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<br /> �:=:�: . ` . pctiods that Lender requi�s. 'I�Ce insurance�a�ier providin�the i�s�nce shal�bc chos�n hy B c��awa subjeM to l.ender s
<br /> � ,,. r s .
<br />'-_=*"'. ._ .� approval�vtuch shall nos be unre�sonably witbhe��. If Borruwer faits[o maintain coverage�described abme.Lc�der may.at
<br /> . .�• '.:� •, ' Lencier�s option.obt�in rnverage to proted L.ender's right�in the Ftopetty in accordance vrith p�ragapb'7.
<br /> '. .��:�•� .,.
<br /> - Ail insurar�ce policies nnd�eae�vals shall be aa:eptable to Exader and shall inclade a sfardard mostgage c[ausc. Lend�r
<br /> � �''" ° shalt have the right�m hnid the�olicies and renewaLs. [f[.eader ceq�ires.Bormwer shaU promplty give to Lender all receipts --
<br /> - - `- S;= - - of paid premi�nns aad rznewat aotices. In t?�e e�rent of lass.Eaa�aw:rr s!n!!give prnmg!�sice so tt�e.insurance c�t�isr� ,..
<br /> �'' ``-.':::; �`_ ` Lc�nder. Lender may make pmof of lass if not made pmmptty by 8omnw�r. �
<br />_ _.;�����,. . Untess Lender and Borm�ver otherwise a�in writing',inwr.u�se pmceeds sh3U�e a�rpGed to cestoiation or�pair of
<br /> = •.•=r��; .: , the Ptopetty d�r�aged.if the restora�an or iepair is exonom'scalty feasiWe and i.ender's sccuriry is not tessened. [f the •
<br /> .` Y.�•r
<br /> �"�'�:=�=�._�_ '•._ restonrioa ar repair u not economicslly feasi'ble or l.ea+der:s secun2y would be lessen�d.th�insursnce pmceeds shall he
<br /> �'���';"��;h � agplied to tbe sums secured by tt�is Security Insvumenr.wvA�p�r or not then�due,with aay excess paid to Barrower. If
<br />- -•� - �'�`%�-• �� Bmmwer abaztdons the Property.or dces nat�s�ver�vithin 30 days a notice f�m Ixnder that tAe insurance carrier lias
<br /> �°_3-�,�`�4::;.'.L affesed w seule a claim,then E.ender may coRect the insuraace prace�s. [eender may use the proceads to iepa�r or restrme
<br /> - -r=��_-"�� the I�operty�or to pay sums secured by this Secnrity Instr+nnent,whether or not dien due. 'ihe 3Q�day period wilt begin whea
<br /> �;."".,�,.. , the notice is given. ,
<br /> - • . .,..�, _
<br />='r'�':�,°�:-`. . UnIess l.ender and Bormwer otherwise agree in writing.any apglicarion of gmceeds to priacipa!shatl not exE�d or
<br /> -``.:=, ''''. . Pos1P° tht'r Y P�YII► P �P � P Ym
<br /> ,,:. . ae dus datE o�ti�e manthl eats refemd to in ara hs 1 and 2 or c6an the amoimt of the a ents. If
<br />.-":.`'�''�`�.� under !�21 the �s uimd b Lender,Boimwer's ri t to any insuraace lccies and mceeds resaltin
<br />_.�f�'...� • P��P �nY� �4 Y � Po F s
<br /> - 4•. �' � fiom dacnage to the Froperty priar to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured 6y Uus Seauity
<br />_ : ..:ir::?. _.
<br /> �._ .,x�.�•�.-' Iastr�ent imntediately priorto the acqmsition. .
<br /> . = . � 6. Occtipancy, Fres�vatIoa, Maintenance and ProtccUan af the Properiy; Borro�ser� �.oan AppliratFen;
<br /> ., , . .
<br />��:`._:1.�' �': Lease6oMs Bosrower shall accupy.establisl�.and'use the Propemy as Bamnwer's principat residence within sixty da}s afcer
<br /> - �:,__- .
<br />_. . ,��� � -
<br /> . . _ .. .. tPte-executionof�thiis-Secwityinswmentandshall�oantinue t000cupy�the�Ptoperty�asBa�sower'spriacipal residetite oru
<br /> s -
<br /> . � =1' , teast one year after the date of occupancy, unless Leader otheTViseagrecs in writing, which canseat sh�ll not be
<br /> . •`-�'��. unr�sonabiy withhetd.or unless extenuaring ciicumstances exist which are 6eyond Borrower's eantrol. Boirower shatl not
<br /> ' . destroy.damage ar im�air the Etoperry.allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Ptopeity. BormEVer shall
<br /> _ -_.- be in defaiilt jf any forfeitum acrian or pm�caeding,whether civii or criminal.is began ttu�t in Lender's gaod faith judgment
<br /> ' - - _ coutd resnli in forfeiture of the P�agerty vr otherwi�e mate�ially impair the IIen crca�ed by this Secnrity tnstrument er
<br /> � "�� . I.epder's secwity interes� Bo�rower may ciue such a�default and reinstate.as pmvided in paragraph l8.by causmg the acuon
<br /> � or proceeding to be dismissed with a tuling thaG at:�.ender's gaod fanth determinatian.precludes forfeittue of the�anower's
<br /> . ��• �. ''� inte�est in the Pmpeny or other n�aterial im¢aument of the Iien cmated by tHis Searrity lnstiument or Lcnder's s�uriry
<br /> '' ;�.,. � interesi Boaoaer shali also 6e in.rl�fanit if Bmtnwer, during �tie toan application process, gave materially false ur
<br /> � `�"�`_;k• inaccurare informa�on or staternents ui II,xnder(or failed to pmvide I.ender wit�any material infom�ation)in cannecaon with
<br /> "� - ;'�.' +' ths loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited to.r�msentations croncerning Homnwer�s oc�cupancy of the
<br /> . ,..
<br /> Property�s a principal residence. If this Security Instrumeat is on a teaseitold.I�orrow�r shaU compty cvith all the provisions
<br />.==%'s�:::��,-� - ' of the lease. If Borrower arquires fee[iQe to the Praperty,che leasehold�d the�fee tide shal!nut merge unless l.ender agr�es
<br />.•.�:.;.,:.'.ti�::.'� , LO 1he meTg�Ilte tS+�ililig. • ' '
<br /> ° =-��.:r,.. 7. Protedian af L+ender's R[gAts in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants�d a��mts
<br /> _- ' . . . contained in this Sec�uiry tnstrumen� or the� is a legal proceed'sng tttat may significandy affeci Lender's rights in tite
<br />-.^��"�:�.'��`:� ptoperty(such ac a pmceed�ing in 6anksuptey:probate,for eondemnation or forfeituie or to enforce[aws or regulations).1heri'
<br /> -`"'�{�'�"'"� i.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to prntect the value of the Pcoperty and Lender's rights in the Ptoperty.
<br /> _=-��.-�:s:-•:�.
<br /> �°"'`�''�°'�- � LendePs actions ma inclade a m an sums secured b a lien which has ri over this Securi Insuumen�
<br />'Y°'�`��`� r-��' in court. a in rea onable P Y g f�and enterin an the e to m�ake r�e Althou Lend�er ma �n
<br /> :� _ . P Y g attameY � g ProP ttY P�• 8h Y
<br /> '- `• .`�;�'r, .. under this�ph 9,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> �. �r.. lr fit�c,;
<br /> ' ���.:..�- Any amounts disbursed by Ixnder mtder this pazagraph 7 shall become additional deM of Sotrower sesuied by this
<br />"`=`�`����-� Settuiry Insmtment Untess Borro�ver and Lender at,�*ree to other term�of paymen�these amounts shall beat interest from the
<br />__ ..�� �-�"�" date of disbursement at the Note rate aad shall be payable,with inteiest.upon aotice from l�cdes to Borrower tequestmg ' �
<br />='u.:����:��.�--<. payment
<br />_�,°=:::�?:�:- : 8� Martg�ge Insvrance. If 1.eQder requued mortgage insurance as a coadirion of rttaking the lQan sec�ued hy tTiis
<br /> . :.-� .���= Sec�rity Inswmen�Borrower�shall pay the premiums required ta mair►tain she mortgssge insurance in effect If.fm any
<br /> � - ceason,the mortgage ins�e coverage required by Lender fapses ar oeases co 6e in effect. $orroiver shall �ay ttce _
<br />�-��•.•.= :.�'.. � premiums reqvired to obtain coverage substantial[y equivalent to the enortgag� insuraace previously in effect.at a cost -
<br /> • �'4'. substantiaUy eqisivalent to the cost to Borrou•er of the mortgage insurance ptev[ously in effect.from an altereate mortgage
<br /> _ ,.,�'.�=.. insuter approved by I.ender. If substantially equivNent mortgage insursmce cove�ge is nat availabie.Borro�ver shall pay to
<br /> _ �,�...;� Lender each month a sum equal to one-meifib of the yeariy mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower�vhen the '
<br />�.�'i,_;:�,r>_;:•.. . insurance wr�erage la�psed or ceased to tie in effea Lender�vill accep�use and retain these ps}m�enu ss a loss reserve in lieu `
<br /> '"�"''l'`"'��' � oF rteort � insuranze. Loss�esenre 3 nts ma no!on er be d at We o an of Lender.if mort e insur..nce
<br />_-'",-�:a� g � R Y� Y 8 �4� P� �g -
<br /> _ ':_.:..z� � . covera e
<br />_.:.,�;�;;�::�.�::: g (in the amount aa:d for the periad that Leader�vquires)provided by an insurer apgmved by Leader again beco��s
<br />_==�.,,3; ,�;:f. •. available and is obtained.Boaatvcr shall pay the premiums required to maintain inortgage insorance in effec�or to provide a _
<br /> _°~�r=�,;�-��, tass reserve,unti!the r=quimment fm mortgage insuraace ends in accordaare with any wriaeo agree�neat benr•ezn Sarmuer _
<br />_.�;ii;¢_.i-��„�-� . 2IIf�jRIId2f OJ.'i��2C.1btC�ilW.
<br /> ,�°'����.;"�;'��;;;:. 9 Inspectta�. l.e�r ar its agent may m�[ce reasonabte entries upon aad inspections of the Ptaperty. Leader shall
<br /> -`:�;;:�t�,:_-;,:. :• . give Brnr�wer aotice at the titae of or prior to an inspectian specifying reasonabie cause for the insp�ecfion. _
<br /> '=r�`-`�_, _ . E0� Coudemnattaa. 7he proceeds of any at+r�d or claim for damages.dinect orconuquential�in comtectian�vith any
<br /> _,: ,.
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