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�:_ .,::: <br /> , • __ _ <br /> -_,.� <br /> �-� '.. � . � . <br /> . ,--- <br /> , .. .. . .. .. . _ ...:.._......_. ._._...._. . �� . . . . . .,.. . _� � , ... -._. _ <br /> .,�pYpYrt{b . <br /> � ' • R...N�.. r; V •-K.`::i`=. �.= <br /> o��►�•�9��:s � ��'�� (��'�t���9d' � � '��..-�:����r� ���� � � • .�-�. <br /> ,.,,,.� <br /> �aflr� P1�9'.�5�3 (��ejelli�U�d) .. � ' ..���,' <br /> ----.�--------- __,_....-_�----�-�--�--_._......_._ _ --- -- - ..� . . . .. . „ <br /> --- ... -- ...... ..._. <br /> �:_::. _.... _. <br /> ___._...._.._------�-................ . ..._....._ ------- ------.... _.... ------------ _ <br /> ,.,,� <br /> a cartiflcrt4es af Inaurance In fcrrn oatlstacFOry lo 1��6er,tnctudlrw sty�idsuara(�:f cavv'ra�K:1 not La can:.a�d os ci;:�+l:�i�tl k:iiicui al <br /> leatl t�n(t0�days'pAor v���tten nattce to LmOer. Sh�Nd ItN RNtI Fk �pper2y a1 ony Nms Uecemo Inculstl in�n erna 8oslynaled by the L��sctar ct __--_ <br /> th�F�deu1 m�rQ�ncy Mu►�tn�nt NQ�r�y 1ia¢ip�U1 flcWd haurd�rM,Trusta�wro lo obt�lre wn�1 rn�lnta'n F�dortl Ftor►S Imlutxna to <br /> th��nt such Ineur►uwd N�requkW and Is or bK;omM�vW�bM,for ttvs IKm of ft�Iwn anA tar II�hAI ur��id pcincip�tl b�Nnce ot Ih�lodn� ,. , - <br /> a tP�nuoCmum Nm�i a!co�sxe�that!s av4l�Dw,whktwvwr b les�. ---- <br /> .. AppMcM�0+1 of ProcMd�. Tnntor shW P�omPtlN ndty L�ndK ol any lot�a A1m�p1 to th�Pra{Hry. L�rtu�y rtWcs proaf of ias M Tnitfa ��. `', . <br /> -.1'r'.�..'. <br /> IsSts to do ao withln fiR�en(16)dayr�of the casualty.Wlwther or nol l.�ndort a«:uriry fa impaM�d,Lend�may,41 Its olecdan,P�oWvo and rNal� �,�,, <br /> IIN pro^,�ad�and ylpy lhe proceods to th�reductlon of itN Ind�bt�dnvs�,Q�y�11i0I il�Ntl�fWfi Afed(;n"i0{ilO�i0p3�iiij/,G i�wi�wiiww'viwt�c:.: , , <br /> Im�Qrow�Mnb I�m�nrwr s�Kshclory to L���Isnd�h�ll�upon Ntlafaci�xy proof ofttor 1hhMll��.p�+�y�o►rMrr�burs�dTeuikx k� ' �l:�`�r'v" ------ <br /> proCS�d�far lh�r�awntbl�cosl o}rspak or rsslor�Uon H T�usta h�sol In dNrutt undK lhls OMd of Trust. Any�rc►c�tte whtch hav�n�l bMn } x• <br /> df:b�x�d wHhln tE0 days�tler thek rooelp4 and wNch Lertder h�s nd commiNW to 1'f�t�p�fr or rKtaatbn of th�Prof�rty slr�b�uNd fnl �. Z�� <br /> lo p�y Mny amount owinp to L�nd�r und�r lhls Da�d ol Tlrust,lMn to pay aocru�d InUrnel,�nd tb rtrn�fndK.M a�ry,shdl b�apG►!Md k fhe <br /> prEndp�l bel�nc�of tM Indebtodness. If Lender hdda eny proc�eds�fla+�aytn�nl In fuN W Uw Ind�bUdn�a.t,suCh procMds shoM fa�pld to � <br /> Tnistor au Trustors Int�ns :m�Y ePP�• . :�.. ��`• <br /> Urwzpkad Inarr�M SWs. Any urr�Ired i�uraace sh�N Inure to the GwHlit d,�nd pass lo,th�purclw�r d ih�Prop�rty covo�rMd by lt�h : '"�'J` <br /> Dood d Tru31�t any trusNs's sale or other sele Ae�7d undaP tM provlslens a0 tt�kt Oeod M Tn�,l,or�1 any lorodostr!�M N wCh P1rup�rty. ��°?t�;�.='�K=1�?� <br /> E7(PEI�!lDIITURES BY tE�lDER. If Tnutar faws lo compry wilh any provtslon of this De�d of Trust,a H tnY���a!a�'��0����1 "�'� �•.�`'.` ,'� <br /> wnukl mttarlalfy efl�ct Lantlor'�lnteresb In the Properly,lsndef on Trustors WhU1 r�y,aul shaM rtat bs tequk�d to,t�lc�any�ctlon Itf�t Lond�r •�,�; ,-�. <br /> ds�ms appropriak. Any artsouM that Lendet e�ends t n so ddnp w1M bear Inlerost�t tn�rate charQ�d undw the Noto ham tt�d�i�Incurnd or Mid .S �_ <br /> by UndM b iEN d�b d npsynwnt by Trustar All such a��,at LsnC�a opifon.w1! (a)b�p�Yabl�on d�rn4nd, (b)h��dd�d 1P�M bd�r�a • . . `° <br /> • ol ttw Nol�and W�pportlon�d amonp tnd be payeble Mrflh any Inst�Nrrwnl piymmlo lo t�corrM dw dtrinp�ith�r (q th�11rm al u�y ap�ah� <br /> Insunna P�Y a (H)tA�remelnlrp torm W fM NQk�a fo)bn Ire�►bd Ms�bdlonn p�ymaM whlch atN ba dw�nd Pori�N ihw Na1a s m�krMy. .. 'a'y:'_Y� <br /> Thb OMd d Trusl�so wfll aecuro paymenl of Ihese�mou nb. The rtphES provtded la In INS pu�pnph sha11�In�c�ddian fo�ny ofi��pi+�a ury ��;,:;� <br /> r�to whtch Ixnder►n�y be antitwd on aocount of Ihe dofaulf. Any such actlon by Land�r sMN not ba coratrued si curlrp ttw d+kuN so u to �,�t`.•r-'•-_•��� <br /> bu Londrr from�ny rort�edy that It olt�wiss wouM have htd. ___- ---- <br /> WARRAMTY:DEFENSE OF TiTLE. The Iatlawloy prov{slons relallrp tu ownorsh�p oT the Propt►rty era a pad of lhis Daed of Tnn� � y �';� <br /> � <br /> � .�•� .. . <br /> TttN. Trus:a wamnb that: (�)Trustur holds pood and rtwkeLbb tiUS ot rocord lo the Ptopsrty In ka elmpla,(rs���d dw of M Mm�nd j;ie,�;4i9��•,_�._ <br /> ancumbranc:es other than thosa set forth In the R�I Propecty descrlpllon or In eny Gtle i�suranca poNcy,tiHo repal,or firwl tltle opinlon ksuW in ;, • ,:� ;;!__ <br /> hvor d,and ecc�ptsd by,Lender In connoctlon wHh ttb Deed of Trusl,and (b)Tnstor hu tho tull�Ipht,�ower,Rnd aulhorHy fo a�cuM tnd =� ��=. - <br /> �.+�.:��:- <br /> de1N+�ar IhFs Deed M Trus1 to Lender. ; .,�. <br /> Dnfente o4 TtHe. Subjeci to the excepllon In the puapraph above,Trustw wertanb and w10 farever dsiend Iha 6tle lo the Propwtyr�lnsi th: .• " `��� <br /> kw(d dalrm of aY persorts. In Ihe event any�etion a proceedir►p fs commenced thet quosUan9 Y�ustor's titW or the In{ena�of Trust�a `� -'-"' <br /> Lender under IhFS Deed of 7rust,7nntc;shal detanA Ihe acLOn at Trusta'a expenso.Trustor may be the norNnal paAy in sucl�procs�dlrq,bul ' <br /> Lender shell be 6nWled to putidpale In IP�e proc.eedlnp and to be represenled In the procoedlnp by counsN of Lendtt's own chob�,and �-_-: <br /> T►ustor will deUver,or cause to bd Lender 6uch Instrumenb as Lender may request lrom 8me to Nme to permlt suCh p�tidpatbn. -� <br /> L---°� ' <br /> CompNM�ce WHA L�wi. Trusta wartanb thet the Property and Trustor's use ot tho Properly compNs�wiih eN sxistlnp y�pRCabi�Irws, •,�,a- � , <br /> adinences,end repuladons o}gouemmenlal aulAorfdes. � , <br /> CONDEIMUTlON.Tho foNowlnp provfslons re�aUnp lo condemnallan proceedtn0s era e part of Qh�Deed ot Trust. <br /> Applie�tfon of Nat Praeed�. II e11 or Rny pert ot Ihe Property Is condemned by emlrrent domaln proceodinQs oc by any proc�edlnp a '� <br /> purch�se In Aeu of condemnatfon,Lenflor may at Ib elecUon roqulra that ell or a�y portfon o}the net prciceods of the awud bs eppY�d lo the Y ' <br /> Irtdebbdness or the repNr or r�tortitlai ol the PropeAy. The net proceeds bt the award shall mean tna award after payment of all reasonabte , <br /> costs,e�enses.and aHOmeys'fees Incurted by Tnistee or Lender In connectlon wlih the condemnaUon. r <br /> Proceedtn�. It eny proceedinp In condemnatlon Is f�ed,Trustor shall promptly notify L'ertder In wriUny,and Trustor shaa promptly take su�li ' " ",� <br /> steps as may be necessary to detend tha actlon and obtaln Ihe nward. Tnrsta may be lhe nominal parly In such proceedlr►�,6ut Lender shaN � � � <br /> be�nlitfod to partf�dpat�In the praeedlnp and to be represented In lha proceadinp by coansel of Its own cholce,�nd Tnuta wiY dWiwr a � ,� .+ <br /> cause t�P.,e deltvered to Lender such i��strumenls a�moy bq requested by ft tro:n tlme to tlme to permit such paAidpfllion. <br /> i <br /> I6IPOSIT1ati OF TAXE3,�EES AAfD CHA42(iES BY 60VERNFIEM'AL AUTHOfi1TtE9. The fdlowlnp provislo�u rotatlny to povemmental faxes, <br /> ts�s and chupas ua�paR of tIN�Deed of Trus[: � . <br /> ClxrOnl Taxes,Fee��n8 Charpe�. Upon reque5l by Lender,Trustor sht�ll dxecuto such documents In addiUon l01hYS Ossd ot Tn�s1 and lake ����; <br /> whatever other actlon is requested by I.ender tm parFact and conUn�o LendePs lien on the Roal Property. Trustor shn11 rc���n5urse Londer la all � <br /> foxe9,ns described b�iow,togethor with all e�nses Incurred In recording,perfecUng or conUnulrp thls Doed af T�ust, Inctudinp withoul , <br /> Ymltillon oY taxes,fees,dxumentary siam�s,and other charpes tor recording a reglstering thlS Deod af Ttust. '� � <br /> Taoceo. The toHowing ShaN con;,Nitute tnxes to which tNs sectlon applles: (e)a speclfic tax upon Ihls type of Deed of Trust or upon all aany , ���� �„ <br /> paA o!4he Indpbtedness secured by thfs Deed of Tnish, (b)a spec(flc tnx on Truslor whlch Trustor IS authaizod or reqWred to deduct from ,�. " , <br /> puymon�on tho Indabtodnaz;,socurod by Ihls lypo of Dood ot Trust; (c)n tvc on thts ryps of Deed of Trus!chargeaClo egalr�s!tl�Lender or �' .- . <br /> lhe hdder of the Note;and (d)a sp6clNc tax on atl or any porllon of tho Indobiedness or on payments ot prfnclpal and Interest made by _ r ��j, <br /> TntStOr. :. , <br /> i , <br /> Sub�eQuaal 7loces. If any ta�c to wh�Ch�hls soction appNes IS enacted subsequenl to the date of thfs Deed of Trust,thls event shall have the ��°• ��' <br /> same eHect a9 an Evont of�ofnull(ns definad balow),and Lender mny Fvicerclsv any or all of Its flve8ablt�remodle9 tor an Event of Detaull as , <br /> provldYd 6dow uMe�7rustor elthc� (n)pays the tax�ofore It bxomos delinquunt,or (b)contests the tax as provided nbove In th�Texas a�d ~ <br /> Liens sectlon artd dep�sits wlth Lende,r cash or a su�ent corporate surety band a other security saUsfactory to Lender. � <br /> . SECIRiITY AGRFEMENT;fi 1NAHCIN(i STATEMENTS.T�ha tollowing provlslans rolaUng to lhls Dead of Tnut as e secudty agreemont are e purt of , <br /> ? <br /> thts Daed ol Trust. <br /> Saetxtly Aynament. Thls InsVument shall co�sGtute a socudty agresmonl to tho oxtont nny o}the Property constitutes fuAures or olher 'a <br /> pwsonel properiy,and Lendpr shatl have flIl ot II�e righLs ot a secured party under the Unifam CommerClal Ctde tss amenoed hom tlmo to ? <br /> Gms. <br /> SeCUdiy Intercsl. Upoa:90 y3st by Lender,Trusta shall execute flnancfng sifltements and tnke whutever other acUOn Is requestod by Lender i <br /> to perbCt ar,d ConUnu9l.^.r+.+eTs secterity fnter�est In tho Rents and Pe�sonal Property. In addiUOn to reeording thls Deed of Trusl in tho reaI <br /> proparty raCOrds,Lender�nay,at any Ume and wlthoul furthor authoriietton irom Trustor,file exocuted counterpi�rts,coples ar reproducUOns of , <br /> thh3 DeBd ot Trust aS a finunclnq statement. Trustor Sh�ll relmburso Londar lor nl!oxponsos Irtcurrod In parf¢ctinp or continuing Ihis security <br /> Inter�t. Upon defauit,Tnista shall assemble 11�Personal Properly In e manner and at e placa reasonttSly conven�ent to Tcuslor and Landor ,( - <br /> and make It nvaitable to Lender wiihln threB(3)days aHer recolpt of written dema�d(rom Londor. <br /> Addtss�es. Tho maWng nddre�ses o!TruStor(debta)nnd Lendc�r(sacured piuty), (rom which IntamaUon cortceming tho secunty inter3st <br /> .��� <br /> Qraotod by lNS Oeed o}Tnrst may be obtalned(each es requlrod by(he Unlfomi Comrr�rclnl CodeL nre as stated on the first paflo ot tnls DQed <br /> .J T..1 . <br /> FiliiTllEi�ASSURANGES;ATTO!4idEY-JN-FACT. Tt�e fd;ovring provfstons re!alin�to lurther essurences ertd altorney-In-tact ere e part ol lhls ,. <br /> Dood o1 Trust. <br /> . Further As�urances. A1 arry timo,nnd from lime lo time, upon requost ol Lender,Trustor wi11 make,execute und dQliver,or�v�ll czuse Io be <br /> rttade,axeculed or deliveted,to Lendsr or to Ls�nciers dosfgnep, ttnd whcn roquosted by Londcr,Causo to be fi!ed,rQCOrded. ro5lad, or <br /> � rereCOtded,ss lhe CBSe m3y bo,al suth 6me3 flnd in Suc1�ottices und ptacos es Lender may deem approp�late,any nnd all such mortgagQS, • <br /> � dseds of trust,security doods,socurity ngreemsnts,financtng ststsmonts.conUnualfon sintemants,InsUuments ot lurther assurance,cortiflcutes, <br /> e�td otAer doCUments es may,In Ihe soi9 opin!on of lender,bo necessary or deslrflbte In order to elteclu�to, complete,pertect,continuo, or <br /> preserve (a)the obAgnUOns ol7rustor undcx the No2e,IhLs Deed of Trust,ond tha Relatod Documon�,nnd (b)Iho lions and security Inlerosts <br /> aeated by lNS Deed of Trust ns ft�st and priflr lion5 on Iho Proporty,wAefhor now owned or horttaNer aCqu!rpd by Tru5lor. Unluss prohlbiled by <br /> law a egreed to lhe Con�ary by Lender In wri�ng,'rrustor shall r�lmbuFO Landor lor n!I Cosls and oxponses tnCurred fn connection wdh tho <br /> � Inatterb re!ertod to In thls paregreph. <br /> AttO�ney-1�FaC1. If TruStar fatt5lo do ersy at lha lNngs retAtred to In t�e precedin9 p3ragraah,tender may do so tor und In the namo ot <br /> Tnrsta nnd el7rusto�s e�ense. For such puryoses,Trusta hereby trrevocubty oypnfnts Lender t►s TrustoPs atlnrney-In-facl(or Ihe pu�poso <br /> ." . <br />