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<br /> .w; , 12. Successors and Assi�ns Bound; Jo1nt and Several Liubillty; ('��•Sl�e�er.s. The cavenants and agreements of this —="
<br /> Sccurit� Insn•ument shall hind and bencfit thc succcssors and assigns c�f Lcndcr :md Borrowcr. subjcct to thc provisions of j�
<br /> -• � paragraph 9.b. Borro�vcr'ti covenants und agrccmcnts shall bc joint and sevcraL Any Borrowcr �vho co•signs this Security �`.
<br /> " � Instrumcnt but daes not exccute tlie Note: (u) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortguge, grant und convey thut �;,":
<br /> � Borrower's intcrctit in the Property undcr thc tcrms of this Sccurity Instrwnen.;(b)is not pcnonally obligatcd t�pay the sums �
<br /> securecl by this Sccurity Inst�vment; and(c)agrees that[.ender and uny other Borrower may agree to extend,madify, forbear or -
<br /> : make any accommodations with rcgard to thc tcrms of this Sccurity Instrumcnt or thc Note without that Bcxrowcr's conscnt. =�_�-
<br /> �� 13. Not[ec�. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shnll�e given by delivering it or by mailing —
<br /> it by first cl:us mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address _.
<br /> or any other address Borrower designates hy notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by �rst class mAil fo =`-
<br /> I.endcr's address stated herein or any address Lender designates by noticc to Borrowcr. Any noticc provided for in this 5ecurity ��_
<br /> Tnstrument shall be deemcci to havc becn givcn to Borrower or L.endcr when given as provided in this paragraph. —
<br /> � � 14. Guveruing Law; SeverablUty. This Securit�� Instrument shall bc govcrncd by fcdcral I�tw and the IAIY of the =
<br /> - jurisdiction in whirh the Properry is locuted. In the event that any provision or elause of this Security Instrument or die Note —
<br /> conFlicts�vith applicable law,such ronflict shall not affect other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can be =
<br /> given effect without the conFlicting provision. To this end the provisions of this 5ecurity Instrument and the Note nre declared �'-'--
<br /> . ;, to bc ticvcrable.
<br /> 15.Borrawer's Copy.Borrower shall be given one ronformed copy of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ,, 16. Assi�nment of Eients. Dorrowcr unconditionally nssigns and transfcrs to Lc:nder �ill thc rents and revenues of thc �
<br /> Propeny. Borrower authorizes L,ender or L.ender's agcnts ro collcct the rents and revcnues and hcreby dirccts each tenant of the --
<br /> Propert��tu puy the rcnts to Lendcr or f.endcr's agents. Howevcr,prior to Lendcr's noticc to Borrower of Borrower's breach of
<br /> anv covenanl ctt:ivmrmrnt in thF Crruritv Inctrumm�r Rnrmw�r.h:,ll rnt nrf anil��.���.,,.„11 �., .�.. .F.`..��.�. :��a���,:r --
<br /> . ., . ... ., . . . .. .--��-• --�--- . .._._ _...�__. ......._...._».. ...r.....R:.� v n
<br /> � as trustec for thc benefit of Lendcr and Borrn�vcr. This assi@nment of rents constitutcs s�n absolute assignment und not an _._ -
<br /> assignment for addicional security only. _..
<br /> . Q"_-
<br /> • If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower: (a)all rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as trustee for �_—
<br /> „ benefit of'L.a:ndcr o�ily, to bc appli�d tn thc sum� ,ccurcd by the Securiry Instrumcnt;(b)Lcndcr sh�ll bc cntiticd to collect:utd '
<br /> receive all of the rents of the Prnperty; and (c) cach tenant of the Propeny tihall pay all rents due and unp•rid ta Lender or �°
<br /> I. ;,��
<br /> . C.ender's agcnt on I.ender's written dc;�iand to thc tenant. •.,
<br /> M
<br /> Borrower has not executeJ any prior assigmnent uf the rents and has not and will not perform any act th�t wottld prevent
<br /> Lendcr irom cxcrcising its rights undcr this puragraph 16.
<br /> . , Lcnder shall not hc rcquircd to entcr upnn,tuke control of ur maintain the Property heforc or af'ter giving notice of hreach
<br /> to Bo�rowcr. Howc��cr, Lendcr or a juJicially ap�intcd reccivcr may dc� so at any timc tlicrc is a brcach. Any application of
<br /> rcnts shall not curc c+r waivc any dctault or i���-alidatc :uiy othrr right or rcmcJy ut Lcndcr. This assignmcnt of rents of thc
<br /> Property shull terminate when the debt secured by the Serurity [nslrutnent i�paid in f'ull.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORht COVENANTS. Burro�vcr and Lendcr I'urthcr ruv�nani and agre�ati f'iillo�vti:
<br /> � , 17. ForecLos�re Prilce�dure.If Lender requires innnediate pa�•ment in full under para�ruph 9.Lender mar•invuke tlie
<br /> ''` , pmser of sale .md unv other remedi� permitted b�• applir.�blr li»v. Lender shull be entitled to collect all expenses
<br /> •• incurred in pursuin�; the remedies undcr this�ura�ri�ph 17, indudin�;� but nnt 16nited to, rei�snnablc uttorn�vs' fecs attd
<br /> costs of dUc evide�tcc.
<br /> ,' IF Nec po�rer of tialr is involced, Trust�ti shnll r�rord .� nntice uf defawlt in euch count}• in �shich nny part i►f the
<br /> 1'�•operty is located and sh.ill mail ropies ot'such notice in the mumier prescrlbed 0» ,�pplicablr I.n�•to Borrower and to
<br /> the other pennns prescribed bv applicuble la�s. After the dme rcyuired b}• a�pplicvble lu«�,7'ruxtee sliull�;ire public notice
<br /> � uf s.�le tn thc penons i�nd in the munner prescribed b�• aipplicubtc Ims. '1'rustce. �sithout demund nn Bnrro��•rr. shall scll �
<br /> ' the Property at public nuction to the hikhiwt hfdder ut the�i�m und place und under the terms dGtii};nated in the notice of �
<br /> sak in une or more purcels and tu i�n�� urder'1'rustce determiims. Trustee nun• pnstponr�ale of all or iui}� parccl�►f the �
<br /> Propert�� b�• public unnouncement at tlie time .�nd place uf an�• pre�•iuutih ,ca���luled s.de. Lender or its desi}�nee ma�•
<br /> , purchase the Property at nnp sule. ,
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