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<br /> - � = .� _ appHcable law may specify for reincrA�m nt)befoie sale of tt�e PraPerty Pmsn�t ta any.power of sale contained in tlsss ��. � ,
<br /> SecnrItyr lnsuument;or tb3 entry of a jud�¢tent enforciag this Secariry Insutuu�at Those con�tions aie that Bnrmwer. (a)
<br /> `• pays Lender all suaLS which.thEn would 6e due under this Sec�uiry Insu�mient and the 1�Iote as if no aceeleratioa had ` . -
<br /> `. , • occoaed:N)cares any defauIt of atry other covenants or agteements:(cl Pays all expenses inc�ned in enforcing tliis Securiry, . �.. �t�
<br /> Insuvmeat,including.but aot limite�i to,re�sonable auomeys'fees;aad(d)takes s�ch actian as Laader inay ieasonably - _ _
<br /> � � ; -. reqnue to assure ttiat the lien of dris Securiry Instn�ment.Leuder's rights ia the Properry and Boaawers obligatian to pay the � ; -� .
<br /> ' , • sams sec�ed by this 5�cutiry Insttnment sbalt cantinue uachanged_ Upon ninstatement by 8orrower. this Secarity � • . � `t`.
<br />:,�-��' ` ` . tnsuument and the obligations s�d heceby shall s�mam fully effective as if ao acceieration had occurred. However,this ' • ' .,-
<br /> � � , ' � ' . nght to s�einsYat�shall not appty in the c�se of acceleratinn ua�Gzr paragraph 17. ' � - ._,=
<br />• •:� , � . Z9; Sale af Note;CbanSe oY T.nsn Servicer. T6e Nots or a partiat interest in the Noce(togedier with this Security . , .�
<br /> : . . � . . � Iamvment)tnay be sold one or mo:e 6mes without prios notice to Bormwer. A sale may result in a change in the entity , . ' �; � s.
<br /> .��� �� (Imowa as tfle°Loaa Servicer")ibat eollects mondilx payments due under the Note and this Secmity Insinimeni. There aiso . .° .� ti`�;�, .-
<br /> f �r �=
<br />` ;: �•'..: '�:.;; `�� may be one vr mure changes of tlte l.oan Servicer�nrelared to a�aie of the Note. If there is a change of t6e Loan Servicer. ��'`�=.''�'y=,:�... –
<br /> :' � • ° B�rower w�l be givea written Qodce of the claauge ui accordauce with paragraph 14 abave and applicabk law..'Ihe noiice � � `. "
<br /> ;�' .•:�_ , ,,�,�_� wID state the aame and addiess of the new Laan Setvicer and the address to which payraeats shauld be mad� The notice will �` '�`:=�,. --
<br /> . . aLso contain any�othes iuformation reqaired by applicable law. ' � ' c�-r�� --
<br /> 'i . 2Q Aa�doas Snbstance� Botsower sI�aII not caase or pemrit the picsence,nse,dispasal.stmage,or release of aay • _ --
<br /> �' ` .. , H a 7 a r d o u s S u b s t a u,c e s o n o r i n t 6 e P r o p e a t y. Borrower s h a l l not do,nor a t low anyaae else to do,anythin�af�ectin the �.':_��-
<br /> g ,._. .d�.�.
<br /> ? •. ; • : � Praperty that is in violation of any F�vironmenta!Law. The preceding two semences shall not apply to the presatc�ose,,or - --_ -_
<br /> storage on the Progerty of small nantides of Hazatdnac Substances d�at are enerall reco �
<br /> `�! ". � q 8 Y �w 6e s�spmpriate to nomial �`��^r��:
<br />, ,<. .. � •� residential uses aad to mamtenauce af the ProP�Y• � -:�.,+°�r��:;-
<br /> �°_ ..–_.,.-;..+�-.:. Borrower shat!Pl'omPUY�!e Lender wr x..�nouce_of any inv��dgaJian,.claim..demand,lawsuit or ntheractioa by.any._ �
<br /> ' , --. . goveinmenta�or regu7atory ageacy oi private_r•.�ty involving the Pcaperty and any Hazardons Sabstance or Fuvimaatental __ .._... �`����_
<br /> • , .. Law of which Borrower has acwal 1mov�I�^e. If Bor�nwer leams. ot is natified by any govemmental or�eguL:�ory -
<br /> • authority,that any removal or other remedi��ce of any Halardoas Substartce affecting the Property is necessary,Bornqwer , '��=��
<br /> shall.Q� take all necessary remedial aa��-us in arcordance with Eavimnmental Law. , ..�
<br /> __ .. _. _._. . As used�n tiiis paragiaph 20,"Haz�rdons 5ubstances"are those svbstances defined as toxic or hazardous subStances.by ".�. - , ��
<br /> � Envirtsna�ental Law and ihe folIowing substances: gasoline, kemsene,other flammable or tosic peuoleum producu.toxic '. �'
<br /> , . , pesticides and herbicides,volatite sotvents,materials containing asbestos or formatdehyde,and radioactive materials. As �` -�:
<br /> - : used in this paragraph 20."Enviteamental Law"means federal laws and laws of the j�uisct:ction where We Property is lacateci '"°_
<br /> . that relate ta health,sa€ery or emaonmental protection ' • � ,�-,'
<br /> •.�. NON-UNIFaT'�i COVENANfS. Homo�Er�nd Lender further coverar�and a "F _
<br /> . ., . . gree•as foltows: "� �.
<br /> .' ` . 21. Acceler^�n;Remedies. Leader�,a�gtve no8ce W Borrower q�rior to acce2eration fc�Iowing Borrower's •,�
<br /> .. breach of aqq ca��ant or agreement tu t�5ecarlty Iastrument(bat Qot prdor to acceferatton�Ser paragrapt�17
<br /> anless agpitcable!aw provides offierwise).ZYze aoifce s�spectfy: (a)4h�defaalt;(b)the actioa required to�the �
<br /> . ?:`i`•. .� � �� `'- r•(c�a dat�not�ess tha�3�days fmm the da�e�noSoe ts given to Barro�iry whfsh Uae defanit�st be �
<br /> .;'�r;;' �. � �;and(d)that failnR to e�ffie defanit m or befr,��e date specifled in tGe nc�oe map r+csaIt in a�eieratton of �
<br /> . ` . ; thtst�s secnred�p thL's Secmi4y Instromea�and saIIe of the Property. The no�tce sball further inform Borrower oY ��"� l�-
<br /> _ • the rS�bt to reinstate after accelesatFon sud the rJght to 6ring u canrt actEon to assert tiie non.esisteace of a defani!or
<br /> �i ' , „ any other defense of Borrower to acret�raHon Aad sate. IP the defa�lt Ls nn!cared on or befose the date speciticd jn � � '��
<br /> _ � 6he not�Lender at its optlon may require immedtate pa�ent in fiill 08 all sums secared b}�t6is Secnrity L�trument • �+
<br /> ' without furWer demand and may invoke the power o?sale and enq oWer remedies permitted by appltcable law. '--
<br /> _ . I.ender shall be enfIBed to coRect all expensea incarred in pnssubng the cemedies pmvtded in thts ParagraPh Zl, . ;—�
<br /> � ' • iadadin�buR not ltmited to,reasona6le attoraeys'fers and costs of titIe evidence. �.�,�
<br />.3:,,�`; `:,:.�r . If the power o!sa[e Is tavofied,7ta�stee�11 record a aattce of defaWt in eac6 crounty tn wtiic6 any part aY t6e � : ,, ���•�ri�
<br />"�g�:-,. .-°�-.':,�� : Pro�erty is fowted and sba11 mail coples of s�QoHce in the mana�r prescribed 5y�ppllca6Ie�aw to Bor ower and to � �.'� -_
<br /> • - the other P��P���by appUcaDle t� Aftes�e time re�aired hy appllcable law,Tnstee sliaaD give public �r� �;_
<br /> ,, „,:�. �ottoe of sale to ttie persons and tn the manner prnscs�'�:��y appHcable luw 'IFaste�wtthoat demand on�a�rcwer, � ':;�,��:,w,� '_
<br /> � . • � • � ' shaD set)the Pe+uperty at pn6ltc aaction to the highest 6tdder at the time and place a^.�ander the terms designated in , �, ,,,`
<br /> .
<br /> tf�e nottce of sate tn one or mom parceis snd in any obes 7��tee deter�ea �tee may postp¢ce sate of aD or aay . �-���--
<br /> �', '' •. parael of the Property by pu6l�c anuo�cement et We time and place o1'any prevtoosly sckedWed sat� Leader or its ,-:
<br /> ce
<br />�-'- designee may pnrchase the Property at any saIe. . • :.��: �`'.�
<br /> '�� ��� � . Upon receipt of papment c�the pr?ce b4d,�astee shall dellver to the pnrchaser 7lrastee's deed conve • '�`�-=- rf
<br /> qing the
<br /> �� . Propertq. The recitats in the 1t�tee's deed shall be prima farie evidence of the truth of the stutcments made therein. �
<br /> �"-` . : 71rustee sl�aU appty�lte proceeds oY the sate In We follow3ng order. (a)to;71 costs aad espenses of'exercising the power r • � '
<br /> ::�• . ,�
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