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� •„ - . „ .. <br /> �:..:..._.__..—_�.._._ ., , , �. -_ <br /> ' �.-_-___�� '._......__.t._.../ � _. -�__--_`"-_ <br /> �.�_-_-_-_._-_..__'.'..".'.____._..-._�..���.��.����._..� - - . . .�`� _ <br /> : .,� - . 9�- �i.�`�5----�------ ---� -� � , . <br /> 17. Trnn�o� of 4ho Peoport}� or a �onofDclal In4oro�4 In BoPrdcvor. u au or nny pan ot tho property or I `- - <br /> any Interost In ft Is sold or ironafcrrcd (or II a b�nc8cial Interost In Bonowar Is sc�d or Uuneferred and 0onovier Is not a nnturni • <br /> peroon) v�ithout Lcndcr'a pdor writtcn con�cnt, Lcndcr may,nl Its option, raqulro I�nmo�lalo paymcnt in tull of a�3ums nccurcd by � � <br /> Ihls �ccurlty InaWmcnt. Hovrcvcr, tFda optlon aholl not bo oxcrclscd by Lcndcr If axerdso Is prohibltcd by tcdcml I�v� no o}tha ,� <br /> data o}thla Sccurity Ina4nimcnt. _ <br /> I} Lender oxerclses thls optlon, Lender shall pNo Bonower notice of occeleration. The notica shall provldo a pc�iod a}not ' �-a- <br /> loss 4han 30 days from tho d3ta the not(co Is dellvered or melled within whlch Borrativer mu�t pay alI sums securod by thls - <br /> Secudty inatrument. H Borrower fails to pay thase aums pdor to the explrutlon of tMs pe►iod, Lender rnoy Invo{<e flny remvd!oa -'�—" <br /> �= <br /> permittod by thls Sacudry Inatrument wlthout turiher notice or demand on Bonower. •� - <br /> 18. eorrower'o Filght to Relnstete. It Borrower meets certeln condipons,Borto�ver shnE1 have the right to havo � � _ <br /> `� enlorcement of thla Seeurtty Instniment discontlnued at any ttme pdor to tho carll:r o1: (a) 5 dsys (or such othcr pc�lod a� — <br /> eppllcable law may spocity for refnstatement)botore eate of the Properly purauant to nny power of asie contained In thla Secudry " Y���_ <br /> � Inatrument; or (b)entry of o Judpment enforcing thl3 Securiry Insttument. Thoas conditlona aro that Borrower. (a) peys l.ender all " — <br /> sums whlch then would be dua under thts Secudry Instrument end the Note ao It no ucceferetion had OCCQROd; ,b) cures any -�_ <br /> detauft of eny other covenant or agreements; (a) pnys all expenses Incurted in enloreing thls Security Inatrument,Ine�adinfl, but �. l�,,,, <br /> , not Ilmited to, reasonable attomey9'tees; �nd (d)tekes auch action as Lender may reasonubly requtro to nsaure thet the Ilen of <br />_ ,� thls Secuttty Instmment, Lender's dghte In the Property end Borrower's obligetion to pay the sums secured �y thfs 3ecudty � "��' <br /> instrument shall continue unchenged. Upon relnststement by BoROwer, this Security Instrument and the obliggUons securad x,� <br /> hereby shall remaln tully effeotive as If no accelereUon had occurred. However,thls nght to refnstate shail not apply in the case "+� <br /> •�- <br /> of ecceterntlon under paragreph 17. ,.. -- <br /> , 19. Sala of Note; Change of Laan Ser+ricer. 7he Note or a e partial Nterest In tha Note (together with thla � ��u <br /> Secu�ity Instrumenq may be sold one or rr�ore times wfthout prlor notice tu Bortower. A snle mny resuit in a chanpa In tho enflty r,,�.�c,�,+•i'= <br /> (known as the "Loan Servicer')that coliects monthly paymeMs due under the Note and ihls 3ecudty InsUument. 7here ulso may �.5�"•;`'��:c'�-s,'"01,�, <br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servlcer unreluted to a sale ot tho Note.It thero Is a chanr�e of the Loan Servlcer, ��`"` '� <br /> . „•;��. . <br /> Bmrower will be given written no:ico of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and epp�cublo Iaw. The notico wUl +�'� ��-�.�_� <br /> stete the nemo and address ot the new Loen Servicer and the eddress to whlch paymenis should be made. The notice wfll also ,.•';�pk�` <br /> contain any other Infortnation requlred by appllcable law. �'�^�*-T.'��'`, <br /> i 20. Hazard�ua SubSt8ltCes. Borrower ahell not cause or permit the presence, uae, dlsQosal, storage, or release of � •'.�.wvsxlr.�- <br /> I any HazArdous 3ubstances on or in the Property. Bortower shall not do, nor allow enyono else to do, anylhtng nHecUng the "���"Y"-i;,"„-- <br /> I Property that Is In vlolaUon oi any Envxonmentul Law. The preceding two sentences shatl not nppty to the presence, use,or ._,,,,�;'�;.�S� <br /> storage on the Property of small quanUUes of Hazerdous Substances that are generalty recopnized to be approprlate to normnl •f''���E;.--. <br /> realdentlal usos and to malntenance of the Property. � ��'- <br /> Bo�rower shnll promptty give Lender wrltten noUce of any InvesUgation, clalm, dcmand, lawsuil or other acUon by any � "'� <br /> govemmental or regulatory egency or p�ivute pariy Involving the Property and any Hazardous Subatance or Environmental Law of �U _ <br /> which 8arrowar has actual knowted e. If Borrower leams, or is not�ied b un �`� " <br /> 9 y y gove;nmentel or re gulato ry authori ty, that an y <br /> removal or other remedlatlon of any Hezardous Subatance attecting Property Is necessary, Bortower shall prompUy teke all � �� <br /> necessary remadiei aciions in accordance wnh tnvvonmentel Law. <br /> As used In ihls pareg!aph 20, 'Hazerdous Substances" ere those substences defned es toxlc ot heterdous substances by '' .�' <br /> Environmental Law and the fullowing substences: gasoline, kerusene, other ilammable or toxic peVoleum products, toxic <br /> pasticides and herb[cides, voletile soNents, materials contafning esbestos or lortnaldehyde,and radloactive materials. As used In ' 'Y <br /> paragreph 20, "Environmentel Law' means lederal laws and lews of the jurisdlctlon where the Properry Is lacated that retete to },`�r. i ,. <br /> health, setery or environmental protection. i ���'• <br /> :_� <br /> ?:� . ' <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender(urther covenant and ayree es 10VOW8: r• <br /> 21. Acceleratlon; Remedles. Lender ehall give notice to Borrower prlor to acaeleration � �r . � " <br /> following Borrower's breach af any covenant or agreement In ti�la Ss�urlty Instrument (but not `'� ���*�;. <br /> prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless appltcable lauv provides otherwise). The notice • � <br /> shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the defau(t; (c) a date, �o! lesa thar� f . ' `:�:�- <br /> • � .:�,.- <br /> 30 days from the date tho notice ts givan to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and � � . .:, <br /> (d) that falture to cure the default on or before the date spsci�t3ed tn the n�tice may reault in ;�y�� <br /> accelera4ion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of tha Prop�rty. The notice � � <br /> shall further inform Borrower of the �ight to refnstate after accos�ratian ana� the right to bring a �%'� <br /> court actia� to essert the non-oxlstence of a default or av�y other dofsnse of Borrower to <br /> acceleration and sale. If tho dof�uit is not cured on or befor�tne dlate specEfiecD iro ti�e nailce. <br /> Lendee at its optlon may �equire immediate payment In full of AI] eurne secured by thta Security -n <br /> Instrument wlthout further demand and may Invoke the power of eale and any other remedles '�• <br /> permltted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred In pursuing � `� <br /> 4he remedies provided In thts paragraph 21. includtng, but not limited to, reasonable citttorneya' <br /> i <br /> teos and costs of title evidence. <br /> If the powar of sale is tnvoked, Trustee shall record a notico of default in each county In <br /> which any part of the Property is located and shall mail coples of �uch notice in the man�or � <br /> prescribad by applicable law to eorrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicable law. <br /> Aftor t4�a time required by applicable law� TPUStee shall givo publ�c notice of sale to the porsons <br /> � and In the re�anner prescribod by appltcable law. Trustee, without demand o�Borrower, shall sell <br /> ! ihe Property at public auctton to the highest bldder at the tlrr+�o and ptace and under tho terms <br /> � designAted in the notice of sale in one or more parcvls and In an� ordor Trustse aletsrmin�s. <br /> � Trustee may postpone salo of all or any parcol of the Property by public announcemont at the <br /> I time and placa of any prov(ously schec0uled salo. Lender or i4s designoe Qnay purchase the <br /> Property at any salo. <br /> . � Upon recelpt of paymont of the price bid, Trustee shall dosivar to tho purchaser Tru�tse's <br /> deed convoying 4he Property. The recitats In ti9e T�ustoe's dead shall be primu facie evidence of <br /> = i�e in,i� oT ine siaiements made theroin. Trusto� shall apply tho proceeds of the sale in thu <br /> following ordar: (a) to all costs and expenses of exercf�ing tF�o power of sale, a�d the sale, <br /> Including tho payme�t of the T�ustee's fees actually tncurred, not to oxceod tNree <br /> , g'o of the principal am�unt of tl�e <br /> note a4 the time of tho doclaration of default. and roasonable attorney's fees as permitted by law; <br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Security InsKrument: and (c) any excess to the porson or persons <br /> IegaEly �sntttled to it. <br /> �f� ' <br /> - � F17:6.L.:n l•0.".1.) :=eye o cf 5 f/� V - <br /> I • <br /> � <br /> ti <br /> , 3a�t7 <br /> M� <br /> , � <br />