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<br /> ' e(n)l:ccCpt or pCrmlt nny prcpcym�n�,dlGCOUnt ar.aVanco p�ymant oi rnf hcrcurtder In nxcoss o1 ono month, ��:���•� � ������� ��
<br /> (6J Cc.nccl a[crrnlnat�tho snm�,or r.cccpf cr;�tnnccll�tfon, tC�minptlnn a�urrnd.r fhcrof,or p��ml1 ary crnt to acc�!�uh.'Ch c,eu!J aLCw
<br /> , � lhcmundar to co�minAW or cnncu!tho st+mo,o1ho�thon t�rminut/on for nonpayment ol rent, r-:�
<br /> (c)Amond or mndlfy tho eamo so as[o reduco fAa lorm thomol,tho rvntal pEyablo fhcrour,da►or to chanQo am,i ronowal prcwlslons thc.�ln ��rv�_=
<br /> contulned, 6.�:_
<br /> f , , (d)WuN�oiry dolaWl fhoroundc�or bronch thcrool,
<br /> �_�,:,-'
<br /> (eJ QNe sny consant,we/ver or epp�avel the�eunder ur tako rtny othor eCt/or+ln connoction therowlth,or wlth a lesseo Ihorourtdo�►vhkh wnuld Am�
<br /> ' tho clfact ol lmpnlring tho va/uo ol Iho fossoYa Inio�osf thoroundor a�1ho propeAy sub,bct thorotq a o!lmpelrinp tha posltlon ol Interest ol
<br /> - Bono9iclary thereln,or ��'
<br /> (� 5eI1,ass/gn,pfedr�e mortr�sge a orhenvlse disposa ol,or oncu;nborlte lntemst In eny oa/d loase or ury rents,ksuas,pro/its lssu/np o�eds/np
<br /> � therounda�
<br /> 17. VYalvor of StatuN o1lJmltationa Tlme l9 0l the ossorrce/n n�l a1 hustnr's obliputlorts end duUay heroundor,8nd to tho oxtont po�mlltad by fex,liusto� �,r;�
<br /> " wnlvas al!present or future starotos of Iimftetlons wlth respuct[o orry dabt,damand or obllgat/on secumd horeby ond any actlon or procgedlnp for ____
<br /> ~ � tho purpose o/onforclnp lhls DoOd ol Rust ot snydghts or remedins Cont�lned heroln. =y-�=`
<br /> 18. Asslpnmertt ol Deposlts.In tho event constnrctlCn o1 lmprowmants ls contemplated by the IoBn r)vldenced 6y tho Noto securod hare4y,os addlt/vnal �°-�s�
<br /> securiry d�eretoro Tiustoi hereby Irensfers end osslgns ta Qenallclary,al!rlQht,titla and Intcrost to ony and u!!monios deposlted by o►on bohotl of E��""
<br /> •� Trustor wlth arry clry,counry,public body or agoncy, saNtary dlstdct,utlliry comparry,end any othor body a agency,le�the Insfalln[lon a to secure _
<br /> �• tho lns�ultaUon ol a►ry utlliry by Tiustor,pertcrining fo tha Tiust Property.
<br /> 1� Corpor�tlan or Partnershlp ExlstOrtca fl tiusto�ls a co�poraUon,gena�al parmershlp�or limlrod prwrershlp,it wlll do n!I thnr�s nocessary to psasenro!ts �._
<br /> . corporate o�pErtnarshlp exlstence,as the case ma/b�and a11�ights and prlv/la�es under the laws ol Iho state o!Its lncorporatlon or orQanFratkv►. �---�
<br /> 2Q Forbearance Oy Beneflclary Not a Walvsr.Any forDearence by Beneficiary!n exercislnp arry►/ghf o�romeafy hereundar, or othenvko e/furdod b/ �-
<br /> applicabfe law,shall not be a walve�o►or p�eclude the exerclse ol arry such rlght o�remedy. The pmcurement o1 lnsurance a the payment o1 taxos
<br /> � o�the dischargo o/11ens ar charges by Benaticlary sha�l not be a wa/ver o!Benefictary's rlgAt to eccelerate the matudty of the lrtdebtedne9&
<br /> , 21. Remodlos CumulaUVe.All remedlos provided in tNs Deud ol Trust aru disGnct end curnufatHa to ery othsr dght w ramsCy undar Mis Dxd o!Trust �, -
<br /> or efhorcled by law or equity,and may be exerclsed concurrently.lndependentry or successlvety.
<br /> L
<br /> 22. Successor8 end Aasigns Bound;Jolnt artd Soverel LIa61Uty;CapUOna 7he covonants and sgmemanfs herofn contnlned ahall bind,and Ihe dghts -
<br /> hereunde�shall Jnuro to,tho respectNe successas and assigns ol8eneflclary,Tiustse,and Tiusfor.All cwenants end agraemsnts of TrustorshAll �'!.�
<br /> �• be�ofnt and severel. The capt/ons and h�sdfngs of the paregrgphs o!thls Deed ol TNSt sre for convenfence onty and are not[o be used ro lnterpret =-
<br /> o�deiino tAs prov(s/ons hereoL
<br /> 2a Notic�Except lor any notice requlred under appfrcable law to be glven in another msnnvi(a)arty notica to Trustor provlded for in thls OeQd o!Tiust
<br /> shal/be gNon by maliing such notice by certHiedma!!,mtum recelpt requested addressed to Tru�tor at Its maifing address sot forth sbag orat such -
<br /> oJher add�ass as firsror may desf�nate by rtotice fo BenellGary as provlded hereln,and(b)any no8ce to Beneflclary or Tiustee shall be pi von by �.
<br /> ' cerGlied mall,retum�ace/pt requested,to Beneficiary's and Tiustes's malling eddrASS stnted he�eln or to suCh othe►address as BeneflGary o�
<br /> Tiustee may deslgnate by nottce to Tiusto�as proilded heroln.Arryr nodce provlded!or In thls Daed ol Trust shall be deemed to havo been glvan to
<br /> Tiusto�Benefldary o�Trustea when glvan!n fhe menner deslgnated herefn. � !.
<br /> 24. Goveming Lsw;Severeb!l1ty.Thls Deed of Tiust shali be gnvernod by the laws o/tha State o/Nebraska.In the event erry provlslon or c/ause ol this `
<br /> �__—__..____.._...._. �„�m��►�.,o1(tr�c yylih annllrnnlw Inw e��r.h mntnc�shsU not aNect otAer nralsions of this Deed ol Trust whlch can bo qlven e/fect wlthout the �
<br /> conllfctlng pr6vlsrons and to thls ertd the provlslans of thls Deed ol Tiust sre declared to be severebfa -"
<br /> . 2� Ewnta of DelaulL Eacb of the toflowing occur�encos shall constituta an event of defeuU hereundor,(herelnatter called an"Event ol Qs/eulY J: �_�
<br /> � . (a) Tiusfer shall falf to pay when due any princlpel,inierest,or p�lnclF 'and lnterest on the fndebtedness, .-
<br /> (b)Any werranty of dtlo made by Dustor hero7n sha//be untrue, ���
<br /> ' (c) Tiustor sAall lall to observe or perform sny of fhe cwenants,agreements,or conditlons 1n thls Deed ol Iiust, 6'
<br /> � � (�A ny represontatlon or wananry made by 71us1or on any flnancla/stetements or reports submltted ro Beneticlary by ot on t,ehalf ot 7iustor sha/l ��`
<br /> prove fsfsa or matedalty misfeading,
<br /> (e) Tiustor shall le/l to perfo�m or observe any o1 ihe covenants,condltlons or sgreoments contalnsd!n,or binding upon TYustor under any bullding
<br /> �� � loan agreoment secu►!ry sgreoment,lonn agreement,Bnancing stetement,or airy other agreement,lnstrument or document execuled by TiuSto► �ar
<br /> �..
<br /> !n connecUon wlth the loan ovidonced by the Note,
<br /> (iJ A Wstfx�,rsaeiver or!lqWdator d tho Tiust Properry or of Tiusror shall be appo�nted,or any of the credirors oi Trusroi ahaU file e peUUon In '`_
<br /> benkrupicy agelnst Tiusro�or!or the reag8nlzeUon of Trusto�pursuant to tho Federal FJankruptcy Code,or a��slmilar lax;whsther fi�0era!a stat� __
<br /> end if such order or petfBon shall not be discAerged o�dismissed wlthln thlrry(30)deys aMer the dare on whlch such orrier w petftkn was�led, - �
<br /> .:_--
<br /> (p) Tiueror shnll lile a peUtlon pursuant to the Fedoral Bsnkruptcy Code or arry slmlfer law,►ederel or stato,or!f Tiustar shal!be a�Fudged a �::°�
<br /> bankrupt,or be declarod InsoNertt,or shall meke an asslgnment!or the bano/it of creditors,or shtt/l admlt!n wdting!ts Inpbiliry to pay!ts debts �°
<br /> as fhey become due,or shal!consent to thv appolntment ol a recelver ol all or any part o/the Tiust Property, �
<br /> (h)Flnal/udgmont►o�the payment ol money shan be rendered agalnst Trustor and Trustor shall not dlscharr�e tho same,or cause it to 6e
<br /> dlscha�ged,wlthln thlrty(30)dnys after the entry thereo/,or shall not appeal therelrom or from the ordo►,dec�ae orprocess upon whlch o�
<br /> pursuant ro wh/ch safd/udpment wes grtinted,based,or ento�d,and secure d stey o/execuNon pending such appeal, •
<br /> (I) Tiustor shall se/i or corrvoy the Tiust Property,or arry part thomol,or erry fnterest lhe�oln,or shall be divested of!ts Utle,o�arry Inte�est there/n,In �
<br /> any mannar or way,whetha volunfarlty orlrnroluntarily,wlthout the wriden consent ol Benoliclary being first had and obtelned,or
<br /> Q) If Trusfor Is e corpo�etlon or pannershlp andmo�e than li/ty percent(50"/0)of the shares or 6ene�iclal lnterests in such corpnreUon a
<br /> , p�rfnershlp,as the case may be,shall be transferrod or conveyad,whother wlunterliy or lmofuntadty,wlthout the wMtten consent of Benellclary
<br /> treing lirst�ad flnd obtalned.
<br /> 2d Acceloratlon ol0ebt;Foreclosure.Upon the oCCUnence of arry Event ot Delaulf,or arry timo thereaRe4 Benellclary may,et!ts optlon,declare elf the
<br /> ' /ndebtodnoss secured hervby lmmodlatety due ertd payabfe end the same sh�l!bear Interost at the defauR mte,if aiy,set lorih!n tho Noto,o�
<br /> othenvise et the highest rate pe�mlttodby faw,and, lrrespeclive of whather Benellclary exorclses sald opNon,it mey,2t►ts optlon and lnits sole !
<br /> disCrvtlon,wlthout arry lurthe�notico or demand to or upan Tiustor,dc one or more ol the following: `�
<br /> (a)BoneliCfary may enter upon,take possesslon o% manage and operete fhe Aust Proporty or erry part thoreoh,mako mpairs and alterat(ons ond do
<br /> � ' urry ects whlch BenefiClary deems propo�Po profect the security thoreof,and either wifh or wfthout taking possesslon,In!ts avn nomo,suo for
<br /> o�othenvlse collect and recolvo rents,issuesand prolits,including those past due and unpald,end app/y the samo,less cosfs andexpensos ot
<br /> � operation and colfection,lncluding reasonabb ettomay feos end Bene!!clary:4 costs,upon tho lnoebtedness seCUrod hereby and In such ordor
<br /> �� as Bonoficinry mrry determine.Upon roquost ot Benelic�nry,Tiusror shnll essemble nnd shn�l make availab/e to Beneftciary any ot the Tiust j.
<br /> Property whkh has been removed.1'he enterng upon and taking possnsston ot Ihv Trust Proporry. (ho co!loctlon of ary ronts,issuos end proNts, `
<br /> crnd tho applicatl�n thoreo!as aforessld,shall not Cure or viaive arry delault themroforo or theroafter occuning,or affec�srry notic�e of dofault or '
<br /> nOtlCV Of sele hvtgundor or lnvalidato srry ecf dono pursuant to arry such notiCG+.Nohvithstanding BaneflClary's ContinuanCe!n possess/on or �
<br /> recetpt artd applicdtlon ot rents,issues or prol�ts,8onolic/nry shal!bo ontrtlad to oxorclso trvnry nght provfded for in thrs Deed ol Trust or by law i
<br /> upon or aftor tho occunoncv ol an Evont o/Dofsult lncluding tho rlght to oxo�lso the powor o/snfe.Arry o�tho actions refarrod to�n thts �
<br /> par�groph may be taken by Benoiic(ary et such timo es Beneficiary may determino wrthout rc3gnrd ro the adequacy ol sny securrry lor lho
<br /> ; , Indebtodnoss secwed hereby. '
<br />-- _
<br /> _ (b)Benofrclary shofl,without regsrd ro tho adequacy of arry secuary for tho Indobfednoss securt:d hereby,be enhtfed ro the epporntment ot a '
<br /> rt�colvor by arry court hcving�urisdiCtlon.�vitnout notrco,ro take possossion of,protoct,ond managu the Trvst Property and operoto�he samo ,
<br /> antl collttct:ho mnts,issuos and profrts thomfrom.
<br /> . (c)Bene/rC(t�ry may bdng a�ry ection in urty wurt ol compotont�unsdiction to forecloso th�s Dned ot irust or onforco arry ol tho covenants hemol ;
<br /> (�Benefrclrvy may eloct ro causo tho riust Property a any part therool[o bo sold undor the pawr ol sela and m such omnt,BoneNcisry o�Trus[ve
<br /> '� � shNl ghre such rto6cro ol dofuull antl notfce of ssle as may Lo fhen mqwmd try law. Thuma/tot upon tho oxp:rahon ol such dmo antl the grvmg ol
<br /> ' ' such noticv o/sal0 os mtty thon bo retquirod b�f�v.Tiusto4 st tho hmo end plLCO spQCdipd Dy thp notrCO of saia,sholl soll suCh Trust Properry.or
<br /> ery part themof spvc�f�eu hy Benefklary, at puDlrc auchon to fho h�ghcst brdder/or cash in Imvlul monoy ol the Umtnd St�tes of A mQnca. Up0»
<br /> � �ooeipt of paymont o1 Mo pr'ce Wd.TIUStE10 ShAfI(�ppty thp ptoCtT(7ds�n tho fo!lowrng o�dor(�l ro tho cost and OxponSOS ol c�zcrasing t�o prxror of
<br /> salo und of tAO snfa rrtelutl�ng but not Ilmirod ta trustcro's faos or not moro rhan 5500.00 plus ono-ha!!ol ono percanf o�tho g�oss strloprrcc,t+nt1
<br /> . 1 roasonab!�ottOmtry feoS piJ to t�o Indebf8dnes� ond(w)tho oxcoss.d n�ry.to tho porson o�porsons legalty enhtlod fhemro
<br /> i All costs anal oxponsos Incurred Dy Bonel�c�ury rn en;orcmg ony nght undor this Deod o/fiust.�nclutling w�thout Irm�tahon,absaacr o�nno lees.
<br /> _ . app�r7f5a/fopS p�em,ums for titlo msuranc0.attorncry lees and court costs.sApll bo nnd conshtuto IndoDtodnoss securod hemb�
<br /> i� `
<br />