. � '�"`Y�� � �r�. ..�?+�-�dR=� - - ., � ` f. . .`'. ` Y. <. V ' \' ( _
<br /> � � � � i.-� , - ' � .'4. � � - � � . � ..c `° c - .
<br /> . `. { .' . . S .�
<br /> _� _ . �' '�' 4 . . � . . �1 .. j.r�`,4`� . .
<br /> � `'. �(. s � _-c E ., . �=, ��. .. _ . ` ��t. �1 _
<br /> v .. . ' � �_� '`' . � `'<=
<br /> .. � _ , r.
<br /> ' . - � . ' ' ` ` - \li'. _
<br /> ;r ; , �c; � � �94—�,s�9 � � , ,`; • .�� --
<br /> . � .t� �� , � _
<br /> .r�. ' \ g:H������t�.Ttuatcr 81ta1t keBD�►g��8�in complfARCe wiL1 Etii ep�ltcabte tavYS.ordlna�es9 and regutsfiona ;, ,
<br /> Q�� • � •_
<br /> . . <�• L� ° - '�9attn�to tndusUi�l Rypirns or envlronm�ntat protecUon,(cofYecU�ety roterred to herein�"Envirnnmental tawa"�.Truatar ehatl
<br /> keeptheProaer(ytrestrom�tlsub�taa�asdnem�totie�aaardousottostcund�ranyEnvironrrtent�ilawa(catiectivvetyraferredto� �� ";�;-�
<br /> ' herein�ts"Hazardoua EAateri�is?.Truator hQreby warranb ansf rearesesata to Lender that thare are no Nazardcus�ia1s on ar . 4 .
<br /> �� '` .�- .� `."�( underthePro�ertlFYnistorherebya$ree5toin6emMtyar¢dhoidharmtasslenQor.itadttecU�ra.oHtcera.emptayeesaeicla98t�.a�� , � : • --
<br /> .�.� •: ..-.:_..�
<br /> . •. , , . , any suece�sor�to Lender's Interast tspm end a�lnst any and nt►daims.damagsa.�o3��.a a a�utbUt'a P o�ttYB T�F4E FOREGO NQ � �
<br /> ;. : •� —
<br /> : � ttie presence.asae.d[ayosat artrensFort ot ar�y He�rdoue Mater[ate os►.under. .. .•.� :.;:
<br /> -- -- 3tiRVit�t FiECaMIEYA[dC�OF tHIS QE�!?OF YRUS? � G�st T�u� '- . _
<br /> • �;.``_� 1p./W1�uas�lo!Ra�.Trustor hereb asslgne Lo Lendar the rents.issue�and profits oithe Pro¢erty.provId�d ,
<br /> � sl�all unUlthaoceuaenceotanEventotOetaulthereurtder,havethertghttoeaitectendreffiinsuchrenis.issuesandprufifsasth$l►. �'°` _
<br /> .� .� . '_ becomo due and payabta Upon the occ�irrenoe ot an Evecrt of Oetault L e n der may.oi t h e r I n p e r s nn or b y a gan�witA cr c��ririthoi}t _��
<br /> , . dringing any actton or proceedin&or by a reseiver appointed by a caurt and ririthout regar0 to the a�squaey ef its seCUrL'Y enter �;�:: _..;<ti�=_
<br /> �� � uponandtatcepossesstonMtheProperty►.orarryPartthereof.tnitso�nnameortntt�enam�oltheTrustee.anddoatryacbwhtebit ��c�' ,
<br /> • � . dgemsnp,eessaryerdesirableMpreservet!►evaftt�marKetabilifyotrentabAitytotihePropert5f.orar�Partthereolortr�asttherein. ���-�-�v=,
<br /> � ° `' [ncrease the income tfieretrom or protect the security hereof artd.witA or without ffiking pcssesslon o�@�o���.cosLs and -----
<br />_ . � . othe�r[se colteCt tha re�ts.[asues and profits thereuf.in�luding those Past dae and unpaid,ana aRPhl =_-
<br />" �� ,' ��etermine�.Th errted g'irPO artd ItaWng passe�ion ot the Property,the cottectio of su h�ffi.�ssues a�pmfds and tRe ____ - -
<br /> . . �y d act dane in = -
<br /> � . � applfieation thetaot as etoresaid.8ha11 not cure or wai�re any detault ar natice of deffiu1t hereunder or tnvatidate anY N-
<br /> ° - . �ponset�suchQatauitorpursuanttosuchnoUaeofdstauttandnat+�ithstandingtleecontinuanceinDessessionoltheFropert�lar -
<br /> ` tAe coS�ecdon.�eceiDt and aADlicaUon ot tertts,issuBS ar profft9.and Trusiee and lender shall 0e enUlted ta exereise every dSM �
<br /> .• ' • ' . ' � ptovidedfarinanyottheLoanOocumenfsorbylawupcnaccurrenceofanyrEre�taf0efaulhafiibecumulativ with,aitdinUnow�aya�
<br /> � ' e�cercfse the pawer af saie.Wnher.Lender s rigists ar�d remed[ea urMer this Para9►aP
<br /> � limiffittonon.Lendersdghtsandremedi�sunderarrya�slgnrasbntot[easesandteals�ecordeda9ffinstt�ePt�Dart}'.�d�Tr��e -
<br /> _ . . _.. arsd tt�e reoeirrer shail be Oable to a�unt onry thase reMs actuatty�eived. . -
<br /> ,.: ,. �. � . •
<br /> . ". '.
<br /> � . . ;...
<br /> -`-- -.--..-.-------- '11:EY+�nts�0e�atflt-The taflawing sha�constitute_an_�cen�of Qetautt under this OeeC o
<br /> . ... .
<br /> . ..:.._. _
<br /> . -; .. . --- �:-:. �S)F2:tcua to pay am installment a'r princlpaf or tnteragt oi ar►y other sum secuie��ieieby artten ue:. __. ... . _. ...
<br /> � (p) Abreachotor�c?aultuaderanyrprovisioncant�inedinthe[�tots.thIsDeed'ofTcust.anYal�LaanQ�mertts.areriy
<br /> . ' cLhar 1[en or encumhrance c�..^an tAe Ptoce�Y ---
<br /> . . . (�).p,Krit otexecution orattacAmeMO�anystm:'.ar process shali ba emered againstTrus4aG+k°eicb shall0ecflme a llen on
<br /> _.:..' •'•.. . ' • .
<br /> _...._----.: .,--. . --•• �e Pro�ty or arry pot6on thereof_or interest therein; . �
<br /> • (�Fhere snall be Tted by or against Trustnr or Bcffower en-actlon unQer airy present mr,fl�re te�erak slate or a� -
<br /> ,. . . ' : � statute,law or regutatian rel8tlng w banlwptc�P.en�atvency or other reliet for debtor�orttiera�tc31i beapppiciied any trus�.�. --- ---
<br /> •�.'�: ottheRro e or�erents.issuesorprofitst�re0l.orTcustor �
<br /> ,s;,,;:„•.�.
<br /> ,1,,+{, :-• . .� �,.� re�eiverotltquidator�Tnt3iororBorrowerorofa1tarsnYpart A nf►• . �
<br /> �����i:;:��>�:;�"� ,,:. . �� � or Bortower shaQ ma'�ce ar.'9 general assignment farthe benefit of creditor� ot or ir►ter8st[n tRe
<br /> �.,,.:,�,-,. . .
<br />- �;�:.,-.�:;�;}•'•;`'��,�, `-�:':�,;''�,.i (e)The�saf�ttansYer.lease.assigRmeaL ca�r�ce or tuMer encumbran��all er any a�Y _.
<br /> � . ����<� . . :•.:;i^ PropeRy.eIther voluntarity or inwlur�ly.wiU:�.�13¢e exPress written co}1se�af Lender,provtded tf�at Ttustor sf�ai�be _ _—_
<br /> r. ., �
<br /> ' . permitted to execute a tease ot the Propeny that daes r�t cornain aa aA�on to purchase and theterm of whtcb daa not exceed ��
<br /> . 01l8 y2a1:� �`^-
<br /> � • (fl qpandonment of the Property:or ��
<br /> ` • . � (g)IfTrustDrisnotenindividuai,theissuance.saler.transfei•ass�9�m�rtkconyBY��orencumbranceoimorethanato�! �,K
<br /> � . ' o� pe�cent of(if a eorporaUon)ib issued and outstanding stock ar(it a partnetship)a total Of pettent ot
<br /> � perine�rstti Ep nterests dudng ihe Pe���is Oeed ot Trust remal�s a Iten on tria ProAertY. .�^_--
<br /> . � ��R��k�p,pon Q�yuN.tn Ne svent o?any Erentol0etauit Lender may.wlt�out notice exceptas re4uired bY a-
<br /> h o
<br /> • ;• 1, � Iaw,dectare aU indebtedness secured hereby to be due and Rayabte en0 the same shall thereupon beeame due ancf paf'aWe ;;,�..
<br /> without atry presentrnent demand,protest or rtoUce of any kiad.Thereafter Lender may. �
<br /> �� (a}Dem3r►d that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted notein.and Trustee shall triereafter cause Tasto�a =_ _
<br /> v�� , interest In the Pro�erty to Oe soid and the proceeds to Oe Cis�tributed,atl in the manner provided In the NeOraska Trosi Qeeds �.
<br /> . . , .. • Act -
<br /> ' ` (b) Exercfseanysndallrigl�tsprovidedfarinanyottAeLoanDocumentsorbylawupanoa;urrenceatanYEventofDeta��C _
<br /> �':. . • � �(c)CommeneeaneCdontoforectose4his0eedofTruStasarnoRgage.apAointereceiver.orspecifleally►entorceattyolthe -_��.
<br /> covenartts hereot `--—_—
<br /> " � � No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee os Lender is intendeQ to be encluslve a1 any other�emeQy hsrein,in tfie _-_ _
<br /> �y . �pan posumenb or by law Orovided or pem�itted.but each sha11 De cumuiative.shall be in addition to eveN otller remedY Btv�► �.-. --�-
<br /> Aereunde►.in Me Loan 0ocumer�or noworheceattar exiSting at taw ortn equity or by statut�aad may Q�exer�ed cA�►�11►. s����� -��- _
<br /> _ '-�'�!C °_�_;,,
<br /> ___.��• . . in�ePendenUY or succe.ssivelY• • •' .�
<br /> _ 13.��'!he T stee may resign at any time w i t h o u t c a u s e.e n d L e n d e r m a y a t a n Y tim e and vrit?�out cause appctnt a • :�,=: ,-'
<br /> includin withoutlimitatlanlertder.6orrow8�Trusforaralry •
<br /> � s��eessorprsuby�ituteTrustee.TrusteeshaUnotbeiiabtetoarryPa�►Y• g ..
<br /> y•� .: ,. . purchaseraltnePropeny.forFUrytossordamageunlessduato�ecktessarwilltuimisconduetandshailnatberequiredtoffikearty ._
<br /> ac�on in connectlon wi�r the entorcemeiri of tt�is Deed o9 Trust unies9 indemnifle0.tn�vriting,for sil cosb.campensaUan or . , a
<br /> . � ' . e�s�hich may pe essociate�therewith.ln adEition.Trustee may become e purchaser at any sate of the Property Qudiclai er • �-
<br /> � � ' under the power ot Eaie granted hereiny;postpone t�e saie of aU or any parUon o11t►e Propart�l.as provtded by law.cr satl tria
<br /> : . � prope�ty as a vrhofe.or in s2parate parcels or Mt9 at Trus�e's discretion. _
<br /> - 14.�and EYp�n�a.tn tha evettt Ttu3tee SeUS the P�operty b1l exerclse o1 pawer o!sale.Trus�tee shail h0 entiUed OD aPD�Y . =
<br /> � airy sate P�9��tO P��t of atl eests a�d e�enses of exereising power ot sate.inciudte:9 ail TruSDee's tees.8ted Lender's - . .-
<br /> . . . . ' and Trwtee s atiomey's tee9.acwalty Irtcurtc0 to exten9 pennitted bY aPDlicabte Iaw.tn the e�ent Barrower or Trusier exercises anyt
<br /> � righ4 pravided Oy taw to eure an Erent ot Qetautt�nder sAau bo entit►ed to recaver hom Tnisto►ell eests and expenses actualry ..
<br /> - • . � istcu:r0d ag a�esvit p1 Tnmor's detauit including wlthout Iimthation all Tnis�s s and attomey'9 fe�.to f�e extettt psmirtffid bY
<br /> � � gp�icebf�(aw -
<br /> �•� . ,� .. 15.FetOrn A�raneM.Upon re4ue�t at 6arrowar.Lender may.at its opUon,make addi8anal and hrture advances and re- „ , N
<br /> •y� , ' . � Ett£.'�antestoBorrower.SuchadvancasanOreadvances�witt�intorest�ereon.sriaflbesecuredbythisQeedofTn�stAtnatimesAaU � �„
<br /> tt�ep�IncipalamauntoltfteindebtedrtesssecuredbytJ�i9Qeedo?Tnastno inotudingsums �c��is���esecuriryatthls
<br /> � . � ' Q�d af Tnnt exc�ed the o�iginal prutcipal emaurt statea herein�os S �
<br /> 16.lB�Ow Rio�
<br /> (�g���.E�ension ot the bme br p�yment a rttod�ftratian of an:arti�ation a!the swns seeured Dy th!s . .
<br /> � � � ` Qead�iTrustgrentt3dbyLendertoarrysurcess¢rin[MerestefBonow�rshall�otoperaietoretease inanymannet.t�liabiltty
<br /> en ,
<br /> ��', . '. . Mtheoriginaf8orrowe*end8ortowerssucce�rslnintere3tL�nderst�allnotbereQuirestocommeneeproceedings�gainst � ;
<br /> : '.� -. � . -- ... _ -- suchsuccessorarce'tusetoe�ertOtirrtetarpaymentoreiherwisema�it�►arrtorti�►�onotthes�a�sserauedbytriisQeedolTnut .
<br /> • Oy reasan af aay Qecnands rtta�a�11 the original Borro9rer and Barrowe�'s suecessors in irrtereSL � ..
<br /> Y �� . . � �p� �'a P��es.Without etiecE'srtg tR�tiaCiliry ot amt cther persan ti�:a tor the P��of��°�`a3�°eremrtare i � .
<br /> = � men�oned,an�withautafteetingcheti�nercAargBOtthi9QEedr�l7tustuDonarr�pat0onolth9Prop8rty
<br /> �.. � ' � � �. r�easedasLecurii�tto�UhofuiiameuntotEillun�a;det!ig��ns�tendeamaY.iromtimetoti�r.sa+�d�utRaIICeli)rele3ssasry � :
<br />„v • • :�. � pe�CnsotiaD;e fi)e�ndthomaLirityorait�rfllryofUtetetm9of8rryuucha�ligatiarts.(i�i) a9utrirtdu! ertc�(ivyce:ease
<br /> B� g
<br /> '--.:,,� .. :. . • . .: or reeamrt�y.o�ca�e tQ ba reteasQd ar rseanveyed at arry nrt:a a1 lenQer's o�on arry parcet.Por�on or ail of tR9 Pra�rty. i .
<br />. ---- - . - (v)raka er�:E�e fmy aus�r vr is�iri�irr;,S s�,-r'.��W.;�^-��^^'.�ea�d.ar(rdl mak9 eosnPasitian9 ar att�er �. __ __-�_ .
<br /> . • gtrattgErttca�t3�h�Dtars in rei�an ttcesetn. . . •:t !
<br /> . .. . . . . Page 2 of�9 ' .
<br /> .� • t, � .
<br /> . ,
<br /> . . . . . .
<br /> . , .
<br /> . . . �-,,.�._- • .
<br /> , .,, . � _ _. . _ _ _ — _. _
<br />