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. � ( <br /> 4: � p , I <br /> _._ r., � I <br /> ---.-.-•.-•-.,._.. _-----_.. .. � I <br /> � � ,F , . � Pn�� 3 . , � � <br /> ,�wo2s,��4 ��y �����` ���� o�Y�u�Y ,� . ., � <br /> �aon�o�a3�o s"�� �cont�e�Ued� _ . . ,. <br /> ' --�� — --------._.__— i = <br /> � Ilpbllity Inauranco In�uch Covorapo amounts ns Lond�r may roquosf wllh husteo nnd londer belnp namod as nddltlonal Insurod5 In such Iiablllty ' <br /> Insurance pollclas. Addltlonally,(3rpntor shall malntpin such other InsuranCO,Inc�udinp but not Ilmltod to haznrd, buslnoss Intorruptlon,a�d j ' <br /> bo;lor Insurnnco,ns Lender mey roasonably requlro. Pollcios ahall bo wrttlen in lo�m,umounts,covorupos and basts ronsonnbry nceoplabto lo <br /> londor a�d Issuod by a company or compantos ronsonobly accoptablo to londor. Truslor,upon roquos!of Londnr,will dellver to Londer Irom � <br /> Ilnie to Iimo the pollCles or CeAllicutos of Insurance In form ea►IStactory to Lender, includlnp stlpuiatlons Ihat covorngoe wlli not bo canCEUOd or <br /> dlmlNshed without ot leasf ton(10)days'prior wrllton notico to Lender.Each InsuraMC�po�icy niso shnll Include nn endorsemenl providlny thel , , <br /> coverogn in tevor of Lendor wlll nol bo Impnlrod In nny�voy by nny ucl, omisslon or dolaull ot Grantor or pny olhpr person. Shquld Ihe Real <br /> Property et eny Iime beCOme Ipcuted In un erpa deslgnnted by the Director of Il�o Facierel Emerpency Munapomant Ag�ncy ns a Sp�CI9i flaod <br /> narsrd area�Trustor egreas to obinin end mslnlnln Federal Flood Insurence lo the extent such Insurance Is requirod by Londer and Is or . <br /> becomos avullablo, tor the torm o1 fhe loen and(or tho fuil unpaid prtnclpal betance ol the loan, or lho mnxlmum limit of covarape Ihat Is <br /> pvailable,whlChever Is Iess. ' - <br /> Appticetlan of Procettia. Trustor shall promptly notity Lender of any loss a demaqeto Ihe Proporty. Lender may make proof of loss flTrustor <br /> lalls to do so within flftoen(16)daye ot Ihe casualty. Whother or not Lenders sxurity Is Impnired,Landar mny,st Its olection,reca(ve and retaln <br /> the procoeds of any Insurence and flpply lhe proceeds to the reductlon of the Indebtedness,puymont o1 sny Ilen aticctinp fhe Property,a tha <br /> restorafion and repnir of ihe Propa+ty. ff Londcr otcats to opply Ihe proceeds to rastoralion and ropnir,Trustor ahnll repair nr replace lhe <br /> o�mbu o Tr stor trom lhe prxneds lor the eason btof ost ott opairdorrrestoratlon IfeTrustornls ntot'intdefaultunder lhls D�d o}Truslp.nAny ' <br /> proceeds which hnvo not boen disbuaed wiihln 180 dnys nHer thplr recetpl and whlch Lender hns not Committod to ihe repair or re5toralion of � , <br /> any Pshale be appllnd to tl o prfn�pal bni nce of the Ind btedness.r It Lonaer�holds eny proco ds ef eppey ent in full of the I debtud ess tl urch <br /> proceeds shall bo puid to Trustor as Trustora Inlerests may appoar. <br /> Unexpired Insurence et Sele. Any unexpired insurence shaA Inure to Iha benefii of,and pass to,the purchasor of the Property covare�by thls <br /> Doed of Trusl sl any trustea's salo or other sal0 held under the provlsions ol this Doed ot Trust,or ut any foreclosure sale ot such Properly. <br /> � Trustor'o Report on Inaurance. Upon requost of Londer,however nol mae then once e yoar,Truslor shull turnlsh to Lender e roport on anch i <br /> � existing policy of Insuranca showing: (n)Ihe name of the Insurer, (b)Ihe Asks Insured; (c)!he amount of lhe politiy; (d)the property Insured, <br /> Iho then current roplecement valuo of such property,and the manner ot delerml�dng Ihat vaiuo;and (o)tho explrntion date of the paticy. ^ , � <br /> Trustor shall,upon request of Lendor,have an Indopendent appreiser salhfactory to Londer detormina tho ca,h value repincemanl Casl of tho � '�;',� <br /> Proporty. I :.'`��f, <br /> �tPENDITURE3 BY LENDER. If Trustor falis to comply v�lth any provisian al lhis Oeed of Trust,or tt any nction or procoodinp Is commenczd that :• <br /> would materlalty eNect Lender's Interest�in the PropArtyr,Lender on Trustors bohalt may,but sh�ll noi be required to,tako any aclion Ihat LeRder <br /> deems appropriala. Any emount thut Lender expends in So doing will bear Interost al the rate Chnrgsd under the Notv hom lhe da3e Incurted or paid I �+j��' <br /> by Lender to tho date oi repeyment by Trustor. AII such expenses,at Lender's optton,wiY (e)be puyable on demand, (b)be eddod to lhe balancu � „ss� � <br /> of the Note nnd be apporiloned among and be payable with any Instaliment pnymonts to become due during oiiher (i)Ihe lorm ot any applicable , ` ,�;"" <br /> � insurenco policy or (II)thp remalning term ot the Nole,or (c)be treated as a beltoon pay�nenl which will be due end payeble at the Nate'S matudty. <br /> This Daed of 7rust also will secure payment ot these nmounts. The r�ghts provided lor f n Ihis paragra�h shall be in addition to any othor dghts Or eny I •''.� <br /> i remedles to which Lender may be enHtled on account of the default. Any such ection by lsndur shall not be construed as cu�(ng the deteult 6o a9 to g��y_ <br /> �����^���.�m��.or�r�y thal H ptharw!sn would hav6 had. �._�`..�--L:�-; _.— - <br /> � WARRANTY;DEFENSE OF TITLE. The following provlslons relaling to ownership of the Property are a pnrt of thls Oeed of Ttust. '•''i'' ._{ <br /> � Title. Trustor wartants that: (e)Trustor holds good nnd marketabte 6lle ol�ecord lo the Property in fee simple,(rea and clesr of nli liens�nd ' , <br /> encumbrances olher than those sel forth in the Real Propsrty descripilon or in eny tiUe insurance poilcy,titie�oport,or tinal title opinlon Issued In I <br /> favor of,end accepted by,Lender In connectlon with this Deed of Trust,end (b) Trustor has the full rlght,power,and authority to execute end <br /> doltvor this Deed ot Trust to Lender. ' <br /> Defensa ot Titie. SubJect to lhe exception In the paragraph abova,Trusta warrants snd wtll torever detend the Iitie to the Properly agelnst Ihe ' <br /> Iawfui clalms ot all persons. In the event any aCtlon or proceading IS Commonced ihat questlons Trustor'a tltle or the Intorest o}Trustae or ; � <br /> I.ender under fha Deed of Trust.Trustor shell detond the action at Truslor'e oxpense. Trustor may be the nominal parly In such proCeedin fl,but . .,�� <br /> lender shall bo entitled to participate In the proceeding and to be reprosenlaci In the prxeeding by Counsel of L9nders own cholce, and �� � <br /> Trustor will deilvar,or cause to be delivared,to Lender such Instrumenls as Lende�may requast from Umo to ttme to pormil suCh participation. ''��� <br /> Compliance WNh Laws. Trustor wananis that fho Proporty and Trustor's uso o� the Property complies v�llh nll exlsting eppl�able laws. � <br /> 1� <br /> ordinenees,and regulations o1 governmentai authoritles. ' <br /> i CONDEMNATIQN. The following provisions retaling to condemnatlon proceedings ere e pad o}thls Deed o1 Trust. ��` <br /> Applicetion of Net Proceeds. If all or eny perl ot the Property is condomned by ominent domain proCeedings or by uny proceedfnp or ' �� <br /> purchase In Iieu of condemnatlon,Lander may at tts eiectlon requlra that nll or any porlion ot tho net procoeds of the award be epplled to Iho i �\ �� <br /> Indebtedness or the repnir or rostorntton of lhe Properiy. The net proceeds of Ihe award shall mean the eward aftor payment of ell reasonabla , <br /> costs,expenses,and aftorneys'toes incuned by Trustoe or Londer In co�noction wilh the condomnation. � <br /> ProCeMlnps. It any proceeding In condemnation is filed,Trustor shell piomplly nolity Lendor in wdling,and Trustw shnll promptly tuke such �e <br /> stops ns mny be necessary to defend the acUon and obtaln the eward. Trustor muy be Ihe nominal party In such proceediRg,but Lender shail „;����; <br /> be entitted to partiClpa:e In the proceedinp flnd to be represented in lhe p�ocoedmA by counsot of Its own cholce,nnd Trustor tivlll dCliver or f <br /> cause to be delivered to Lender such Instrumsnts as may be requested by It hom tlme to time to permit such pa�ictpatian. � ' ��il <br /> IMpOSIT10N OF TAXES,FrES ANO CHARGHS BY GOVGRNMENTAL AIJTHOFIT/E8. The following provis�ons retetinp to governmentel texes, ; � �' ���t� <br /> fees end char0es are e parl of this Deed of Trust: ' . ' ! <br /> Cunent Taxes,Feea ond Charges. Upon request by Lender,Trustor shall execule such documents In additian to this Deed of Trust and tako i . _ <br /> whatever olher eCHon is requested by Lender to partect and Continue Lender's lion on lhe Renl Property. Trustor shail rolmburse Lender for flll , , <br /> tnxes,as described betow, together with all expensos Incurred In recordinp,peAecling or continuing this Dood ot Trust,Including without � �l ! <br /> Ilmltetion all texes,fees,docurnentary stamps,end other charges tor rocording or reglstedng this Deed of Trust. „ , <br /> Tmxea. The following shell constituto taxes to which Ihis seclion appllos: (a)e specific lax upon thls typo 01 Doed ot Trust or upon GII w any � ' <br /> part of the Indebtedness secured by this Deed ot Trust: (b)a spoclfic�ox on Trustor which Trusior Is authorizod or requirod to doduct trom ' <br /> payments on Iho Indebtedness securad by thls typo of Daed of Trusl; (c)a tex on Ihis lype of Doad of Trust chnrgoatle agalnst Iho Lendor or � ? � <br /> Ihe holdor of tho Nota;and (d)fl specifiC�ax on all or ony po�tion of Iho Indebtednoss or on peymonls of princlpai end Interest mado by <br /> •. . <br /> Truslor. <br /> SuUzequent Twcea If any tax to whtch thls section appiios is onacled subsoquenl to Iho dnto of thls Doed ot Trust,thls event shall hnve Ihe � , <br /> same oHoct as en Evont of Defaull(ns defined below),and Lender may exerciso any a all of Its evallnble romedlos(w an Event of Default as � <br /> provided balow uniess Trustor elther (a)pay3 tho tax betore it becomos detinqu2nl,or(b)contosts lho tax as provided ebove fn Iho Taxes and � ' <br /> Llons saclion and dapostts with Lendor cush or a sutliclont corpornta suroy bond or othar socurily salfstuctory to Londer. �(� <br /> SHCURITY AGREEAAENT;FINANCINti STATEMENTS. The tollowing provfslons rel9tlng to Ihls Deod of Trust ns n socudty aflreomonl arofl pnrl ot ��-' <br /> this Decid ot Trust. , <br /> e�...�ae., e...e.�..o..� n,i� i.,�t,���.,o�e ennu r.nnsfituta a sncudN nareoment to Ihs extent any of the Proporly COnstitutes flxtuces or olhpr <br /> �..., ..�.�..�.._ . . <br /> personal property,and Landor shall have all of the riphts of n secured Darty undar Ihe Unilorm Commorclal Cndo as amended Mom nmo to <br /> Iimo. � <br /> Security Interost. Upon roquosl by Lendor,Trustor shull execute GnanCng slateme�is nnd ttlke wt�atover othor action Is requ9otpd by Lender , <br /> ! �o po�16Ct ond continue Londor's sacurity Interest in the Rnnts nnd PerSOnal Property. In nddiUOn to recording th�s Deed of Trust In the renl <br /> property rocords,Lender may,nt any time entl with0ul Furthor aulhodmtlan Irom Tiusla,lile executed counterparis,coplos or reproducliqns ot i <br /> � Ihis Deed of Trust as(i finnncing statemanl. Truslor shall relmburso Lendor lor M exponsos Incurrod ln porioCting or continuinp lhls securiry . <br /> � Interest. Upon default,Trustor shnll flSSembte the Personnl Property�n u munner and nt n placo roasonably canvanient to Trustor nnd Lender <br /> nnd muko it avnllablo to Londer withln three(3)duys aNer recelpl of wdtten demand icom Londar. <br /> Addressa�. Tho mnliinfl nddrossos of Trustor(debtor)and Londar(secursd pnrly),Irom whfch Inlormation concorning th� sacunty Interust <br /> , pranlod by this Deed nt Trusl may bo obininc�d(oach as requlred by Iho UnHOrm Cammorclal Codo),are as stotpd on tho firsl pugo pf Ih�s�ead <br /> , of Trust. <br /> ! <br /> � ---- -..�.,..r.�-=- <br />