-��^- ' . :ti �r*� , •` < < _ _ _ -ti._ ,.�.. .- - ..�,* . , - i4..' .� .�.:
<br /> .h �„� r . y - . . . - . �' a . t� ` " �' .�� t P� � Yt -
<br /> .y}� ' ;t� ', . � �. - _ ._.�. ` ' Y 4 S...l.' �
<br /> i ' 7 < ` � � • . . . I f�`. <. . . � -.
<br /> �l,.l � �;Qj ' . ' C` , "�_ P y_ ,`y� ,G - A-. �` r' •�i�;iC,-.
<br /> ( . ,} _ �.i �C.y �[L ��� _ �� -
<br /> �. - y ,f- .�f , �� 1 �•R..47.C-.�ar=
<br /> _ , � • . "TJ�l1�?��, , �'g���__
<br /> . `` � � ,. � � 3� ����--�_�°--
<br /> ° � . ; ` ' ``�' . � DEED OF�RUST YY1'�H FUYd1RE ADYOlNC� 4��~��$�� : � ����,~__--
<br /> �. �---
<br /> � , A. ' _ . \ . —.
<br /> ' � ° ' � T�i�B Fi�ED OF TRUST.is rnnds a�af tha�a d1 Qecet�er ,t�.�.�Y and am�n9 d=�--.
<br /> ` . ' . Lsr�n/ J. BOCOB�eCk 8I� J��B�A. SomBer3cr hus�oari$ 87'si9 Wif� ,._.:.._. =__ _--- -
<br /> � � � - ene Taamr. ,
<br /> .� ."• � wnase ma�ttn9 addreas�� P 0 Box 229� �Sheltaa�� I� 6887fi �he�ein"fias�r.t'ahrtri�r cne cr rtianb . ____ _ -------
<br /> _�,
<br /> � �. � _ . _ —_---
<br /> ' .•' . tha Trustee, Mret Stz►te AanIt •' --___
<br /> ; . . . � � __—
<br /> > . . �� � P o Sox 639, Shelton. NS 6B�76 _ -
<br /> , , " ,� . whos9 anaiting edQrBSS fs (P�erein'"TiuSUO'�,and �"
<br /> • " ' . the 8en6flciary. F3.�8t 5ts3te B3ilk � �-
<br /> .
<br /> � .. . . - whose maftdng address ia P O�ox 639. Shel�cn. NB 68876 Eh�rain"Lende�:
<br /> • � FOR VAA.UABIE CGNSIDERAA710N.Includ[ng Lender's extenston ot cndit ide�rtiC�Qeretn to��J• � ��� -�
<br /> . �� �� • Larty J. Ba�beck d�ir�g bvsiness as Platte tlalley Pro�oane
<br /> ` (heretn"6orrower".vrhet�er ono os,more)arid fne trust hereln cratteQ. _
<br /> . � the receip!af wtftch[s heraby ecknow�dged,T�r heTeby Irtsvacabty grar►t9.transters��onveY9 and saeigr�a t�Trus�iN �
<br /> � �� � TI�UST,WfTHROWEROFSAIE,forthebertsfitsndsecudtyofLender.urtderar�dBUbJecttothetem�andcanQ'i�onsffareSnsRlrset ___
<br /> . . � , _. .. .. taM.the real prop��das�ribed as fotloWrs —-
<br /> � • ' . I�ots 4� 5� 6� 7� 8• 9� 10� 11• ancl 12r BloCk 4 C1,a�Ck'S Add'ItifCr1 to the Villaqe of WCSOd --
<br /> ' ' . . , � Rivet: an8 Lots 1. 2. and 3, Block 6. Qark's Addf�i.on to the Village of Woo� River: �and --
<br /> , �.: • Lafis 13,. 14, an�i the West 10 anches of Lot 15. Block 26. original. �rn�of Wooc3 Riv�t. aZl
<br /> ' .. fn Hall Qoua�ty Neb�a�� �.
<br />,, ,� • • • ` , • TayaC.�r with all baiiding&itnprovementa.(ixture9.sbceets,eBeYs►P�9�Ya�setrt�t�ts,d9hts.PsIv[t�es and appu�ta'
<br /> --
<br /> .. .
<br /> .�--=-,`-�-".... . . narr�tr�ated�8�ereon arin�anywise-Re��nM9 thereto:and the rent&issues artd prcfita��eve�s:ons and rem�indersflse�ec� .-- -
<br /> ' - sucfi Rersonal pro�tfiat Is attached�o ti�e improvementa so as to consHt�La a tixcure.incic.�d:rtg,trut nct L:,^ntted t0.heating and ,
<br /> coo(!n�equipmen�es�lsgetNer wlih tAe homeste:s!ar marHal irrtereste.ii any,�rht�h Irtterests are hereny rcl�ased 8nd waivec�aii
<br /> � •' • . otwbtch,inctudingr�cf�menteandadditIansUr�,fsherebydsc(aredto@ct��arto?tAerealesffitese�eObYthetienolMls .
<br /> �`�; ' � Oeed ot Trust and a�a€t4'�a 4oregatng�eing refesrai 4o herein as the"Prope?t'f: —
<br /> - . - . .. � • This f�d o'J Yev�stlatl secuce(a)tAe payment ef the prind�f surri�.Rd.lrt.erest evidenced�ll a Piomissory�ate or ereGtt ��—
<br /> . �Pl��-�
<br /> � • . agreea�ent daffid °"' cLtes � see nacr� 3 ,ha�cg a maNr�C�ie ot �oL datcas - �s2p �q�y Z� �•:��
<br /> ��
<br /> . _:...� ',.. .�.._ .�� . _ in the ac�prtnctpal amaunt oi S �0.000 Qg • end any and all modificaUons.e�ststans ans te�tevrals .
<br /> �•;�,
<br /> � � � thereof or thareto and any and all tuture advances end readvances to Borrower(or any of them if more ihan one)h8zeunder �
<br /> . � � pursuant to one or more promi5sory n7�s or c�edit agreemenb(herein caQed"Note'�:(b)trie Payment of ott�ef sums edvanced by
<br /> r '• Lender W probsctthe security of the Hote;(c)the perbrmance of atl covet�ants and agreements otYrustor set fort1�heretn;en8(d�ali . •
<br /> ' � ' present and t�ture tndab2eQrtess end obiigaUons of Borrower(or any�a�them if mare than orte)to Lender whether direG,indireck
<br /> absofute ar writingent and whether arising ay note.guaranry.overdraft or otnerwisa The Nate,ttets Qeed o!Trust and arry end eif _
<br /> - � ---- - -- o8lerQauanfsthate9curotAeNoteorothervrtS�executedinconnectiontherewitt�.inetudingwitharilimitattanguarar�tee�securiH ;._ , .
<br /> . . .I .�. agreBra�ents and asslgnments oi teases and rents,shail be reterred to herein as the"loan Documenta". r�� ��
<br /> Trustor eavenar�arrd agr�s wiM Lender as foltovra t
<br /> � � 1. PrynNnt d tnd�bpd�a�.AI!indebtedness secured hereby shail 0e pald wh8n due. :'' .
<br /> � 2. TiB�.Tntator t�the owner oi the Proyerty.has the right and autho�ity to convey the Property.an0 wanaets that the tien
<br /> created hereby Is e firet ana pdor Ilen on tho Property.except tor liens and encumbranees set foM 6y Trustor in wtiUng end ' �,� �.�_
<br /> � Qe�{vered to L+e�der Defore execution o1 this Oeed of Trust and tha exeeuUon en0 d811very of th(s Deed of T�ust Qoes noivialata any ,..•�z :_ ..,�_
<br /> - .. . . conbac,tor otRer o�li�atlon to which T�usmr is suDject ' .F�'�'-� ' .. �
<br /> �� 3, Ta�.AsMp�b.To pay before datinQuency sll taxes,s�ectal assessments and all other cAa�ges agninst tt�e Properry N,�s;, �
<br /> . � , . ' now o�hereatter levled �� �-A
<br /> •�.% .. . 4. tnsuwne�.TokeeptnePro�ertyinsuredagatnstdamagebyftre.halar+d9inctu�edwithintheterm"eztendedao�rerage:�d .. � � . --
<br /> . � such a9ier her8rd9 as L8n0er may�e4utre,in amounb and with wmpanies eCOeptabls to Lctnder.namtng Lender e�an addJtlonal . , � 1��.°
<br /> r�amed Insured.witb loss payab�e to the Lertder.In case o1 tass under sucA poficies�the Lender Is autherfzed ta adjust cofta:t end . •
<br /> ' � � campromis�atI ctaims tAereunder and sha11 have the oA�an of apprying a11 or paR o1U�e tnsurance proceeQs n to arry tndsDLedness • � �
<br /> �� ' � secure0 hereby and in such ordar as Lender may determine.(i�to the Trustor ta be used tar the repairor�estoratton olthe Praperty � � ' ' ..: �4
<br /> . or(ii�tararryotherpurposeorobjeclsatistactorytoLBnderwithouteffectingthe118nOTlhisQeedafTnrsttOrthetu118m0untaewred _�1f.,, .�:...,,
<br /> � - hera0yl bstore sucb payment evar toek piacs.Any epPfiptlon of procee0s to IndeDteQaess shall no!exten0 or pos�ons tha dua . . .. u
<br /> � dats at arty paytrterrts under the Note,or cure any deisult tt�ereunder ar hereunder. � ,
<br /> � � 5. Eterow Upon written demand by Lsnder.Trustor shati pay to LenQer.in auch manner as lander may Qeslgnate.sufttclent . .
<br /> '�' • � aumsbenabfeLenCartopayastheybecomadueoneormoreofthetoftowing(i)aiitaxe9.assessmemsando�eret�argesagainst • • -
<br /> - '. . ' , the Pre�p�ttZy.(i�Ute prerniums on the proaaRy insurance required heteunder,end(Li�trie premiums on any mottqag9 Insuranee ' . . , �
<br /> fBQU���8C1�T
<br /> ' �. � • : 8. MainMnane�.R�pates�nd Csrt�pBanp�rHA Is*s.Trustor sAaU keep tRS Progerty In good condiL'on ar►d repatr.shafl
<br /> promp2ty�tr.or r�{ace any improverttern wvAtcfl may be damaged or destroye�shati not commtt or permit any waste.or '
<br /> de�torat�on o1 the Property ahal!not temove�demottsh ar subsffintialty alter arty of the rmprovemerrts an ftte PropBrRy.aha11 not
<br /> = ° ,: cammit,sufferor�ermitarryactt�OeQone(noruDontheProperrytnviofatlanofarrylaw.ordinancer,orregutadon;andsMllpayart0 . �.
<br /> . promp�y dtscharge at Trusto�a cast and expense aU tlens,ertcumbtartces and char$es levied.imposed m assessed e�gainst tl►e
<br /> � Pro�tly or ariy parl NereoL � .
<br /> ' � T. Ee�u Domab.Lender is hereLry esslgned a11�ampensfltlon,awar�s,Qamages and omer paymartts or retief(heteinafter .
<br /> . . _ �. . "Proceed�")in eanneetlon with conQ8mn8tian er othes takirrg olthe Pro�eny or psrtthereo�or for comreyertce in Itev ot eenQemna- � � .
<br /> � � � • tion.Leitdar shalt be enUtied at ib option to commence.appear in and prasesute in ib own natne arty actlon ar pror.etsdirtga,ana • '
<br /> • • shatl etw be enh'ited to make arry compra�nlse ar seffie�ent in eonaeetian with suc8�ng or Qamage.[n tha eventarry poaBan o4 « �
<br /> � � • the Presperty is ao taken at damaged.l�nder shall havo the opZion.in iis sofe and absotute disCrotion.to epA1�/e11 suCh ProceeQ� ; . :.
<br /> cspe
<br /> • aRerdeducttng tReretrom e11�s�artd expenses incurred by it in cannecBOn witt�suctf Prar.ee�.upan any indebtedness sscuied �
<br /> � � � • hereby artd in sucA orQar es Len�e�may dsteimine�or to ap,pry all sueh Proeead�.aRer sucA Q�tuetnn9.m the resmreaton a1 the ' .
<br /> Prape�ty utpon such ccnditlo�es LanQer rt�sy determina My apAilcaHOn o1 Proceeds tcinQtsOtemn85s stiall rtot extsnd cr postpana r
<br /> �� � � . � � " tAe dtce Qate of atry paytr.e�urtQer the Het�er cure arty detdul!theteunQe�or hereurtde♦.My unaDptied turtds shall Ce pal0 to � • �
<br />_ �: , . : / T�usmr.R�Or��Upon tha ocourrence ot 8n Event of Cefault harevrtder.ar it em►act is ffiken ar legai proCeeding j
<br /> , � , oaimrt�e�wAtchmaLSristfi�►afteeblender'stntorestlntheProperry.tsrsdermayini�owndiseretion.eut�tRautoetigaticn�do : .
<br /> . . �and�iUsouQ noHa ta ar demand upan Tn�or and witAUUt reisasing Tn�r tram arry ob4igatton.do any ep whtr.A Tn�ar has � �
<br />_` � • ' ; e,�raed but ta(!s to Qo and may aL�o do erry oLT:er act It deems necessary to proteettno srcarity Rereat Trusmr sRail.immediatety i : "
<br /> a�on darcand Netatot bylander.paytn Lm►Qerall ccsb8rt4 eupense9 irtauvedand sumse��ed bY Lender In cenutecnan with
<br /> . , tt�aoxereissbylandsroltRatare�oIstgriglri�tagetherwiMint:restthereonatthodefaultr9tepravlaedinthehat�V�rhieAsAailbo ;
<br /> �, �° - _� � aQded to Qte irtdeDtedness setutiad hereby. Lender sttall net trtcur 8ny l�anstay Decause e1 artytfltr�q it may do or omit to dr� ; � � .
<br /> ' .� -:_----.- -- � � -�:_--__'
<br /> . . � � Page 1 of 4 :. - � : .
<br /> '"�. ..` � � .
<br /> . .
<br /> , ���
<br /> .
<br />