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<br /> �?� .iy• '
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<br /> <#���" � „ S. E�a7srd os Prop�ty IaSaractce 8arrower shali �eep the improvements now exisdng or hereat�er eres.Ked cv� the ' �� :��
<br /> "= '� ° propert},in4+ued agaisist loss by fire. hzaards,i�clude� �+ntIrin the term "•extended coverage" and any other ha7ards.3nci�sding ,`:`� ,..
<br />-'•'���'``tl' � � f�o o d s o r f l oodin g;far which I,.ender requires insutance-"i�is�asur.�e s�a116e maintained in t8e amouns and for the periods , y � , . k:. -
<br /> � �`�:: ;, . . --
<br /> ~-��%:•.�.c� ,.'�;-;• ' t h 3 t L�n d e r r e q u i r e s•'rhe insuran�e�er providing the insur,u�ce shati be chosen hy Borrotiser su bj e c t t o L e n d e r's a p provai _
<br /> re
<br /> � � � � °= � which shal! not be unseasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain ooverage descn'6 a c t a bove. L en de r m a y. a t L e n d e r's _
<br /> ��F_" '$,� ` �optian,o�tain coveiage to proteet Lesdcr's rights in tiie Pcopesly in accordance with pataScaPh 7. .. ,� :_ _
<br /> ,,,�...��_ qq i�ce policies an� renewals sffalt be acceptable to Lender and shall inciude a standar+d mortgage c(ause. Lender _
<br /> � ", �� shali hav�the right ta hold the poficies and renewals.If Lender requires.Borrowea shal!psnmptly give to Lender all re�eipts of —
<br /> _�}l�+"_ qr.,•.L' ' . . °,. `t
<br /> �-��:,:�,;•.__ , , paid premiums and renewal nouces.Inthe eveat of loss.Sorcower shall give prompt notice to the insurance�earrier and Lender.
<br /> �`-`' '= I vnASr may make�pmof of loss if not made prompdy by Barra�ver. ���
<br /> ���`=�u, of the , e.; --
<br /> ���,�r � Unless L.ender and Borrowes otherwise agree in wriring.insurance proceeds shail be applie�d to restmtation or mpair
<br /> L�t'_Sc 43�.[���� ' . .,
<br /> _ ---_--•-r�_� 'pmperty damaged,if the restorarion or repair is economically feasibie and l.ender's securitx is not lessened.If the restaration or ;j ��,r�
<br /> �- > -�r���.� �
<br /> �,, , , ,,,r, repair is not economically.feasible or l.ender's security would be lessened.the insuranee prooeEds shalt be applied to the sums f�w"' �
<br /> ��,?�•�:� y aid to Bormwer.�[f Borrower a6andons the '�?���s'
<br /> :� Secured by this Secvrity Instnunent.whether or not then due,with an excess p _�.
<br />-.,._-��.�,,-c:_.C�.�' .-. .
<br />-==-��..�-�:�'�'X•�� Property,or does not answer wisirin 30 da,ys a notic�from Lender that the insurance ca�er has offered to settle a claim.then '•_ � �au,.
<br /> .� . >,;� �s: �� • �T �
<br /> �-'.:��s-•- Lendec may collect the insurance prooeeds- 1-ender may use the proceeds to cepair o; restore the Propertyr or to pay sums ,_i_� �_ __
<br /> . x�,�..��••- • ti. .,._
<br /> �q��;;t.'�`r�'.;��� secured 6y this Securiry Instrument,whether or rtot then due.The 30-day�period will begin when the nocice is given. �-�;
<br />.:��_�;;�,�:�;w:�:;_ Unless Lender and Borrower othetwise agree in writing, any appliration of proceeds to prinripal shall not e�ctend or •_� ,',;���__
<br /> y menu referred to in pardgraphs 1 and 2 cn chaage the amount of the payments• If • r'= -
<br /> ` poscpone the due date of the inonilil pay r ' � �
<br /> ` _ ��`-'�'`--.., ' under paragrap6 2l ti�e Praperty is acquired by Lender:Bomnwer's right to any insurance poticies and pmceeds resulting fram 4 � �'� �.�_
<br /> -..•: . •
<br /> " �� " � � � damage fo t]ie PFopei�Y p�iorto�the�acquisitioa shall pass to i.enderso�he extent af th�sutns se�ured by this Security Instrutnent . ---
<br /> -- t= .-� " immediately prior to the acquisition. S !� ��
<br /> ':i• . ' 6.Occapanc.7'.Preservarion,Matntenance and Protection of t1�e Property;Borrower's Loan ApplEcattoa:I.easehoi,�s. �.e;'' -" _-
<br />�:�A�.:..;::.:•,'".Y..'..:'� a,.r��. .-
<br /> Borrower shall accapy.estab{ish.and use the Property as Borrowec's principal residence avithin sixtY daYs after the execution of f�...-_
<br /> � • this Securiry Instrument and shall continue to accupy the Prapescy as Borrower's priacipal residence for at least one year after �':��-
<br /> �� ; ''. � the date of occupaztcy,unless I.ender otherwise agrees in writ'ing,wluch oonsent sh�11 not be unreasonably withheld.or unless. "= _
<br /> extenuating circuu�stances exist which are beyand Borrowei s control. Borrower shall not destroy, datnage or impair the �� _
<br /> `''.:,j't��y. � Properry. allo�the Property•to deteriorate.ar commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forFeiture
<br />_ •� �����''-.z;:�� • action or procee3ing;whether'civii ar criminal.is began that in I.eader's good faith jucSgment wuld nesult in forfeiture of the
<br /> � ..� �' � ` Property�r otherwise materialiy impair the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or l:ender s security intQrest.Borrower may
<br /> � .' ' `, � cure such a de�,:z�t and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br />.-�-``��`�r�.� �� ',� t h a t. i n l.e n d e z's gaod faith determination,�:ecludes forfeiture of the Sonowei s interest in the P�'opercS+ or other material __
<br /> �„ �;�'..'• '• �impairment of tse lien created by this Sec�lnstrument or Lender s security interest. B orroF�e�s h a U �l s o b e i n d e f a u l t i f �,
<br /> � ������"� • � • • g pp p ve materiall false or inaccurate informaao�or s�emencs to Lender(or faited
<br /> .:';�F�;.'`�F=; Borrower,dwin the laan a licatioa racess.ga 9 _
<br /> � ' � to rovide Lender with any material information)in conr.ection with the loan evideBOeai by the Note.inclading.but not{imited �' ;fi
<br /> . :�,;.�g�'- � i P
<br /> .-�.47•�,Wp�, ' LO,representations concemin$Borrower's accnpancy o f t h e P r o p e r c y a s a p r i n c i p a!c�s`_d e n c e.i f t h i s Securit y Instrument is on a �.r•� ,
<br /> '�" ' leasehoid. Horrower shall comply with a1� the provisions of the lezse. If Borrower�cquires fee title to the Property, the ;_,_� • �
<br /> ; :�.
<br /> �_`��:�.���:� • ��
<br /> --•=��"�'�,-, ,� � leasehold and the fee title shall nat merge unless Lender agrees to the n:.r�er in writing. . �:,
<br /> _°� s,:<i1==:... ,'+ + If Borrower faits to perform the covenancs and agreements contained ir� . �.- ,;.__�
<br /> 7.Pirotettlon of Lender s Rlghts in the Property • ,� ��-_
<br /> �`� :,�.:,�; . t��s gecurity lnstrument.or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's righu in the Property (such as a � "� �,s� ,=.�.
<br /> �''� ' � .- p�ceeding in bankruptcy,probazec for condemnarioa or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations). then Lender may do and ,�����_
<br /> .� ����� ��; pay for whate�er is necessary to protect tC'w value of the Property ar�d Lender's rights in the Pr�peny. Lender's accions cnay �,���-'
<br /> : . :�. .�:�_.. include pay'sn; any sums secured by a [:.�.which has priority o�•er this Security i�trument. �ppearing in court, payi�'� '�_ ��,,.�
<br /> i.
<br />,.�',c-- ��-,fk • . � .
<br />-- � ;_;;���� r�sonable attomeys'fees and entering on t9:�Property to make repairs.Althougt►Lender may take action under this paragra.�L•a � _ . , ��=
<br /> � � 7,t�der does nat have to do�so. 1`'� '` -
<br /> . .t: � . . � i .�r'�.Y�l.. �. . '_.
<br /> ';; � .. '. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragnph 7 shall become x�ditional debt af Borrov�er secured ay this n�, �
<br />- ' • � � • Se�rity tnstn..^*ent.Unless Bonower and l.ender agree to other terms of payment.these amounts shall bear interest from the .� �`;;
<br /> ::_j:.:_..�,�,s,i.: � I � • - - -
<br /> -. . date of disbi;.-sement at the Note rate wnd ehaU be payable, with int�rest.upon notice fmm L.�..der to Boaower requesting � x�
<br /> :.:: . . payment. � ' �-
<br /> '�' `' . ;. ._:,.�.•., S.Mortgage Insurano�-If l:ender required mong�,,e i�urance as a conditia�ef making the loan secured by this Security ' �
<br /> -=,'_7•,i':. .i' ! • 3
<br /> •�;f�:° :::'t�� `:�'� �•`:, � [nstrument, fionower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason. the . . a .
<br />�-ti-L.L.v�..�.i." .'.t'.''n:•: � . R .
<br /> ;..�;;_;-•��., �• �.;�: ' mortgage insurance cuverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums requircA to . _
<br /> �r '�" :..; ; obtaiR coverage suhstantially equivatent co the mortgag�insurance previousty in effect.at a wst substantially equivalent to the -'��.
<br /> �•�;�=,. .�,°„
<br /> =��ri�'�� '� � cast to Borrower of Ihe rno�age insurance previously in effec� fra:n an altemate mortgage irsurer approved by Lender. If �'
<br /> � .
<br /> """"=���=;s�� ! snbstantially equivalent mc�,;ge insurance coverage is not availabie.Boaower s�zl!pay to Lender esich month a sum equat to . • . .,�
<br /> ::�,€__ ��.,,�::;_°•}:;Y.: .
<br /> - ,;:-��_��; one-twelfth of the yeariy r.x�age Insurance premium(xing paid 6y Borrower�ti�I::,�c h e i n s u r a n c e c ov e r a ge la psed or ceASeU to �,�..:
<br /> i �a �-,�.. •' be in cffect.Lender wi11 accept,use and r°+.ain these payments as a loss reserve in t:ru of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve -
<br /> :�,.r.;:;-�.� �� Form 3028 3I�0 ,. . �� `
<br /> i�,:n :r'ic}'�� � � ,i:::
<br /> 1;.'.;ie�,: �!,!�`i�'{•.`' Vapo 3 of 6 .,+e�a�
<br /> '=���,� V�•_:`;. . . - ,r� .
<br /> �w1 fi'"+ a
<br /> -•�4i�dw.�1��1�'.-tt:• . 1�. { :
<br /> ^l''i_ .
<br /> _ •\�
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