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,. , _ _ _.. <br /> i •a`.., . .' .. ..�c.-cn..a•C,�',��:r-� i ,�.,,,n,.ut;n}t�n . , �i .-"'�n'�'_"p,-' z_.__ <br /> .�• , �,-=: . ., � �. �� - •i '�'...�1:..• . . ....�'t.-r:..-_,'r..:gc�,-- -- vtcr��..�___�.-..._ _ <br /> ±��'i j I+ NY1'�'d!o ihr.+�M,�t w.�+.��-f+ .w r.,.�„u.,,iy.-Y:� <br /> :hh'l;Gx'7 %�'d���Q1�Yt1�'sJ54• � ba -!(v., i• .r� <br /> . . <br /> �r... . .�... <br /> � <br /> «:t <br /> .""�`_._.c.��.._�. _"_' __ ..�. . _.�... �.y=�Ait*'���� -_- - _ . . __ .. — <br /> - _,_._ _. - _ I __ . _—__.z.--- . ._ ._ ... '�-' ' ....,�....:... <br /> .. ,�. <br /> _ ...v......, _.�..� ....:.....,. <br /> : .-..-n.......r.. ...,�, <br /> ..._:.."......... ._. ..�...... . ._"_.. _.�._-__ _.. . _. � _...___.._..__.�..._......�_.....--..__ ...._._. ___._. __. _.._._ _.._._. . <br /> _' __ __ - _ �, t <br /> _ . ' _�'...._ _' _ r. - <br /> t..�-�...-.r.-.M�. ...� ... _ _ .._-_ , - _- <br /> `��Is'l3{�TF•i�`�<<'+C'S',''�i�.a.1.�_°'.ri�t��A1 1 ,. . . - y F A- _f�#.`31 .7�h�7r c.:a_r--�- . <br /> � � � <br /> .. ,_ r._ �� <br /> ''1�awv� k"in?'�""'�'[�'ri"""K'w.'y,.µ. n <br /> -.-� r�avw,Rrovr� iv°7-.Snn:i.�L". .�.°{7F��;R1�:'7i��.�. � r . ��.`�� �liS'-°�'S"��_.. - - --- <br /> , ��.�cear�.c� . . . . � <br /> .. . . � v. . _ �-- <br /> . � . .. � , � ., . . . - - -. <br /> .. ., . . _. .J�. t �..s.�....,...,._ <br /> .� ._. 6FraL7.i7�:[ _ � .--_ <br /> .. . _..."'._._ h..�. ..-. , i..�n.•.ne-i-. . ._ .,�_..'."' <br /> ���—.. <br /> .. Ca_.....-.--. <br /> -_ 'e�n r+;•aw��,�,..� , �������i,�I�j �.=: ,.-. <br />'�'' �` '°`���{� � perinQ�+ihnt Lcndcr reyuireta, The insuruicc ci►rrler providing thc insurancc shull Ix:chvscn by Dorrowcr subjcct to L.ender� <br />= � ' ' ' n��prnwd�Nhich shidl n��t hc unrcus�n.ibly withhcld. If F�urrowcr f�iils to mnintain covcragc dcscribcd i�bov�,Lcndcr may,ut <br />�.,_�.,���,Y„�,�.:-: I.cndcrk optlon,ohtuin coverngc to protcct I.endcr's ri�ius in qtc Property in��ccordance with parugraph 7. <br />_..-.�=v�`�'�"4��:�;' All insnrnncc puUcics iu�4 rcncwnly yhall be uccept:iblc tn Lender nnd sh.ill include n standnrd mortgage clnusc. Lcnder <br /> ° • siii�ll havc�he rl�lu tu h�dd thc polirics nnd rencwals. If Lender re��uin:s, Burrrnver tihnll promptly pive to Lendcr atl rcceipts �---- <br /> _ �^� "�•+��°•� � uf pi�id premiums nnd re:ne�vnl iiotices. In the event of loss, f3orro�ver shall�ive prompt notice ta ttic insurunce careier and <br /> _- : '•.ss. .;rq;h,. .�.. <br />_ . I.�ndcr, I.cndcr m�iy nu�kc proof of loss if not madc prompNy by 8orrowcr. <br /> - Unlcss I.ender and f3orrower othcrwihc ugrcc in writing,insurnnce procecds shall bc applied�u restoi�ltion ar rcpnir of <br /> _ ' ; .. Ihe Pra�erty dn�unbed, if Ihc restorution or repair is economicully fensiUle and Lender's security is not Ie�sened. If Ate <br />- ` restoriu�un ur repair is not cconomically fc�sible or Lendcr's security would bc lessened, the insurancc procecds shull be <br />� , . nNpllcd t�thc sums sccured by this Security Instrumcnt, whether or not then due, with any cxcess �aid to Borrowcr. If <br /> • {iu�•wwer ubwiduns tl�c Propc��ty,or does not nnswcr within 30 diiys ;i nnticc from Lender that the msurancc cnrrier has —_ : <br /> ` oftered lo ve:ttle a cluim,then I.ender may collect the insurance proceeds. l.rnder may use the proceeds to repair or restare <br />_. , , � tlte I'eu�krty or tn puy rums+ccurcd by this Sccuriry Instrument,whether or nut thcn duc. Thc 30-day periad witt begin�vhen <br /> lltc nutfcc is given. <br /> Unless I,cndcr und fiorrowcr�thcnvisc ��grcc in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shull not extend or <br />_ . povipone the duc di►tc��f Uic monthly pxymentti refcrccd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amuunt of the puyments. If �� <br />_ „ . • � • under parngruph 21 Ihe Property is acNuired by l.ender, Boi-rower s right to uny insurance policies and proceeds resulting <br /> . .. � � frinn dnnuige tci the Pro�:rty prior ro thc iicyuisition shall pass to Lcnder to the cxtent of the sums secumd by this Sccurity -' <br /> Instrumcnt immcdintcly prior ta thc acquisition. � <br /> . , 6, Uccup�mcy. Prescrvutlon� Malntennnce und Prutectlon of the Property; Borrower's Loun Appllcation; <br />- ° I.ciizehnldx. t�orrowcr shall occupy,estnblish,and usc the Properry as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days ufler <br /> � Ihc exccaHun of tliis Sccurily Instrun�cnt und shull continuc to occupy thc Property us Borcowcr's principal residence for at - �- <br />- , Ienst nne ycur idicr thc dnte of occupancy, unless Lcndcr atherwisc a�rees in �vriting, which consent shaU no� be c_ ,___ <br /> " unrcnso��uhly wilhhcicl,ur unless cxtrnuating circumstanccs cxist which arc beyond Borrowc�'.s control. Borrower shall nat o,.;.-- <br /> des�n�y,dnmuy,c or imp�air the Property,allow the Propeny to dctcriorate,or commit wnste on the Property. Bonower shall '= <br /> • „ , hc In defhuh if'i►ny Fur!'citurc uction ur prcxceding, whether civil or criminal, is b�gun thut in Lender's•good faith judgment __— <br /> „ c�ud4 resuU in fi�rfeiture of the Property or otherwitic materially impuir the lien created by this Security instrument or �� <br /> .. l.rnder's�ecw•ity intcntit. I3nrrower may cure such u defuult und reinstutc.u�pravideJ in paragraph 18,by caucing the action �- <br /> �, or pracccdhig lo bc dismis�cd�vith a ruling Lcndcr s good faith dctcrmination,prccludes forfeiture of the Borrower's - <br /> Intcrest in �hc I�rnperty or nther matrrinl impairment of the licn creatcd hy this Security Instrument or Lendcr'� security -- � - <br /> __ Intrretit. t3urrower shull also be in defiwlt if tio:rower, during thc loan application process, gavc materially false or --- <br /> Inucrurnte ir�fonnntion or slratementx to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material inforniation)in connection with <br /> �� ,. tlm lu,in evidenced by the Not�, including, but not limited to, represemations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the _. <br /> PruIkrty u�u principul residcncc. If this Sccurity Intitrununt i:�on a Icaschold, Borrowcr shall comply with aU thc provisions -""_" <br /> uP Ilir Icnsc. If[iurrower ncyuires fce tidc ta the Praperty.thc Icaschold and the fce titic shall not merge unless Lender ngrees p"'� <br /> to�hc mcrgcr in writing. -�-`-',` <br /> „ 7. P�otccd��n nP Lender'9 Rights in the Prope�ty. If Bonower fuils to perfortn the covenants and agreements �� <br /> • �°_ <br /> - - cuntnined In �I�iti Sccurity Instrument, or there is a Iegal proceeding thut may signifieantly affect Lender's rights in the �.r� <br />•• • � ' M•u�xrty l+u�:h uti u pr�ccding in bankruptcy,probatc,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then -��� <br /> � • Lendrr muy do iind puy for�vhutever i+necestiary to protect the valuc of the Property and Lender's rights in the Praperty. . ':�': <br /> •. •, Lender'ti+�cUnns mny include pnying any swns secured by u lien which has priority over this Security Instn►ment,appearing ;;., <br /> •• • in cnun, payinH raisoniiblc nttorney+'(ecs and entcring on the F'roperty to makc repairs.Althou�h Lender may take action �;' <br /> undcr Ild�:pnr+igruph 7,Lcndcr docti nnt havc tc�do rc�. , ���` <br /> • Any +unounls ditibursed by Lendcr under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this '• <br /> � ticcurhy Intitrumcnt. llnle��Horrowcr and Lendcr agrce to othcr tcrms of pnymcnt,thcsc aimounts shal l bear interest from the ��� <br /> ' dulr�if dishur+rmm�t �u thc Notc ratr :uid shall hr payahlr, with intemtit, upon notice from Lcndcr to Borrower reyuestin� <br /> puyn►rnt. <br /> 8. M11m•t�u�;e In.r•orunce. If Lcndcr required mortgagc insurancc as a wndition of making the loan secured by this <br /> ,� tircurlty In,trwncnt, llorrowcr shnll pay thc prcmiums rcyuircd to m�iintain thc mongagc insurance in cffect. If, for :my <br /> reu+un, Ihe murtgnge insurnnce cuveinge required hy Lender Icipses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br />� " picmiwn, i�:i�uiird tu uI+I:�in �uvc�a�:c ,ub.tai��iully cyuivalent to dic mortgagc irtsurancc prcviously in cffect. at a cosi <br /> - ,obUUnUnlly ripiivalrnl lu Ihe cnst tu Borrower uf Ute tnortgagc insurancc previously in effec[, fram an altemttte mortgage •+ <br />= Intiurer upprnved hy I.rnder. It'tiub�tuntinlly ryuivalcnt mortgnge insurancc covcrage iz not available, Horrower shall pay to <br /> - L�ndi�r�.•uch mnn�h�� +um uqual to onr•iwclfth uf thc ycarly mortgagr inrurancc prcmium bcing paid by Borrower when the <br />,�,,, . •• In�ur�uuc cuvempe Iiip�eA��r cru�ed tu he in rffcct. l.ender will accept,usc and rctain ihese paymems as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> � uf nnn���a�;c lutiurutcc. Lu,+ icticrvr paymrnls nuiy no IonErn c� rcyuircd, ut Ihc upiion uf Lendcr, if mortgagc insurance <br /> cnvr��i�!r lin Ilic umwmt und ti�r dic periud►hiit I.cndrr mquire,)provided by mi insurcr approvcd by Lender again becomes <br /> uv,illuhlr und I+��btulnril.liurrun•cr,hnll{�ay Ihc prcmiu�ns rcquired to muintain mort�:a�e insurancc in effect,or to provide a <br /> i lu�����r,rivr,unlfl Ihr ie��uirentrm f��r n�int�u�;c intiwance endti in accordance with any written agreement between Bottower <br /> � nn�l I.rndcr��r npplir�iblr lu���. <br /> t �1, IlttipCCUntI. Lend:�r ur n� ukrnl nwy niakc rrnwnablc entrirs upun :md inspertions of thc Property. Lcnder tihall <br /> �;I�r Ilun����rr thr liinr uf�n���riurl�i un intiprctiun specifyin�reasonable rau.e for the inxpection. <br /> 111. l'ondt��unnUnu. 'I hr prucr��d,ut��ny nwm�d�,r rl.�im fi,r damay_cs.dircct�,r ronxcqucnti:d, in conncrtion with any <br /> . . �� tiuq:lr I amily �Pnnnle�1nc�Prcddlc 11iu l'NIF(1H;►111�itiTl2UMf.NT-•Um(omi Cm•cnanta 9/90 rpuxe?n/6 puxrs� <br /> - GrCat lakav Hnaln�s Fam�e.Inc.� <br /> TO Ufdtr l:all 14i0PS1P9393 C]VAX OIG7D/•I1:31 <br /> + I <br /> } <br /> 1 <br /> i ._.._ . _ .. _ -�_ _� .._ -_ ' _ '-- ' _ <br /> -, _ _.-- '-- ___ _.. -_ _ ._-__ .�, __.,,�..� �-�� _ - _ <br /> ... _...._ ,-.-. .-.-_.. <br /> ..... _... <br /> .. <br /> ___ __ __. ___ .. <br /> _ . _ _-__ _- _ -' ___'- __- ___._. ._._ _-_ ��. __- . __ . ___ _ T T.- _"' _' _.. <br /> � � . .i � . . , . .. � . . <br /> � .. '' . '! . .. . �� - .. <br /> , .. ,� . II . . � <br />- ��' �� . ., . 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