e0me�t setistactory to Lend�subordinaYhg the 6en to thls Secur�y► fnsbumen� It Lender detetminas tt►at a�►Y �•
<br /> � _ � , . . part of the PtoDertSl is Subj9Ct toe Qen orhtBke one a mot0 of the ections se�t�i M abova w�t►U�10 days o!Me g gWOt nottca�IQenU(yhg .
<br /> trie Ifen. EErtowet sh80 S&tTsty th
<br /> � � 5.Hazard or Properry lnsurance. Borro�r shaD keep the fmpmventents now e�dst6►9 cr tTar:aSer erected on the Propetty ' �.`:. �. . .
<br /> _ .- __.._.. . -.-_-•-.--- Nsurad agalnst toss by fV� ha�rds hc�ded w8hh ttsa tertn'extendsd covaresa'end any other haserds.�.c�r.�0 f►oods or ttoodhg.tor •:L�`�
<br /> . '�'„ .. � . whicA Lender�equYes insurance. ThTS hsuranCe sha4�o maintalned b tha emounts end tar Ne pe8ods tNat Ler.�ar requtces. The tnsuranca �, r,,.,.
<br /> ' oartier pravJd�p the hsuranc0 shaD ba chosen by Borrower subject to Lendefs eppraval which sha0 not be unreasona�ty wrthheld tt f��:lr,;
<br /> . . - . Bmrower taUS to maintetn CoYeraIIe dase�ed ebove.Lender may. at 4endds optlon. oEtain caveraga to proteet Lender's rtghts tn ttse , . ',•
<br /> �� ' • PrOpeRy in BecOrdanCe wftN P�S�Dh 7. • •, r'
<br /> � Ail insurance poGcles en0 renewa�sha�be ecee��bt�to Lender and shaA tncNde e standas4 mortgage ctausa lender sha�have tho ,-_:.,,:;�
<br /> � � Ne to Lender aD cece�ts of patd premiums ana�enewal , ti'%"
<br /> - , right to hoW the potictes and rone�vaats. I}Lendar resuL�s.8orrower shall Dromptt�r 9 �.T�•. '�
<br /> s ,
<br /> � � n a t t c e s. t n t h e e v e r►t o!toss.Borrawe�sha0 gNe pror�pt notice t0 the Insurance cenier an�Lender. Lender may m+ilce proot ot loss B not :•.d,��',
<br /> �.,. • _� . • . msda�t�uf►bY Harrower. . .._ �,'.-;
<br /> Ur.'�6sa Lender end Batrowes othetwtse agree in vn�in9. �nsus�Proceeds shaD be apptied to restoratton or repatr ce tRv Prop�rtf► f � , , ir•r
<br /> � Qamaged, d the restoraWn or repalr ts economfcaIIy leasbt� end Lsndets se�wrdy is not tessened. if the Bstaration cr r�patr is not �. :�
<br /> '� � eeonomieauy feasmfe or Lendefs secudty woutd be t�ensd,the hsuranee prac�shatl be apD�ed to the s� secured by thia Secur�y ;,
<br /> .-- c . �.� � ' .
<br /> „, . � '� Instrument�whether or not then due.w8A any�cess G�to Bo�rowei 8 Bocrowa►abandons the PropeRy, or does not answar v+Rhin 30 ( ! _ ��
<br /> � ::.,, :.' days a notice trom LenE�thai the Insurance carrier has off0red to setite e etalm�then Lender may collect the lnsurence proeeeQs. LenQer �.1r, � . ,��
<br /> may usa the proceeds to��aY�or cestor9 tRe PropeRy or t0 pay sums secured by thts SecurByr in�ument.whether or not then due. �1�e � �;:'� �. [__
<br /> , • . . c
<br /> , � 30day P�0 wID Cegh wh�the noUee i�piven. �.
<br /> '� ' Untess Lender and Borrower otAerwise a�ee b wr�ir►y�enY eDPPcatkn ot proceeds to princ�af shall nos exten0 or postpane the due .
<br /> - . • date o!the monthty peym2r►ts reteRed to in paraQ►eDhs t end 2 or chang0 the emaunt of tho payments. It under peregraph 21 th9 PropeRy ;
<br /> - • � �,� ,,� �_ • is acqicad by LenQer.Banawers nght to any hsurence poGcies and praceeds resuRing nom darr.age to the Property prior to the acquisftlon -
<br /> _ -� , sha0 p�s to Lend�to the ei4ent ot tl:a sums sseured by Nis SecurBy tnswm�t immediatery pfiot to the ecquis8ton. .
<br /> 6. Occapanay. Preaerva+�on� Malntenance and Pratec8on ot the Property; Borrower's Loan
<br /> - � • � Applteatton;I.eas�itofde.soRawer snaa occupy. esffib6sA.and use the Preperty as Boaowera prhClpal res!dence W�thin sbcty Q8y9 �
<br /> � efter the execuUon of this Securdy tnsUUmant en0 sheY caminuo to aocuAY the Rrc�erty ea Bartowefs Dfncipal residsnce (or at taast ane .
<br /> ' . • year efte►the de�of occu�a�Y.�,�s���g�rH��h wr�inQ�whicb canssnt SAaO not be unreasonabty w�hheld.or untess ' .
<br /> � � � � � damage or ImpaY the ProPertY.aVOw the ' "-
<br /> e�aenuaUnp cir�umst�nces e�dst wflicA ars E4Ya+d Bortowers caritrot Borrower shaf not desCay. .
<br /> i . , . ._� PraoedY t0 dete�3ora20�ar CamM wtsU�cn the ProAatY 8orrower shtf bs b Qs1avR/anY bAe3�ue action ar p;ocesdinB.whetAer C!!d or • .
<br /> ,;.• . . crimhai.Is bep�m thst k�lertdePs 400d t9RA�d�nt eoufd resul h torteBure of the ProPenY ar ofhem159 materiaVY,imAatr the Gen created � �,
<br /> 9R
<br /> . � ' �y this Secur�y tn5trument or Lmidefs securdy Int�osL BCrtowe►mef► Cut9 SuCh e E9�vft ertd reinst& provtQed In peragreph 18, by f , ,
<br /> f
<br /> _ �4 � : causNg the action or preceedinD to bo dismissed wSn 8 ruCng tha� In Lendets good taith detefmina8on. precludes torfenure of the �
<br /> Bortowers interest�i ths PtopE�y or other mater@it 4tfpaf�nt of ttte�n Cre9ted by thts Security (r�sWment or Lendafs seeurity Interast ,
<br /> ' � � • � ' BOrrower shaa atso tra(n d3�utt H earrowor.Qurin9.�0 toan apDfeattan omces9,gave materiat►Y tetse or inacourate Ntortnation or statements �.
<br /> =-� �t�,. _ , _ -_ to t.snQer(or ta�5d to pravtde Le�Qer wk1�enY mate�31 Tnfortnatton)b connectien v,Hh the laan svidseced by the Note, incNd�g. 6ut not �� .
<br /> -. ,. �m�e0 to. reArasenffiUona tonc�nl�9 Borrowers acCUpsney ot the ProAertY as e principal resiGenea. If this Securay tnstrument is on e � . � �
<br /> �'. � �: ' �as9hotd.BoROw�ShaD compfy wEh aD the�pro+rlStOna ot the iease. I! Bor►awer ecquies tee t t t f�to t Re Prope rt y.t h e t e a s e h o l a a n 0 M e { .
<br /> !
<br />� � . '„ fas C:t19 aha0 not merg9 un�ss Ms LenQer egreas to tna moBer N wr�in& .
<br /> , , '
<br /> , . , � � . . i
<br /> _,.. __-, . ..
<br /> � -—— Fua rw �� '- -- - — -
<br /> . , . . ° Fia�9 618 �-i--- -- _--
<br />` • FiC29.LM0(tOjQA) j
<br /> . . . � .. � .
<br /> .. • ' i . .
<br /> �. • � .
<br />-• . . . , ' ao E. _ . . -
<br />