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<br /> nol to c�ccc�U tho m�ulnun cmounl n l�ndcr lor o I�dcral.y rc:�tcd morri�:�� loan m�y rcqulro tor F3orror:cr� e�crou Ccaount und2r lha � _
<br /> (�dcsnl F�al E�tato Ecitl�r�l�nt Proccdurc� Ac4 0l 1074 aa cmcn��d frara CUaa to Ilr�lo, t2 U.3.C,?C01 c9 ccq,(°�,'?.PA"), unt�aa cnolhcr L•e, •
<br /> thel ap�llas to Ihe Funds sete a lesser amoum, If oo, Le��dsr rnay. al cnY lL-n�, ool:�aQ Cnd hol�Fund� Gi cn c.mount nol to c::cc�tl lh� � _
<br /> I�aser emount. Lond�r may •sttrneto lhr areiount o1 Nnde dua on the beols ol cuRant data a�d reanonabl� ostkr:atas o} e�anditur�s ot _
<br /> futura�acrow Itwne or olherwlse In aCCOrd�nca wNh epplbabb le►w. .
<br /> Yhe Funde ahalt bo hoW In an Inet�tutlon whoa�dopoeNe ara hsurod by u fadernl ap�noy, 6ietru�tonteliry, or entky (Inoludfna Lendar, N ��
<br /> � L�nder I�tuch�n hetRutbn)or h any FedKtl Hortu Latn B�nk, Lrndsr ih�ll�Qpry ltu Fund� to p�y Iho Escrow Item�. Lmd�+ m�y not . =
<br /> ' char�a Rnrtoe,er tor hnldlnp end eQpryhg the Fund�,ftnnua�ly enaty��n0 tha oaorow sccaunt, oe verNyhp ths �eeraw Ite�na,unMso Lsnd�r , �_
<br /> payd Borrov�*r htK�at on th� Fund� md opplbabl� I�w pemke LanWr to mtko�uah� o�trpe. Howrvsr,ltndrr m�y raqu�e Borraw:r to • .Jw .
<br /> pey e ontrtlme charps far an Indopend�nt roal esttte 11x rtportfnp e�+vfcs uesd by L�ndsr In oannact4on wMh Ihb btn,unlH�applfc�bM ww :
<br /> provid�s othsnvise. Unbsa an apr�ement Is medo ar apptt�abb law requkaa lnter�9! lo b� pald. La�+du ehtA not be requk6d to p�y
<br /> • Borrower eny Interest or eamhpe on the Funds.0onower and Lender mty tprse In wr�k�p,howw�r,that Intuua3 ah�ll b�pakl on lh�Funde. . ___
<br /> Lender shell pHe to Borrower,wkhout charpe,an ennual acoounthp of Ihe Funde,showinp cradRa�nd debNe ta ths Funde and th�purpos�
<br /> ' tor whloh each deblt tA the Funds was mflde. The Funda nre pledped ns eddRbnd n�curity for wll aums socur�►d by thle&aaurity Inst�um�nt. , .:.',�•. ;
<br /> If Ihe Funds hetd by lend�r exceed the amounts psrtnkted to 6e hetd by e.ppl�abM law, lender shstl �caount to 9oTOww�for Ihe . ,���3.�,�;. _
<br /> excess Funds In aceordanco v�lth the requfromcnts ol eppl�abb law. It tho amount ol the Funds �eld by Lender et ony tim�b not euBbNnt �::'`�:•*?�"{±!��"=6`�
<br /> ....s.•'r�;.� ia-
<br /> :..� :n'i: 7�NFa:C::�.—_
<br /> to pay the Escrow Items when duo, Lender may eo notify Borrower b wr�lhp, and, in suoh case Borrower ehall pay to Lender t�o unount .��r,��.--�
<br /> ,; , fi•n. z��..
<br /> necessary to mako up the deilclency. Borrov�er shan make up the de(blenoy in no moro than twetua monthry paymante, ot Lendera eokt ��'S'±,�;.-�:.�r_.�_�
<br /> discrotbn. � � r���
<br /> �'llAL�l.�-,;_;,:�.
<br /> � Upon payment h tull ot su sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly retund to Bortowor 4ny Funds hatd by �i':1��
<br /> Lender. II,under pareprnpN 21,LenGsr shall acc�u�or sell tire Property.Lender,prbr to the acqulsHion or aab of the Property, 6ht1 appy �1,;,;_�__ �_
<br /> any Funds held by Lender et the tlme of aaqulskion or sale as a credR agehst the sums secured by this fiecurity InsWment. �%',`=',:`�-""-_
<br /> 3. Applicatlon of Peymente. Unless applfcable law provldes olherwise, sll paymants recefved by Londer under parapr�p�s 1 uid °�•;�_-- _
<br /> ,••...�.-u.=
<br /> ' 2 shell be applied: fkst, to eny prepayment oharpes due under the Note;second, to amounts payab{e under peraDraph 2, th{rd to Mtereat ', ,`e_,'m�___,;
<br /> due;fourth,to principat due;and last,to eny lete charges due under the Note. �r
<br /> 4. Che�ges; Llena. Borowar shall pQy ail texes, BSGessments,Chsrges, Ilnos nnd Impo9Hions etlr�utitbb to the Property whlCh � +E4�,:��.�...W-
<br /> rl Instrument end besehold paymenls ar ground rents,H any. Bortqwer shall p�y thsse obNpatbnt In th• `"`=�,�,��y�
<br /> may attfitn prlarity over this Secu ty �
<br /> • menner providod h parapreph 2, ar N not petd h that manner, Borrower shall pay them on timo dlreaty to the person ow�d pryment. �p�ji vv�---
<br /> BoROwer shall promptty tumish to Lender all not�es o} amounts to be pald unAer thls psrapreph. If Borrower mskes thase pnyments � . ; ���
<br /> direatly, Borrower shall prompty fumish ta Lende►receipts evidench�the payments. :
<br /> Bonower ahall prompty discharge any Ilen wh{ch hes prlorfty over thb 3ecurky Instrument unlass Bortower: (a)nersos In wrkinp to the s..��� `
<br /> __ ,,;._._„_:_:, ._ ..__ ___. ., ,, ��_.. � e.anranmhk f�Lwtdor. fbt contests h pood faNh the Ilen by, or defends ep�hst �;�h� :
<br /> payment oi ine obiya�n,n owili'vu tr.��a ��. .. » ,.sr.r.� .�__,._-
<br /> ontoresment of the Aen In,legal proceedhgs whlah In the Lendei's opBbn operata to prevent tho �nforcement o}the Iien; or(o) secure�kom ��'
<br /> the ho{der of the Ilen en agreamont satlsfactory to Lender subordk►ating the Iien to thls Security Inatrument. If Lender determinas that pny
<br /> paR of the Property is subJoct to a tlen which mey ettain prbrity overthis Security Instrument,Lender may pNe Bortower a not{c� fdentHytnp ��,
<br /> the Ilen. Borrower shfltl satisy the Ifen or take one or more of the actbn8 set torth above wkhh 10 days of the pNinp of notiCe. • :.:`ti.
<br /> +7?,
<br /> ' 6. Hezard or Property Insurance. Bonower sheil keep the Improvements now existhp or hereaRer ereated on tha Propwty , .�
<br /> Insured agsfnst loss by ike, herards hcluded wRhin the term 'extended coveraqe" and any other hezerds,hcludhp fbods or fbodinp,for �, �
<br /> � whbh Lendor requlres tnsurance. This hsuranca shou be mak►tained In th�amounts and tor the p�rbds that Lender requirss. Tha Naunne•
<br /> caRler provldhp the tnsurance 5hail be chosen by Borrowor subJect to Lenders approval which shaq not be unroasonabty wkhheid. If �; �. '
<br /> Bortower latis to maintah coverape descrbed above, Lender may,at Lendere option, obteh covernpe to protect Lendefs riphte !n the , ��'�1�t
<br /> Property h accordence wRh parapraph 7. � ��
<br /> Ali insurence polbles end renewais ehnfl ba acceptable to Lender and shell hclude a standard mortpaye olfluse. Lender sheN hnve the :•M� ,`��
<br /> right to hold the polbies and renewais. It Lender requkes,Bonower she9 promptly flNe to Lendor eli receipts of pald premiums and renewal .�r� � ,;,;
<br /> not�Ces. In the event�f los3, Bortower shall pNa prompt notfce to the Insurance cerrier end Lender. Lender mey make proof of bss B not l%�'"/.�.,...: 1.
<br /> made prortiptry by Borrower. •,
<br /> Unless Lender end Bortower otherwlse egree h wrking, hcuranca proceeds shall be appiied to restoratbn or repalr ot the Property ;`:�
<br /> damaged, H the restoretion or repelr is economicaly teasible and Lende�s security Is not lessened. It the rostoration or repalr Is not .. .�;
<br /> eCOnomlcally feasWle or Lenders seCUrity would be lessened, the insuranc9 proceeds shali be applfod to the sums secured by thts SeCUrity �-
<br /> InsWment, whether or not then due,wNh eny excess paid to BoROwer. It Bortower abandons tha Properly, or does not answer wkhin 30 �
<br /> ;dt
<br /> days a not�e hom Lender thet tho Insurance ce�rbr has aNered to bettle n ctalm, then Lendar mey Coilect the Insurence�roceeds. Lender i �'�''•
<br /> mey use tho proceeds to repat or resloro the PropeRy or to pay sums secured by thls Security Instrumont, whother or not then due. Tho ` •
<br /> ' 3o-day period wfil beph when the notko is gNen. I
<br /> Uniess Lendar and Bortower otherwise egree In writing, any appGcallon o}procoeds to princpal shall not extend or postpone the due � �
<br /> date of the monthy payments raterred to 6n D�9�'nPhs 1 end 2 or change the amount of the paymente. If under peragraph 21 the F�ropoRy !
<br /> • Is ncquired by Lender, Bortowor's rlght to any insuranco polbtes and prceeods rosulting trom durnsao to the Property prlor to tho FiCqulsRisn i
<br /> ' shell pass to Lender to the extent of lho sums secured by this Secuny Instrument Mmedlatery prbr to tho acqulskian.
<br /> � 6. Occupancy, Preaervatlon, Malntenence end Pro4ectton of the Properry; Borrowerk Loen
<br /> dppllceUon; Leaseholda eorrower snau occupy, estabflsh, ctnd use the Property es Borrower's pnc�ipal residence withln s6cty days
<br /> , after the execution o} this Security InctNment end 5hall contlnuo to occupy the Property es Bortowors prhafpal resid�nco tor nt best one
<br /> , year atter the dato ot accupancy, unless Lendcr alhemise agreas h wr�hg, which consont she� not bo onrossonnby wkhheld, or unleas
<br /> oxtenuntinfl ckcumstancos ex(st whbh aro boyond Borrowers control, Borro�ver chall not dastroy, damago or YnpuU the Property,allow the
<br /> Ptoperty to deterioreto, or commk wasto on the P�oportj. Bortower aha�he h defnult M any tortoihiro nctlon or procoedhg,whether cNlt ar
<br /> crknlnnl,Is 6egun that h Londer's pood taith Judgmont could ro�uit In fodefture ot the Proporty or othorwlso mntorlaly YnpaY the Ilen created
<br /> � �Y...:... �..e�,....�..►,,,�o.,�� cncurnv hwosG Borrowor maY cure such a dafauft and ruinstute,as provtdad h paragraph 18, by
<br /> _° - o� ,°��..o......,,
<br />_ __ —. ..._�_.._... -� — -- -
<br /> causing the actton or procoodhg tn bo dismissod with u �ulhg thot, In Lendr.�s pood feith dotermination, precludos fortolturo ol tho
<br /> Borrowers fntorest In the Property or other matorlal Impakmont oi tho I�on crosted by tAls Sacurity Instrumont or Lnnders sdcurky interest.
<br /> � Bortower shall nlso be In defauk if Borrower,during the loen epp�iCatbn proCOSS, gave mato►laity laf3e or Inaccurato htormatlon or statoments
<br /> ` to Londor (or taltad to provide Lendor wkA eny meterial htortnatlon)h connectlon with tho loan evfdencad by the Noto, hcludfng, but not
<br /> � ' 1'mRed to, representattons conctxnh8 Borrowere occupancy of the Praperty ns a prfnCpni resldance. If thls SeCUrity instrum4nt is on a
<br /> leosehold, 9or►ower shnll compy w�th all t�e provislons ot tha Ieuse. II Bortower ncqulres tea tRle to the PropoRy. the besehold nnd tho
<br /> tee titte ehall not merg�unless the Londor agrae9 to the merger In wrdh8•
<br /> Y
<br /> t
<br /> I . P�p�2 0l 6 Fo�m 9aYe C/BO _
<br /> F1070.1N0(10/&11
<br /> �
<br /> C6199
<br />