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,, . .,..,r <br /> ,u..,,. <br /> . .�,.,, „ . _,� <br /> ` • •TY��, , , . --',�.� <br /> - . , '_��,,`-�-- � � ., '�•' - <br /> ,. ... ......._ . _.,.__.. ..... ., „ - <br /> . _•_--...----..._.._-- <br /> . .. ____.. .__... ___ .. _ <br /> .-�-�---......-- -. .._.._._ .._.. _ . . . _ <br /> .._----_.__ ...._. ._. 1 • <br /> _-- � , .��"-=_: <br /> � ��"��° ����1.:�.6 <br /> covc��n��Y� • � <br /> .� <br /> 9. Poym:n4o. Dorrnwur nproon ta malco all poymonta on iho ooCUrod dobt whNn duo. Unlana Borrowor ond LonAor aproo othorwloo, ony <br /> peymente Lon�er rncalvoe frorn Dorrower or for Borrowar'e benafit will �n oppllod lirot to ony omounto Borrawor owoo on tho aocurod dobt ,;_ <br /> oxclualvo a}Intoroat or princlpal,sor.ond to IntoraeY,ond ihpn ta princlpai.If pnrtinl propnymOnt of tho oocurod dobt occure for nny roeeon,it will �.�;� <br /> ° not reduco oi excuse eny echerlulod pnymont untll the socurod dobt ic�peid In full. ��'° <br /> �.Clsime Apein�t Tltb. Dorrawor will pey ull texoa,easeesmontn,end othor charpoe nttrlbutablo to tho proporty whon duo and witl dotnnd titlo },;,- <br /> to tho proparty e nlmt any cla�me whlch would Imacli tho Ilen of thlo dood of truot.londor mny rnqulro Borrowor to nsal�n nny riphto,clalme or �.�,. <br /> dofenne�wlilch�orrqwer mey heve epalmt partles who�upply Indor or matatiale to Improva o►malntain tho proparty. � <br /> 3,Inaurenae. Borrower wlll koop tho propnrty insurod under tetme accoptnhla to londar ot Borrowor'n oxponao nnd for Londor's benofit.All <br /> i �' <br /> Inturence pollaleo cheli Inciudo o etondard martpupo clouoe fn levor of 4ender.Londor will bu namad no losc pnyoo or nn tho Ineured on t+ny such { � '�. <br /> Inlurance policy.Any Insuranco proceodo mey be applled,within Lendar'e dl6eretlon,.to allhe�tho roetoratlon or ropalr o}the damapod property ,�4 <br /> � or to the socurod debt.If Landor rnqulreo morfpa0e Inaureneo,Borrower ep►ee�to memtaln nuch Insurenco for es lonp ea Lender requlrae, �_ <br /> 4.Property.Borrower wlli koop tho property In flood co�ditlan and mako ell rapnire ruasonobly nocossary. "� <br /> of�ust or In anyroti iI petion socurod by thla doed of V et 6orro�wor�wfll pey t eso emaunt to Londor�ns prov dod in Covene t 9�of this doad ot � <br /> truet. ° <br /> ' 8.Prlar 6�eurltV Int�nsU.Unlose Borrower tiret obtafne Lendo►'�written cor,sent,Borrowor wiit not mako or permit any chanpos to any prior �° .� `T <br /> socurity interests. Borrower will porform all of Borrower's obligetlone undG►eny prior mortpage, doed of trust or athar security aprcnment, `, <br /> including Borrower'o covonants to mako payments whan duo. . <br /> , 7.As�lpnm�nt o}R�nto�nd{�toftt�.Borrowor aesiqns ta Lendo►tho ronts and pro4lte of the property.Unlosa Borrowor ond Lender havo eproed ° s;�• <br /> otherwlso in writinp, Borrower moy collect end roteln tho rents as lonp ao Borrowor Is not In default. If Borrower dofaulte, Lendor, Lender's � <br /> agent,or e court nppofnted recoiver may toko possosaion end manage the proporty and colloct tho rents. Any renta I.onder collocts eholl ho ��r_. ,.�..�. <br /> appiled first to the coste of manayin tho property, inc�udin� court coatc end ettorneys'feea, commisslons to rontal apenta, end any other ���s <br /> neceseery reletod oxponsos.Tho romoQning emount of rents w I then opptV to peyments on the socured debt ea provided in Covenent t. Aa�=;:A��,�.:-�'�,.. <br /> ��_.__ _ <br /> 4.Lsenholdr Condominlumr,Pienn�d Unit Dsvtiopmento.tiorrowor agroo�to comply with thA proviclons of any leaso If thls deed of truat le on ,:,-,i�;;��,t�>-_, <br /> a Ieasahold. I�this doed of trust ia on a unit in a condominlum or a pla��ed unit dovalopmont, 8orrower will portorm all of Borrawor'o dutias �: !�ryP�, <br /> under the covonenta,bylawe,or regulations of tho condominlum or plenned unit development. ,.;-�� <br /> '.ii'�"_� - <br /> 9. Authority of L�nde to P�rfarm for Borrower. If Borrowor faila to porform eny of Borrowor's duNoa undor this doed of truat, Lander may ,+.•;;:,, .- <br /> perform the dutlos or causn thom to be portormed.Lendor muy eipn 8orrowor's nama ar pay eny amount if necosaory for performanco. If any .._r._,_�.r_�._ <br /> socurity interost int fio pro or1e dThls�may Include compteting tho construchl�o�manner,Lerde�nay do whatevsr fs nocoscary to protuct Land�r'e , �__ _----.-� — <br /> P P tV• ,a�ri.o;��� <br /> Lender'a taiiuro to porform wfll not preciude Ldnder frorn oxorcising any o4 Ita other dphta under tho law or this deed of trust. l�!c1'�`" <br /> �':�__� <br /> end wi I b er8interest f omt h tdato�of the peymont u til p8ldtin full at'It o�intoreSt�ro o n�oHoct on tho socu od dobt unts will bo duo on demand =_ - <br /> 10. Ddeult�nd Accdtratlon. It Borrower fefla to make any payment whan duo or broaks eny covenonte undor thfe daed of truot or any <br /> aa�me�d mmedle o peym+ent and may1inv k thn p we of selo a d eny othorrremadios permt ted bylapplicable ewurity of the eecured deAt end �� <br /> __ <br /> �����.;....�g��g tis,cnnr*n warh nnrson who ia e p�ttV ,-�_ <br /> 11,R�qu�st tor Noda�of D�feuit. It iS hereby requested cnoi cupina ui i��a���i�ces a ..•• <br /> hereto,at the nddrass of each euch porson,as sot forth heroln. <br /> 1?.. Powa of Sds.If tho Lender tnvokea tho powar of salo,tho Truetoe ehall first record in tho offico of the reglater of deedr.of eech county �•�;+%,;�v. <br /> whorafn the truat propurty or some part or parcol thereof ie situatod a notico of defeult containing the intormation roqulred by Inw.The Truttee �i <br /> ahall olso meil copies of the notice of default to the 8orrowor,to oach person who Is e party horoto, and to other peroans ao prescribed by <br /> eppUcable law.Not lose than one month after the Trostao rocorde thA notice of default, or two months if tho trust property la not in any . <br /> � incorporated city or viilago and fa usod in farming oporatione carried on by the truator,tho Trustee sheii gl�e pubiic notice of aeie to the persona iN <br /> and In the menner proscrfbod by appplicable iaw.Trustee,without domand on Barrower,shall sell the proporty at publlo euction to the hiphest <br /> bldder.If raquirod by the Farm Homestead Protoction Act,Trusteo shall oNer the property in two separeto seles as requlrud by appllceble law. �; <br /> Truatee may poetpone sele of ail or any parcel of the proparty by public ennouncament et the time and place of eny previoualy scheduled sele. ,{. <br /> . Lender or Its designae muy purchoea the propony at any calo. ' <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,Trustee ehall deliver to the purchaser Trustoa's deed convoylng tho proporty.The roaltiels contafned In <br /> R'4f` <br /> Truates's dead ehell bo prime facio ovidienco of the truth of the statementc cantained tharoin.Trustoo shall epply tha procoeds of the sele in the � '"��M <br /> ' foilowing ordar: (o) to all exponses of the sele, includinp, but not Iimited to, reasoneblo Truston's ittea, reusoneble ettornoy's feea end :���� <br /> � relnstetomont foec;Ib)to eli sums socured by this dood of iruat,end(c)the balanco,if any,to the persons Inpully entitled to rocalva it. + �. Ao,—,,,_:_ <br /> 13. Foroclotun.At Lender's option,thls deod of trust may bu foroclosad in the mannor provide by applicable iaw tor foroclosure of mortgapes r� ��''� <br /> on�oal proporty. . f �' � <br /> � 1A. Intpeotlon.Lendor may entor tho property to inapect it if Lender givea Borrowor nolice beforohnnd. 7ho notice must stote the raasona6lo <br /> �r� "'"'�.._ <br /> cause for Londer's fnspor,Uon. �� <br /> 16.Cond�mnaUon.Borrower assigns to Lender tho proceede of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnetion or other takinfl I „ ri,� <br /> of ali or nny pert of the propnrty. Such procoeds will 6o applied as provided in Covanent 1. This assignment is aubjoct to the terme of any prior ,. � <br /> socuriry agroomont. � ' J- �`' <br /> I �r, <br /> any remedy Bpon Borroweres defaulta Londord'es�not weivo eny riA t to lator�iconePd°rntho event aldofault�f it happens ge nY 8y not oxercising ' (,`. <br /> 17. Jotnt �nd Ssverei Llabtifty; Co•�ipnere; Successon end Attiflnt Bound. All dutioe under this deQd of trust are Joint and sevoral. Any ,* �' . <br /> Borrower who co-signa this dood of trust but dooe not co-sign tho undoriyinp dubt instrumontlsl doea so to flrant and convey thot I <br /> Borrower's Intorest�n the proparty to the Trusteo undar the terms of this dood of trust.In eddition,suCh a Borrower agroe&that tho Lendor end I <br /> eny other Borrowar undor this doed of tnist may extend, modify�or mako any othor changes in tho terms of this deed of truat or tha socured <br /> debt without that Borrowor'6 consent nnd witlaut�oloesing that Borrowor irom tho terrns of this deod of trust. <br /> Tho dutioa end bonefits of thie deed of trust shell bind and bone(it the successors and assigns of Londor and Borrownr. <br /> 78.Notice.Unloss otherwise roquired by Iaw,any notico to Borrower shall bo pivon by delivering it or by mailing it by cortifiod mnil addrossnd to � <br /> � Borrower ut tho proparty addrass or any other addross that Borrower has givon to Londor. Borrowor will grvo any notice to Lendar by certified _ <br /> mail to Londor's addroes on pago 1 of this dead of trust, or to any othor eddross which Landar has designetod.Any otrc:notice to Lender shall <br /> bo sont to Londnr's oddross ae statad on pago 1 of thia daed of trust. <br /> Any notico shall ba doomod to havo boon givon to Dorrowor or Londer whon pivon in tho mnnnor stntod a6ovo. <br /> • 19.Trensfer of tha Property or e Benettciel Interest in th�Borrower.If all or any part of the propurt or uny intorost in it is sold or trenciorrod <br /> paymontLif t a Barrowotris not a�noturai potson nntldn hanvfiCial InteroeLen thotBorrowores aold�ob tr nsforred.eHowovore Londor mey�not <br /> dnman�paymont in tho obova eftuntions tf it Is prohibitod by fodoral law as oi tho dato of this dood of trust. . <br /> 20. Reconveynnce.When tha obligetion socurod by this dood ot trust hus boon pnid, and Londer hus no furthor obligation to maka advencas - <br /> undar tho instrumants or agroomonts socured by this dood of trust,the Trustee shall,upon writton roquest by tho Londor, roconvay tho trust <br /> proparty. Tho Londor shall delivor to tha Borrowor, or to Borrowor'c successor in intorast, tho trust duod and tho notn or othar ovidonco of tho <br /> ::' -- ' 1 obllqntion so sntlsliotl.Borrowor snau pay enyrocorda�io.,cosio. <br /> I <br /> I 21. Succecfor Trustee. Londor, nt Londor"s optfon,may rumovo Trustoo and appoint a succossor trustao by first, mading n copy of iho <br /> I subotitution of trustao os roquirod by opplicablo law, and thon, by filfng tho substitution at trustoo for rocord in tha oflico of tho rogistor of daods <br /> of oach county fn which tho trust proporty, or somo Dnrt thoroof, ie situatod. Thu euccossor trustoo, without convoyonca of tho proporty, sholl <br /> auccood to oll tho powor,dutios,authonty und titlo of tho Trustoo nomod m tha doud of Irust ond of any succassor trustoo. <br /> y <br /> �oepo?ol?l <br /> OANKERS SVSTEMS.�NC.St CLOUD.MN G6701 11 800]97�]]11 1�ORM OCP MT6 NE 0l19/91 <br /> � <br />