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<br /> tefih Jud�jmenl could resutt In foAeitura ol tlio Property or otheNriso materlally Impelr tho Ilen cre9ted by this Sccurity Instrument or Lcnder's
<br /> security Interest. �orrower may cure oucti a detsuit and relnotate, ae provlded In pareg�aph 18,by ct�us!ng the actEon or praceeding to be
<br /> dismisaed wlth a ruilnp thet,In Lender'a good tslth detcrminetlon, precludes fodelture u} tho Bortower'o inteeest irt tho Property ar other m�terial �
<br /> " Imp�kment o1 the Ilen created by thls Securfty Instrument or Lender'e eecudry Interest. Oorrower shafl also be (n detault If BoROwer, dudng the �;�,E,�.+
<br /> ..,_;��.__.-.,:
<br /> ,. tonn eQpliu►tian procesa, gavo mateda!ry(aise or Insccureto intormstlon or atatemcnts to Lender (or talled to prov�de Letsde►with any mate�tal
<br /> Intormation) In connection with the toan evidenced by Qhe Nota,Inciudfnp,bul not�mtteb ta,represonteUona caf�cei.�inp Dorrowtr'o occupancy of �.�:,_..�.�:_
<br /> �r��°s:=-
<br /> the PropeRy ae �p�lncipnl rosldence. 11 this SecuBry Instrument la on�lanaehold,Bonower sheN compy wilh eA tha provisiona of ihe tease. R-,.o�..,l._-_
<br /> , It Borrower acquirea tee tttte to the Property, the leaachald end the tee tiUe she11 nat merpe unless Lendcr sprees to Ihe merger fn wdting. Y !4 x'.��,
<br /> ' 7. Pratectlon of LYnd4rb Alghte In the Propertyl. It BoROwar Ialls to pertorm the covenant9 and egreaments conteined �t��;-
<br /> � In thia 3ecudty Instrument,or thare I�e legal proceeding that may algnlBcanUy atfect Lender'e�Iflhts In tho Properly (suth as a proceedinp �,
<br /> n . r;.. �r.`.
<br /> In ban}wptcy,probato,lor condemnatlon or todefture or to entorce Inws or regulationa),then Lender may do and Raytor whatever Is necessary ,.._,T_�_.:=._
<br /> to protoct tho value of Ihe Properly and Lender's rlghts in the Praperry. Lender's actlona may indude payinp�ny suros secured by u I!�tlhlch '� �"��'`��t�•�`
<br /> ��•w�,::-
<br /> �Lti,"....�--�-
<br /> has prtodry over thls Secudry Instniment,appeadnp In court,paying reasonabte attomeya'lees and en4erir�g on tha Propary to make repaire. �,,;s�Y^_ __
<br /> ��5•
<br /> Although Lender may take action underlhls paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. `.�::°-�-_--,_
<br /> � '"-•- v--
<br /> My amounts dtsburoed by Lender under thls parapreph 7 shall become sddilional debt of Borcawer secured by thls Secudry Instrument. •:<..��y_,,,�_'
<br /> Uninss BoROwer and Len�er agree to other terms o1 payment,those amaunta ahen bear Interest from the date of disburaement at the '�`"° -
<br /> Note rete and shail be payabto,with Interest. upon noiice irom Lender to Bortower requeslfng payment. p�;W"���_—
<br /> 8. H�ftg��� In�al�0�1Ce. If Lender requirad mortn,}age tnaurance as a conditlon of makinfl the loen secured by this Secudty Instrument. -�_ _
<br /> � Borrower ahell pay the premlums requtred to melntaln the mortgage insurenco In ettect. If,for eny reason,tho moRgege Insuranc�cmorage Y�":�L�r-_
<br /> „ requlreA by Lender lapses or ceases to be in eftect,Bortower shall pay the premlums requlred to obte(n co�erage substantlaUy equhratent to the a:�;�._
<br /> . mort�age Insuranco prevlousty!n eftect,nt a cost substnntially equhralent to the cost to Borrower of the modgage[nouranc�previously In ettect, ,,,-_�„s_._
<br /> � � - from an aitemate mortgage Insurer epproved by Lender. I}substantialy equhralent mortgage Insurance coverage Is not avallable, BoROwer sheA pay '.•V•..:�°.
<br /> to Lender each month e sum equal to on�twelRh o1 tho yeariy mortgugo In�urenco premium being pald by Borrower when the insurance covc+xge °.���,_�__
<br /> lapsed or ceased to 6e fn ettec� Lender witl accept, use and ret.�1n theso payments a�a loss reserve in Iieu ol mortgage lnauranae. Loss reserve ' _f;�='° �
<br /> � payments may no longer be required,el the optian of Lender,lf s.^.^rtg_9e tnsurance c�v.uago (In the amount und for the pedod thet Lender :���:_�
<br /> � requircas)provided by en insurer approWed by Lender again beaomes nvailablo and Is obtained. Borrower ahuil pay tha premiums required to __
<br /> • , maintaln mortgage Insure�ice In eflec4, or to provide a lose raserve,until the requlrement for mortgage insuranae ends In accordance with any
<br /> " " wdtten agreement between Bortower and Lender or applicable law. ' �
<br /> _____.= o. ������►t�R, �,.��A..,.ua a;�,r may make reasoneb!a entrfes upon and Inspzctlons of the Property. Lender shall ghre 8or►ower ,:;-:��'r--
<br /> - notlee at the Ume oi or ptior to nn InspecGon specify:ng reasonable cauae tor tho Inspectton. ••
<br /> 10. Condemnatlon. Tho proceeds of any eward or claim tor damages,direct or consequential, in connecUon with uny condemnation �_�
<br /> or other taking ot any part of lho Property,or for conveyance in Ileu of condemnetian, ara hxreby esslgned and shal be paid to Londer. '�,�-
<br /> In the event of a totel taktng of the Property, the proceeds shall be appfled to the sums secured by thls Security Instrument,whother or not
<br /> then due, with any excess paid to Bortower. In the ever�t of e paNal taking ot the Property In whtch the falr market value of the Pr�operly - _
<br /> . immediatoly beiore the taWng is equal to or greater than the nmount of the sums secured by this Security instrument Immediately betore the tak)nfl, ,_
<br /> unless Borrower end Lender otherwfse egreo In w�iGng,the sums eecured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the emount of the �
<br /> i4 �� proceeds multiplied by the foilowing fractlon: (a)the total amount of Bum�securod tmmedlately betore the tak(ng,divided by(b)the tafr market .�
<br /> „ � value of the Property Immedlately betore the taking. Any balanca ahall bo pald ta Borrower. In the event of a parttel teking of tha Properry in •-�"r"'
<br /> `^a�•_, ,_„
<br /> which the fair market vatue of the Property Immndiately before the taWng is less than the amount o4 the sums 3ecured immediately 4etora the ;-r�
<br /> taking,unless Borrower and Lender othenxise agree(n writing or unless epplicable law othenvise provides,the procecds shall be opplied �,7'1#�
<br /> . �,�.»�:_
<br /> � to tha sums secured by this Secudty Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. , ,� ,
<br /> If the Property Is ebnndoned by Barower,or it,after notice by Lender to Bortower that the candemnor oHcrs to make an a�+rard or settlo , �j�'
<br /> n clalm for damages,Dorrower tails t� respond to Lender wlthin 30 days efter the date ihe notice Is gNen,Lender Is authodzad to coliect
<br /> � end apply the proceeds, at itn optlon, either to restoraUon or repalr of the Properly or to tha sums secured by this Security Instrument,
<br /> - whether or not then duo. ° �
<br /> Unla�3 Lender and Eiorrower otnenvise agree tn writfng,any applicuUon of procezds to prinGpal shall not extend or postpone the due
<br />_ date ot the monthly peymrnis reforred to in paregraphs i end 2 or change the amount of such puyments. .
<br /> � 11. Bor�ower Not Rsteased; Forebearance By Lender No4 a Waiver. Extenslon ot tho UMe lor payment or modttication ! � ,�
<br /> � � of amoAlzation of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In interest of BoROwer s!iell not
<br /> - opereto to release the Ilability oi the oilginal Borrower or Bortower's successors In InteresL Leride�shall not bo raquired to commence � �
<br /> praceed'mgs ngalnst eny successor in interest or rotuso to extend timo 1or payment or othenvise modity emortizaUon oi the sums secured i
<br /> - by this Securtiy Instrument by reason of any demend made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors In interest. Any torbeamnce
<br /> by Lende►in exerdsing uny right ar remedy shnll not b9 a walver ot or preciude tho exarciso of arey right or remacfy.
<br /> 12. Suacessors and A�signs Bound; Joint and Several Liabillty; Co-signers. The covonants nnd agreements of ,
<br /> � ' this Security InsWment shali btnd and benefit the successors nnd asslgns of Lender end 8orrower, subJect to the provisfons o1 paregmph
<br /> t7. Borrower's covenanta nnd egreements shnll bo Joint nnd several. My BoROwer who co-slgns this Security Instmment but does not
<br /> � - execute tho Note, (a)Is co•cigning this Security Instrument only to mortgago,gmnt and convey thnt Borrower's interest In the Property
<br /> - � under tho terms of thls Securiry Instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay tho uums sewred by thls Security Instrument; and (c)
<br /> ugrees that Lender ond nny other Bortowcr mny ngreo to extend,modity,torbcur or mnke nny accommod�tlons with regard to the 8erms of •
<br /> � thls Securiry In�trummt or tho Note wAhout that Borrower's eonsent
<br /> 13. Loan Cherges. It tho loen secured by this Security Instrument Is subJeet to a law which sete maximum loan chnraes, and
<br />� ths� law Is finnily Intc�preted so that the IntQrest or other loan charges collect¢d or to be collecied In connectlon wtth tho loan exceed
<br /> ..._��i� .��. ����.........t��� rhartw��n no rndu�d 6v tho amount necessnry to reduco tho chargo to tho permitted
<br /> _.--,_-..�-. .._.�.-._---.-_.:_..:- ino EmTmaaw mmw. a..m.. �v�....� .........�. _.._o- -`—� --
<br /> , limit: und (b)nny sums aiready coi;ected from Bortowcr which exceeded permitted Ilmits will bo refunded to Borrower. Lender may chooso '
<br /> to mnke this retund by�educing the pdnclp�l owed under tho Noto or by msking a dimct payment to Bortower. if a relund reduces prin-
<br /> ; � cipal, the reduction wiJ be trentad ns o pnrtial prepayme�t without nny prepayment chargo under tho Noto.
<br />„ 14. NOlICO9. Any notieo to Borrower provlded tor In thls Securiry In3trument shnil 6Q gNen by c1rlNeNng it or by mallinfl It by firsl
<br /> �' cinss mnil unlesr applicablo law roqutres u�o o}another methad. Tho noticu shall bo directed Io tha Property Address or nny other address
<br /> ' �
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br /> 30Y02.trm I3/9t) pa00 3 0�9 Fortn 3U28 B/90
<br /> - �'
<br /> �
<br /> '� ., � \ �
<br /> . _. W ` � — .... __ _--� - --
<br />