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<br /> � r�� "PO(}EfHER WiTH siii tlie i�pravements now or heseafter eiected on ehe property.and a11 easemwts.appurtenaases. ��'��
<br /> `°�' ��. aad 5xtiues now or herenfter a part of the pmpeny. All mpla.cemenu attd additions sh�U atso 6e wveced by this Security ti �,�� ° �
<br /> - . �� inst�at All of the fu:egoIag is eefemed to in th�s Seciarity Insonunent ns tke"Property." ' '`;.,< � ��_
<br /> ::�i •,�<z k. ' . .``..�_�„,, , _
<br /> = BORROtiVER COVENANT�that Borrower is Iawfiilly seised of the estate he�+eby coaveyed gnd has the ri�ht to�raat. '.--:� .�4�-:
<br /> ' � �• ` aad wnvey t4is Progect}r and that t►te Fropetty is uaetuuinbered.exoept for eacambtances of record Boimwer wanants�ttd � ?:Y.�-,;�;;��; ,
<br /> � _- _ witI defend gene�iJy the titt�to the�raPertY aSainst aTt cLvms aad demaads.suDJect to auy encumbrances of c�xcsrd. ;2-
<br /> •TFIIS SEC�TRDTY INSTRUN�IVIT combiaes uniform caveaants for naaonai use aad naa-uniform covenants with ' t'�`�Y
<br /> '� - '• Iimited variaaons by jarisdicticm to coasdtute a umt'oxm'secmity mstr�nent covering�ea!propeity. ' '��' _
<br /> - ` - �_t��.,.���—
<br />---;;.:,x:;._;�.��' UNffORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: _:�_�._,
<br /> < , !. Papment ot PdndFat and Ltterest;Prepaymert a�Late CAargeq. Borrower shall P�mP�Y F�►Y ahea due the ��---_
<br /> ,4 , �, . principai of and inte:est on the debt evidenced by the Note an�a�y prepayment aad tate ciiar�es dae under the Note. _ �
<br /> _ _ ��. '.:. � �hnds far 1'aae9 aad��vra� Subject to applic�ble law or to a written vwaiver by L�nde�Borrower shail pay to = - -
<br /> -,::::��-f:. .::.�;.°,:. L.ender on the day monthlY Pa3rments aze ciite�ndes the Note.vntil the Note is paId in fal�,a sum t°Funds")for.(a)Y�Y • �-----
<br />-�i�� _ `` :,.. taxes aad essessmeats which may attain ptioriry ovsr this Seauiry Insuuatent as a lien on the Property;N)Yearly ieasehold - --=°
<br /> payments or gcound rents oa the Prbpecty, if any: (c) ye�iy hazard or pmperty insurance gremiuips; (d)Y�Y�� ' =° ---—
<br />_ � insuraace,premiums;if any.(e)Yearly mortgage iasurance premiums.if au�r:and(fl any sums payable by Bormwer w .. � -_
<br /><,;;.::`.� �.�-_ Lender.ia accordance wiW the pinvisioas of parag;apb 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgage L�smance preminms. These -
<br /> ��< � , items aze called"Escmw Items." Leuder may.at any time,collect aad hold Funds ia an atnoimt aot to exceed ihe max�um � —
<br /> -- ' , . amount a lender far a federally cetated mortgage Itraa may re�uire for 6mrower's escro�accuunt an�eer ihe fedeial Real ' �--
<br />' ' " ' . Fstate Settlemeni Procedunes Act of 1974 as amended trom time to time.l2 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.("RESPA"),�mless enother , ��:=-
<br /> - ' `_.;.s:.. law that appties to the Fi�nds sets a lesser amoun�. If so.Lender may.at any time.eollect and hold Fimds in air amuwtt uot to =_
<br />`-� - '-- -- K
<br /> �,. : --.. .._ . •exceed_the_iesser�mount.._Lender-may-estimate.the-amoant of-Funds-dus�oa-the-basis�of-ctumeat-data-a�d r�asanab2e�- -. ._ _ �
<br /> � estimates of expenditares of future Escrow Items or otherwise in aocordance witb agplicable taw. • _
<br /> ' The Funds shall be 8etd in an institution w�ose deposits a�ins�ned 6y a federal agency.iasnumentality, or eriCty
<br /> . (inctuding Lender,if Lender is such an insdmrion)or in any Fe�eral Home Loan Bank. Leader shaU apply the Fuads ta pay -----
<br /> `F�� • the Fscrow Items. Lender may aot Charge Borrower for holding aad applying the FLnds,annuall anal —_
<br /> Y Y��the escrow
<br /> '"""' "' account,or verifying the Fscrout+Items.untess Lender pays Bormwer.iater+est.on i6e.�nds and applicab2e law peimiis. `== -
<br /> i
<br /> . • Lender to make such a charge. However.L.ender may require Bomower to pay a one-time charge for an'iadependent real --- -
<br /> , estate tax reportiag service used by Lender in connection with this loan,�m2ess app}icable jaw pmvides otherwise. Uaiess an ��-- --
<br /> ; • egreement is made or applicable law requines interest to be paid.I.ender shall not 6e required w pay Borrower any imcrest or f-��`.- ---
<br /> " eamings on the Fuads. Borrower and Lender may agcee in writing,however.tbat inte�est shall be paid on s2te Funds. Lender --
<br /> � shaU give to Borrower,without charge.an aunual accouating of the Fuads.shoaring cm.diu and debits to the Funds and the —
<br /> •• purpose for which each debit to the I�nds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums secuced by �-
<br /> .� this Securiry InstivmrnG �_��.
<br />; w.. .', If the Plmds L•.eld hy Lender exceed the amounts permitted t�6e held by applica6le law, Lend�r shall account to —
<br /> . . Bonower for the es�:,ess Funds in acco�dante witi�the requirements of�licab2e law. If the amaunt of the Funds held by =
<br /> '� Lender at aay time is not sut�Eient m pay the Escrow Iterss when due,Leader may so twtify Bomnwer ro writin�,and,in =
<br /> • � sach case Boirower shall pay to Lender the amount neoes�ary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the —
<br /> � •• deficieacy in no more than twelve monWy payments.ai Lr�'er's sole discreuon. �
<br /> cre'
<br /> _- Upon payment in full of all sums secuied by this Security lnsuament,Lender shaU prompdy nefuad co Borrower any �="""°
<br /> Funds heid by Lender. If,under pacag�aph Zl.Lender shall acquue or sell the Property,Lender.prior ca the acquisition or r
<br /> - � sate of the Pro �a
<br /> __ _ peny,shall apply any Funds Fa`�by i,ender at the 6me of acquisiaon or sale as a cr�:it against the sums ��'=��`
<br /> I ' sectued by this Securiry Iasuumen� ;=�=
<br /> ;,.,ks•� �'.� 3. Appllcation of P�yments. Unless applicabte law provides otherwise. all paymenu r�ceived by I.ender under
<br />--�.:•.�?���:�,.; paragraphs 1 and 2 si�all be applied:fust,to aay piepayment char es.due under the Note;second,to amounts ',�'�Y
<br /> �`�.�;",��"'''_'� P��Pb 2;thir�,w intecest dae:fourth,to g PaYabte andcr -����_
<br /> priYcipal due;and last,to any b::.e charges due under the h'cM. �_'"'�'_�
<br />- - '�..x,_-. . . .�__;--—
<br />`�.�, 4. C6a�s; Ydea9. Borrower shalI pay all taaes, assessmenu,c��Des, fines and imposi�r�s attribut�b2e to the - _
<br />_ Property which�-�.attain priotity over this Secarity inshvment,and lease'nold payments or gound r'�,if aay. Borrower �_----
<br /> r� shaU pay these a�gations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay r�em on :II 1?=--
<br /> '� . time dimcdy to t�e person owed payment Boaower shall prompdy fumish to I.ender all notices of amounu to be�.:;�3 ander .;`r`•�;..�
<br /> ;1•;:;.: , � . this paragtaph. If Botrower makes these payments diiectly.Barrower shall prompdy fumisb to Lender ieceipts e-�iSencing �,�
<br /> . . thepayment�. � �:-�-
<br /> . .�;•�;
<br /> . , Soaower *�' promptly discharge any I�an which has priority over u'�s Security Inspvment unless Borrower.(a)agriees ',`;r�-,�,�,.
<br /> , in writing to the payment oF the obligation seci:red by the lie�in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in gaod faith the . . �'�:r=.
<br />_ lie�by,.or defends against enfo;cement of the lien in.lega.��oceedings wtich in the 6pnder's opinion operate to pteceat the . .' �'°�
<br /> ..-_� ;. enfe�zcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder�f tµ�lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinadng the lien ' � '� �
<br /> :_'-"�. �� • ,"" to t�is Securiry InstrumenL If Lender detemrines that any part of the Property is subject to a Gen which may attain priority � .
<br />_.:,,.,;. : .. oves this Sec�uity Insuument,Lender may give Botrower a notice ideniifyu�g the lien. Boirovrer shall satisfy the lien or take � �
<br /> o��mose of the actions set fmth above�vithin 10 days of the giving of aoiice.
<br /> -.`4�•' '-�` S. Ha�rd or Pro
<br />._ ,. �::,w�._ pesty Insuranc� Bomuwer shall keep the imp�vements now exis6ng or hereafter erected on the .
<br /> •t� .L�_ _._.: Pt�-�xrty insumd against loss ts�fcre,hazards included wit3c�the telm"extended coverage"and any other hazards,r,:sluding �_
<br />-- ,�'.':., . ft�s or flaoding.for wluch fi.eader requires insurance. This insurnnce shall be maintained in the atnounts a;�for the • � �
<br /> .. F:_: . .
<br /> , _ , . .
<br /> y= _:�:.=.. . . . .
<br /> _ ;:,� =.;:.�-� Form3�'18 9l90 (OageloJ6pages) . . .
<br /> . ''" . . .
<br /> _ �� y.:' • . ` � •
<br /> � • . � . •:�/Fr�_ . . .. � . - .. . � . . .. ...�u }� • . •
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