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<br /> Bonowcr m�y curo nuch a dcinult and reln�tato, as provided !n parAgraph 10!6"y r,�au3lnq tho actlon or procccd:ng to bo �'
<br /> d:�rnlaacd v�ith a rulinp that,In lcndcr'a �ood lnith dctcrminotlon, prccludos foritlturo o}ih� Oortotrcr'a Intcrcat In Ihn property or I �
<br /> othcr m�icdal imp^Imicnt ol tlio Ilcn crc�tcd by ihlo Sacuriry Inotnimcnt or�.cndcr'a occurlty Intcrest. Oorro�vcr ohnll �Iso 6o In I �•
<br /> dcfault il Bonoti•�cr, durNp tho loen eppllcatlon proccss, pnva matcrislry fat�a or Innccurato Intormatlon or atatcmcnts to Lcnder(or �
<br /> (alled to provlde Lender with eny materlsl Iniortnetlon) In connectlon wilh the loan evidenced by the Note. Includlnfl, but not
<br /> �� � Ilmited to, rcaresentallon� conceminfl Bortov�or'o occupancy of iho Property ns a princtpal rosldenca. II ihla �ocurlty ' �"-
<br /> lnatrumem le on a leesohold, Borrower ahnll compty with ell tho provlatona al the leasa. i1 Donower ucqulres fee titla to tha =-
<br /> Property,tho!snsehold and tho foo tilio ahnl!not merpo unloaa Lendcr n�rcos to lho merper In writing. "
<br /> 7. Prote�tion ot Lender'e Filphts in the Proporty. IP eo�eower tai�s to periortn the covenenta end egreementa " „ �"'°
<br /> . contnined In this Seeudty inetrument. or thero Is a legsl proceeding Ihat nx�y sipniflcantty oifect LendePe rlphto fn the PropeRy �-
<br /> (cuch as a procccd!ng In bantwptcy, prob�ta.tor condcmn�Uon or fadciCuro or te cnforco hws or rc�ulatlonn), thcn Lr.ndcr m3y � -
<br /> do end pay for whetever i�necassa to protect the value o1 the Property nnd Lender's d hta I� the Pro °�
<br /> ry g perty. Lender'e act!ana
<br /> • may include pQying any sums sPCUred by a Iien which has pdodty over this Security Inatrument, eppearing In court, payfng � __
<br /> reasonabla attomoys' fees and entcring on the Property to meke repairci. Although Lendar may take actlon under thls paragreph
<br /> 7, Lender doos not heve to do so. _
<br /> , Any amounts dlsbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 ahall becomo nddilional debt of Borrower secured by thts Securlty �`=
<br /> IneWment. UNese Bortower and Lender egrae to other terms o1 payment, thase amounts ahall bear Interest from the date o1 . , -
<br /> dlaburacmcnt at tho Noto mto and shnll ba payablo,with intc�nst, upon nctico from Lcndcr to Borrawcr rcquoating paymcnt. , . =
<br /> 8. Mortgage InBUeanCe. If Lender requfred mortgage Insursnca ds a condiUon of maWng the loan secured by th(s = ;:�-- ;;.�;�,��.,
<br /> Security Inatrument, Bortower ahall pay tho premlums requlred ta ms►ntatn the mortgage Insurance In eftect.It, tor eny reason,the � � �=��r a� '•-'�``
<br /> �a•:rj;,:'.E �•.`,•;�-
<br /> mortgac�e Insuranca corerage requlred 6y Lender lapses or ceases to 6e In eilect, BoROwer shall pay tha premlums requlrod to . . ;�- ��
<br /> obtain coverage substantially equlvalent to the mortgage insurence prevlouoly In ettect, et a cost substanUaily equNalent lo the � ;;.;�Ri,n;���
<br /> cost to Borrawer oi the mort2apo Insurance prevlousy in eitect, from an altemnte mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. II .:�-.""--
<br /> substantially equHalent morlgape insumnce covemge Is not ava(Inble, Borrotiver shnil pay to Lender each manth a sum oqual to �°`':.F•��--
<br /> one-twelfth o}the yearly mortgege Insurance premlum being pnld by Borrower when ihe Insurence coverage lapaed or ceaaed to •:,;�µ-F--
<br /> be In eftect. Lender �rill accept, uso and reta(n these payments as e loss reserve In Iieu of mortgagA Insurance. Loss reserve � "--
<br /> peyments may no longer bo requlred, at the optlon of Lender, it mortgaga Insurance coverage Qn the amount end tor the perlod
<br /> that Lender requlres) provlded by an insurer approved by Lender agnin becomes available and is obteined. Bortower shall pay "w.„—
<br /> . :T,'4W_;~'?-•`--
<br /> the premiums required ro melntaln mortgago insurance In ettect, or to proride a loss reserve, untll tho requirement for mortnngo '._<'____._,_: __
<br /> insu►ance ends In accardance with any written agreement between Bortower and Lender or applfcable lew. _ -
<br /> 9. Inape�tlon.Lender or Its agent may make reasonable entrles upon and InspecUons of the Property. Lender ahell give '�.��,��---
<br /> Bortower notice at the tlme oi or pdor to an inspection spec(tyfng reasonable cause tor the InspecUon. �f-�-.~_
<br /> 10. Condemnatlon. Yhe proceeds ot any award or clalm for damages, direct or consequenUal, In connection wlth any �. ��—
<br /> condemnsUon or other ta4cinc� of any part of the Property, or tor canroyanco in Iizu of condemnation, are hereby assigned And —
<br /> shall be paid to Lender. ,, ��e�
<br /> In the ovent of a total taking of the Property, tho proceed� ahall be applled to the sums securod by thls Secudty ' ,� -
<br /> Instrument, whether or not then due,wlth any excesa pald to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the PropeRy In whlch '� �
<br /> the fafr market value of the Proaertv Immediatetv belore the tafclnq Ia eauel Ro or qreater than the amount of the suma secured ' x �.�_,.
<br /> by this Securtry Instrument Immediatety before the taking, unless Borrower end Lender otherwlse agree tn wrfting, the eums ' �"rt '' �
<br /> secured by lhis Secudry Instrument shall be reduced by tho amount of the proceeds multiplled by the tollowing iracUon: (ej the �
<br /> total amyunt of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divlded by (b)the tair market value of tho Property immediately ��
<br /> belore tho teWng.My balanca shall bo pald to Bortower. In the event ot a parlial taking of tho Property In whicn the falr market "
<br /> value of the Property immedlately betore the taking Is less than the amount of the sums secured Immediatefy before the tsking,
<br /> unless BoROwer and Lender otherwise agree In wrlting or unless appllcab!e law otl�erwise provldes, the proceeds eh�ll be
<br /> appited to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is flbandoned by Borrower, or If,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oflera to make an
<br /> award or settle a claim tor damages, Borrower tails to respond to LeRder withln 30 days after the date the noUce Is glven,
<br /> Lender Is nuthorized ta collect and oppry the proaeeds, at its option,crither to restornUan or repair of the Property or to the •4'
<br /> sums secured by this Seeurity Instrumer�t,whether or not then due. ��•
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In w�iting, eny epplication of proceeds to pdnclpal shall not extend or `�" � ,--
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments reterred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenge the amount of such payments. ��e"� ,w�
<br /> 11. Borrower Nmt Released; Forbearanee By Lender Not a Watver. Extenslon of the Ume for payment or "�� �/`•. '"'
<br /> modification of amortizeUon oi the sums secured by this Secudty Insimment grented by Lender to any successor In Interest ot °''�l' �'"�`�`'
<br /> .. .,>. .
<br /> Bonower shall not operete to release lhe Ilebiliry of the odg!nal Borrov�er or Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shall not •
<br /> bo requlred to commence proceedings agulnst any successor fn interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise ?.;
<br /> modffy emortization of the swns secured by this Security Instrument by reason of eny demand mado by the original Borrawer or �
<br /> Borrowers suceessors In interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shell not ba a waiver of or � -:
<br /> preclude the oxerdse of uny dght or ramedy. I ;;:
<br /> 12. Succe�4Qre and Assigns Bound; Jolnt and Several Uability; Co-signers.The covenante and •A '
<br /> agreements of this Searity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successars and assigns of Lender end BoROwer,subJect to the � �'
<br /> provistons of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenents and agreements shall be joint ar.d several. Any Borrower who co-signs this �
<br /> Securtty InsVument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co-slgning thl� Secutlty InsWment only to mortgage, grent und convey ;
<br /> that Bortower's Interest In the Property under the terms of thls Secu�ity Instrument: (b) is not personnlly obifgnted to pay the
<br /> sums sc�ured by this Security Instrument: and (c) agrees that Lender and eny other BoROwer may ngreo to extend, modity, '
<br /> forbear or makd any accommodations with regurd to the terms ot thls Security Inatrument or the Note without that Bortower's
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the lonn secured by this Security Instrument Is sub�ect to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> � charges, and that law Is tinelly interpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges couectod or to be collected in conr.ection
<br /> with the loan exceed ihe pertnitted iimits, then: (a) any such loan cherge shaY be reduced by the amount necessnry to reduCo
<br /> tho charge to the permitted limit: and �b) any sums already coliected from Borrower which exceeded pertnitted limits will bo
<br /> 1 refunded ta Borrower.Lender mny chooso to malco this refund by reducing tho principal owed under the Note or by meking a �
<br /> direct paymEnt to Bortower. It e rofund reduces princfpal, the reduction will be treated as a pnrtlai prepttyment without any
<br /> I prepayment chargo under the Note.
<br /> i 14. NOtICOS. My notica to Borcower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be gNen by delivering it or by malling Ii
<br /> � by fir�t class mail unless applicable Inw requlros use oi another method. The noUce shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower designntes by noUce to Lender. My nolice to Lender shail be given by first class mail to
<br /> � 1 en/1nr'c erlrirece etofurl �.udn n. ..�I.o, o.la.voe �e...�e. .�m�....a�m ►.......n..e�.. n............ n.... ....w.� ..�...�.a� �_c..
<br /> _'_: --::. _: � -- -- - ------ --•-- ..�_.. _. _^.; ..__y.�..,.. ..� ......... ... .............. ....� .�......�, r....�..�.. �... ... i`��
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument shell ba deemed to hnvct been glven to BoROwer or Lender when given as provided In thls puragmph.
<br /> 1&. Governing Law; Soverability. Thfs Security Instrument shali bo govemed by fedeml law and tha luw of tho -
<br /> JurlsdlcUon In which the Property Is lor.ated. In tha ovent that eny provislon or clause of this Security Instrument or tho Note
<br /> conilicts with opplicablo law, such con0ict shall not uffect other provisions oi this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can bo
<br /> , , gtien eifect without the cantlicting provislon. To this end the provisions ot this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to �
<br /> be severablo.
<br /> 1 16. BOROwe�'e COpy. Borrower sholl be gken one confortned copy ol tho Noto and of this Seeurity Instrument.
<br /> ��.
<br /> ' F131G LMQ(70/94) Pagc]Of S ,�`J c- s
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