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<br />-e. � ' � 7�0[iETl�Ett 1�411TH cill the imProvements naw or hQteafter erected an ttte pmperty. PPu � ` '.' � �,�`��
<br /> o` Il '.: �' �k
<br /> �n�_ ... ond fixpues aovir or hereaftcr a patt of the proPertY• AII cepL�cemeats aad Edditions shali also be covered by this Secarlty �,,�, -� �_.
<br /> ,. . .... �
<br /> '``�'., . L .,` InsuutnenG All of the f�xegoi�g is cefened to in this Secusity Iasavutent�thz"Property"' � ` y�'--
<br /> ,
<br /> ' �OR�tOWER COVENANTS that Baimw�t is tawfully seised af the estete heceby oonveyed aud das the dght to 8tant �''� �2 � _.
<br /> ts uL�east�mbc�ed,"except for enc�m6raaces of record. Bmiower wacraats aad '�s��`�� ;-
<br /> a�d�onv e y the�ProPerty and that the Yro�ty , —
<br /> , f wi ll d e f e n d g e n e r a ll y t h e a t l e w t h e P r o p e rt Y a�a i n s t a l l c l a i m s a n d d e m a a d�.s u b j e c t m a a y e n c a m h r az►o E S af record. .�.� :��N
<br /> �-;.
<br /> � . . 'fFIIS S E C U R 1 T 1 f II V S T R 1 3 I�i F 1 V T w m b i n e s unifarm covenants fo�natibnal use and aan-uai5orm covenants wi t l� - �N:�.� :
<br /> �h+�at covering real PmFe!tY• : • `.
<br /> - ° � iimitet!�aiiatiotss by ju�sdicF�n W svnstiNte a unifam�seeunty in me , '' . ., c
<br /> t_� �4_��,x:
<br /> �A� e UNtFORN!COYENANTS. Bonower and Leader coveaanc and agcee as follows: 3 wii�due tti° -�-�` �3 �'� '
<br /> `' l. Papment of PrltadP�1 ead intere�t,�'�ePa3rment and Ls�Chasges. Bomawer shall pzompSY P Y i•. �3.���„� .::
<br /> a nt aad latc c6arges due under the Note. �-�.�.^-
<br /> ' `. ' , pt�incipal of ard intetest on the debt evidenced bY the Note and az+Y P�P Y� y � . . �.--_-,-_
<br /> ` � ` � Z FUnds for1��Insurance. Subject w applicable Iaw or to a wriuea waiver b Lender,BarmRrer shall PaY . �;•.�--,._�---
<br /> ', � ��' ' l.en8�r oa the day mo�lily payments are due uad�r the Note,�mal the Notc is gaid in full.a sum f'�)for.(a�yea�iY _�_--.-�__�-
<br /> :i . �' � as a lien on the Praperty;(b)Yeaz1Y teasehold --
<br /> taxes and assessmenis which may sttain priorlty avet tlils Secutity Instraa�nt ams:(d)Yea�Y fl�
<br />:���. � ' • payments or gmaad ients on the Pto�rt��Y+ (�����r P�P�Y mscuaace PieIDi ie b Barrower to
<br /> . .. insnraaoe prEminn�,�f any: (e)Ye�iY �f any:anci(fl�Y��Y� y --_--
<br /> .�' :,�� Lender.in accordance arith the pmvisians of parageaph 8.in liea of the paymet►t of martgage ins�uaace Piemiums. 'tUese .
<br /> a
<br /> ` :. f ' items ace calted"Escrow Itenos." Lender may,at any pame,coflect and hold Pimds in an amount not to exceed the maximumn�� —
<br /> "f"• : • arnotmt a[eadet for a fe�a11Y related mortgage laao may re9uue for Sottower's escrow accwat uader the federal Reai
<br /> � •:, . . " imless anot�er
<br /> �_:.. • Estaie Seuiement Pmcedaies Act of Ig74 as amended from time�°t�.12 U.S.C.§2601 et aeq.("1tF5FA�.
<br />.: :;,,,.,- ; , law that applIes to the�nds sets a lesser amauat. If so.Leader may.at aay tia�.ceAecc and hold�uads in an amonnt not w
<br /> =�.�,.�°;�•'- ' exseed Ehe lesser amoims. I.ender may estimaze tbe amount of Fuads due oa the ba�s of cu�[eat dat�and reasonable
<br /> �,...,-.�... . ;� "� :� :,
<br /> .tu,`..•. • . estimates of expendit�aes of f�e Fscrow Items or otf�etarise in acxordance with applicaHte law. ,men or enrity
<br /> • . . - �
<br /> ._-:-,,-r.:_.•_..-... '` ' The F�nds shalt be 4eld ia an instimtion whose deposi bY aS�Y• �
<br /> ts aze wsuted a federal instn— •
<br /> : ,. .-. -.- - • • . the to pay
<br /> � --•- --�
<br /> . ._ ..._._Y._ the Funds.anrmallY analYz�nB the escraw-._ . .
<br /> �%! � � . (mci�ngl.edd�r:if Ixuder is�such�a-insudman)or-ia aaq.FederalHomel,oat�Bat�k.---- -----.... .�P .-•--
<br /> , the Fscsow[tems. l.ender may not charge Bmruwer for holdiug and applyu►8 •
<br /> • � . . account,ar verifying the Fsccow Items. unless I.cuder pays Boriower intere.st on tde Funds aad applicab}e law pe� .
<br /> .��;Y. ,'. Lwder w make sucL a charge. However,i.ender may mquire Bmrower to pay a ane-time chazge for aa independeat teal
<br />._ ._. ... estate taa tepnrting service used by Leader in connection with tlns loan,unless applicable ta to�a Bosmw�y U�esto
<br /> , , .. :.
<br /> � � ' ' -` ' agie�a►eot is made or applicable law reqaires intecest to be paid,.i�ier shaU aot be zequiced P Y —
<br /> e
<br /> . eamings on the Funds. Bomower and I.ender may agee in writing,howe�ea.that intecest sliall 6e paid on the I�nds. Lender ' _�L�
<br /> . • , � shati give to Borrower.without charge.an anaual accounnng of the 1'<unds,shnaring ecedits add debits to the I§mds aad the ---
<br /> , � ' ' ,-. putpose for afiicb eac6 debit m the Funds was made. 'I�e Fvnds a:e ple�fged as addiaanal security for aU swns secuced bY
<br /> • � this Securiry Tflstiument tted to be held bY aPPfica62e law,Leader shall acwunt to
<br /> � If ths Funds heid by LRadec exceed the amounts pem�i
<br /> BottowEr for the excess E�n3s in accordance with the reqairments of applisable U.►w. Tf the ameunt of the Riads he2d by �___
<br /> . �� L.e n d e r a t a n y t u ne is not sugficient to pay tSse Esccow items when due,beudsr may so notify Bonower in writimg,and,in . �--
<br /> . sUCb case Boaower shall pay to Lender the amount necessatS►to m a k e u P t h e d e fi c i e u c y. B o r m�v e r s h a ll m a l c e o p the �Y
<br />_ •• �° d e fr s i e n ry in no more thaa tc�relve moatWy payments,at Lender's sote disc�cerion. ��s=:
<br /> ._ Upon payment iu full of a!t sums secured by th�s Securiry I a sm�meP4 L e n d e r s tr a)1 p ro m p t l y�d t o B o i r ower aa y :�-.
<br /> . . . . , Fvnds heId by Leader. I��ander paragtaPh 21.I.ender shall acqnire or seU the?rogcttY.Lender.Pnor to the acqnisition ar :;.:
<br /> ' • • sale of the Praperty.shall aPPIy any Fvads heid by Lender at the dme of acquisitiaa ar sale as a credit agaiast the sums ,�:-
<br /> ..�:-
<br /> " secured by this Secnnry Iasuumen� ;:
<br /> ' 3. Applitatton of Paymenfs. Qnless applicab2e law provides othe�wise. all pay�nents neoeive�by[.ender under r`�.
<br /> � i���'-..••, .:` • paraBraPhs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fus�to anY P�PaY�ent charges dae ander�he Note;second.to aznoants payable�mder = —
<br /> � p�agraph Z;tLitd to interest due:founh,to princiga1 due;and tast.w any late charges due under t1�Note.
<br /> . 4. �'g�s+ ldeas. Bomuwer shaU pay all taxes. assessments. charges. fi�s and imposi�ons amibntabT�to ths �-
<br /> . - '` � ': P m p e r ry w h i c b m a Y a t�n P n o ri ry o v e r d il s Securi r Y 1"��eQ±t aud leasehold paym€ats or gmand rents.if any..Hmrrower �__
<br /> . " shaU pay these obUgations in the manner provided in paragrapb 2.or if aot pai d in t h a t manner.Borr o w e r s h a ll p a y t h e m o n Yi_�
<br /> ' � ' - Hme direcdy to tIle person owed payment Barrower shail pmmpdy fumish to Leader all notices of azna�vnu to be paid undes . ���
<br />: �'.' . ; . . this paragraph U Borto�er makes these payments direcdY.Bomower s�all promptly f�mish to Lea�er r+eceipts evidencing :��._�.—�-=-_
<br /> a . E ''—��'-'�
<br /> � . . . ��m��mwer shall promptly discharge any lien wtuch ha5 priority over this Sa^urity Insuument anless Bomawer.(a)ag�ees -.�e^=�-�
<br />-,�, , • ; . .. . in writing to the pay�nent of the obLgation secuied by tlte iien in a manner acceptab2e to Lender:(b)contests in good faith the •r�•�-�•. , .-:.
<br /> � . � licn b y,ar defe�tds aSains�enf°rce�r'ent of the I en in.lPga1 pta�din&�w'lu�b�n the l.eaders opinian operateto p�vent the ���,��. ��'y-
<br /> � • enforcemeat of the lien;or(c)secures fcom the hoIder of the lien an agteement satis factory to L e n d e r s u b ordinativ g the lien T
<br /> ,*_ ;�., _
<br />,' � � � to this Securiry Iast�vmen� If Lender determines that any part of the Ptu�e�i��3 B Irro�rerAShalics u'sfy th�e��
<br /> ;,.?: . over tbis Securiry iuswmen�Lender may give Bmrawer a aotice identifymg .
<br /> one oa moie of the actians set fotth above within 10 duys of the giving of notice.
<br /> cti
<br />` � '� 5. H�ned or Praperiy Itasur�no� Borma`er sh�111��P��°vemeats now existing or hereafter erected on the . �
<br /> � . � • p�aperty insuzed against loss by fue.hazazds iachtded�vithin the term"exteaded coverage."and aay other hnzards.iaclading . , -
<br /> ftoods or 4aading.for which Lender requims insivaace. 7bis insamnce shall be mainta�ned in tke amounts sa6 for the n
<br /> t . . _
<br /> _ , i'�m30?8 9A0 (Da3�2o16Da8�� -
<br />_ •_ - �..
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