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<br /> I nny condcmnnUon or athcr tnking of any purt�f�ha P�operty, or for convoynnco in Ilcu of wrtdemnadon, aro hcrcby � �,�.
<br /> t�ssigned and shati be paf�1 to[.cnder. :R
<br /> i In thc event af a total coking of the Pro{xr�y, fulC�TfOCE�PA9 S{1F1II Ih'� Gj1NIIGt9 l0 ljlC cums �urcd by thl� S�nrity „ _
<br /> i lnswmcnt,whcther or not thea� due,with any cxcess pald w Boaowcr,In the cvcnt of a paNul taking af the Ptopaty in I t�1r�
<br /> whtch the fnir mnri:ct value of�he Propeny imme,�lIa�ely befo�e thc taking is equnl to or grcnter than tho amount of�ho sums �
<br /> i securcd by this Security Instrument immediat,ely[�etore the taking,unless Horrowcr and Lcndcr otherwisc agroe in wriW►g,
<br /> ; the surns secured by diis Securiry Inswment shall be reduced by the�unount at the proceeds multiptleA by the following I y
<br /> i fraction:(a)the touil amount of the sums secureA immediately before tha mlcfng,divtded by(b)the fnlr market vnlue of t1w i
<br /> ; Yrogerty immedIately bcfore the tnking. Any balance shell be puId to Borrowa. In the cvcnt of a paetial laking of tho
<br /> i Property in which the fair markct v�luc of the Property immr,diately bcforo the taking is less than the amnunt of the sums I
<br /> securcd immedlat�ely beforc the taking, unlcss Borrower and Lendee otherwisc usroc in wridng or unless appllcable law I ,
<br /> � othcrwisc provides,the prorReds shaU be applicd to the sums sceured by�his Sccurity Inswmcnt whether or not ttw sums aro I
<br /> then fu�e�.e����abandoned by Borrower,or if,afeer nottce by Lender to 13orrower�hnt tho wndemnor of[era to make i
<br /> an award or seule a claim for damages,Sorrower fatts to respand to L.ender within 30 days after tha data tho no�ico is K��en� f
<br /> Lender is authorizcd to wllect end apply the procecds.at its opdon,either to restorndon or�+epair of Ihe Prope�y or to tMs I
<br /> sums secured by this Securiry Irzstrument,whethca ar not then due. �
<br /> Unless I.ender end Borrower otherwise agree in writin8.�Y 8PPlication of proceeds to principal shall not eatead or I � 4.
<br /> postgane the due dute of the monthly payments cefemd w in paregraphs 1 and 2 or change the funount of such payments. i � x
<br /> il. Borrower Not Re tea s e d; For bearance Dy L e n d e r N o t a W a i v e r. E a t e n s i o n o f t h c t i m c f or ga yment o� , .•:
<br /> � modiHcation of amortl�adon of the�ums secured by this Secnrlty Inshvme�t grnnced by Lender to any successor in interest „ ','r—
<br /> of Sorrower shall not aperate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors In interesG I.ender I ';r.
<br /> � shall not be required to commence proccxdings against nny saccessor in intenst or refuse to eatend time for payment a �� .�
<br /> otherwise modify amnrtizadon of the sums secured by this Securiry Insirument by rcason of uny demand made by the I �':
<br /> � original Barrower or Borrower's successors in intemsL Any forbearance by Lender in excrcising�y right or remedy sheU I � _
<br /> not be n waiver of or preclude the exercise of any dght or remedy. I
<br /> 12.Succes,wrs And Assigns Bound;Joint and SeverAl Uabtlity;Casigners. The covenants and agr�ements of�h1s , � ,,���"'"'
<br /> ISecuriry Instrument shall bind and benefit the sucoessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,sub}oct to ihe provislons of �
<br /> P�B�Ph 17.1�omower's wvenan[s end u�unici�t; �unU �'i"c julid w�d s:,:�al.:.-sf Basso�er:•r!:��-�i��hia gv.�nriry . __---�!'.-.
<br /> l Inst:ument but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing thLv Securlty Instrument only to mortgnge,ge�nt and ca►vcy that i %
<br /> Borrowcr's interest in the Properiy under the tcrms vf this Security Instrument;(b)is not personelly obligated tn pay Ihe ; )
<br /> i sums sacured by lhls Security Instrument;artd(c)ugr�ees that Lender and any other Borrower may agroe to eatend,modify,
<br /> forbear or m�lce any accommodations wlth regard w the terms of this 5ecurity Instrument or ihe NoW without that i
<br /> I Borrower's consent
<br /> � 13.Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Insuument is subject ta n Inw which sets maximum loan charges, � • ��.1
<br /> I nnd thnt law is finally inteTpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connecdon wlth the ; � �
<br /> loan exceed the permitted llmits,then:(a)any such loan charge shali be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge %��
<br /> to the permiued limit;and(b)any sums elready collected from Bocrower which e::caeded permiued limlts will be refunded to �
<br /> Hoaower.Lender may choose w make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a dlrect
<br /> p�yment to Hoerower. If a refund reduces prl�ecipal.the rcducdon will be treated as a partifil prepuyment w[thout any ,.,�_
<br /> prepuyment charge under th�Note. ' �'
<br /> 14.Notkes. Any nodce to Borrower provided for In this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it a by
<br /> mailireg it by Cust class mail unless applicuble law requires use of another method.'R�c notice shull be dlrected to the Propeity .
<br /> Address or any other addness Borrower designntes by nodce to Lender.My notice to I.ender shall be given by first class mail r'�
<br /> to Lender's address smu:d herein or any other addmss Lender designntes by nouce to Borrower.Any nodce provided for in `,,
<br /> lhis Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to have becn given to Bomower or Lender whcn given os provided in this parngraph. �
<br /> 15. Governing Lc►w; Severability. 'It�is Security Instrument shell be governed bv federai law and the law of the ��
<br /> jurisdicdon in which the Property is located. In the evw.that eny provision or ciause of�his Socur(ty Instrument or the Note •�„_ ,
<br /> conflicts with applicable k►w,such contlict shall not affect other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can
<br /> be given effect without the oon[llcting proviston.To ihis end the provisions of thts Socurity Instrument and the Nota Fue
<br /> j daclared to be scvcrnble.
<br /> 16.Barrower's Copy. Botrower s�all be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Ins�um�n�
<br /> 17.Transfer of the Property or a Benetk[a!Inter�t in Borrower. If all or any puR of the Property or any int�rest ln
<br /> it ls sold or trnnsferic+i(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or trunsfemed nnd Borrower is not a nanual person)
<br /> without Lender's prior wrltten consent, Lender mny,at its opaon,require immeGjate payment in fuU of nll sums socu�+ad by
<br /> i this 5ocurity Insorument However,this option shall not be eaercised�y LSnder if exe�cise is prohibited by federal law as ot'
<br /> the date of this Scxurity InsuumenG
<br /> I If I.ender exercises this opdon,Lender shall give Borrower notice of nccelcration.The notice shnll provide a period of
<br /> not less thnn 30 days fmm tho dnte the notice is delivcrod or matled w(thin wAich Borrower must pay all sums secured by
<br /> ' this Security Instrument If Bomower fails to pay these sums prior to ihe eapimdon of this period.C,cnder may involcc any
<br /> i �+emedies permitted by this Socurity instrument without further nntice or demzued on Borrowcr. �
<br /> fl8. Dorrower's Rtght to Reinstate. If Borrower meets ce.rt�in conditions. Borrower shall huve ihe right Go huve
<br /> � enfoccement of this Security Insnument discontinued at nny pme priot to the earlier oC: (a) 5 duys (or such other period os
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