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<br /> , applkab{e law tswy spccify for reinscntcmcnt)b€fore saJ+e of tho Property purs�nnt to tiny powe,r of satc contained in this :�
<br /> Socurtry Instr�ment;or(b)entry of a judgaecnt enforcing this Seciulry InstrumenG Thoso condldons ore thel Borrowcr:(a) -�
<br /> ��ys Lcad;.�ail�uree���rhlcb tl:�n�vould be duo���dcr thts Secusity Instrnmcnt nnd U�c Notc s�s If no uccelcrndon hud occuncd;
<br /> (b) cures any ckfault of any othcr covenant� a a�ements; (C) AaYB 8ll exl)Ctiscs IncurrOd in enforcing this 5ccuriry a
<br /> Insdrumr,�t, includie�g,6ut not limitod ta.ncasonub�e nuomcys' fces: und(d)tabccs such ecdon es Lendcr n►c►y rcasoswbly
<br /> mqulrc to assure that thc licn of th�.g Security Instnunent,L.ender's rights in Uie i'roperty end Borrowea's obligntion to pny thc
<br /> sums sec�retl by thia Sc�curity Instrument �hall condnua uncitanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowcr. this Sccurity
<br /> Instrument end the obllgntions secured hereby shnll remain fully effecdve as!f no nc�elcration hed occurrcd. Hnwcvcr,this ,
<br /> right w reinstate shall not apQly in the case of accckratlon under paragraph 1'7. ' ,
<br /> 19. Sak of Note= Change of Loan Servl�xr. 7fio Piote or a partiul inte�rest ln the Note (w8ethe��vj� �� Security �
<br /> Jnstrun►ent) may be sold one or more times witho�et prtor aodre to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the endty ;
<br /> (know�n 1v the"L,oan Serviccr")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and t1►i�Security InswmenG'Il�cre also
<br /> ' may be one or more chpnges of the Loan Se�vicer unrelnted to a ssile of the Note.If there Lv a chang�oafb�ee��e nodce i
<br /> Borcower will be given wduen notice of the change in accordpnce with paragraPh 14 above nnd upp ,
<br /> wW stare the name and address of[he new L.oan Seivker and the address to whtch pay�nents should be made.'Y'!ie nodce wIll i
<br /> also contein any other infomiation reyuired bY aPP�le law.
<br /> • 20.H�rdons Substances. Borrower sliall not ca�sa or permit the presence�use�dlsWsa<<siara8o�ar rele�.:e of any . •
<br /> Hstzardous Substances on or in the Property.�orrower shall aot clo. nor allow anyone else to do.anything affecdng ihe ' �_
<br /> Property that is in violadon of eny Environmental L.aw.The proceding two sentences shell not apply w tlx:Presence.osa.or i�_�
<br /> srornge on the Property otF small quanddes of Hazardaus Substances ttuit are generally reco8nized to be aPProP���noimul '
<br /> residentfal uses and to mnintenance of thc Property. ��
<br /> • Borrower shall promptly give Lcndcr written nadce of any invesdgadon,claim,demand,lawsuit or othcr action by any ;s
<br /> govemmentnl ar regulutory ngency or private party involving the Property and any Ha�sudous Substance or Environmenuil ;�,p'•;;
<br /> I.aw of which Borrower has ucwal knowledge.If Borrower learns,c+r is notitied by any goveanmental or re�ulutory nuthority, b �>;
<br /> �s necessary. Borrowcr shsill = `' -
<br /> that any removal or other remcdiauon of any Hezardous Substence t�ffecting the Properry ' —
<br /> prompdy tske all necessary remedial acdons in accordance with Environmental Law. ''="i
<br /> ps used in this paragra.ph?A�"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as maic or ha�ardous subsu+nces by :.�,t�"
<br /> Environanental Law and the foUowing subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene. other flammable or wxic petroleam produets. wxtc , � �'
<br /> pesticldes end herbicides,volutile solvents,materiais contatning aaoestos or formaidenydc.i��d�+���"������°• °w� ----� "-`
<br /> in thls paragraph 20,"Environmental La�u" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicUOn where the Property is locttted that � '�
<br /> relate to healih,safety or environmental protecdon
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Hoerowez and Lende�further covenant and agree as follows: ,
<br /> 21. Accel�ration; Remedies. Lender ehaU gtve notke to Borrower prior to accekratbn tollowing liorrower's
<br /> breach of any covenant or agreement in thls Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleratbn under paragraph 17 • , �i
<br /> unless Applica4k lsw provi3es otherwise).The nottce shall specify: (a)the detault;(b) the action required to cure the
<br /> defhult;(c)A date,aot less than 30 dAys hom the date t6e notice is given to Borrower,by whkh the default must be ; �ti
<br /> cused;and(d)that fnilure to cure the�etuult on or betare the date spectlled in the notice may result(n accelerut(on of I
<br /> the sums secured by this Secur[ty Instrument and sale ot the Property.The not[ce shall turther inform Borrower of i '�
<br /> the right to refnstate after accelerntion and t6e roght to bring a court action to assert the non-exLstence of a dePault or � ,
<br /> any other defense otBorrower t�ncceleratlon and sale.If the default Ls not cured on or before the date specified in the � ' �`� �,
<br /> notke,I.ender at its opttoa mAy requtre(m�ediate payment in t�ep o!all sums secured 1►y this Security Instrument ' ' ��'.
<br /> wi36out furt6er demand an� muy invoke e6e power of sak and uny other remedies permitted by appltcable law. �
<br /> Isnder shull be entitled to collect aU expen�cs incurred In pursufag the remedies provided [n thts paragraph 21, � f,
<br /> tacludiag,but not Umited to,resasonable attorneys'fees and costs ot title evEdence. • / ,
<br /> It the power ot sa{e Ls invoked,Trustee shaU record a notke of detault in eac6 county in whkh any part of the , • ,
<br /> Property i�located and shull mafl copies af such notke in the manner prescribed by applkable Iflw to Borrower und to ; !-
<br /> tlie other persons prescribed by applEcable Is�w. After the time required by applicab{e 18w�Trustee shs�ll give publtc , ,,
<br /> notioe oP sale to the persans and in the manner prescribed by applicable ls�w.Trustee,wit6out demand on Borrower, ' ''
<br /> shall sell the Property at public auctton tothe highest bidder at the t[me and ptuce and un�er the terms designuted in � �b• �-
<br /> the notke ot ss�le in one or more parcel�and in any order Trustee determines.'Trustee may postpoae sa�e of all or any ,
<br /> parcei of the Property 6y publlc announrement at the ttme and place ot any previously scheduled sa�e.Lender or its �
<br /> designee mny purchase the Property at any sak. a.. - .� .. . . '�• ��
<br /> � Upon receipt ot puyment of the pricc bid,Trustee shal! deliver to ttxe purci�aser T�vstee's dced conveylpg the
<br /> Property.The recitels in the Trmstee's deed s6aU be pr[ma tacie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale ite the following order: (a)to aU msts and expenses ot exercising the power
<br /> ACCTN 61482010
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> 6ra�t Llke�Bullnet�Porm�,Inc.�
<br /> . f.n,a,r.0 t�inu•570•Y�A1DFu8t8•tDt-tt7t
<br /> � ] ITEIA1C16L61o�Oq �ooIC000000000t IR+d++jv�wi�Ei) --- �
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