�h`�.,,,t• : .'. ;�'. • . .c``. .�r`�"` `"� �� ... .
<br /> E.i' c ` ..k� Y,� , . � , �'f .. '- ,r.. .' . . �. . f: . . _ � � � -}. ' � _
<br /> P • �t fa .. � .� ' _ , t E , . . ° A4.` _ � .
<br /> . . . . . _ s.?�.. �:at.. 4 _'f r �k t ,a� � , � _ . . •
<br /> `���p¢:
<br /> , - ; � � iY � , . , , ' . —_
<br /> � , p8}fR1�118 bj�BOROWE►. Bl M8 OptiOR 01 BGROLYH. 11 Ui8 tOC8) QI titB�$�fi�1ffi rtIdQ9 �BGfiOWHf tOl I28i1! (9). (�1). C�(C) �9 � �• . '` `�. ._—
<br />- ' . , � � . � . �Jt31tR�t4R m 6tS�►Ut0 IZ@RI WhEtl dSlO.lhtR BOR�O'Nd Sh87�'8Jf LQ LM1�Et CftS►Bill01lttt t18CBSS81Sf tD fi13�t0 lt¢11t@ dB1Id'.�lCy Q71 OT . . °£�--
<br /> b�fote Ne date tlt9 iietn hecam�du� i . `_,�, -_-
<br /> . . IL�usatt tn iPfts 8eaudSl 1nst�umxnL 'SeeretaM meana:�e Sq�yt ot Haustng and lirban Oave�oymznt or hL3 ar•her, .. .. _-
<br /> � • .. ; d�sT�ea.tn m►y y�u 6�wAtr.A the Lend�rmist day a mart�ge U�sivanae pranfum tc tha Sesretary.eacA rttontM►PsY�+t� � � • �
<br /> . ,. a[so tnrJude,eRhrr. n en In�t of tha enmial mc�Rgage(nsurm�co Orantum to bo pat6 by Lender to tAe Seeaefary.or(�a(Q "' „
<br /> , • . • ma�hfy char�o tnatead of n mortgaga InsurBrtcs Dr�tum M tAts Sav�rtiy fnstriunent(s hetd by the SaereSry. Eae1� Roathry� .
<br /> ,� ` .� ` ' , tn�8rnmt ot the mcRgaga tnsur�nce pre�tum eha�be tn an emoimt euffiCent ta aeeunsulate ths tUD ennutf mart�ge(nsutanceaa � ' ,. •
<br /> • � ` • Fremiu4n wYth L.enQar one maaiA priar to Ue Qate tAe NA annuBl mortgege tns�usnee premtum[s�e to the Se�stary.cr B thls��t� . • ..,, '
<br /> � � Security bt�4umis�t to heTd by the Se�ettry,e�eN monthly eflarge aha7 be tn e»amoun!e�T ta onedwe�th of oaefiaif Percent . . ' % �" < :.
<br /> dC
<br /> ,. , . • �`° , o!tAe outsfandin9 D�ndPal halanc�due on fhe Kote. . . • . . . -
<br /> . °, . `� If Bomowa tatdera to l�sder tAe fuD payment ot eD sums secured by this 8ecurfty Insttument Borrow�'s aeaour�t sAaO be � • � -
<br /> : -_ QeQned v�th ttte bafance�Ing kr aJ bstaCrise�s tat Rents (a),(b)and(e)end c�ny►rno�igage insntas�ce P�um lr��t � (, ., .
<br /> s:� ,_-,.��_ tttat I.ender Ms ttot De�nse obRgaled to pay Lo the Seaetstyt,aad LenQer BheD pmmptS�/rof#md etip excrss Amds to 8offnw� -, - _ -
<br /> , �� . lmme�addy prtor ta a toreclasrue sate of the Prap�ly or fts aequts�ton by L�d�Borrawe�s accaunt aha0 Qs credted witA ery � ��_
<br /> <"� . . bala�ce�g Por eA tnsteflne.nts tor items(a).(b)and(e� >.•. ,�°
<br /> _ :: '.� ,. . '..... _' r 3.A�IIptIOD O}PBym@tlta.A9 Paymenta�utd�P�ra�aAtta 1�[d 2 st�all be apgQed by let9�es faLowa: , ' __�,�;-_-
<br /> ° - Ffrst to tha martgaqe(nsuranr.e premtum to ba patd by Lend�to the 3eaei�y cr to the monthSy ch�rge by the Seaelary ��: '
<br /> .: ._. _ ' "- ._ Gistrad af the montAty maR�ge insurance preN�un: . � � '%��=-
<br /> ' . SQCOnd,ta a�ry taxes. specta!eac;essmmente. Ieasehold payrrterds or �ound �fs, and Rre. Rood end other ha�rd . (-`����y���-'��
<br /> �,. . 8a 6ss ��i-_�=_-m.� =
<br /> .• .. :_ ��
<br /> . + , •' �tiSi!(dItGE plCi1�I13.t9.(C4�11�; ._.�°-------_
<br /> .. � , ' Th1rd.to intctest dste und�the Note: ' ' ��zi;;;T==�.�—
<br /> , �- Fourth�w amortimtfan of tice pdnctpal af the Note: . 1�s_l�`,;�-�-"`�—
<br /> .. �=,, �•
<br /> • ; Ei'ith. ta late charges due under the Nota . _
<br /> . . - ' � 4. Fl�e. Flood attd Other H7zard Insurance.encra�rer st�eD tnsure ae �spzov�sent$ on the PtoD�!►. whether �. '��----—
<br /> . noW tn �ce or subsequ�y �te4 agatnst eny AaarQs. tas�affies. and comtngenetea.tn�dfnp 6r�Tor whkfi I.etdar ``�--
<br /> . . .. requires hswanae Thts Insur�ce shaD 6e matntained 8�the amourtts end tor the pdiods Mat LenQv mquires. Bortawer ahetl -_=-
<br /> ' '. _' � atso�nsure aD improveme�on the Roper[y.wtiether now tn extstence er subsequenSy ae�ted,agai[�s![ass by�oads to tha °='�
<br /> . � . e�Gent cequtred by the 3eaetary.AD insurartce sheD be carr[ed w�ti eempanies appraired by Le�Ger.The�nsutance po�etes and �,�q;_-
<br /> " . . ; . . any�ewsts BhaD Ee fletd by I.end�and sha0lnduds tot�paya6�e dauses(n favor ot,and fn a form acc�bls ts.Laider. =----
<br /> .... : � . �=_=
<br /> .... -���-- - ----- . . - - --In tlsa-erent of�(oss.-$arrower shafl��ve-i�nder-(mmed'�ate not�Ce�by-maA:-Ixnd�-may-tnaAe�pmoi�ot toss if rtof made _. . ._. a `
<br /> ' � PromD�1Y dY Borrower. EacH tnshuance cempasty cane�ngd Is fe�eby autharFzed and d'uec[ed to rt�eke{�yment !ar suct�toss r ''
<br /> • �rectty to Lend� (nstead ot to Barrower end 4o Lend�joinlly. A0 or any part of the tnsurai�ce proceeds mny 6e appAed by �.'=�,--.-
<br /> � � Lender, at fta opUon,either (a)to the refiidtoA of the indebtec�ness unQ�the Note and thts Sepuity InstrtunenL&at to
<br /> � . , deEnquent amourtb appUed tn the ord�fn Paragraph 9.end fAen to prepayme►!o!prfndpaf,or(b)to tAe rsstoraflon or r�air`�'a�? . F`v
<br /> � . . .. ' the dan�a ed.Pra ��'�.-'--
<br /> -- - - . . B P�Y• a►Y ePDQc�1on. oi the proceeds to the.pdnc�al sha0 �ot mde�d or postpono the due date af the :�.
<br /> � mor�iy paymen�s wmcn are rererr,ea co m Fara�n 2, or cl�ange the amourtt o1 sucb payments. My aceess (nsurance �.�;.�
<br /> . , � . � praceeds aver en�nount requir¢d to pay aD outstand'mg inde6tediess under ths No2e and thfs 8ecurity fnobument shaH�s PaTd ��-��'-
<br /> � . . , to ffie erttlty IegaIIy eititled thereto. . "�'���:.
<br /> .. �- - _ !n the erc3�! ot foredosure ot thts �S.�ity Instrument ot oth�tr�st� of title to tha Propetty tha2 �tngutshes the "'��'-
<br /> .__. .. . _ . `'� (nQebtednes�¢D dght h11e and interest ot Heaower fi end to fnsurance as�fes In torce sha0 pass to ti��:tohase► ,�!�:"
<br /> . . 5. Occupancy, Preservatton, Maintenancs and Protactton of ths Properry; garrowsr's Loan �
<br /> �=� .
<br /> ' '' ApPii�tion; I�easehai�'s.sorrowef snen aceupy, esmbush. �d use the PropeRy es Bo7rowet's pr(itdpaf restdeltIIe with� .
<br /> , : ':;.`� �sixty days afte►the��a of t1►is Seaaftyr fnstrumerrt and sheU contlnue to occupy the Property es Botrowet's Dtine�f •� -
<br /> '. � resiQence tor�fc�st one yr�after the date of oecupancy.unless the&ecre�y determfnes this requ�n[ent w�ewse undite
<br /> - � -. ---.- ---- -- hecdsh(p for Berrower, or uMess extenuating draimslenees exist whkh ara bayan� Brnrowe�s controL Borrower sttag notdy =-
<br /> _ . LenQ�s ot arry e�RenusUng etnalmsfenees. Borrower shaD not camrrut waste or destroy. demage or substanttaIIy chsnge the -,.. : ��
<br /> • RroDely or e4ow the PropeRy to detertorafe.reasanahle wear and tear mcc�lsd.Lender may tnspect tfie Propety H the Properry " .
<br /> � fs vacant or ebm�doned or the laan ts tn defauh. Lende may tatca reasanabte actlon to protect end pr�erve auch varartt or �=� '
<br /> ' . .. : . . abendoned RropeRy. Borroort-�shaB elso.be tn def�dt it Bomawer,durtn8 the toan app4catian prac�s, �ve materEaRy tatae or ti��
<br /> � tnaccu�ata tnfom�atton or st�rr�ents to Lender(or ta�7ed to provide Lender witb anyl materia!trtfortnaSan�In cannection wftA tha --�a-=
<br /> • . ; toan evlde�ced by the Note,Induding,but not�nited to,represerttatlons coneeming Bortower's ocaipar+cy ot Na Property►as a �',•�-
<br /> � prtrrctpal tesidence. B thts Sewrtry (nstrument Fs on a teasehofd. Borrow� shaD compty with the p�auisions of tha leasc� It � J'�
<br /> . Bortower ecquhes tea fffle to U�e Pro�erry,tha Ieasehc'd turd lea tJtle shaU not be merged untess Le►der a�to the merger(n . ��,-
<br /> k � � •. . wRlUng. }.���:
<br /> ��' � ''� �� � 6. Ch es to Borrower and Protectlon crP Lender's Ri �r3f''' �`-
<br /> �9 gfits in t71e PtOperty. Borrower aha9 pay eri � �,, .
<br /> ;.'.`'�" govenmerRal or munidpel cherges. fines and trnpositlons that are not ic�etuded tn Para�h 2. Haerower sha9 pay lhese '�`' z=..; �'�
<br /> _ obOgations on Ume�to the�tity which ts owed the payment If im7ure to pay woutd adversety�t Lende's IMerest tn . � •�.� ��a�=
<br />- the Propedy.upon Lender's request Borrower aha0 prompty tumfsh to Lender recelpts evidencing these�ymente. • :;.,,:,; �''-
<br />- � if Bortaw�taHs to make these payme�nt9 or the paymenta requfrcd b Para • ;.:...;�.��,:�:� :;"
<br /> . �f . .... _;. end agreementa contak�ed In thfs Serwdry tnstn�men�or there Is a Ie rocee�that or faa3f�s to pertortn arry other cavenanis ,�.;:.;� .
<br /> , � . s�P 9 ma}►s��Nlcantly enece Le�aera dynts tn :-.;;,,:;; � �'�fi�.:;. . t•:
<br /> -:•:•. the Praperty(such as e proeeed'ing M banWuptcy,tor condemnaUon or to e�ttorce laws or reg�datlons),thc�Lender may do and � -
<br /> -- ,.. � pay whffievet ts necessary to protect the va'us ot tha Fropetry and lenQds dghb in the Properly,fncls:mn9 PaymeM of taxes. �� . .
<br /> " . .. hamed(ns�uanoe end other tt�ns menUoned fn Para�aph 2 . . , ..
<br /> � • .
<br /> My emamffi�shiused by Le�der under this Pera�apb shall Gecome an add'ti lonai delst ot Bomawer end be seciued by � � � �%".
<br /> . , thts S�trfry Instrument These amour�b ahe9 bear(nteresl irom Ute date of d(sbursemeM,at the Nota rnte,and et the option of �
<br /> :i : . . .. Len6er.shaY be knmedtatdyr dt�e end paya6le. • - . _ °; •�. '
<br /> _ ! . 7. Cpndamnadon.7t�e pr�oceeds of anyi award or cTaim tor damages.dinect or cons¢quenUal, tn conrtection vrith erry � f
<br /> _ ' . ' candemnatbn es etfier tak�g o!eny pert o!the Property,or for com�yance tn plsee o1 candennaUon.�hereby assfgned end � �
<br /> - � �she�be pald to Lender to the e�dem of the f1iB emount of the indeUte�ess that remafis unpaid �rder Me Note end this � ' '
<br /> . �ewrRy Instruma�t Lender sheB aDpry such proceeds to the reduetton ot the Indebtedneas under the Nota end this Seaurity � � �
<br /> - • . . fnstrumasL ikat to any defu:qierM ammu�ts eppUed tn the oider provt�ed In Parsgraph 3.and Men to PreAayment cf pdndpal.
<br /> ' �� • My e�pYeadton of tha proa�ds to tho prindpa!ahaD not mRend or poslpone the due daie o!the mor:thty payments,whieA are
<br /> , • refer�d to in Pa�a�aph 2,or ehartge she amoimt af sach payments. Any excess proceeds over en amount requUed to pay sU
<br /> ' ' . � outstand'ing tr�debte�ess under the Note end this Secu�hy tnstr�ment sha7 De pald to the entfty IegaBy a:U'tte�thereto. -
<br /> .;# �. F89�.Lender may eoQed tees and ehatges authataed by ihe Setxeta�y. � ' f
<br />` �. � . 9. Grounds tor Acceteratlon of Debt. •
<br /> . 'i., . .- (a) Q6tauIC tender may, exeept ns timmited by reg�Aatfons tssued try the Secrettuy in thQ ease of payment detautts. �. " � .
<br /> • reR�'re�ane�ate payir:ad in MJ ot eD sums secured Ey this Se�ur�y Instrument N: •
<br /> a
<br /> •, , , ,.; ` .
<br />" . :;.,: . n Bamawer QetauRs by tFUUTinng to pay in fu9 any morthy payment�quired by this Sceudty Instrument pdm to or on ; • -
<br />- .•� !... .. • the due d3te ot the ne�d monthlY PaNi►ent ar i �. � ,.
<br /> _, +_ � (�Borrower d¢'aufts by taiGng.tar o p�iad of thirty days.to p�farm erry olher obQgaUons contafned in this Secnriry C . � �
<br /> - � ;. , . . tnstnnrsenL .
<br /> � �: � (b) Sata Without CredH AppravaL Lerrder sba'�U peaNHed bY apAlieEhfe fav�und with the pdor epyroval of Ne ; .
<br /> � Secrotery,reqnUe immedJate paymeM N tu➢of efi tho sims seaued by this Seauity InsUument N: '
<br /> ... .� •. . , ; .
<br /> .
<br /> ��a
<br /> ,� �� � F59t3.u180.I4144) Ras4 2 ot• : _. �-- -.- -.-- - .�
<br /> _'_ '.__. _ .__..._..... __ .
<br />. .__._.__' ' - _ .. �__'_.__" " �
<br /> . i
<br /> ,� � 9b113 � •
<br /> _ . �
<br /> � .
<br /> � . -• �
<br />