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<br /> . �►` �EED 0�TRUST � �' �� ��t� ' �
<br /> _ ' . (� �o� r: . ..,Y.'':��-�_
<br /> I �qga _,,umong theGrantor,�Q�pLD_�AG!lII�.R-
<br /> PAR71E9:Yhla Doad ot Trust ia mndn on... D�F_MF3Et?lj, . ' �`•' •-
<br /> i"eorrowor"1, ` '�-i,.1:'_`
<br /> , Ay tnsMnanrrzn pFnc�N �' t�
<br /> .. AAP.N7i� R BA �%fi��^S`�:qti��=j�-�
<br /> � whoso roaidonca oddrose is�n nox �an n,-,,,,.� r.,�,,.,a HA>> _County. Nobreako("Trustee°I, and tha Beneficlary, ���{7•"C��
<br /> ��*�•,'j�;t:i.
<br /> ,�pMR �`Fi��Ar a-•• 7 OAN A4$.Q(`iATI01s� ,a corporatlon organi:ed ",.;'�. �'': �''r�',� �-�
<br /> r�r �:. ' ::Ji.+'{�Yr.�.
<br /> " and extstingundor tha laws of^^ '2�?1'RRnA A _who�e addrese Is_��� SOT]TH T.[1['i1.4T CTRF.FT�_ _ ��y�_;?��'��-=-�'�=_-"
<br /> ARAN� ISTrIi.;_.. .NFg3neKA �nan�-ion9 _.__1"lender"1. �a�•���
<br /> ° COaVE'YAfiCC:Far value recaivad,[iorrowar Irrovocubty grants and conveys to 7rustne, in trust, with powor o}sole,the real property,of which �:��--w
<br /> •• Borrower ia lewfuly�oi:od, described bolow nnd ail buildinpa, 9lxturee, end existinp and futuro improvomonts the►eon and ell riphts�of•way, ty°*�A=-�•
<br /> ,, ee�ements, rente, lesuea, profits, Incomo, tenoments, hereditamento, privlleges and eny oppurtenancos thereunto belonping (all calicd tha �y:` -__--
<br /> "proparry"1• aqn3 � t,�
<br /> PROPEBTY ADDRESS: 71�, N 47H�'T , �+nwran rcr.nNi] ,Nebrtfake _b-- — e• ��_,
<br /> LEOAL DESCRIPTION: �sc�aeq icicvi �taa coaa� ;r-�-�='�-'
<br /> LOT $LEVEN (11) , THE SOUTH FI VI? (5) FEET OF LOT TWELVE (12� , """"t�'"`
<br /> �:�..�n��..'::.---
<br /> �: °
<br /> � ' .
<br /> 1�
<br /> , n
<br /> . � ..
<br /> locatod In HAi T County,Nebrasko. '
<br /> � TITLE:Borrower covanants flnd wnrrants title to the property,except for � �.'
<br /> i J
<br /> SECUAED DEBT:This dood ot trust socures to �.endor repaymont of tho cecured dobt and tho performence of the covenants end eflraemante .��
<br /> conteinod In this dnod of trust and in any other documont fncorporetod horeln.Socured debt,as usod in this deed of trust, includes eny emounts •o w�
<br /> Borrowor owos to Londer under thia deod of trust or under any Instrumont socurod by this doed of trust, and all modificatfono,extensfons and ;.�,
<br /> renowals thoreof. •�!
<br /> The secured dobt is evidoncod by(List ell instrumente end egreamente secureA by thie deod of trust and tho detes thoroof.l: � ; ' �`f=.
<br /> � - m�nn nwmo� nE�l�CT.TCIT.'A 1'� 1 99b __ . / • ��:
<br /> - ' �j A PRA�$tic�ltr ivi3- 'i�i� �^"ii� +
<br /> . J/' '�
<br /> �j �uture Advonces: The above emount Is secured ovon though oll or pert of it moy not yot be advonced. Future advencos aro �
<br /> contumplatod and�vili bo securod to tho serna oxtont ns if mnde an the dato this dond of trust is exncuted. .
<br /> ❑ Rovolving Iine of crudit agroement dated �
<br /> with initinl annual interost rate of -°�. �
<br /> „ All emounts owod under this apreement are socurod ovan though all amounts may not yot be advancod. Future advances unaor ?,
<br /> / ,
<br /> , the egreemont ere contemplated end will be socured to the samo extent ac if made on tho dnta this dood of truet is oxocutod. �;
<br /> r,-`
<br />�, Tho above obllgation le duo end paynblo on nFrF.M13ER 2y., �qA� if not pnid enrtior. 'V., i� ._
<br />- " The totel unpnid bnlence secured by this dood of trust at ony one timo shall not oxceod e maximum principal amount of _ `� .
<br />� � �. R7VR mvnitee�m n o v crva .,,,�c��i�� Dollars(8 5,��5�50 �.plus intarest, '
<br /> _ . pius ony amounts dlsbursed undor tho torme ot thls dood of trust to protect tho security of thie deed of trust or to perform any of tho I
<br /> � covenants containud In this doed of trust,with intorest on such disbursomonto.
<br /> . f
<br /> ❑ Verlabl�Rete:Tho intoroet rato on tho oblipetion sacurod by this deod of trust may vary according to the torms of that abligation. ;
<br /> ❑ A copy of tho loan ugrooment contnining tha torma under which tho intorest rate may vary ia ntte¢hed to thfs dood of trust and �.
<br /> + mado o part horoof. ;
<br /> � RIDERS: ❑ Commorcinl � ASRT[;r7M�.t�rr nF RFNTS _ � �
<br /> " Pureuant to tt�o Farm Homostoad Protection Act,dosignation of homestead ❑ is nttechad to this deed of trust and mado a part hereof I
<br /> ❑ hos boen di5cloimod;tho disclnimer Is ettechttd to this dood of trust nnd made e part horoof.
<br /> � SICiNATURES: [iy atgning below,Fio►rower egree to the terma nnd covanante contelned In ttAe deed ot truat,inetudlnp thoee on pnge 2, end In
<br /> ,, eny�Illlp�n deae�ibe�ove�igned 6y 8orrower.
<br />- . - = ft'C /�� i 1 hi. . d/
<br /> — _ - _ ------ -
<br /> . � --v� ��� }i�(� — - — .
<br /> i
<br /> ;� ACKNOWLE[I(iMENT:STATE OF NEBRASKA, HAt.1, __ - _ County sa: '
<br /> Tho forogoina instrumont was ncknowlodgad boforo mo on this_ i zT� _day of �ECFMAF.R,_�24__-_
<br /> .• t . . �]y R(1N11tA A A(3f17t'11RTAN �d4pRiF.�] D$$$ON _ . — '--_ ' -' .
<br /> . IT.UOItII
<br /> Corpaite a �H���i�Q 0 � IS O INamo o�Co�DO�uuc�o�Pennann•pi
<br /> �� PYH�Nthlp Of � —
<br /> „ �ek�o+nsdpr�ne �_ `���;��� _ ___ ____on bahali of tha corporotfon or partnorship.
<br /> My comm ss on oxp ros: 5 �� ,�y�_� , /�_/
<br /> _ �Soap --LLSA.SPIIBISS-- lLl.�uiC_CiF�' it+om�yvubi�c�
<br /> -t-
<br /> Thfolnstrumontwnapropnrodby i.TCn cpnaKS_ _ __ __ _____ . ----- ------ - --- -�- � �
<br /> � � p1DD6��EIlIERSSYSTEMS.INC..ST CLOUD.MNG090711�00797-17a71f0(iMOCPMTGN[0�19191 APPLt# 00OO24SS fpa�110/?1 NEBRASKA
<br /> �. � � CCD# 0000000000
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