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��� <br /> . . . . . .. 'uls._. <br /> >'(�� - .. - .� � <br /> . <br /> � .'.%a - . - . <br /> � � �� - <br /> G • ��� '. _ ... � l I <br /> ,.. <br /> .,.r <br /> ,.. :....: .�; . <br /> , <br /> . t� .. . _.__. __ <br /> .�....�,..A,..��..{., .. . ...- -----.z:-�......_--- .... - ----� _,. _ <br /> ,.,..,,,� <br /> .:• ,. <br /> ._ _. ..,.. —_�._.��_._.__.-----.. �. <br /> �_..._-------.._... ------•--- .. <br /> '.��_.�_._.._._..._��...__....�""____ �t h : <br /> . . -TT�'�r <br /> ' 6 ; �° ��DE°�o.���D � ���� <br /> Borrower doal nntas by notico to Lendcr. Any notico to Lendet ehatl bo pNen by ilrot elose msG ro Lcndcr'o addroso otated herc;n or nny � „-' <br /> � I -- <br /> othor nddrese Lendcr desl�netes by notico to Borrower. Any nolir,e provlded for In lhl�Sncudly Inntrument ehall bo deemed to hnve becn ,__. <br /> flivon to Borrovrcr or Lender whcn plven ns p;nvidcd In thl�paraflraph. <br /> „ I1S. Cove�ning Law; SevePablllty. Thls Sccu�iry Irrstrument ahall bo Qovemed by federnl I�v� nnd tho Inw o1 Qho Juriedlctton In '.�`M <br /> I v�hlch tho Property Is located. In tho ovent Ihet any provlslon or dauee of thls Sec�dly Inetrument or tha Nota canfllcts with eppilcabie I . ��_ <br /> . Inw, euch conGict she8 not a(tcct otf�cr provlslan:, ot thl�Setur1ty In�tNment or tli�Noto whlch ean ba given offect�vilhout tha Ctlniiictlnfl ` - - <br /> provislon. To ihis end lhe provlslons of thls Socudty In�trumer►t end tho Nota ure dectared to be eavcrable. , �� <br /> 18. Bo�rawer's Copy. Borrower ehall be ptven one conformed c�py o1 ti�e Nata end ai thls Secudty Inst�ument, �_ <br /> 17. Transfor�f the Property or e, Beneflcial Intereet In Harrower. 14 all ar sny part o1 tha Property or eny Intttest f � <br /> n.�: <br /> In it Is sold or tmneferred(or H a beneflclal interost In Bonowcr Is eotd or trsnofcrrad and Borrower la not a natural peraon)without Lend• t , „ ,� <br /> er'a prlor wrltten conaent, Lender may,et Ita optlon,requlre Immedlate payment In tull 01 ull sums eecurad by thls Sacurity Instrument. ; ' �', <br /> Howmer, thls opUon aiisll not be exerci:,cd 6y Lender il exerclse Is prohibited by tedernl lav+as ol the date ot this Securiry Inetrumrnt. � •.. <br /> If Lender oxercises thl:s optlon, Lender ahall pNe Borrower no�ice of acceleratlon. The noUco ehall provide a perod of not less than 30 ;�!- <br /> , days from tho date the notico !s defiverad or mailed within which Bortower must pay ell sum�secured by thls Security Instrument. Ii <br /> Bonnwer fails to poy these sutns prlor to the expiratlon oi ihis perlod,Lender may Invoke eny remedies permltted by thls Sacurity Instru• 114 <br /> �-� <br /> ment without further noUce ar demend on Bortower. � , , � <br /> �8. Borrower's Rlght to Relnstate. It Borrower meets certaln conditlons,Borrower shall have the�1pht to have entorcement <br /> ot this Security Instrument discontinued at any tlme prior to thA ead�er ot:(a)5 deya (or sueh other perlod aa appOcable law mey spaeity <br /> tor rNnstetement) befora ealo ot the PropeRy pursuant to any power ot sale conlelned In this Secudry In�trumcnt: or(b)entry of e Judgment �/;=. �_ <br /> . entorcing thls Secudry Inst►ument. Those conditions are that Bortower: (n) payo Lender ail sums which then�vould be due under this +M r`•.:; � <br /> Secur(ty Instrument and ihe Note as il no acceleratlon hnd oceurted; (b) curos nny dEfault p1 any other covenants or ayreementa;(oj pays all � <br /> expenses Incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,Including,but not Ilmited to,reasonablo eltomeys' tees;nnd (� takes such actlon _, <br /> � as Lender may reasonably requlre to assuro that the ilen ot thfs Secudty Instrument,Landar's dghts in the Property and 9ortower's obliga- ..� _ <br /> � tlon to pny the eums secured by thls Secudty Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstetement by Borrower,thts Secudty ,.�; <br /> Instrument and tha obfigattons secured hereby shall remain IuUy atfecthre as If no acceleratlon had acarred. However, this dght to reinstate �`��ti y�_ <br /> shall not appty In the case of aeeeleratlon under paragreph 17. � '`��� <br /> . �i"�"`'. <br /> 19. Sele of Note; Chenge of Loan SentlCer. 'The Note or a partlal Interest In the Note (togother with thls Security �%� <br /> Instrument)may be sold one or mora times without prior nottce to B�rrower. A sale may result In n change in the entity (known oa the •� <br /> 'Loan Servicer')that conects monthly payments due under the Note end th(s Securlry Instrument. There also may be one or more changos of '�� <br /> the LOfll1 SCrvICEY UOt@18ted Io 0 6HI8 01 the Nott3. 11 there is a cnnnyn ui iiw�'vaP�w"i::8.."S.�C.^.�t=°'w II�ia �yan writtnn noUce oi the cht+npe L��tL <br /> In accordance with paragruph 14 ebove and applicabie law. Tha notice wlll stete the namo and address of the new Loan 3ervtcer and tho ;+ <br /> address ta whlch payments should be made. The notice will also cantaln any other Infortnntlon requlred by appliceble lavr. • - � <br /> 20. Hazarclous Substences. Bortower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal,storage,or release of any Hazerdous .. <br /> substances on or In the Property. Borrower ehall not do, nor aiow anyone else to do,anything aHectirsg tho Roperty that ia in vlolation of , ��, <br /> any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences ehall nat apply to the presence,use, or storage on the Property�1 small quantities of , <br /> '. Hazardoua substances that are generalty recognized ta he eppropriate to nortnal residential uses end to malntenance of the Properry. ����!� <br /> i . . � <br /> Bortowe►shall promptty give Le�der w�irien notice of any investigntion, clalm, demand,lawsuit or other actlon by any flovemmental or r + <br /> regulatory agency or private party Involving the Property and any Haznrdous Substnnce or Environmental Lew at whlch Bortower hen actual I . <br /> � knowledge. If Borrower leams,or Is notitied by any govemmentel or re�ulatory authority, that any removai or other remedlatlan of any Hazardous � „ <br /> Substence aftecUng the Property is necassary, Bortower shatl prompty take all necossary remedial actions In accordance with Envlronmen4al Law. i <br /> As used In this paragreph 20, 'Hazardous Substances'are thoso substances da4ned as toxic or hazurdous substances by Environmental , ,�;�"�� <br /> • I.ew and the tollowing substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum producta, toxlc pestir.ides end her4lcldes,voletile <br /> . solvents, materfals contfl{ning asbestoe or tormaldehydo,and radloactivo materials. As used In thls paregreph 20. 'Environmentel Law' I <br /> means tederal Isw3 end laws of the Jurisdiction where ihe Properly is located that relata to hcaith,safety or environmentel protectlon. i �' <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7S. Borro�ver and Lender further covenant and egree as tollows: j <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lendor shall give notice to Borrower prior to dcceleration foleawing �� <br /> Borrower's breach of any covene�t or agreeenent In thia Security Instrumont (but nat prior Qo acceleration ��• <br /> under paragraph 17 unles� applicable law provides otherwise). The nntice shall specity: (a) the default; (b) � <br /> the ectlon requlred to cu�e the dofault; (�)a dete, not less than 30 days f�om the date the notice Is given to ' �^• ,, <br /> Borrowor, Iby whtch the defauit musR be cured;and (d) that tetlure ta cure the default on ar before the dete <br /> specifted In the notico may rasult In acceleratfon of the suma secured by thts Security Ins�trument and sals <br /> of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrowor of the right to reinstate a�fter acceleratian end <br /> the right to briny a cocrt action to assert 4he non-existonce of a default or any other dete�se of Borrower <br /> to ac�olera8lon and eale. If the default Is not cured on or beford the date specified in the notice, Lender <br /> at tts option may require tmmedtate peyment in i�l� of all sums securod by this Socurity Imstrument without <br /> �ru�thar demand end mey invoke tha powor Qf sale and any other remedies permitted by applica6le <br /> law. Lon�ior shall be ent(tled td collect all expenses I�curred in pursuing tho remedles provided in thls <br /> para�reph 21, Includin�� but not limited to, reaso�able attorneys' fees and costs of t(tle evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked,Truatee shall record a notice of default In each county in which any part <br /> of the Property Is located end shall mail copios of such noticn In the mannor prescribed by applicabl� taw <br /> to eorrowo►and 40 4{ie oth�r persons proscribor! by applicable law. Aftor tho tirr9e roquired by applicable . <br /> � law, Trusteo aNall give publlc notico of s�te to the persons and in the mannor prescribad by applicablo law. ; <br /> � Trustee� without demand on Borrower. shall soll the Property at publlc Auctlon to the highost bldder at the <br /> - :.... -` --•- '- --- _'..�..� ..d...nto �nd in anv nrdg� <br /> . .- -- - --... _. , � � "-- � <br /> ' timo ansl place and under the turma aosi naeeu in inv naucn oi oa.o .���,�o .., ...�.� r-•-----••- •-- -• • - <br /> Trustae determinea. 7ru�stee may postpone s�lo ot all or any parcol of the Proporty by public announcomont <br /> at the timo and place of uny previoualy schedulc�d sale. L�ncler or ite designee mey purchaso 4he Property <br /> at any sale. <br /> Upon re�olpt of payment of the prico bid,1 rustee shatl delivor to the purchaser Trustoo's doed <br /> • convoying the Proporty. Tho recitals in tho Trustee's deed ehall ba prima fecle ovidenco of tho truth <br /> � of ths statomonts made therefn. Trustee shall apply the procoede of the eale In tho following ordor: <br /> . (e) 4o etl co�ta and exponsea of oxurciafng 4he power of eale, and the ealu, including the payment of the <br /> , 7rue�tee's fees actu�lly incurrod, no!to exceed 3.0009'0 of tho princlpal amount of tho nota at the time <br /> of the dealaration of default, and �easonable ettarnnys' foos as pormlttad by low; (b) to a!I suma socurod <br /> by thlg Socurity Instrumunt; nnd (c) any oxcess to the p��aao or persons logally entitled to �tForm 3oze e/so <br /> 30203.irm �Sl9t) oapo a of 5 <br /> � � . \ <br /> � �- ---- ----- _ <br /> i _ — _-- -- <br />