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<br /> ��
<br /> Loan Nd 3U�tV� (Co�tl��ucd) ---__�_--- .
<br /> or obliuptlone sttcurpd by Ihis Dosd ol Trusl and to exarqlse all rlphis end pAwdrs undor lhls Dood ot Trusl,under tho Nota,under any o!Ihe
<br /> Rclatod DacuRAnts,or undor nny qthor ngreemont or nny Iowe now or l�erEtBtter In forCe;notwilh�tandlnp,eomo or nll 01�,uch Indebtcdno59
<br /> G,nd oblipation9&ecured by Ihis Deed ot Trust may now�r hereRHar b0 olhorwiso cacurad,whotho�by mortgaQo,dood of Iru:;t,ptadqo,Ilen,
<br /> asslpnment or othernlsa. Nellher the acceptance of Ihly Oeed of Trus1 nor Iti enlorcement,whethar by court ar.11on or puroutnt l01he powor of ;�,,`�y,._
<br /> salo or othar powero contninod In thls Deod o}Yrust,shall proJud!cn or In nny msnner effact Tiustoe's or Lendor'a riflht 14 realize upon or • f;�;:-�
<br /> ent Ned o ent rce Ih D d ot Trust and�eny o her secu ity now adhe�eafler�h�td4byr enderTa Trustee U euohro d�r andpmaf nn4 as hay o� , � ' �
<br /> .,.,�;rs�;o�:;..
<br /> elther of them may In th�ir ebsolula dlscretion determine. No remedy conterrod upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender,I�Intensfed to be � 4��„r��,::.,_,
<br /> exciusivo ot any othar romody In this Deod of Trust or by Iaw proNded or parmitted,but oach shnll be cumulative and shel b�In additlon to , , �. —
<br /> evory other ramody glven In thla Deed ot Trust or now or hereaHer a�dsting et lew or In equity or by stalute. Hvery power or remedy plven by Iho .• :. �.�1�'-
<br /> Note or eny of the Related Documenis to Trustee or Lendor or to whlch elther ol them may be othenvise entitled, msy be exerclsed, ��h;;... .
<br /> concurroMly or Independently,(rom dmtt to tima and as oRen as may be deemed mcpedlent by 7rustse or Lender,flnd eilher ot lhem mey , x�.�.'-=Z=y _
<br /> pursuo Inconsistent remedies. Nothing In Ihls Deed of Trust shdi be construed as prohlbidnp Lender from seoklnfl o deflCloncy Judgment ,�M�..°_
<br /> ageinst Ihe Trustor fo the extent such aclion Is permilted by law. ;�,� -
<br /> -:;.�•,u',r�r•-.-
<br /> Reque3l For Notice. Trustor,on behalf of Trustor and Lender,hereby requests that e copy of eny Notice of Detauit and a copy ot en/Nolks ,.,,z{��_ �
<br /> of Sala under this Oeed of Trust bo mailad to them at the addresses set foAh In 4he first paragraph o}this Deed of Trusl. : :ns�{,�;_':
<br /> Welver,Elecllon of Remedies. A walver by any party of a breach of a provislon o}thls Deed of Trost stiall not constllute a walver of or „:_ ,:,�.� '�t,�s,.
<br /> preJud!ce the partyr's dphts otherv+ise to Cemand stdct compilence wlQh that provislon or any other provlslon. Eloctlon by I.ender to pursue eny �� <���,-_�
<br /> remedy proNded In this Deod of Trust,lhe Noto,in an Relatod Document,or provlded by law sha!I not exclude pursuit of an oihet remedy, "'1'n'��_�.
<br /> _:_�«•
<br /> and an eiection to meke expenditures or to takn nction to perform�n obtlgallan of Trustor under lhis Deed ot Trust eflor Iaiiure of Trustor to • .,�,�:nY T Y K, _
<br /> -.}.:�.:_._.�
<br /> perform shall not affect Lendors dght to deciare a detault end to exercise any ot its remodies. ..••+r:;-__i�i_ --
<br /> Attomeya'Fees;Dcpenxa. If Lender Institutes any suit or aCtlon to enforce any of the terms oP this Deed of Trust,Len�ar shatl bd enti�ted to ",;�;�,____.____-
<br /> recover such sum as the court mey edJudge roasonabte as attorneys' fees et Mal and on any appeal. Whothar or not any court actton Is _;,�r����-
<br /> , •.�,va r..�--
<br /> Invoived,all rensonable oxpenses Incurted by Lender which In Lender's opinion are necessary et any tim9 tor the proiecllon o}its inte�te5t or the �„; _ ..�
<br /> enforcument of its rights shall 6ecome a psrt ot the Indebtadness payabie on demand and sheil bear Intorest at the Noto�ato from the date ot , ___ �___
<br /> expenWture until repaid. Expenses covered by this parsgraph includo, without Umltatlon,however subJect to eny Ilmits under sDpi{cabia lav�. , - °'_W��
<br /> Lender's attorneys'fees whether or not there Is a lawsuit,Includinp attorneys'foos for bcnkruptay proceedings(Includirtp eHorts lo modiy ar �R���
<br /> vacate any automallc stay or InJunctlon),appeals and any anticlpated post-JudBment coltectlon services,the cost of searchinp rocords,obta�Nn9 � �,,_:.�,;.�-,
<br /> title reports(Including foreclosure reports),surveyors'reports,appta{sfll foes.ti tte Insuran�e,and teos tor the Trustee,to tho extant permltied by � ,_,.�d"'
<br /> pppllcable Iaw. Trustor also wlll pay any court Costs,In additlon ta all olher sums provlded by law. ,.--y�—
<br /> Rlphts o!Trustee. Trusfee shall have all of the rights and duties of Lender as set forth in thlS Section. '��,:_-_
<br /> POWERS AND OFlL10ATI0NS OF YRUSTEE. The following provisions releting to the powers and obllgations of Trustee are pad ol thla Deed of _ -
<br /> Trust. _
<br /> pnurars of Trust2a. In addition to ail powors of Trustse arisinfl ns a matler ot law,Trustee shall have the powor to teke the followtng actions ; ;;,��_
<br /> � with respect to the Property upon the wditen request of Lender and Trustor_ (a)Jdn In prepanng ano fiiing a mnp ui Niai i,t 2�'��.w,,.�;• .�. . - -
<br /> Including tho dedicatlon of Streets or other rtghls to the public; (b)Jain in grantlng any easoment or creating any restrtctlon an the R981 Praperty: .;
<br /> end (c)Joln In any subordinetion or other flgreement afteCting thls Deed o�Trust or tha interest of Londer under this Doed of Trust. ,�
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet all quaiiflcations requlred for Trustee under appllcable law. In addiflon to the�ights and remedles set forlh a6ova, -.,
<br /> with respect to all or any part ot the Property,tho Trustee shall have the dght to foreclose by notiCe and sale,and Lender shflli hflve the npht to ,-;
<br /> foreclose by�udicial toreclosure,In either Case In acCOrdance with end to the tutl extent provided by flpplicable taw. � ;' �
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lender,at Lender's optlon,may irom time to timo appolnt a successor Trustee to any Trustee appolnted hereunder by an ,
<br /> Instrument executed and acknowiedged by Lender and recorded In the olhce of the recorder of BuNalo County,Nebroske. Th0 instrument Shutl
<br /> contaln, In addition to sIi other matters requlred by state iaw,tNe nemes of the original Lender,Trustae,and Trusior,tho book and page(or �r
<br /> cornputer system reference)where thls Deod of Trust Is recorded,and the name and addross ot the successor husteo,and the lnstrument shall ��
<br /> be executed and acknowiedged by nll the bensflclarles under the Deed of Trust or ihelr successors In Interest. The successor lrustee,without .,� -
<br /> Conveyance of the Property,shall suceesd to all tha tltto,potiver,and du�es conterted upon the Truslee In this Dead of Trust end by applkable . �
<br /> law. This procedure for substltudon of hustee shall govern to the e�cclusion of ell olher provis!ons for substitutlon. , .�� �;:
<br /> NOTICE5 TO TRUSTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notice under this Dead of Trust shall he In wriHng and shall be eNactive whon aclually � '�;
<br /> delivered,or when deposited with a nntionally recognlzod overnlght courler,or, If mafled,shall bs deemed eHecHve whon deposlted In the United , '
<br /> States mail fi►st Class.reglstered mail,postnge prepald,directed to the addresses shown near the bsginning of this Deed ot Trust. Any party may . ,�.,�;,�:�:_��
<br /> change its addreu tor notices under this Deed of Trust by giving formal wdtten nodce to the other parties,specifying that the purpose of the notice is , ��•
<br /> to chango the perly's address. Ail copies ot notices of toreclosure hom the holder ot any lion which has pr�ority over this Deed ot Trust shnll be sent _
<br /> to Lender's address,as shown near the beginning ot thls Deed ot Trust. For not�e purposes,Trustor agrec+s to keep Lender and Trustee Informod � �
<br /> at all Iimes of Trustor's current address.
<br /> MISCEZLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The tollowing miscellaneous provislons are a part of this Deed of Trust: I �l;"
<br /> � Amendments. Thfs Dend of Trust,topether with any Rolnted Documenis,constitutes the entire understanding and agrsement ol the partlo5 es � %`
<br /> !o the maders set foAh In thl5 Deed of Trust. No alterution of or amendmsnt to this Deed ot Trust shall be oHective unless g��en in writinp and
<br /> I signed by ihe parly or partie�sought to be charged or bound by ihe eiteration cr emendment. `�.,
<br /> Annudl Repolte. It tho Property is used(or purposos other than Trusta's rasidence,Trustor shan furnish to Lender,upon request,a cerNfied
<br /> statemont of net uperatlng Income recelved irom the Proporly during Trustor's previous fisCal year In such form and detali as Lender shail
<br /> require. "Net operating Income"shall m�an all cash receipts horn Ihe Proporty Iess ell cash expenditures made in connection wiih the operation
<br /> � of the Property.
<br /> Apptleable Lew. Thls Deed of Trust has been detivered to Lender and eccepted by Lendar In the Stete ot Nebroskc. SubJecY to the
<br /> provlstons on erbitretion,this De.ed of Truat shNl be povemed by and construed In accordnnce wlth the inws o!the Stete of Nebreske.
<br /> ; Captlon Fkadlnya Coptlon headings In this Deed of Trust are lor convenlence purposos only and aro not to be used to Interpret or define tho
<br /> provisfons ol thls Deed o}Trust.
<br /> Nlerper. Thare Shall be no mergor of the intOrost or a5taio crealed by this Deed ot Trusl with eny other Interest or estate in the Property at any
<br /> fimp held by or for the benofit of Lender In any capaCity,without Iho wriiten Consent of Londtsr.
<br /> Severablllty. If e Court of competeiit Junsd�Ction(mds any prohSion ol this Deed of Trust to be invalid or unenforceable es to any pe�son or
<br /> C1rCUmstnnCe,suCh(in�ing shall not render that provislon invalid or unenforC(38b1e as to any other persons or circumstanCOS. If feasible,any
<br /> suCh oftondine provlsion shall be deemed to be moditiad to be wfihin Ihe I�mfta of ento�ceability or validity;howevor,if tho oHending prowsion
<br /> cannot be so modi8ed,it shall be sMcken and all othar provisions ot this Deed ol Trust in nll olher respects shell romaln vahd flnd entorceyble.
<br /> � � � .�.,..... c.�ti�,.�e,.��c�,uoe�����tnron�n�nie nnad nt Trust on transter ot Trustor's intoreSt,this Deed o�Trust shflll be
<br /> .- �-•------
<br /> awoca-sv�o m.....�.�..�. ......�.^.._ ..._ _....�___ .
<br /> binding upon end Inure to tho bonefit ot the parttes,the�r SuCC95s0�s nnd fl55igns. If otvnership of the Property b9COm85 veS1Uq�n a person .
<br /> other than Trustor, Lender, without notice to Trustor, may deai wilh Trustor's suCCessors wfth reference to Ihis i:ded ol Trust end the
<br /> Indebtodnoss by wny of torbCUrAnCO or extension without relessing Trustor trom lhe ob��gations ot this Deed of Trusl or �iabil�ty under the
<br /> Indebtadness.
<br /> , Time Is ot the EaSencc. T�me is o}the essence in the pe�lormance of thfs Deed ol Trust.
<br /> ' WAIVe(e anJ Cons�nt8. Lender shali not be deemed to huve wflived nny rights under Ihis Doed o1 Trust(or undor tho Relaled DoCUme�ts)
<br /> � un,oss such wtUver Is fn wriling and signed by Lender. No delny or omf35�On on the part of Londer in exorC�sing nny nghl Shall operole ns a
<br /> ' we�vor ot such rlght or any other righl. A wniver by any parly of a prov�slon Of this Oeed ot Trust Shali not constitute n wnlver o�or projud:ce the
<br /> pII�ty'S Nght othonvisfi to demflnd striCf CompliIIn�p with that prov�siOn or ony oth8r prov�si0n. NO phor wtirv8r by Lender, nOr any cour5e oF
<br /> deS��rtg belweon Lender and Trustor, Shall consiitute a tvnfver ot riny of l.ender's nghts or nny 01 7rustor'S obl�gphon5 as t0 any lutu�o
<br /> tranSUChOns. Whenevor Consem by Londer i,�8qu�r8d in this QCrd O!Trusl,ihe gre�hnfl 0�such con5ent by LondB� ��any mStflnC9 shnN not
<br /> ConStitut8 Continuing Consent lo Subsequent�nStpnCeS wh8r0 SuCh Consent IS raquued.
<br /> Welver o1 Homestcad Eucsmptton. Trustor hereby rel¢35es 6nd waives all nphls and bane6ts of tho homostead oxompt�on Ir�ws o�iho Slpte o�
<br /> Nobmskp as to all Indobtednoss Secured by Ihis Daed ol Trust.
<br /> 1 `
<br />