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<br /> . ON THE FOiJ.QWIMQ TEFiM6: � � �''
<br /> !
<br /> PAY�."._t7T AND 4'ERFORl1ANGF,. Exr.ept ns othenrlse provlded In this Dcod of Trust.Trustnr ahall pay lo I.Cnder pll nrnount3 sacurod by thls Oood .
<br /> o}7rust as they become due,and shnll sttlFtiy and in e Iimety manner poAorm nll ot Truslor'a obllgauons undor Ins Noto,Ihb Deed ot Zrost,end Iho i �
<br /> Related Documents. ' ,
<br /> POS8ESl3ION ANO h1AINTENANCH OF THE PAOPF_RTY. Trustor agraes thnt Trustor's possosslon and uso of tho Property shell be povarnod by l
<br /> the following provis!ons: � "
<br /> Posses�lon end Use. Until tho occurrence o(an Event of Defauit,Trustor may (n)remnin In passeaslon end conUOl ot lhe Property, (b)uso, �
<br /> operato or manage the Property,and (c)collect nny Renls from tha Property.
<br /> Duty to Matntetn. Trustor shell mnlntaln tho Property in tenanlabie condillon end promptty parform ail ropalr�,rcptac�mants,and matntenence
<br /> necesssry to preserve it�valuu.
<br /> Hazurdou�Sub�tencea. The lerrns"harardous waste,"'hazardous substance,"^dlsposal;Yelsase,"end 9hraatenod rolease,"us used In thls
<br /> Deed of Trust,shali have Ihe same meanings as set forlh In iho Comprehenslvo EnNronmontal Respenso,Compen;,auon.end Llabiliiy Act ot �
<br /> 1980,as amanded,42 U.S.C.Secllon 960t,el seq. ("CERCLA'�,tho Supo�fund Amendment�and f�enulhorizatlon Act ot 1886,Pub.L.No. .
<br /> 89-+199("SARA'�,iho Hazardous Mnterials Trensportation Act,49 U.S.C.Secllon 1801,et seq.,Ihe Resourco ConsorveUon end RoCOVery Act,
<br /> 49 U.S.C.Seclion 6901,et seq.,or othar eppllcable steta or Fedaral laws,ruies,or regutatlons udopted pursuant to any of tho torgpoinp. The �� �
<br /> terms"hazardous wasta'and"hezardous substance"shall atso Include,wlthout Ilmitellan,pelroleum and pelroteum by-products or eny hactlon
<br /> tharoot and astrestos. Trustor represenls and warcnnts to l.ender ihat: (a)Dudne tho pe►iod of Trustor's ownershlp ot Ihe Pro�orly,there hes
<br /> been no usa,generatlon,manulaclure,storage,treatment,dlsposal,release or threatened release of nny harardous weslv or substnnca by any
<br /> person on, under,or 8bout the Properly; (b)Trustor has no knowledge of,or reason to bellove thal there hes been, excepl as previ�usly
<br /> disClosed to end acknowledged by Lender In writing, (I)any use,generatlon,manutacture,storage,freatcnent,dlsposa�release,or threatened �
<br /> release o(any harardous wasfo or substence by any prior owners or occupent_,of the Property or (�) any actual or Ih�eatened Utigatlon or ° � �
<br /> Clelms of any kind by any person relating to suCh matters;and (c)Excspi as previousiy dlsclosed to and flcknowlerlped by Lender In writing, ;�•,��
<br /> (i) nofther Trustor nor any tenant,contractor,agent or other authorized user oi Ihe Property shall use.generate, menutacturo,store, trosl, �,Y.
<br /> dispose of, or reiease eny h�ardous weste or substanco on,under,or about the Properry and (II)any such aclivlty sh�l bo conductad In ?�
<br /> compilence wllh all appllcable iederai,state,and tocal laws,regutatians and ordinances,including without Ilmitetion Ihose lews,regutatlons,end � ���F•:
<br /> ordinances doscrlbed above. Trustor authorizes Lender and Its agents to ontar upon tho Proportyr to mako such Inspecuons snd t6sts,et �y'''
<br /> Trustor's expenso,n3 Lender may deem appropriute to determine complianco af the Property wlth thts section of Ihe Deed of Trus� Any , �' „'�
<br /> Inspectlons or lests made by Londer shaii be for Lender's purposes only and shnll not bo construed to create any�esponslblury or Iiabfiity on fhe .. ���
<br /> paA of Lender to Trustor or lo eny olher person. The representntions and wartanfles contelned heretn are basad on Tmstor's duo dliipence In , �
<br /> Invasttgating the Property for hazntdous wuste. Trustor hareby (a) releases nnd waivos any tuture clalms apain.t Lendor tor indemnity or
<br /> contribufion In Ihe event Truslor bocomos Ilable tor cloanup or other costs under any such laws,and �b)a�rees lo Indemnity&nd hold harmie5s ,;;��,� _
<br /> Lbiw'ni 6yaii�5t aii�i aiu'S nii Ginii,io�iva�vo��:a�'i���::w�L.^.^L".'tj^°�MS!!.°«Ill�,o.3n�avYOneau vyhlr_.h I antlw m&y dlrecUV or InmrecUy sustaln ar sutter _ ..��� _ . -
<br /> resultinp hom a breach ot thls sectlon of Ihe Daed of Trust or as a consoquence ot flny use,generation,menutacture, staage,disposat,releasa f:
<br /> or threatened release occurring prlGr to Trustor's ownership or interest In the Proporty, whether or not Iha same wes or ehoutd havo beon �
<br /> known to Trustor. The provlslons of this sectlon ot tho Deed of Trust,Including the obligation lo IndemNy,shall sun+ve the poymont ot the ;
<br /> Indebtednoss and the satistacdon and reCOnveyanCe of the Ilen at this Deed of Trust and shall not be a4fected by Lender's acqulsltlon o1 any
<br /> interest,n the Property,whether by toreciosure or otherwlse. � '
<br /> t
<br /> NulaAnce,Waste. Trustor shall not cause,conduCl or permlt nny nuisance nor commlt,pormit,or suHer any stdpping of or waste on or to the �1
<br /> Propertyr or eny portion of the Properly. Without Iimlting tho generality of the loregdng,Trustor wlll not remove,or granl to nny other perty the r ' �4
<br /> right to remove,any tlmber,minerals(Including oll end gas),soll,gravel or roCk products without ihe prior wrilten consenl of Londer. � �,�;
<br /> Removal of Imptovemente. Trustor shell not demolish or rnmove sny Improvemenis irom tho Real Proporly without Ihe pdor wriflon cansenl ;;�
<br /> of Lender. As a condition to!he removal of nny Improvements,Londor may requlro Trustor to make urtanpements setisfactory lo LendAr to
<br /> repiace such Improvements with Improvemonts of at leasl oqual valua. , {��
<br /> LendC►'a Ripht to Ente►. Lenddr and Its egents end representalives may enter upon the Real Property et all roasonablo Ilmes to e8end lo �' ,j
<br /> Lender's interasts and to InspeCt the Property lor purpases of TrustoPs complience with the lerms and Condillons of ihis Daed ot Trust. � �
<br /> Complteneo with(iovemmentel Requlrementa. Trustor shall prompny comply with ail laws,ordlnances,and rogulellons,now or hereafter In I � w,,.••
<br /> eNect, of all governmental euthotltles eppticabte to the use or occupancy of the Propotly, Including wilhout Ilrnllallon. Ihe Amerlcens Wilh , � ";+ �i
<br /> Disnbllitles Acl. Trustor mey Contest In good falih any such law,ordinanca,or regulatton snd withhold coenpllance during nny proCeeding, �
<br /> Inc�udinp flpproprlato appeals,so long es Trustor has notifled Lonrfor In wriling pdor to doing so end so lonp as, In Lender's solo opinlon, �•�
<br /> LendePs inturosls in tho Proporty are not Jeopardized. Lender mey require Trustor to post adequate securlty or a eurety bond,raasonably �., , 1
<br /> satistaCtory to Lender,to protecl Lenders Interost. � �.
<br /> Duty to Rrotect.Ttustor agrees nellher to abandon nor leave unatlended the Property. Trustor shali do eu other acts,h addltlon to those acts r '. ,
<br /> set forth abOVO in this section,whlch hom the cheraeter and use of the Properry are reasonably necessary to protecl a�d preserve iho P��porty. ,
<br /> dUE OH SALH-COHSENT BY LENDER. Lender may,at ils optlon,declare Immodiatety due and payabie atl sums securad by thls Deed of Trust .,t;�
<br /> ; upon th0 snle or transter,without the Londers prfor wrllien consent,of all or any part ol the Real Proparty,or any Interest In tho Reul Proporty. A �i:
<br /> � "Sal9 ar transfer'moans thu conveyanCe of Refll Proporty or eny right,title or Interest thoreln;whethor Iegtii,beROfiGlal or eqW�nble;whether voiuntnry 'le. ;, �•
<br /> , w fnvoiunttuy;whether by ouMght sale,deed,instnllmont sule Contrflct,Iand contract.contract for doed,leasaho�d Interost wlth a term greater then
<br /> three(3)years, lense-oplfon conirect.or by sate,assignmont, or translor of any beneAclnl Intarnst In or to any Innd trust hofding titie to the Real
<br /> ' Properly,or by nny othor method o1 conveyance of Real Property Interest. 8 u�y Trustor is a corporution,purtnershlp or Lmitod Ilability compeny,
<br /> � transfer elso Includes nny chango In ownorshlp of moro then twenty-Hve perconi(26%)ot fho voting stock, plutnorshlp Interasls or Ilmlted Ilabillty .
<br /> Company Intorests,as Ihe Case mey be,ot Trustor. However,thls optlon shall not be exorcisod by Londer If suCh exerclse Is prohibitod by fedarnl �
<br /> law or by t�obraske law. )
<br /> TAItES AMD LICNS. The foliowing proNSlons relating to Iho faxesti end Ilsns on the Proporly are n part of this Uoed ot 7rust. ,,
<br /> PeymEnt. TrustOr shall pey whon duo(and In ail ovenis p�IOr lo dellnquencyJ all iexos,spocial taxes,t►ssossmonis.c�arges(Inclutling water �
<br /> and sewer),Bnes end Imposlllons leviod afleinst or on nccount of tha Property,flnd shall pny�vhen due all cldlms lor work done on or lor T
<br /> savicas randered or materiv(urnished to the Property. Trustor shell malntflin the Proparty heo of all Ilans haNng p�ialty ovor or equai to tho
<br /> Intorost of Londar undor thls Doed of Trust,excepf for the lien ot taxos and auessmont�not duo and excepl as otherwfw provldod In lhis Doed
<br /> o}Trust. �
<br /> Ripht To Cantesl. Trustor mey wilhhold pnymonl oi any tax,essessment,or clalm In connecdon with a good IaHh dispute ovor the obligallon �I
<br /> to pay,so long as Lender's Inlerest In the Property i� nol jeopardized. If a Ilen arisos or Is tiled as a resull of nonpayment,Trustor shall wilhln •
<br /> filteen(16)deys etler the lien flrises or,If a 119n!s��ed,within fittoon(15)deys after Trustor has notiCa of ine filing,socure tho disCharga of the _.;�
<br /> � Ilen,or if requested by Londor, doposil with Lender cash or a sutflclent corporute surety bond or olher secudty sa�slnctay to Lender In en '
<br /> o�,r,������.ttwo�t tn r�ier.hnrnn ttua uan elus unv costs or nthar charaes that could accrue as fl result of a toreclosur0 or Se310 under tho Ilen. In , '
<br /> nny Contost,Trustor shsil dolond Ilsolf end Lendar snd sha�l satisty any adverse Judgmant boloro enlo�COmonl agalnsl tho Proporty. Trustor ' '
<br /> shall name Londor ns nn nddiCOnal obligpo under eny surety bond lurnlshud In Tho Contost procaodings. ,.
<br /> EvidonCe of Peyment. Trustor shnll upon dumund furnlsh to Lvndor satisfnctary ovldonco of paymont oi IP�o laxos a nssessmants nnd shall
<br /> authorlxo tho npprapriuto govornmontal ofliclul to delivor to Londor nt any Ilme a written statomont ol Iho Icixos and essessmonts agalnst lho
<br /> Proporry. ,
<br /> NollCe o}ConsiruCtlon. Truslor shail notlty Lander nt least 88een(15J days buloro any�vork Is commonrod.nny sarvirns nre turnlshed,or nny
<br /> � mate�ials aro suppliad to tho Prnparty,i}any mochanlc's Iien, matedalmon's Iien,or olhnr iion could bo asserted an axounl of tho work,
<br /> � i seMces,or matorEais. Trustor wfll upon requssf o(Londor furnlsh to Lendar ndvunco nssurencos satisfnctory to Lendorlhc;t Trusfor can nnd wiil
<br /> � pay th0 Cost ot such Improvoments.
<br /> PROPHRTY DARMAGE INSUiiANCE. Tho to!lowinp provlslons rotEtling to In3uring thp Properiy uro n paM of Ihis Deod ot Trusl.
<br /> MdntenartCe of InsurenCe. Trustor shnll procurn and mulnlnin polictos of(ire Insuranco wilh sinndard oxlo�idad covorpQe endorsomonts on a
<br /> • roplacem0nl buSls tor tho full Insutablc�vnlue covadng all Improvemonts on tho Roal Property In nn amounl sulficfonl to ovold nppl:Cation of nny
<br /> calnsuranee clnuse,flnd wlth n stnndnrd mortgufloo clauso In Invor of Landor. Granlor shall nlso proc:uro nnd malnlciln comprohonSfvo penorQl
<br /> t
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