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�� ���� . . ".�F ';;.. . . - <br /> % �-:clr. <br /> ,� . . .....�� ._ <br /> � w�,� t ,yy_•- , . .. .. , �� ' ,75�u�i'"�_.�_'--_��. . <br /> .. . . .. .rr.M� . itM7lva�. .. • � _� . .. -r:. .. . .... . . . , . „--.�i.t ---- <br /> , . ... ... �.� •.�+t,!i�G.�:i-biqd�i4u4�1ce{iu.fisba.l�,. .. . - . . . . � , . ��- � . .� � � . . •.riiz��,T..-. -T ��.. <br /> ,� : . r. <br /> . , ..�- . <br /> ; � <br /> • �� . n . . . -� ...-� <br />�-_w-..,_........ -�..�..,.'^"- .-- ' n .. .,,..�..«.�- . . � . . �-,. .- '— `� --- <br /> .. . '�'n• ' <br />_ , . . . . �.a���s <br /> ., , � .. - .. <br /> - � n � ... _ . _.. .. . �..�. ��•. ....r.,.,_.. _.. .._..,.a•,�--.r�-y.-.�r__s�r.tre,fs.:.-:L_rb!'Y.��.ec.t.,v._rfr.iA�f�w+;�!�}viiiv=wr�ir�r:i�unie%wFi�a:r:Niimn.�""'e°su���s = <br /> N ., �„.„' <br />: , .�4° �.1�Q95 t�,: <br /> ��:.. <br /> . �_- <br /> refrt•rrd t�►in puru��rnph 2, ur rhnn�3c�6te nmount of' such paymcnts.Any exccss procceds over un amount rcyuired to pay nll <br />- . iuntitnnditil�indchtcdncss undcr thc Nnte nnd this Securiry Instrument shall be paid w thc cntity Icgt►lly cntiticJ thcreto. � <br /> � B,i�ccr. I.�nder nury eullcct fces u��d chnr�es uuthorized by the Sccretary. <br /> . 9.t:r�nutttls Pnr AccclecuUun ieP I)ebt. <br /> (ul UcPu�dt. l.�nilcr muy, cxcepi ci�; limitcd by r�gulatlons issue.� by the Secrctary in the cuse of pnymcnt defuults, � <br /> .. irqudic Inmic�li�uc p:rymcut in full iif idl sums sccurcd hy this 5ccurity Instruntent if: <br /> " li►Nurn►wrr de6iuUs Uy fi�ilin� to pay fn full imy mo»thly puyment requirul by this Sccurity Instrument prior to or <br /> nn�hc�luc�Intc af thc ncxt numthly paymcnt,or <br /> �� .. � � liil Norruwrr �lcliiullti t�y Inilinb, far a period of thirty duys, ta perform any other obligations contained in this <br /> 5rcw�iiy Intitnnucnt. <br /> � (h1 tinle 1Vlthnut Crcdit l�ppravnl. L.,cndcr shall, if permittcd by applicuble law and with the prior approvul of the �___ <br /> , tircrrUu-y, rcquirc inmudi�itc p.�ymcnt in fnll c�f iill sums sccurcd by this 3ccurity Instrument if: — <br /> ��1 All m part uf'Utc Prnperty, or n heneficial interest in a trust owning ull or part of the Property, is sold or � <br /> nthrn�•i,r Irnnrlcrrc�l h�tl�cr th;in by dcvisc or desccnU by�hc Borrowcr.:md <br /> i�il '1'hr I'roprrty is ��ut �rccupicd by thc purchnscr or gran[ec as his or her principal residencc, or the <br /> - pturhnsrr nr N��•+micr dnus�n�ucupy �hc Properry but his an c�r crcdit has no�been approved in accordunw with the <br /> i4•quir��m:niti of thr ticrrctiiry. _ <br /> le►�1u 1Yuiver. If circuunt:mceti uccur th�it�vould permit l.ender to require immedinte payment in full, but Lender does <br /> nu�rrquirc tiurii paymcnt+, iAiui�r�iuc�.not wnivc its rignts wite�respecc «�suoseyucn[even[s. <br /> UI1lteµul�Ulunv of Hlfll 5ecretnry. In muny rircumstunces regul:�ticros issued by the Secretary will limit Lender's � <br /> riyhlti in �hc ru,c ul'p:iym�nt �Icfaults to rcquirc immcdiatc puyment in full and foreclosc if not paid. This Security ,,.,,_ <br /> • In,u wiirnl durti nt�t iiuthuri te uccelcraitiun or fored��sure if not permitted by regulations of the Secretary. _ <br /> 1��1��urtun{�e Not Insured.finrruwer ugree�thut shuulJ this Security Instrwnent and the Note secured thereby not be <br /> ^ rll�;il�lr li�r ii�tiur;inrc undrr Ihc Nution:d Hou�ing Act �vithin 60 duys from Ihc date hcrcof. L.cndcr may, at its option �..__" <br /> , and nul��•ilh�t�mdinH +u�vthinE in paragraph 9. reyuirc immediutc paymc+it in full of all sums secured by this Security �a:. <br /> Imu��munt. A u�rincn �tutrmcnt nt';iny ciuth�irirrd agent c�f thc Secrctury d�tcd subscquent to 60 days from the date <br /> �. hri��uL dc.•linin�; 1��in+un thiy Scrurity In,trument and thc Nc�te securcd thereby, shall be deemed conclusive proof of <br /> �u�h inrll��ihlllly. Nula�ith�Imi�linH Ihc tiuc�uin�, tliis option may not bc cxcrcised by L.ender when the unuvnilability <br /> . ��t intim.m.:i,�ulcly duc iia LcnJcr',L•�ilurc to rcmit a mortgagc intiurancc prcmium to thc Sccrctary. <br /> (11. 1lclq+lulcmcnL liuin���cr luir :i right to hr rcin�tatcd if Lcndcr has rcyuirul imm�:diatc paymcnt in full bccause of <br /> Hunu��ri',6uliue �u ��.�� ,w amuwel�lur undcr ihc Nn�c ur thir Scruriry his[rumen[. This right applies even aRer foreclosure <br /> • ��i���:rd�o����,u�� iu.�nuird fu irin+�air Urc tirruri�y� In.trumcnt, Hurrnwcr tih�dl tcndrr in .� lump sum all amounts rcquired to <br /> • , I��in�� Il�anm,�i', ,i�;uum .uurni i�iclicJinti, i�� ihc caent ihey arc nhliEutionx ��f Burrower under this Security Instrument. <br /> , luir�b��inr �u�t, ,unl ir.i�nn;ihle .md ai,lunt:u�y auurnrys' Iccti :uid expcnticti properly associateJ with thc [oceclosure � <br /> �u���rrdin�� I'p,u, i,•in,i;,i,•in,�m I�� Nm�uu�•r. ilii,tirrurity In,UUmcni .md thc i�bligatiunti that it ucures tihall rcmain in effcct <br /> • .r,�I I�•iidril�.�d uu� iryunrJ iuunc.le��r p.i�•mrnt m tull. Il���vc��cr. IAndcr i,n��t rcyuireJ to permit rcinstatcment it`(i) Lcndcr <br /> li,i. ,i�,r���r�l �rimi,ii�•mrm ,diri ih.� ���inmrnr��in.iu ul turcrlu�w•� pr�srcrdin�!s within twu p�ars immcJiatcly preccding thc � <br /> ���uuu;n„•iu,+n ��I .i �ini�•�ii Irnrrl���wr pi�,.rc�linN, ui� icm+talrrn�nt ���ill prrrludc furcrlu,urc on Jiff'crcnt grounJs in lhc <br /> uu� irin•,f.druiriu��ill ,iJ�ri,�•ly��Ilcrt Ihc ��nu�uy uf 11u licn crcatccl hy thi�Sccurity Imtrununt. � <br /> � I 1. ilui�u��u• \ut (tclra�al;1�orlt��ia•nnc�� (I� I.cndcr \ot n�1'nl�cr. F:alrutiiun�,f�hr�imc uf payntcnt or mudilica�iun of I � <br /> .nn�nn�,,i���n��t �hr •.uni, ,�•.inr�l h� du•,tircunty Intilruntrni }!r�urird hy L�ndcr (��cuiy wcrc„ur in intcrc�t uf Burrowcr shall � <br /> n��i ������.n� i�� ir6,rr tlir I�,d�iln� ��t di�• unl�inal 14ur�u��er nr li,nr���<<r'�,urrc���,r in inlerc�t. Lcndcr.hall nat hc rcquire� w ' <br /> � �nllllll�li�,' ��I�n�'��Illli'•, .��',110�1 �i1H �.IICiCw�P III Iltltl"ttil�tl' ICIINC 1�t C\lCOI� (IIl1C IUr�):1\'I11CIll �rr uthcr���i�e mc�difp amortiraitiun I <br /> ��t Ih,. _���n, ,�w,.l h� �Ou. tiruu�I} In,lluni�nl h� �ra��m ul �u�}• �Icntand ntadc h�• thc uriginal Borr���vrr nr Borro�vrr'ti I <br /> u��� •��� . in iiu�ir�i 1ir, luibi•,n,�ni� I,y I.cnilcr m r�riri,in}t ai�} n}�ht �n rrmcJp tihall nut br a ��ai�•cr uf ur prcrludr thc i <br /> r�r+,i r��I an� ii��l�l �n irnt•:J� <br /> � �` 'llll�+ll • , . • ' <br /> t_ _ _ ;_. <br /> . _- _- �- - <br /> i � <br /> 1 � .. <br /> ;' „ , .. <br /> ► „ .. ' ' �� ` <br /> � � , . .. <br /> k " .. „ �" ., <br /> d . , s <br /> ' ., <br /> � <br /> r.. <br /> �. — - — - <br />