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<br /> � � paymenu may ao tongcr he required.at the optIoA of LendQr.if mortgage insuiaace coverage(in the amount aad for the geriod
<br />---= that L,enQer requires)provided by ac�i,nsurer appmved by l;ender again becomes av�ifable and i�oi�rained.Bormwer shall pay --
<br />`:_:� , ' the premiums requlted to maintain mortgag�insurartae In effect.or ta provide a toss reserve.�ntil the requiremeut fvr mnrtgage -
<br /> _;� , insnsance encts in uccordance witti any�vrttten�nt qetween Barrawer and Lender or applicable law. _.
<br /> �� ;. 9.Inspe�tt�a.Ixn�er ot its ageat map make reasanable entries u�oa and insgections of tbe Property.I.ender s�a118ive'
<br />-�-�: Boaower notice at dte ame af or prior co an inspecdoa specifyiag reasona6te cause for the iasgection.' -
<br />'':� 10.CoudemnaHon. The proceeds of asry awatd or ciaim for damages.direct or consequentiai, in cvnnection with suy -
<br /> �"� candemnatioa or other taking of any part of the Property.or for wnveyance in Iieu of co�tdenmation,aie hereby assigned aud
<br />-=: shali I�paid to I.ender. . •
<br /> °_;�; •�In the event of a total taking of the Prop�rty.the pmceeds sha!!be applied to the sums secumd by this Secvrity Instniment.
<br />=� whether ur not tken due.:e�.�any eiiu�s paid to Bormwer. In the event of a partial tatd►eg af th�Pioperty in which tha fair
<br />- - ' market value of the Ptoperty immedistelY hefore the taking is ec�ual tv or greater than the amount af the surps secumd A}+this
<br /> -�`� ge,curity[ns�rit immediately 6efore the taking:unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in rrriting,the sams s�ure�by
<br />-:w; tt�is Serurity�Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the pmceeds mulriplie��by the follovrring ftaction: (a)�the totat .
<br />" '� • amount of the sums secured immediately before the talring,divided by(b)th�fair market vaiue of the Prope�ty immediateIy _
<br /> ���] before the talus�g. Airy balance sh:ill be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partia!taking of the F,�aperry in wiuch the fair
<br />�=-� markei value of t6e Propetry immediateiy before the taking is less than the amount of t6e snms secured immediatety befare the
<br /> taking,attless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in miting or tmless applicable la�v otherarise pmvidrs,th�proceeQs s6a11
<br />_,_�� be xpplied to tite sums secured by this Secariry Instrument whether or not the sums are tiien due. '
<br /> --
<br /> ;-�. .--..----------,..If the Property-is�bandone�d_by.Bnnroacr,_or ifx after notice bx Lender_to`Borrower that the condemnor offers to noake an
<br /> .. ---- - —------ - - -...
<br /> awazd or settle a claua for damages. Borrower t'ails to respond to Lender witivn 30 days after the te e natice is given,
<br />- Lender is authorized to caIIect and apply the pruceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Property or to tfie sums •
<br /> seaued by this Securiry Instrument,whether or rtot then due.
<br />_ Qnless i.endet and Bonnwer othetwise agee in wiiting, aay application of procxeds to principal sha11 not extend,or
<br />;1.� • postpone the due date af the monthly paymenu s�eferred to-ia paragzaphs 1 and 2 or change the ancount of such paqments. -
<br /> 11.Borro�ver Noi Released;Forbe�ance By Leader Not a Waiver.Extensian of the time for payment or modification
<br /> � of atnortization of the sums secured by this Securiry instwnent granted by L,eader to any successor in interest of Boaowes shall
<br /> � � not aperate to relcase the liabiliry of the origirtal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Lender shall aot be reqnired to
<br /> commence proccedings against any successos in interest or refvse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify asnorti�ation
<br /> of the sums secured by ihis Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the origina] Banower or Borroae�'s
<br /> _ suscessors in imerest. Any forbearance by I�nder in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preciude c�e
<br /> exercise of aa}r right or remedy.
<br /> � 12. SueeeSSOSS ant!Asstgns Bound;Joint acd Severa! Liabil�ty; Co-sPgners. The wvenants and agreements oi this -
<br /> `^`> Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the saccessors and assigns of Lender and Boaower. subject to the provisions of _
<br />_= pasagraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who ca-signs this Security =
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note:(a)is oo-sibming this Security Inst�ument only to mortgage,grant and canvey that
<br />° Borrower s interest in the Property under the termc of this Securiry Insuument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br />,'-'� secured by this Security Inswment:and(c)agrees that Lender and any ather Borrower may agree to extend.�odlfy,forbear or
<br />"-�°� make any accommodabions with reSard to the terms of this Security Instnrment or the Note�vithout that Bormwer's wnsent.
<br />-��� 13.Loan Charges.If the toan secvred by this Security I�strument is sublect to a law which sets max+r.:.�n loan chargcs.
<br /> ;z,� and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or attter loan charges collected or to be oollected in c,onnection widz the
<br /> �a loan eaceeti the peimitted limits.then:(a)any such loan charge shall be redused by the amaunt necessary to redace the charge
<br /> �= to the permitted limit:and(b)any siuns already ooItected from Borrower which exczeded gemutted limiu will be refunded to
<br />'°'�� Bdrrawer. I.ender may choose to make this refurtd by reducins the principal owed under the Note or by malcing a direct _
<br /> _�z_'� payment ta Borrawer. If a refimd r+educes prinripal. the redaction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any =
<br />`_�,�� prepayment c,�arge under the Note. ;
<br /> "__�.� 14.!�In�ces.Any nouce to Ba*rower provided for in this Secarity Instniment sha11 be gi�en by delivering it or by mailing _
<br />��`�;� it by first c�ass mail unless applicabte law requires e.se of another method. The notice shalj be directed to the Property Address -
<br /> ��� or any ottier address Borrowet designates by notice ta Lender. My notice to Lender shall be �iven Ir� first class mail to :
<br />__�� i.ertder's ad�'ress stated herein ar any other addtess l.ender designates by aotice tn Borrower. Any notice paavided for in this _
<br /> -!� Seturity I�suumeat shall be deemQd to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragragli.
<br />�� 1S.Governing Law; Severability. This Securiry Insttumeat shall 6e govemed by federal taw and the tarJ of the j
<br />=--- jutisdiction in wtuch the Property is tocated. In the event that any provision or clause of tius Security Instrument or the Note :
<br />- -- coMicts�vith applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other pmvisions of this Secutiry Instrument or the Note which can be ,
<br /> -- given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions uf this Securiry Instrument and the Note are dectared -
<br />-_�� to be severa6le.
<br /> =-s 16.Borroc�ei's Copy.8orrower shall be given one oonformed capy of the Note and of this Secusity Instrument.
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