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<br /> '.��;;; .�. . (a)Far�auaRU bg t�nder K4t�11l1�Any torbearanae by Lender fn exerctstrtg any righ4 m remedyl heieundar.6r
<br /> _-_:-�:=�;�:�_�, attuarwtse attflrEted by spp;icdbta taw.a�a11 not�e.o waiver af ar preetuds tha ex.�srctse ot any s:cctt+iprit as rrmedy.77�•
<br />__=-c.��•'-=_-?�1 , �
<br />--=_-_-�.•f_�; Dro�uresrterltoftnsuraneec.rthepnymentoltaxeaorotherltensorcP��es�yt�ndereRalinotbsnwaSvar�afE�sigt�lts
<br /> �; accatemt�the matudry o!ths indeDtedness aacuc�by tlft��eed Qt Tru�t . . .
<br /> ��9ST�� � -. (ai�Suec�qcw;�nd�ns IIourtB;doint�d�S�rarell�iab�/;.Cy�ons.The covenai�t9.snd.aQreeRer�AersU9 con- .
<br /> n=f�•�- tained ahptt ptn�,and Use etptus heraunder ahail tnvre to.t�e rea�et�Jve woeetaars an8 sut�ns ot l�r►dar a�sd Tnratar.Atl..
<br /> =����;��r �p�tenants artd egreatalsnb of T�i+Dr sttaU be jolsl4 gttd esver�l.Ttis ea�tlons and headings ot the para�yrapha ot Mta Qamd o1�
<br /> �:_.<,=�s�,°=�:�.:• . Trust ar�for�convenlence or.�y an�are eas to be uaed t�lM�rpr�t or deHne ine provistons hereo� � � • •
<br /> �.� �. �"��`�_ (e�RsqwNfal�aflet�.TlwDaitt�h�reby►epusstthata�cDpyo?anyrnatfcecddefauithereunderens4acot+yefanYno�ee.
<br /> ' �� ° �'_; � of aate here;rndea de mafted ro each party to th[a Qeed at Tru�t a�!he addreaa�et t�M aDove in the ma.iner pro�cd6�d by � _
<br /> . . ,ti . appftr.�ble taw EYCept tor any other ae�se requfred unda�rapDlfcabte la�r fb Daglvert(n anoiher mensset.any na�ica DrG�d�d - -
<br />__.,__,:. _�; _ : . . for in thts DAed of Trust shaD Qs�iven byr matling suct�naLCe by ceNftsd msD addresse�to Me other partias.etltre addrass aet •
<br /> , _.-,:t�'�- � i tarth ebave.Any notice provtded far tnthte Oeed af Trusc et�al!�be eitacttve upon�rtatilrts ln fh�rrt�er designated hmefn ff
<br /> ":`=x`: Tn�tor is mpre than one parson.nottCe sent to tha addreas se!4orfh elsove shall be ns8ce to aSl�uch�erson�. .
<br />-. := �-�=�: (�[c�pic8ae.tsndar may make or ca�asa W 6e tnade�nabie ehtrtea uprm and inspecttans of ths Propetty.Qtovidad�
<br /> ���r, �,. :�; , � that lender ahaH�Ive Truatar rta�ce prtar to any sach[nspectton specftytng re8aartabte caus�theretar ralated t0 Lender's �
<br /> �-;�:�-.-`�.. IrReresY tn the PrOpeRy.
<br /> � '�.., .
<br /> '" ':` � (gj R�cenvaysna.UponpaymeM�otatlsnmssecuredby4hisCee�ofTrustLsnde►shallreq�esiTru�teeto�econvey�
<br /> `'� �� PropertyandshaflsurrenderthisDeedofTruslandellnaYea�ritlenctrtgindeb4ednessaecuredbytlttaDeedoiT►usttoTrusteR '
<br /> ,.: ;�,;a�� ;�_ ,
<br />=-:•�.-..,� Trustse a�tsafl reeomray 1�e PropeRy without warta�yt end wl�tout chatge t0 the per3on or persons le�alty entl�d lhera�.
<br /> '`'-?`°��`�:�'�� � Trusior shati pay a!1 cosb o!recorda2Ion.(i eny. . ' • .
<br />:•�::� 'r���W�4 . l••�P�nonN PmpfAp S�rPtU Ayee�s�As add�tonal sacudty tor the payment of th�a Note.Trusto�hareby prrlitb � .
<br /> , ,. ;�.:
<br /> -- -' ':.- ' l,enderundertheNebraskaUnHormCominerctalCmdeasecvrityit�erestinatif�xtures.equtpmesitendotherpe�eanalpropa�l �
<br /> .._.���T j�`�: used[n eannectton with ihe aeaf estate or tmprovements tacate�ffiereon.end nat otherwise declared or dasme�9 to bse P�a. .
<br /> '� �►e r6a1 esrats secured here6Y•This instrurttent shalt be co�stsuu�sd as et Security Agreament under aatd Cad�ar.d�ts LN�der
<br /> .., �
<br />--�''::�'� .='' shalf t�ave aJl the dghis end remedies ot a Secured party under said Cade in addiUon to the nghta and remedles'afwsted a�7der ,
<br />-.���';.':� , andar.cordedthelenderp�usuanttOthtsDeedofTrus�proyidadthatLendar'sdght3artdremedi�artderthisp8fspsepttahali
<br /> � be cumu(atirre witti,end in no way a Iimitatinn on,l.ende�s dshts and remedles under any atAar seeurtty sgre�nt a(�ned by
<br /> w:",." _ Bocrower or Tn�nr. . _
<br /> . �,,. .`�; - -- --- -- (�-LdMS ud Eneum�raRns.Tn�stor hereby.warranta aad represerds that there.Ts no detauft uad��f tAe provlsi0ns o18Zfy _
<br /> .. . mortgsga.deed+af trt[sw lease ar purchase conLraet descdbtng all or any paR of tha Propsrty,or ott�er cantrac�irrstrumani ar
<br /> . -., ;�..:r'_ : � Agreem�nt consSQ�ting a lien or encumDrence agai�.-t aii a�ar.y aart of the Praperty(co►tectively."d[ens'�.e��ing es ot Ms '
<br /> . Eate of this Deed of TrusC ana that arry art�aN eulsting lieeis remain unmodifieQ except as dtsctosed t+o I.ender in TrusGor's
<br /> : . • • written dfsctosure ot liens end encumbrances pro�idAd for hereta.Truator shat!Umety pedorm afl of Tnistofa obli�atFonf,
<br />-,° — -- - covenar�s,aspresontaUonsendwarrenUe�undererryendeilextafUngandfuwreUenashallprcmp8ytarwardtoLeiWorcaples
<br /> ' .; :. � ` ot a0 notices of defautt sant in ccnnection urith eny and ail existing or TuNre Uen�,and ahalf noY withou2 Lender's pdw writ�en . �s —
<br /> � conseni in any mannsr moairy the provfslons of or altow zny tuture advances urtder any extstlng ar fu�re L[ens.
<br /> . . � Q�Appi�ationofPaynssnts.Unlessothenxisorequiredbyfaw,sumspaidtoLenderhereunder.irtctudingwlthoutllmitation
<br /> ��� paymertts of pr(ndpat and interest,insurance proceeds,condemnatian praoeeds artd rerds and proftta sf4atl be appfied by ,
<br /> � . � LeratertatheemauMadueandowingfromTrusrorandBorrowerfnsuchorderasLenQeriotts�otedfs�retlondeem�desfrable�
<br /> (k)S�wraQitt�y.!i any provision ot th[s Qeed o!Tiust conflicts wlth apptica�le Iaw or(s dect�sad(mal[d or athetwtae
<br /> - • ,�•. uneniorceabl��►eonflict or tnvalidity ahafl not aftect tlse other provtsons ot thls Oeed of Trust or the No�whtcA can t» --
<br /> �• � glveneHectw(thouttheconftictir,gprovlston.andtothisertdthapravisionsofth(sDeedotTrustandfheNotsaredoct�re0toee �'=�^'
<br />- �:`��'• SeverBbte. "' • � _—
<br /> _:. � . ( p)Timfs.The terms'Tn:�Or"and"BOrroweP'sf�a11 irtctud9 both singu[ar end ptuc�i,and when the 7rustOt and•Borrower ±---��-=`-
<br /> •'�. �; . j are tRe same Oerson(�.those terms as cued tn thts Oeed of Trust shali�interc�angeabie. ���.
<br /> • ; (m�Gorrrtdr,.�L,�w Thts Reed of Tru�t shall be goverrsea!by the tatiscs ot ffia Siate ot t�tebresk8. ,.. --
<br /> ' ,{�� ' � Tn�stcr has executed thia Qeed of Trust as of the date w�itten abave. , � � ���.�-
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