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<br /> FUATNER A89URAliC�S;AYTORMEV-Ik�FACY. TI►a lollo�vinp prov�slons rcl3tlnp to furthar n�surnnces nnd uttornEy-In-Incl are a paii ot this
<br /> i �ood ot Yrusl. 'y�
<br /> Furtli2r Aasursnce�. At any tlm�,nnd(rom Ilmo to Iimo, upon roquost ot Londor,Trustor wlll maka,oxoculo and d�liwr,or wlll cnuse ta bo , 4
<br /> made,exacuted or delivarod, to Lendor or !o Lender'a doslpnee,and when requested by londar,cause fo be filed,rucordod, refiled, or -�b
<br /> rorecordod,a9 Ihe caso may bo,et cuGh Ilmes end In�uch officos and pinces as Lender may deem oppraprlate,any and nll such mortfleprfs, .
<br /> dC�d�of trusf,�CCUrity d^�d9,CcBUrity r.r�rr!t�mants,Ilnonclnp stotemente,conunuruqn atotoTOnts,Instrumonis of turlher nrsuranco,cerllt�cates, _ -
<br /> end othar documents Qs may,In tho solo opinlon ol LendEr,be necossary or deslrable In ordor to�It,DClunla,complote,pertect,continue,or i
<br /> prosorve (a)fhe obilfletlon9 0}Trustor under the Nate,Ihls Doed ol Trust,urtd the Releted Documonts,and (b)Ihe Ilens and sc�curiry Intorests ! •�
<br /> croutod by ihls Deod ol Trusl Qs fir�t nnd pri0�Ilons on tho Proporty,whuther now ownotl or hereatt&r acqulrad by Trusfor. Unless prohiblted by � •
<br /> Ipw or agreed to Iha contrery by Londer In wrltinp,Trustor shali relmburse Londor for all costs nnd axpenses Incurred In conneclion with the i• �r
<br /> maltore roferred to in tnls perngreph. �
<br /> Attorney-In-Fact. If Trustor falls to do nny of Iho Inlnps roterred to In the preceding pnregreph,Londor may do so(ar and In the name of I
<br /> Trustor and nf Trustor'o oxpenso. For such purpose9,Trustor lieroby Irrevocably appolnts Londer as Trustore adorney-an-fact for ihe purpose i
<br /> of making,exocuting,dolivering,tilinp, roCOrdinp, nnd doing all oUier Ihlnps as mey be necessary or deslra6le, In l.endor's soie opinlon,tu .
<br /> accompllsh the mattere relerrod to In Ihe procedlnp parngrnph. _
<br /> FUl PERFOFiMANCE, 11 Trustor pays flll tho Indebtedness when duo, torminntos the Iine of credif,und otherwlsa parforms all thu obligattons '
<br /> Imposed upon Trustor under this Doad of Trust,Lendor shall pxecute and dalivsr to Trustea a requesl far lutl reconveyence end shell execute and
<br /> dalivar to Trustor sultabis clstoments of terminetion of any finnncing statemenl on fiie ovldencin�Lenders secudty Interest In tho Rents and lhe �
<br /> Pe�sonei Property. Any reCOnveyance fee requirad by law shall be pald by Trustor,if permittod by appliCabie l8w.
<br /> DEFAU.T. Ench of the fotiowlnp,et fhe option of Lendor,shau constitute nn avent of default("Evont of Default'�under this Deed of Trust: f ,
<br /> Qet��i!on letlebtetl�!a.FeiNre of Trustor to meke any payment whon due on tho Indebtedreess. =^
<br /> DetaWt on Ofher Payment9. Faliure of Trusfor withln tho tlma requirod by this Deed of Trust to mnka any paymanl for taxes or Insurnnce,or I ,:__
<br /> any other peyment necessary to prevent f�ling of or ta eHect discharge of any Ilen. __°
<br /> CompllanCe DDfOUit. Falluro to comply�vith any othor term,obllgation,covenant or candition contained fn ihls Deod of Trust,tha Note or In � �_
<br /> any of tha Rclatad Dacuments. I}such e fduure Is curabte and if Trustor hes not bQen given a noUce o9 a breach of the same ptowsion oi this � � -
<br /> Deed of Trust withln the preceding hve;vo(12)months,d may be cured(and no Evont of Delault will heve occurted)I}Trustor,atter Lendor � ,;-.-
<br /> sends written noflCO demanding cure of such laflure: (e)cures the Isllure withln twenty(20)days;or (b)It the curo requlres more than twenty �
<br /> (20)days,Immedletety Initietes steps sufficlent to cure the faiture and thereafter continues and completes a�reasonnble end necessary steps - � ��-�
<br /> sufRClent to produce compllence ns soon as roasonebly practical. � a�=
<br /> Fatse Statemente, Any warranty,representntion or stntempnt mnde or furnished to Lender by or on 6ehalf otTrustor under thls Deo�of Tiust, �� � }' •�
<br /> the Noto or fh0 Related Documents is lalse or misleadin In an matedal respect,either now or at the time made or furNshed. . ''-�`�
<br /> 8 Y `' ��"
<br /> Inaotvency. The Olssulution or termination of Trustor's exlstenCe as a going business,the insqNency of Trustor,Ihe nppolntment of a recelvar ,��
<br /> , lor any part of TruStor� prop3rty, any asslgnment for the �ene6t of creditors,any typo of creditor workout, or the commencement af eny � ;1�� --
<br /> , N�Vi.rouu'ii� wiu'oi 6f� un�iRiu ii, vi iii$OivoilC. i6�ir`a�'i' v�a Sii�'a2�iw:in. - -
<br /> d r N r r i-._a' i�-=--�;,-,'�"� ---
<br /> Foreclosure,Fortelture.etc. Commencement ol foreclosure nr forfeiture procesdings,whether by Judlctai proceeding,selt-help,repossession �,;�
<br /> or any other methpd. by eny creditor of Trustor or by any governmental egancy agsinst any of the Property. However,thi3 subsectlon shell not � , r ,� �
<br /> appty In the event of a gaod falth dispute by Trustor ns to the vatidity or reasonableness of the clafm which Is the basis oi the foreclosure or • � �
<br /> forefeiture proceeding,provided th81 Trustor gives Lender written notice ot such cialm and turnishes reserves or e surety bond for the Clefm �
<br /> satisfactory to Lender. � ,,
<br /> Brea�h of Other Apreement. Any breach by Trustor under the terms of eny other agreemont belween Trustor and Lender lhat Is not remudlud :�. ' �
<br /> wilhin any grace period proNded theroln,including wilhout Iimitatlon any agreement cancerning any Indebtedness or other obligation of Trustor
<br /> fo Lender,whe4her exisling now or later. '`'�'�
<br /> Events AKectiny(it�erantor. Any of the preceding events occurs with respect to eny Guarantor ot any ot the Indebtedness or such duarantor � ����'
<br /> dies or becpmes Incumpetent or eny Guarentor revokes nny guaranty o}the Indebtedness. Lender,at Its option,may,but shall not bo roqulred r /r'�
<br /> to,permit the Guernntcr's estate to assume unconditionally the obilgations arisfng under the guelenty fn a manner satisfaCtory to Lender,and,In �•'�'�;`"
<br /> doing so,cure the Event of Defeult. "
<br /> *,
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES OH OEFAULT. Upon the occuRenca of flny Event of Detnult and at any time theresfler,Trustoe or Lender,at Its optlon, ;�
<br /> may exorc(se any one or more o1 the following dghts and remedles,In addition b any other dghts or remedies provided by law: J . �,�,.�z
<br /> Accelerattan apon Dafault;Addltionel Remedtea. If any evant ot default occurs tivhich Is not cured within fi(taen(tb)days nfler nofice,a;,per � !;
<br /> the terms o}the Nofe secure0 hereby,Lender may dec�nre all Indobtedness secured by thls Qeed of Trust to bo due end payabie nnd the same � y /•���
<br /> sh�ll thereupon boCOmo due and payable wfthout any presontment,demand,protest or notice of any klnd. Thereafter,Londor may: � .
<br /> (a) Either in person or by agent,with or without bdnging any action or procaedin,7,or by a r�cefver appWnted by a court end without
<br /> regard to the adequacy of its security,enter upon and take possession of the Property,or any pad thereol,in its own name or In the name � y,�
<br /> of Trustee,and do any acts which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value,marketebllity or rentabluty of tho Property,or purt f
<br /> of the Property or Interest In the Property;Increase the income Bom the Property or protect the secu�ity of the Property;and,with or wlthout ,f
<br /> taking possession ot the Property,sue for or othenvisa collect the rents,iuuos and profits ot the Properly,Including those pest due and �;
<br /> unpafd,and epply the same,iess costs and expenses of operetion and collecflon,Including attornoys'teeS,lo any indebtedness secured
<br /> by thts Deed of Trust,all fn such order es Lender may determfne. The enteAng upon flnd tnkinp possassion ot the Property,the collectlon �'�• �,
<br /> of such rents,Is5ues and profits,and the appliCehon thereof shall not curo or welve any default or notlCe of default under Ihis Deed of Trust
<br /> ' or invalidate eny act done In response to such de�ault or pursuant to suCh notice of delauit and,nohvilhstanding the continu8nce in
<br /> possession of the Property or Ihe collecflon, recelpt end applicatlon of rents,Issues or profits,Trustee or Le��der shall be entitled to
<br /> exercise every right proddad for in the Noto or the Related Documonts or by Iaw upon thn occurrenc;e of any evont of default,Including the
<br /> right to exerciso the power ot sale;
<br /> � (b) Commence nn acBon to 4oreclose this Deod of Trust as a mortgnge,appoint a rocotvor or speclHCally enforce eny ot the covenants
<br /> hereof;and
<br /> (c) Qeliver to Trustee a wri88n declaration of delault and demflnd tor sale and a written notiCe ol detaull flnd electi0n to cause Trustor's
<br /> interest In the Properry to be so1d,which natice Trustee shnil cause to be duly filed for record in the eppropriale oHices of tha County in
<br /> � which the Proporty is iocated;and
<br /> � (d) Wifh respeCt to all Or eny part of the Personal Prope�y, Lender Shell heve ull the rights nnd r�medios of n secured party under the
<br /> Neb�askn Unllorm Commercial Coda.
<br /> � ForCCiosuro by Power of 5elo. If Londar eIQCIS to for(tCloso by oxerase of the Power of Sfile herein Contflined,Lender shall notify 7rustee and
<br /> shall deposit with Trustee th�s Oeed of Trust and the Noto end such rece3�pts and ovldonce of o�endilures made and secured by th�s Deed of
<br /> Trust as Trustee maV require.
<br /> � � � �nj upon rewipi oi�ucn nou�"vom i.pnppr,i rusiea snn�i cuuso io Oa r�oroe0,puaiisnea ana aenverpa t0 irUStOr SUCtt NO[tCP OT 00iflUlt • �
<br /> and Nonco of Salo os thon roqutrad 5y iaw and by this Dood o!Trust. Trusteo shall,Nnthout demand on Trustor,�Itor suCh Im�e as may
<br /> � thpn bo ioquired by law pnd aitor recordnhon of suCh NotiCO of Dofault nnd nflor Notico of Sulo hnwrtfl bcon given cis requlred by law,sell —
<br /> the Property fll the timo Eind ptaco of sale hzod by il In suCh Notica of Snle,eithsr as a�vholo, or fn sop¢rntg lots or pnrCels or items as
<br /> Trusteo shull doom expediont,and in suCh ordor n�it mtty datormino,nt publlc auction to Iho h�ghost bidder}or ctish fn lawtul monpy oi
<br /> tho UnitOd SI91os poyab�n a11hD timo Of Salo. Truste0 shall dolivCr to SuCh purCha,Or Or purChasarL theroof Its good and suliiCient deed or
<br /> � doods conveying Iho proporty 5o SOId,bul w�lhoul any covenant or�vnnpnty,pxpress or�mpliad. Tho rQCitpl5ln SuCh doed of any matters
<br /> or 18Ct5 shall bo ConClusivo proof of iho Irulhfu�ne55 thareof. Any pnrson,Includmg without lim�lntion Trustor,Trusloo,or Lendor, mpy
<br /> purChaso Ot SuCh Stile. —
<br /> (b) AS may b9 permdted by lavi,nitnr doduCting nll costs,feps and oxponsos o�Trustea and of Ihis Trusl, includinp Cosls of owdenct�ot
<br /> t�tlo in connec6on with snlo,Trustes shall ppply Iho pr0000ds ol selp to pnymc�nt of (�)all sums expendod undor the torms of th�s Doed ol
<br /> • Trpcf�r pnQ�r Ihe IBrme�}thn fV01°no!then repe�d,inclu0ina but nof limitcd to accru�d�ntsr;t and late cna�yus, (��)pli Othe�SU(PS th0� �
<br /> �� I soturctd hereby,and (hl)thp rpm�indo�,if ony, t0 tho p9r5on Or pOrSOns Ipp411y enl�lipd ihpralo.
<br /> + (c) Trustee mey�n tht�mnnnc�r providod by�aw postpone Salo o�nll or nny port�on of Iho F'roporly.
<br /> � RCmGdIOS NOt ExCluslve. Trusipo and Londer,und e3ch o1 thom,Shnll bo onidlpd to onfor�o pnymcsnl antl po�lormnnco of any mdebtptlnpss
<br /> , I
<br />