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<br /> ° �oisalc,aasl the sate,tacindiaSttte payraent oi�h�'�lruitce's fees acroslly incurced,nai to eso� 3.0 �'o of ` �'
<br /> F_
<br /> = ' the priadpa!a�otm0 af'tt�e not�nt the tkae a�Ylhe declar�tt4n ot ddandi,ea�masoa�ble attorneys feea as permitied �
<br /> i 6g lswi(D1�0�11 supss semrcd By tbLs Sec�it9.Incteament;snd(c1�ny escess W the pe�'son or pe�ons[�lfip eul� , �
<br />__ So t4.� ��� Ugon paymffit of all svms sec�d bv this Sec�ity fnst�ament,l.entiez shall ceque�t ltustee to e_
<br />= ceconvey the Pcc�pecry and shall suaender this S�urity Im�uumen3 and all notes evidenciag debt seculed by tUis Security _
<br />- Inso�uu�eut to'Itustee. Tivst�shaU recoavey ttte Pmperty withoat wazrsaty sad without chsuge tn the penon or peisosas
<br /> legatly eatittea uo zt Such peisoa or pessans shau p�y aay recocaatian cosu.
<br /> - ?�.SnbstHnte 1�te� Lendet,at its optian,maY from tims ta rime remove Trustee aad appoint a successor trusiee to _
<br />- any'IIvstee appoiated hereundsr by an instrum�nt resorded'w the county in w1uc�this Security Ins�¢cent is recorded.
<br /> Withoett.conveyance of the PmgettY.tine successnr trastee s6all succced w ail the title,Power and duties conferaed�poa
<br /> � 'ffusoee herem and by applicable law. ' _
<br /> - 24. Beqa�st for Nottt�s. Bmmwer reqnests that copies of the notices of default aud sale be sent to Hoanwec's address
<br />-= whi�eb is the Ptaperty Addiess.
<br /> ZS. Rlders ta tl�is Secarity Insbr�eut. If one or aQOte ciders are eaecuLed 6y Boaaurer and recorded wgeti�er witb .
<br />- this Sectuity Instr�neqt.the covenants and agteements of each such dder shaII be incarporated into and s6a11 amend and
<br />= suppiemeat the cove�ts and agieements af Wis Seamty Iristra�ent as if the aderis)we�e a gart of tbis Sectaity Iastzument .
<br /> � [Check applicable box(es)l .
<br /> - . '
<br />;.� . . _. Q Adjusiai�le Rat$Ritier---�----�---�--�Condominium Rider. --..------ -......_.._. ... 1-�4Fam�7y Rider� � .
<br /> r� a�duated payment glder �Plaaned Unit Deve2opment Rider a Biweekly Payment Rider
<br />:� , �Second Home Itider
<br />__� �Ballona Rider•. . �Rate Improvement Rider �
<br /> �X Uther(s)[sP�9? ASSIGNmENT 0� �c�tTS `
<br /> `� BY SItiNING SELAW,Borrower s z:�d�es to the t�nms and covenants contained in this Secmity instmmec►t
<br /> � and in any rider(s)executed hy Hormwer�reca:�.�ith i�
<br /> � ��: � wm�:
<br />.�� .
<br />_.i , � LOiVNIE R. KUPECK
<br /> :� : � � /gz 1 q� �� �Sealj ;
<br /> �� � -sorr�a NNIE 7. KOPEC Y -Bo�mweT '
<br />_•�
<br />�_i�. , . ' �5�� � .�g��
<br />:: � . -8orronsr , -8ocmwer
<br /> i�'-' STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL ' County ss: .�
<br /> _;�
<br />,:.� pn� 23R0 � �y og DEEEn18ER 1994 ,before me,tB�rmdersigaed,a Notary Pub1lc
<br /> � cIWy co�i,s;oned and ynalifreci inr said county,petsanally came LONNIE R. KOPECKY I'iIV.0 CONNIE J. KOPECKY,
<br /> � HUSBAND AND WIFE � to me knoa+n to be the .
<br /> -6� idenacal pe�sons(s)whose name(s)are subscribed;r�the foregaing insnument and ackaowtedged the eaec+�ion cheteof to
<br />_= ry� 'M EIR s voltuttary act and deed.
<br /> -� Wimr�s my hand and noturial seal at GRAND ISlAND, NEBRASKA in said county.the
<br /> '.� date afaresaid. � �
<br /> .
<br />-= My C° �TAAr,St�M 1��
<br />= GEBDt?�W L KIM�.E ' NM�ry Public .
<br />�- . � Mf Cae�E�t�.23� EST FOR RECONVEYAPICE . ,
<br />-..� TO TItUSTEE:
<br /> 7Tte�ndets;gned is t6e holder oY the note or notes secured by tl�iis Deed of'I�rust Said note or notes.together with all
<br /> other indebtedness secased by this Deed af'Ikus��y�e been paid in fall. You aze�ereby ditected to cancel s�d note or notes
<br /> -= and this Deed of'�ust,which aze deIiy e��erehy,and to�econvey,without v�anantyr,all the estate aow tret�by yon under
<br />�� this Deed of'Dnrst to the pe�son or pe�..cns tegatly ezztided theretv. � .
<br /> - Date:
<br /> — . Fotm 3028 9190 fpage 6 oJ6 pages)
<br /> —_ . �
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