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<br /> �. :l. -it�F_n,..'. i. � -i4e�'..�-�-
<br /> - • ..,�.:. periads that Lender�equiies. Ths ins�na�e cazrier pmvidiag the insurance shaU he chnsere by Bormwer su6jea to Lcader's - ;_ •�_;,,_•;,: ,
<br />. �,` . � appmvat whisb shall not be unreasdnably vvith[letd. If Bo�rower fails to rt�ne�;n coverage descn'bed abov�,Lender may.at � � _,.,•�:.�
<br /> , �, ° �Lenderk apiian,o6tain coverage to pmtest Leader�s righis in th�Pro�erty itr sccorda��e with paragra��h 7. "=� =":_�:;��-,r:'.
<br /> , . � . , All insurance policies and raiewals shall bt acceptable w I.ender aud sha1Y inctude a sta,adard mortgage claase. I.aader =a '� _u�t,�<A
<br /> � - stmU h�ve�he right to @ald the po!€cies aac!�encwaLs. If Lcad�requ3nes►Btsn�wer stra!!P�P�Y S��ta Latdsr atl rereipts �- . _
<br /> .� � of acd miums and reneera!noricxs. In the event of Iass.Borrower shal! ve m t aotice to the insuraqcG carrier aad '�`k ''� `�
<br /> P � R� G► P� .P � .a.t. ��,'
<br /> `h I.ender. Lender rnay make pmof of lass if ant made prampdy by Boaower. =�-��_�-_
<br /> � ` -. , .' • Unless L.c;rcdet aad Bmrawer otherwise agree.in writing,ins�uance praceeds shall be appl�ed w restoraddn or cepait of ;� � �-
<br /> ��u'�"�_x-
<br /> ; � �,-�, the PraFcerty damaged, if the reswration or repair is ecaaomic�liy feasble arid i.ender's sec�arity is not Yessened. I�the. ` .��� _ __
<br /> �''_ �r . mstnration or cepair is noi ecanomically feasible or Leader's sec�m`ty wa�ld be tessened,the ins�rance proceeds shall be � _.
<br /> ,� ° l�i�.x,�c_,.�-
<br /> - . - agplied to th�s�uns secured by this Sec9uity Insttument,wheiher or amt then dae,with any excess paid to Barrawer. If ' _ - ---
<br /> • '� �u
<br /> - �'�. � Bormwer abaadons the Praperry,ar dces not answer arithin 30 days a aotice from Lender that.t5e insar�ance cazrier has -___
<br />-- �r:'<�.'.�.r -._ ��,.� .
<br /> r:`�• ._:,4 4:���f offeied to seute Z claim,then Lender may coIIect the insivance procee�fs: Lendes may use tLe proceeds w repair or resto�
<br /> ` � _ the Prape�ty or to pay smns secured by thi.s Secarity Instrument,whether or nai then due. 1he 3(l�day periad will Gegin wlsea --�--�'-=q---
<br />`�`:� .,t, p � .'- the notice is ginre�. -
<br /> . .A�. h- -- _
<br /> � `+'�� Untess Lender aad BQaower atherwise m writia ,an lication of =- -
<br /> `... � ag�ee' g y app proceeds to priacipal shall noi extend or
<br /> -���;�:-y�...;r•; ,-� Postpane the due date of the montWy paym�nts referned to in ParaB*aPhs 1 and 2 or cbauge the�noant of the payments. If - -
<br />_- _ . " . �` under h 21 the Pro ' --
<br /> . • pazag�ap perty is acqnired by Lender,Bormwer's rig6t w any insurance poticies and praceeds nsuIting
<br /> - -�. � fivm damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass w Leader to 1De extent of the sumc secu�ed by this SeQUity •
<br /> ` �?��, Instrument unmediately prior ro the a�quisition ' � -
<br /> -.u.��.._�•_�`'�; 6. Oc�ccaPancy', Yreservat�on, Matatenance and Prot�itoa of the Pr�perty; Sorrow�er's Loan Anpltaetion. . .-
<br /> -�' - � ----. .. . . ..I.eascholds.-Borrower-sha11 ace;upy;establish,and use the�Ptaperty as�Sorrower§principal residence within sixry days after ----.._.._ .
<br />. '' '. . '�. �.,.`. the execution of tlus Security Listivment and siiat�cflntinne to occapy the Properry as Borrowes�p�tcipal�esidence f�r at -
<br /> , . • �.�r'.:.. . teast one yeai after tTie date of occupancy. �:ctess I.ender otherwise agrees in writing, wIrich consent shall not he '
<br /> , . .. uraeasonably withheld,or unless extenuatmg cinz�tances exist whic6 az�e 6eyand Borrowr.r's conuol. Bor�wer shall not � -
<br /> _` ' dest�ay,damage or impair the Pcoperty,aIIow the'�s+agesty to detedorate,or commit waste on the Ptoperty. Bmmwer shal} •
<br /> • , be in default if any forfeiture acaon or pnoceed�g,whether civ�or criminal,is begun that in Lender�gaod faith judgment ,-
<br /> ` could Tesult in forfeiture of the Pnoperty or ott�wise materially impair the lien created by this Secur;s}�do..hxumem or ��.
<br /> � , Lender's sec�uity imeresi. Bortuwer may eure sadz�defaulCand c�instate,as provided in parageaph l8,iry c��-ig the•aetion -- --v
<br /> • •.� or pmceeding to b;dis�sissed with a ruling that,in l.eniter�s good fai[h detertnina6on,precludes farfeihue of the Botrowea�'s
<br /> � 't:>���;:,• interest in the Property or.'other material impairment of the lien created 6y this Secnrity Lnsmiment of Lender's se�ity --
<br /> ' . �.°':'�`'` interest 'Bomower shall also be i� default if Botrower. dun.�the loan applica6o�a �m.ss,gave materially fa1� or — =�
<br /> inaccupate infottnarion or statemee's q Lender(or failed to provide Leader with any ma!er_�:nfomiauon)in cotuie�ction�s2:..� ��;_:
<br />. ' the loan evidenced by the Note. mcluding, but not.limited to, representatic�.:s conc�--Tp Bomawer's accuparccy,of the
<br /> ,..;: . . P+raperty as a princi�:,E r�idence. If this Security Instrument is on a teasehald,Bomower sb t�l camply wir�a.�the provlsions �;�
<br /> : - ' , • of the Iease. If Botro.,�r acquises fee title to the Property,the leasehold and the fee titte shail not merge anfess I.ender agrees •
<br />_ . � to the merger in cvtiting.
<br /> , �� 7. Protecifon of l.ender's ,��"
<br /> � Y I�hts ia the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the wvenants and agreements � �-,-
<br />:;;,: •: .-::�.: contained in this Security Instrus.�t,or therc is a legal proceeding tAat may signIfcantly affect Lenderg rights in the
<br /> - - Ptoperqy(such as a praceeding in bantavptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then , �;
<br /> `Y"�.� '��;' •'`. Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vaiue of the Ptoperty and l.ender's rigfits in the Properiy. �
<br /> -�.'�•;.;;;.;„ ;; Lender�actions may include paying any sums�ecured by a lien whic6 has priority over this Sec�uity Insuument,appearing i"
<br /> , _�'� ' in court,paying reasonable anomeys'fees and entering on the Fmperry to make repairs.Although Lender may take ac�on �'��—_
<br /> . .,�,��� • undet this paragraph 7.Leader daes not have to do so. ��=�
<br />- -,-'•�� i�: Any amounts disbutsed by�ender uctder this paragraph 7 shall become additionat debt of Borrower secured by this �'°�-� T
<br /> �.�-.%..
<br /> ` ����� Security Insaumer�� UnIess Borrower and i.ender�,.�ee to other tecros of payment,these amounts shall bear intemst from the —
<br /> :;;.'.?;.;''�.�;j_`� • date of disbiusement at ths Note rate and shaU be�;aJable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Bcr�uwer requesting c�
<br /> Pal+ment • ����'�`'�'�'��-
<br /> ' :;� 3. Mortgage Insm$nc� If l.ender requi:ed rttortgage insurFUice as a condition of making the loan secured by thIs • �����;:.-.�
<br /> � .��,:; Security Instrument,Borrowet shall pay the premiums requimA to maintain the rtmrtgoge imsurance in eff'ect. If,for any ��•".�---�-�i-
<br /> . ••;:, ..�.�-
<br /> _ ;�.x�' reatian,the mmtgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses ar ceases w be in effect, Borrower shall pay the "� �s;=-_
<br /> _ • • premiums required to obtain coverage substan6ally equivalent to the mortgage insutance previously i� effect, at a wst '°'• � '°��s
<br /> , ';.�.. `'.� �.._:
<br /> � ��a•°._� substan6ally equivelent to the wst to Borrower of the mvrtgage insurance pnwiovsly in effect,from a��`r-,mate mo�age -�`� -
<br /> . . insumr approv e d by L en der. L f su bstan6 a l iy equiv a lent mongage insurance ooverage is not available,Be�wer shall pay to �',•� 4;: ,
<br /> ' . . •�••� � Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mo�e insurance remium 6ein
<br /> =:;:,y,. .';.': .- insurance oovera e I ar ceased to be in effect. Lender wili P 8 Paid by Barruwer w��e :•::_ .
<br /> g apsed �:otp�use and r�tain these p�yrteents as u loss reserve ir�Leu = ' �
<br />_ of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer�e requccad,at the option of Lender,if martgage ins�ce , .. � � =
<br />--=�. � . - '� coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided tsy an insurer approved by Lender again becomes "• °
<br />-"'_•; :, s:,:;�.� -� availa6le and is obtained.Baimwer shall pay the premiums tequired to maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a • � .� �
<br /> _�_�.,.,��y'���• loss reserve,until the mquir+ement for mortgage insuegnce ends in aceordance with any written agceement between Bomawer . . ="
<br /> a n d L e n d e r o r ll c a b l e l a w.
<br /> °°''"'°• " f'�"� 9. �na LQnder or its y Po P�� Pert3+. Lertder shall
<br /> •�M.::�;,�;�;r � Iasp agent ma make reasonabie emries u n and ins hons of the Pro .
<br /> � ���� g i v e B o r r a w e r n o t i c e a t t h e t i m e o f a r p r i o r t o a n i n s p e c t ion s p e ci f yin g�asona b le cause for t he in s p e e 6on. � � •
<br /> ��-::.��;,:+. ;�:��d. 10 Condemna�n. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequentia).in connection with any �
<br /> ,.i,�.....� •;•:_ .. �
<br /> -_.;"�''�f:; �,'�j� Sing►e Family—i'auale bfaaTrYtQdie 1178C UNIFORM I11iSTRUMEN'i'—Unifrnm Coven�ta 919D ( • '. '. -
<br /> :t: .. "•r;_ . . page3 oJ6 page�l F
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