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<br /> -��,=�-�WttodiY•• - . ..i. . _ " .,..... .----__....,.__...—.........,...._...__ . . � -
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<br /> 9. PPO4octic�� 04 6ondcP'a E�IpPo4o I�� titc� F�vopoY6�t, u ooPro��.cr rara ���c.�ro.n th3 cov;.nento cnd Cr�re�n�nto oonla���a i� , � `�;
<br /> lhl� 6:curily InetNr�z�nt, ot Ihr.ro IZ n i���l p�rocc�df,�p lhnt oi�y ol�nG,or.ntN at;��t Lcn�icr'u rL•jhto tn Iho Properiy (ci�ah o� n prctc��tl';.g I.i
<br /> hnnkruptcy,probate, 1or oonclomnaVlon or fo�4e�turo or �o entorno I�wo or ra�uultUno), Ihrn Lcnd_r r.n�y do,nci pay tor r�h�t�v:,7 I� n�c;:�CCr�
<br /> to prot�c! lhY vAluo ot lhe Proporty v.nd Londere rlphtr In ihe Proparly. land�e eoll�nc may haludw �aylnp any nuru� oucurad by a lan `' _ -
<br /> whioh hao prbrNy over lhla &scurky Inatrumant, epp�arinp h couh, (�eylnq retonebb tttom9y'e les9 and enlainp on lh� Prope�9y to mt)cq •
<br /> repYVo. ARhCUpA Lendei mRy t6tke dCUpn under 1h10 psrttpnyttt 9, I.and�dae�nol hsve to do eo. �� -
<br /> My amountl disbure�d by L�nd�r unda�thls p�tnyr�ph 7�h�H b�aortH�ddNbn�l dabt o1 Borrowsr e�aund by lhle :�curYy Inetrummt.
<br /> �� Unloso E�orro�ver end Lander apreo to other tertns ot payment,these emounte ehall bear htenst hom th�dal�o!dlaburoom�nt at Ih� Not�
<br /> r�te antl ah�i1 b�p�ynble,with nieroat,uryon nol�co fro��f.End:r to Douu�cr ryuc:,llnp pay�:nt. a F-
<br /> 8� Mortqape Insurance. If Londer requk�d mortpape hdurAnco u ■ condltbn o} m�kinp th� loan a�cur�d by Ibls S�curAy _,
<br /> Instrument,Bortower ehRil poy th� prerniums requked to malntah ths moR�ap�fnnurance In ett�nt, If,for any rwson, th�moRg�p�btunnC� �--
<br /> covenQe roquked by Lander iapses or ceasea to ba In eNect, eorrower ehtY poy thr premlume requlnd to obt�b oovx�0�subal�ntMliy •• �;
<br /> oquNaknt ro the rnortpaye hsurance prwbusy In eftect, et e coat substantia�yr aquiva{ent to th�oo�t to 8orrow�r o}ths moRp�y�hwranc� , �•;�__
<br /> � previousry In eNect, hom an akemate moAQapa hsurer upproved by Lender, If eubatantinly equNalent moR�rpe hes�rena ao+rer�pr FS not -,f
<br /> • avnllnble, Bonower shatl pay to Lender each month u sum equal to one-twelfth of tho y�ary moRp�� Inaura�cs prHnfum 6�hp pakl by ��
<br /> Borrowar when the hsurance covernpe lapsed or caaeed to be fn eftent. Lender w!N accept, us�and retn►n thoae pa/m�nts �e s b�s „�.,f. :�
<br /> reserve In Iluu ot mortgaye hsuranco. Loas reserve peymonts may no lonper be requked, at ihe optbn o}Landrx, M morip�pe Inaunmc� � ;; �.�•��� ;_���
<br /> a�.__
<br /> coverapa (In the amount and ior the porlod that Lendcx requYes) provided by e�n hsurer approved by Lender tpaln b�cons�a av�ItabM�nd!s ; �;+._<. ti��r;.-
<br /> �_... ..•
<br /> . obtehed. Bortower ehall pay 1he promlums required to maintah mortpepe In3urence h etteCt. or to provlde a bsc ns�rvs, untH Ihe ,� "` 1;�,;�;rf,�;�;�;
<br /> roqukement lor mortgage hsurance ends In acaordence with any written agreement behvesn Borrower and L�dnr or appl�CwbM law. -: +����!
<br /> `-_:..�_�,•
<br />_ � 9, onapectlon. Londer or Rs epent may maka reasonable entries upon and hspectbns of the Prop�t�r. Lend�►shpN pNs BoROww :•�,,,;��„o�
<br /> ...._
<br /> � notfce at the tkne of or prlor to en hspeatbn speaHyhg reasonabte asuse for the hspectbn. •:?'1���—°
<br /> 10. Con�e�rnation. The procaeds of any award or clalm far damages, dtect or consequentiat, 4i co»ec4f�n wi�h r�ny � ;:�,;.�,'-.,--"�'°--`�°"-!'
<br /> � condumnatlon or other taklnp of any puR of the Property, or far conveyance h Iieu ot condemnatbn,ue hereby assiyned and shatl be ptkt ��"���-•
<br /> ,,;._., �
<br /> to Lender. �-
<br /> �'Y'iw.:i�r,��..
<br /> In the event of a totat takhg of the PropeRy,the proceeds shnll 6e appl�d to the sums secured by thls Securfty instrumont, whsther or __-__
<br /> not then dus, wRh nny excese paid to Borrower. In the everit of e paRlal tetkhy of the Property In whbh the fnlr rtuuk�t value al th�Preporty ;��""---
<br /> ' Nnmociutoy before the takin� is equal to or flreater than the amount of the sums secured b thls SecurNy Inatrumant Immedlete betore lho '`"°"'�=���=
<br /> y y �' �,:.;.��ixin+"'-
<br /> taklnp,uNoss 6ortower snd Lendor othenvise sgree In wrking,the sums secured by this Securky InsWm�nt ahsH 6a rsduced by tho omount '� '":�_�"---
<br /> of the procesds muftlplied by the foliowhg iractbn: (a)the totxl amount of the sums secured Immedlatoty bYfara the tc►khp,dkldQd by(t�)Ihe _ ��-�=J=____,-_
<br /> tair maiicet vutuo 04 the Property Immedlatey betore the takhp.My batance shull be pald to Bortower. In the event of a pflrtial taking o!Ihe _�_
<br /> Property In whlch the falr market valus of the Property Immedtetey botore the lakhq is less than the tmount of the sums sscured krun�di�Uly _
<br /> ' betare the teking,unless Bortower and Lender othervvlse agree In writhg or untese appllcable law otherwise provldes, the procetds shal be
<br /> applied to the sums sacured by this Securlty Inatrument wh6ther or not the 6ums nre then due. � c;�
<br /> � it the Pro is abandoned by Borrower, or it,atter notbe by Lenaer to�ortower tnai ine conoemnor oiinrb iu�iaic:6��aN��� s�:n ''''�^
<br /> PenY ,i,.,}
<br /> a clalm for damflpes, BoROwer falls to respond to Londer wRhin 30 days efter the dnte the not�e Is piven,L.dnder is authorliod to co1Nct enzi �:S:� . �
<br /> eppy tha proceeds, at ks optlon, eRher to restoratlon or repafr of the Property or to the sums secured by this Securky Inetrumsat,whNhe� ";`'.');°.•`
<br /> or nnt thon due. `
<br /> Uniess Lender and Borrower othenvise agree In wrkiny, any appibatbn of proceeds to prhatptl shnN not extend or postpons ths d�A ,,.
<br /> dato of the monthy payments relerred to h parepraphe 1 end 2 or chnnqe the amount of suah payments. � . '�
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Releaaed: Forbearence By LendGr Not s Welver. Ex�ensbn ot cne cans ror payment or � ��
<br /> modkbatbn of amnrtlratbn of the sums seaured by thls Security Instrurnant pranted by Lender to any euccessor In htereat ot Borrow�r 6h�q ` •
<br /> not operete to rebsse the ilatrllity ot the orlpinal Borrower or Borowers successors In Intorest. Lendar shau not be requlred to comrn�nC� •;�
<br /> procaedlnqs aqa{nst any successor In Intorsat or retuse to extend th�e tor pflyment or othervvise madNy emortlratbn of the sums s�cursd by ^�'�
<br /> this Security I�alrument by roason of any demand made by the orlpinnl Efarower �r Botrower's succeseors �i Interest. My forbearartcl by �' • `
<br /> ;��
<br /> Londar fn exericlsEip any riyht or riamedy shall not be a waNer of or preclude the exeralse of any right or remedy. ,Y .,�
<br /> 12. Successors end Aasigne Bound; Jaint end Several Uebility; Co-8lgnen� Tho coYenants ana a0�eee�n�e of , �,,; �; a;.,.:;
<br /> this Securky Instrument shall bind and benefR the euccessore and assigns o} Lender and Bortower,subJect to th� provlsbns ol pnragraph •• , •w�
<br /> 17. Borrower'c covonants and agr�ements shell be Jolnt and several. Any Bortower who co•slgns this SeCUrity Instrument but dnss not ,�f�� M.
<br /> execute the Note: (a}Is co•slgning thls Securlty Instnrment ony to mortga{�a,grent, and convey that Bortowers Interast in the Property under �;-
<br /> . "�
<br /> the tertns of thls Security Instrument;(b)Is not personely oblipeted to pay tho sums secured by thls Security InsWment; and (o) agrees Nat ' �
<br /> Lender end any ather Bortower may agree to extend, modHy, forbsar or meke any accommodetlons wkh repartf to tertns ot this Security •� .� -
<br /> InsWment or the Note wRhout that Borrowers consont. ''��
<br /> rr
<br /> 13. Loan Cl�argee. I(the loan secured by this Security Instrumont Is su4Ject to a law whbh sets maxhnum loan aharges,and lhat �
<br /> law Is finally tnterproted so that the interest or other loan chargos coliected or to be collectod h conneclbn wfth the ban excoed lhe .� •
<br /> pertnittod Ilmlts,then; (n) nny such loen charges ehall be roduced by tke amount nacossary to reduce the chargo to tho pertnRted Ilmit;end �;
<br />- (b)any sums uteady collected Irom Bortowor whlch exceeded portnitted 14nRs will be reNnded to Bonower. Lender may choose to mako I
<br /> thts relund by reducing tho princtpal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Bortower. If a rotund reduces princpai,the �
<br /> reductbn wfll be treated ns n pArtfal propnyment without nny prapaymant cherge under the Note. i �
<br /> 14. Notices. My notice to Bortower provlded for In thiS SeCUriry Instrument shall be �hren by dBliverhg k or by ma�hg it by frst i
<br /> clasa mail untess appikable Iaw requires use of another mothod. Tha notico shell be dkectod to the Property Address or any other add��ess
<br /> Borrower desipnntos by not�o to Lendor. Any not�e to Londer shail be gHen by iirst cl�ss mall to Lenders nddress stated hereh or ony ;
<br /> other eddross Lendar dosignntes by no`fce to Borrowor. My notbe provldod for in thls Securlty Inatrument shall be d[remmed to have bean
<br /> gtven to Borrower or Lender when glva� us provlded in thls parugraph.
<br /> . 16. Governing Lew; S@V@�flblllty. This Securky InsUument shall be flovemed by tederal Iflw and the bw of the JurisdfctEon fn
<br /> �� wii�h tho Property Is locatod. In tho event thnt any provlslon or clause o1 this Security Instrumen4 or thn Noto conli�ts with eppl�able law,
<br /> � , ouCh contl{ct shall not at(oct olhor provlslons of thls Sscurity Instrument or the Note whfch can bo pivon eNect without Iho contlkting
<br /> � provlslon. To thls o�d tho provlslons of this Socuriry Instrumont cind the Nolo ero declarod to bo sevorabb.
<br /> 16. Borrower'e Capy. Bortower shall bo gNen ono conlortnod copy ot the Note and of thls Security Instrument. •
<br /> , —..__._.... .� T._.,��.,.� et.. n.....as*.,n. n Rnnof3r.in1 Ir�tnrnn! in 9nrrnv�rer_ It au nr anv uart of tho Prooartv or nnv htorosl in
<br /> _ � -- - - �.. �.o....... ... ...� ....�._•.s _• — --.._.._._. .-------- -- -.
<br /> It Is sold or transfortod (or If a bene(ictal Interest In Borrovrer Is sold or treneferrad ard Borrower Is not n nnturel person) wRhout Londer's
<br />- prior writton consent, Lender mey, at its optlon,requlro anmodinto pnyment In fuli of atl sums socurod by thls Security Instrumont. Ho�vever,
<br /> this aptlon shall not bn exen:isod by Lender if oxorclse Is proh@ttad by federfll Iaw ns of tho dnto of this Securky Instrument.
<br /> � If Londar oxarclses thls opllon,Lendor shall pivo Bortawar notbo of nccoferatlon.The notfce shatl provide a period of not less than 30
<br /> • days hom the dato tho not�e Is dolNerod or mailed within whlch tho BoROwer must pay ail sums secured by thls Security Inswment. If
<br /> � Borcower Ialis to pay theso sums prior to the explretion ot this perFad,Londer may Invoko any remodles pertnmed by this Sc�curiry Instrument
<br /> „ wdhout further notice or demend on On►rowor.
<br /> ; - p80�9 0� 6 Form 9020 B/00 -
<br /> F1028.1MCi(10/Oa)
<br /> r�
<br /> • 041$0
<br /> �
<br />