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; � �,�°" c, ` . , . -_'� _ <br /> . . �r .W. " , F� ��� _ ' r+ '^ . _ . .. Zyw..�. . ". ' < < . ;.. _ ��. .. ' Ar. <br /> - �'t ' i . . '. . _ . t,' ' '� ' `�� .. � ' . ��i�.. .. d. . . t t. , ., _ <br /> c _ .�, Z ` :*.+.i� n; f ` ',`3� _�'a i ,} . � T � . p�,, �!. �r' � .M'-, . — <br /> _ ' .l. . .. ..S <br /> . . . _' 'f..'.— <br /> . , - c '�'i''. ' � • . ' — <br /> . � � � � - , . . , - i .y.: � ' aj.- <br /> ., . '. � - • . . - . .. .–_ <br /> . e.: - . m An ot pais af the Pcop�r(yr, or a oena�idal IrEierest m a nvst awnrng a7 er Ran os the FroAe,cy. rs sotd or • . - <br /> � < ` ` , om�e tra�sterrea(oU►er tt,an ey devGse ot aeaee�s91 by sne 9o�ver and °`� ° �J ` _- <br /> - . , N (�j Tho Propeety L�noi oc+aipted by the purchaser or grantee ss his or h�prind,pef tha purchas�or�- ' .` �f` .� <br /> • `� .� " 4gantee does ca acapy the Faoperty. but his or her c�t has noi DeEn approve Q (n e c a m d a naa �x i t h t t te� ``r _. - <br /> . , re�tretteds o1 ttia 8scte�y. ' ' , <br /> � ," (C) [�Lo WaSvir ii d�cros�ncxs oeatr ihai wouid p�nit L�dzr to req�tre Imnee�ats PaYment tn ND. but Lend� • , ,' . <br />- . • ` • daes.not requlre such payr►�ents.Lertd�dors not waAre(ta dghis w�'n res�act to subse�ent ev�ts. • .- <br /> �: ,` � (dj Re�telattoses of HUD Sscretary. tn many t�rtumsfsnces.�ons tssuEd 6y the Se�ffiry wfl QmB � ' ,' , • .. .A <br /> • . • • ts�der's tha rass of paymert requtre hame�afe paym�t tn fuD end totedose H not paid.This� °, .•`. �s- <br /> � � Seatrfiry Instrument does nat euthodze ecceteaflan or toreefosure N not pemdted by regutations of tfie Seaetary._ a � '� <br /> Y ., <br /> �- -- - � {s) l�aatg�s llSamt eaasu�s�.eaicow�e�e,s tdat s�o,:m rt�s seaugy restnartant ane the Hote seairea tt,ec�� � �. <br /> .. not 6e et'ig�te tor tnsasnce und�tha 4�tional Hovsing'Act within 90 d2n►s Uom the dafe heeof,� .`.�`�_ <br /> . ' I.e�des may, at fts cpUon snd notw@hsmnd'm9 ��9� P�3�Dh e, requIre fmmerIIate paymen't tn tuA M a�s�mis �.��.� •.. _-- <br /> - . • , senued by 3f�s Sec�rtHy fnstrumeM. A wrflUen sffitemert o!srgf authart�d ag�t ot the Seaet�y dated subseque�t ;� ., .c,,` <br /> --- - - W 90 d2Ya! �om h�of. dec6ning to Insure this Sewrfry hisQ�uttent and the t�late sedued , .� --�::�.� :��.�,,`�"" <br /> -- - �- '- -� thereby,sR�'!he deened condiisNe ptaof of such GseQ Natw�drng the tore ofi .this o no3 be . � :��i. �.:'~*=:'"c:•,. <br /> ��Y- S 9 P� �ll . ::,:.; ° <br />- ' , . . ` -.� exadsed L�lende�r when the unavaital�U�yl of insurance ts solHy►due to L�dds taiture ta remtt a mortgage tns�ee Y.�^'�:'�.����„�=� <br /> ;;s�,:�::`-='�x.,�:— <br /> pcert�(tim fa tha Set�+etary. , ' ,. <br /> 10. ReTn�$en98RL Berrower has a e�3 to be reinstated tt Let�da kas requUed fmmedtate pay�na.'t in fu8 6eceuse af ,��'i�'�'`� -__ <br /> �E._�=_^�` <br /> , . BQmcwer's faHure to pay an emavnt due.und�tha Nafe or thLs SecurRy Instrument Th(s dgM sppties evert aRe�tmedasure . .1��,:y==_-_ <br />- .._ . - pscc�adings eie tnatlhrted To retnsffite ffie Seau�ly insfime� Bof�wer ahaQ tertd�in a �nnP sum e� emoimts requlred to = -_ -- _- <br /> � bf� 4otrower'8 account cmr�eM tnciuding. to tha �t t[�ey ere obII�ttans o1 Bartowes under �►is SecurRy/ hfsieaa�L, -_ - <br /> � � , toredosure aosts srtd reasnnab[e and aistaz� �.meys' fees and axp�s� propey asso� wkh the krec:sute v�__- <br /> ,. . . , � . � proceeding,t1Pan�rtstat�ttent bll Borrower.tfus 3ecui8y fnstrument and t�e obAgaUons thai it seouteg sha9 remaTn trt eRxct as °`y�'� <br /> • � � • B 6ender had not re�utred Immetffata payrrtent in fu0.Hawever. Lender ts not requlred to p�rndt refistatemc�nt(t (�I.enQa hss �- <br /> . ��_.`'�v_.a. <br />_ ' . , ".. . aa;epted �etnstatem�t att�the cflmmencemert oi foredasure proceedu�gs.wfthin two Yems imme�ei5l Pr�x�9 ffie - <br /> -�---- • •. . -- . . .. ... -��commencemerttnt-a ament�tore�icsure proceeding:(�j�rHnstateanm�t�wIO�reetude�foce�a�an drft�ent-gCaunds-fn.the fc-'�tue. -. . . ;�, <br /> . . er(��sta2eaneM wDl advetsety afle�t the prtorgy of ffie¢en�ated Qsy thls Seculity in�zmr��t � E'�_ <br /> • . 11.Borrower Not Reteasad; Fmrd�earance By Lenrter Not a WBlver.F�denston ot the ttme oi payment or `_-=— - <br /> � modiflcatlon ot emoN�Nan ef 4he sums sec�uv�by thts 8earrtty fastrume�t ganted by Lend�to airy succ�sor Fn Interest of � F=�=- <br /> • .� . :. ' . Borrower eha8 not operate to rei�se the Hatr-,utq o!Uro odglnal Bartower o►Bomawet's succeseor§�interest lender shaa nat be = . <br /> - , � requtred to cammence procee�lrgja agaUist arty successm tn frrterest or reNse to extend tlme far Payrrterit or othawise modry • i�r�.�.�, <br /> • ` � ' amoNzation o! the sums sea�red by this Security Instrumertt by reason o!arry demartd mada by the adgNa! Borrmver rn �:-. <br /> :,,.... . ,.. �- , .� Bortower's suc.eessora tn iritere.sL My torbearance by Lender 6a �terdsfig eny►rtgM or remedy shaH rtat he a waIva ot or � �-�i,� <br /> • . prectude the mcerdse ot arry d�t or cemedy. �'�- <br />-_``�';': .. � � , 12. Succeas�rs and Asstgna 9ound; Jotnt and Several Uabtlity; Co-Signer�. The covenants and . . �' <br /> _ . � ' agreements af this Securiiy tnstrume�►t shaU bind and benefit tha successara snd essigns o1 Lender and Botrow�,subjec!to the . � ��,• <br /> - _ . � provtsians of Paragraph Bb.Borrovrer's oov�arRs and a�eenenta shail 6e joint and several.MY Bormwer who easigna tnis . ,.,�;�_ <br /> " � . ' � Securtiy Ins6wn�t but does not execute ffie Not� (a) ts co-si�Ing Mta Securfiy frtsdumeirt any to maetgage,�rant end�mey . . �� <br /> that BormxrePs tnterest tn the Ptoperry under the terms of this Securtty Instrumer� (b) ta not peisana2�cbQgated to pay the �;`;. <br /> . -r----- �,- sums seaired by this Sec�uHy Instrumer�end (cJ agrees thffi Lend�an0 arry other Borrow�may a�s to e�dend, madity. , _- <br /> �: _ . <br /> forbear ar make any acoommodatIons with regard to ths terms ot this Seatr(ty Inshum�it or the Rote wtthout that Barto�eter's �� <br /> ' . . eonsent r '���: <br /> - . • 13.NOdC9.My notice to Bomower pmvided tor tn thfs Secud3}/IrtsWment shaU be glven by de(i+►estrtg it or by ma���it `.�_�. <br />_ . ' ' � C� by tUst dass ma�un(ess appUcabta faw reQutres use of another method_The noUce sfiaD be dUected to the Propaty Address or =__-.- -- <br /> • azry other addresa Bormwer dest�ates by notice to Lender.Arry noUce to L�der shaD be gTves Cy flr�t ciass maD to Lender'o �T�"'�, <br /> � . eQdr�s atated herein or arry address Lertder desi�ates by noUce to BoRawer. My nodce provlded far tn thia Secutfly :.';�_=_ '/ <br /> � ` tnsWmetrt shaB be deEmed to have been gMen to Borrower or Lender when ghr�a8 ptavided in thts paragraph. ���` <br /> • • . r'.3• . --- <br /> _: . _ . '-.;',,:-• . . .. 14. QOVeming Lsw; dratlelebility.Thb Securfly Instrument shail be govemc-sf 6y►Fedehal law and the law ot the ' ;'��°��-a--� <br /> .. . ';" ' juttsdtc8on(n whleh the Property is(ocated. (n the everri thet arry provision or claese of this Seeurfty(nstrument or the Note � ;w`.�,--_. <br /> •� ' . � contDcts wfthh appOcabie faw.sucb conl�ct shall not aftect other provislona ai thla Sewrfty Instrument or the Note whieA cen be '.�_-.=��- <br />=�: . � ghren eftect wtihout the cortf6Nng provislon.To thts end the pruvisions ollhis Securfty(nstrumen4 and the Note ere dedared to �+�` ��,,.� <br /> .. t ''�4. ,. .,. - <br /> . . ,� t::. 60 80V6l8b!B. ' _..a:: <br /> . I '•�';'::'.�'""`(�• <br /> _ "�:;�:'•� � 15.Bo�ower'9 Copy. Borrower shaD be glven one wr�tartned copy ot thts Security Instrumen4. � � <br /> ;:; . . `.�`�:�'�; <br />-:� • • . 16.A88tgtltM6nt Ot R6Ot8.Borrow+x uncondtUonalty assi�s a�ud it3nsf¢rs to Lender eD the rents and revenues o)the • " . � <br />_ ' . . Propeny.Bortaw�authortzes Lender ot Lendefs agerta to coQect the rer.ts end revenuas end herehy d'uects eacfi tenarrt ot the � '.: . . �� f <br /> _ '' '� Property W pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents.However, pdor to Lender's noUce to Barrower o!8orrower's breacA of ,,_ <br /> • ' erry covenaret or a�eement in tha Secudty InstrumenL Bomc+�shall coUe�t and recahre aD rents and revenaes ot tAe Property ' - <br /> � � �. . � ��-��'- as bustee for the benefit ot Lender end BoROwer. Thts as�nment af�ents canstftutes an absotute assignment ertcl not an .. � : • � � <br /> , . .-. . asslgnmeM for adQ'ittonal securfty onty. <br /> , ; If Lender ghres noUce o1 breacb to Basr�sn�er: (a) ell rents►ecehred by 8ortawer aha0 6e hetd by Harrawer as trustee tor . _ . � <br /> ..' • •�` benefit o1 Lender be epp4ed to ths�r.s sec�rred by the Security Irtstrumenk (b) lender sha0 ho erNtte�to eoffect and � <br /> � receNe aU o!the rer►ts af the Property, an0 (c) eacA tenant ot the Property sha0 pay a0 rents due end unpaid to Lender or <br /> .. . � L.eseder's agent on lende►'s wrftt�demand to the tenant • <br /> . . . .- BoROwer has oot executed acry prtot asslgnment o!the rents end has not end wiU not pertorm erry act that wouSd psaver� . • : <br /> - , . lendcr from exerdsfng Rs dghts undor thb Parayapb 18. . <br />_ � . Lender sha0 not be required 4o e�ter upon,teke controt o1 or malnfaln tho Property 6etore or after glving nottco of�reaef�to '' ' , <br /> � �, . Borrower.liowe�er. Lander or a ju�claIIy appointed recetv�may do so at eny tlme there Is a breach.My eppCcatton o1 reMs . • <br /> _ri i. • ' , shsf►not cure or walve any dofauit or(nva�Bate any other dght or remedy o1 Lende►.This as�si�ment o!rertts o1 the Roperty . , <br /> - .. ..-. sha0 terminate when the debt sea�red by ffie Seourity InsWment ts patd tn ND. � .. � <br /> � f ' � .� 17.Fareclasure Procedura. H Lsndsr raqutrea tmmediate payrt�eM'Tn fult under Paragraph 9, ' � � <br />__ ` � � Lender msy Invoke the pawer o4�salo and any ather remedies permitted by appitcable law. � . ,: <br /> =� �. . L�e n d e r a h a l t R� e n t t t t e d t o c c 1 t s c t a 1 i a�e n s e a i n c u r r e d t n p u r s u t rt g t h e r e m e d i e s p ro v t d e d i n . . <br /> l ` - this paragraph 17, Inciuding, but eot Umfted to, reasonablA attomeys' teea and costs o! title ! <br /> �' � � , svid�nca. . � . <br /> • y . �. . i . . '. <br /> t <br /> • ; ' <br /> ' __'�.•..�__ '_ . ' F5913LtA0(�? Pa0n3o}4 �-_ -- _ -_.�_._- <br /> — - - - - <br /> ' • ' - : <br />. i� '. , � � - _ <br /> . : . � � i <br /> ,wl- : . : 54113 , <br /> i- ( <br /> ' . , • <br /> a .. . <br /> E <br />