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<br /> r�F�s��l�two �l8 1 �o.,;, nfs ol Fund�.II tAo amount oJ tho Funds held Gy Qeno.'relnry shAlf not bo sufiicicnt to pGy tpxo3,assessm�nts, � _�-
<br /> Insuro�co promium�nnd proand�cnis os U►c��oll e1uo, T}ustor eholl pr,y 10 Gcncfle�nry nny nmount nr.cas.^,nry ro mrrl:a up tho Uallcfaicy���fhln thlriy
<br /> doys liom tho dato noffco In mmlcd by�Jenel�C�nry fo IYusfor r;,quo.fin���s/mont thor�o/. U�on p,�ymr,nt In lull ol nfl Ind^htodness.BanditlCry F:hAll :+;,�,_,��-
<br /> promplty rclund to Dusta any FunUS hold by Bonoticlnry.11 tho 11us1 Property Is sold undar tho po:ror o1 sa�o or thp 11usf Proporry le othcn�/so . , ,,C.,.,�,,_
<br /> acqulrod by Bono!lcfnry,Bonoticlnry sltull eppry, immodlntaty prfo�to tho saf�ol►fto nust Properry o�its acquis��lon by B�ncHclary,nny Fund�ht�ld ��,F�,_'_'
<br /> by Qoncficlnry nf tho flmo ol npplrcatlon os a croAll apnlnsf tho Indotrtadnoss.11 Ronof�crary oxocutos c�wntt�n�ialvor o1 nustor's oAlldadons undar ;���,;-�:�:;:.�..,
<br /> ihls p�rapraph 4,T/uotor Covonnnts nnd aQrCOS to psy,boforo fho namo botomo daGnquont,nll taxos,essossmonts,lnSeriUnca promlum9,�rourtd �""���;,:;.,;
<br /> •• ronts,ancl nll otho►r.rnrpos whatsoovor lovlod upon w nssosscd,placad or maUO apatnsl tho lYUSt Proporry. Tiusto�lurlhor nD�oo3,upon�vNtNn � `,��;#+_,
<br /> roquost by Bonuticlnry,ro promptty doliva ta HanQllcfary aU rocalpts foi tho peryrrant o1 such charQos. Tiusto�l�kmviso ngroos fo prry oU fexos, �_,�;rY,
<br /> assossrr.enfs and o:hcr charQ�s Icvl�d upan or nssossod,piacod o�mndo agninst,or moASUrod by,thls Dood of lYus►o�tho rocoidnf/on horoal. :
<br /> � 5. A�P��cnuvn ct Paymonts.A�l paymonta rocelvod by Bonoticlary ns[o nny dabt,lmblliry or oDli�atron o��od to Boncflclary by llusror moy bo upplrod Gy • ••�:-�...
<br /> Bonoliclory ro tho pnymant ol tho Pnd�btodnoss or to uny such othor dsbf.llabi�iry or obqpnNon,In rtrry ordar or mannor o!�ppllcatlon whlCh �,-=s.-,::�'�_
<br /> ro rlata Unloss othonvlso oloctad by 6onoliclnry,r+ny such pnymnnt shn��bo deomed app�led li�sf ,,-�r:�;-•�
<br /> BonoLClary,m Us absoluto discrot/on,dcoms app p � • •.�
<br /> to fhe paymont o!nrry dobt,Ilablllry oi ob(IgaUOn otho►than Iho Nofo. ;f ,.-.�
<br /> • /ns. Trustor will kao tho Tiusf Proporty l�oo from oll linns and Oncumbrpnt�vs�vhlch!n nny way may,In tho jud�mont ol On wrl'tlnAryto�e ,�r�<<�,�'��t
<br /> G ChnrAos.L o A , t
<br /> prlo►Jry ovo�or lmpnl�tho sacu�lry ol,thls IJCOd o/iYust buf Tiustor nood not dischar(�u uny such Ilon sa long a9 Tiustor shall nproo, g. ,
<br /> � � p�y the obiifladon socurod by such Iron In a monnctr accoptablo to Beno6t�ary nnd shall in good foith contosf such llon by npprop►late lopal V_'���t
<br /> proceCdings oflectivo to pramnt fho nnlo�ct�monf o1 tha Ilon and tho/oss o1 erry int�rost in or purf o!Iho Tiust Propariy! ,. ..,, �,, ,
<br /> lnsurod Dy 't�-'��°
<br /> 7. Hazard/nswvnco. Tlustor sholl koop tho bu�dinDs and othor lmpiovemonts nav exisfing or horoafte�oroctod on the Aust Property Kr��,�-�,,,,
<br /> lnsurence carrlers satlslactory to Bonaliclary agnlnst foss by�lre,hnzords includad in tho torm"oxtundod coverAgn"and suCh othor hara�ds, . -�,h•,-Y�, .
<br /> casuaities and contlngoncfes ns mny bo rc3quirod by EenollClpry,In such nmounts and for such poriods os mny be roqulred by BcnaticlAry. The ��,�u"�.� +
<br /> " poficy ollnsuranco shall bo!n form eccopfnblo to Borteflclnry,provido that tho somo may not bo cancellod o�modifiod without filteen(95)deys pdor � r,�.-
<br /> written notico to BnnoGclaiy,end ahulf havo loss peynblo provlswns!n levor a�and in form nccoptablo to Beneflclery.A!I pm�luont at east/ilt on(ib) �. "' S
<br /> po�lcles shall be pafd!n the manner provldvd undor pareflreph 4 heraof or,Il not pald rn such menne►,by Tiusta makirtg pay .
<br /> days prior to the duo date,directly to tho Insurence corde�Bono6clary shBU hwn Mo rlght ro hold fho policles and ronowals thoreof nnd Tiustor shnll �1-�` ,
<br /> . promptty IurNSh ro BenaNClary aU renewal noticos end all pald prom;urn race+pis racetvod Gy rt 1n rto e+rent shafl Beneliclary or Tiustee be held _ �,n,..���
<br /> � respons(Dle tor lailuro t�pay lnsurance premlums or fnr arry loss or damaga arislnp out ot a dotect!n a�ry pollcy or adsin0 out of arry fallure ol an� ���.x;:�14...,,�,��
<br /> � " insurenco company ro pay for airy foss or damage Insurod agalnst or!o�fai/uro by Tiusror to eBect the Insuranco requlr+ed heraundec/n th,s event o/ _ '
<br /> foss,i�usror shall glve prompt not�ce by mai�to rhe insurunce carrler and Beneflclary.Beneficlary msy make prool o!loss if not maoe promptty a ln '�•,,;,�,;;_�__
<br /> proper form by Tiustor.Au pollctos ollnsurance and erry und all refunds of unearnod premiums are horeby asslgned to Honeflclary as sdd:t(onal ._t��..""'w
<br /> socunry lor the paymont oi the Irtdebtedness./n tho event of Benoliclary's exerclse of the powe►ol sels contelned horein,or in the avsnt of '����`�_
<br /> /oreclosure,all d,qht,title and lnterest ot Trustor in and ro eny Insuranco polfcy thon in lorce shali poss to the purchasar at fho trustes's sa/o o� -
<br /> foreclosure sale.In cese ol siry/oss,the Insurence proceeds may,et tho optlon of Benallciary,bo applied by Boneficlary upon the Indebtedness,or '� Y��,,;I:
<br /> arty pari theroo�,and In such order and amount as BenetiGrtry may derermino;o�said insurance proceeds,at tho optlon at Benaficinry,may e�ther 7��;�_
<br /> be used In roplacing or resroring the Tiusc Properry partlalty or rotalty doslroyed ro a conditlon satistactory ro Benofidnry;or sald lnsurance ,�.,_
<br /> proceeds,or arry portlon Ihereof,mey be ia�eused to Tiustor.Unless Beneflclary and Trustor othenviso ngree!n writ(ng,any such appllcation of _ ���r
<br /> " ' Insu�ence proceeds chal/not exten�or postpone the due date ol the Note, or arry installmonts csllod for thereln.or chango Phe amount oi such �_�_
<br /> fnstatlmenta ll the Tiust Properry is acqul�d by B9neficlary pursuant ro rhe oxerclso ol the powe►of salo or other/orecfoswe,a�l rlght,title and ,
<br /> "�____ . _ interes[oi Trustor Jn and to arry insu�ance procaeds payable ns a rosult ol damage to►he Tiust Property prior!o rhv sela or scqulsltion shall pass to
<br /> .-.._—._._.__ .,__ _..,....�........ .........a,�,���uar.nnn such nroceads,then ln thn manner '"
<br /> BenellClaryand shall be applled lirst to tnecosls and expensas,in�Fuu���y o��,,,.�.,�.....N..•��••--- ��-- � � �—'�� �'"
<br /> and in the order provlded hereln. i
<br /> & Preservetlon and Malntonence of Tiust Property. Trustor wdl keep the bwldings and other improvements nav or herealter erected on tho Tiust ' � ;
<br /> property Jn good repair and condidon and rvili not commit or permft waste, wdl not alter the design or structurel chnracter constduting a+ry bulfding :
<br /> now or hereaRer erected on and constituting fhe Tiust Proeprry wilhout the prior written consent of Benelicft+ry,will not do arry act or thing whJch ,� � �
<br /> � would unduly lmpalr or depredate the va/ue o/fhe Tiust Property and wtll not abandon the Tiust Property.Tiusror will not�emove arry fixtures , _t�,
<br /> � constifuting the Trust Property unless the same are immedlataty rep�aced wdh liko property subject to tho lien and securiry lnterest o/this Deed o► ,� -
<br /> � � Tiust ond of at least equal va/us end uflliry.Tiustor will compty with all present and tuture ordinancas,regulations and requlremonts ot any n (r;
<br /> �• governmenta!body whfch are appllca6fe to tha Tiust Property and to the occupancy and use thereo%ll this Deed o1 Tiust is on a unit!n a �,�' ,� J�
<br /> condomlMum or a planned unit development Trusror shall perform all of Trusror's obligatlons under the decfarations or cwenants creatlng or � . ,
<br /> goveming the condominlum or the planned unir devolopment.the bylaws end rogulations of the condomrnium or planned und development,and the t._'� !,
<br /> constituent documonts. � 7 ,
<br /> 9. Inspectlon.Bene/IClary or ita agents may, ar all reasonoble trmes,e�ter upon tho Tiust Proporty fo�tho purpose ol inspection.Bene/lclary Shall have ,,f
<br /> �• no duty to make SuCh inspeCtlon and shallnot be liable to Tiustor or to nny person in possession d it mekes or fails[o make any such lnspectlon. w°
<br /> ' 1Q Protectlon o/Secudry.l�Tiustor le�ls to peAorm arry of the covonants and ngreements contalned(n this DeQd o�Trust,or if any action or procending �.
<br /> ' � is commenCOd whlCh does or mey aWersety eNect the Trust Properfy o��he interost of Tiustor or Beneliciary therein or the titie of Dustor thereto. � :��
<br /> � then Beneficlary,et its option,may peAorm such covenants und agreements,mnktt such appearancvs,defend agamst and investlgate such actlon _
<br /> or proceeding end take such othor actlon as Beneflclary deems necQSSary lo protact its interest including,but not I�mited to,disbursement of � �" '�
<br /> reasonable aftorney lees and entry upon the Tiust Properfy ro make repairs.Any amounts disbursod by 8eneliciary pursuant to thls parsgraph 10, ��.
<br /> viith fntorost thereon,shall constdute Inde6tedness ot Tiusto�secu�td by fhis Deed oi Tiust.Unless Tiustor and Beneficary agree to other terms ol �-�,
<br /> payntonf,such amounts shall be payable upon notice!rom Benel�ciary fo Tiustor requestmg payment thereof,and shall bear interest In�m the date �.� �•�
<br /> of disbursement at the defeu/t rare,d any.set lorth m the Noto,or othenvlso at the highost rate permitted by law.Nothing contamod�n this paregraph ��-�
<br /> shall require Beneficlary to incur any expense or take eiry ac6on hereundor.Trusror irrevocably authonzes and empowers Beneilc�ary to enter upon
<br /> . tho Trust Property ns Tiu�tor's agent and,m Tiusror's name or othorwfse to perform any end all r,ovonents and agreemonts to bo porformed by +, ��
<br /> Trustor as hemin prov(ded.Bgnehclary shall, al its ophon,be subrogated to any encumbrence,lien,claim or demand and ro nll rlghts and secunties ,� r•�•';!,f
<br /> • °• for Ihe payment thereol paid or discharged by Benehaary under Ihe p�ovrsrons herool and arry such subrogahon nghts shull bo eddihonaf und r�
<br /> ` � cumulafive security!or this Deed ol Tiust. a,
<br /> - . 11. Condamnatlon.The proceeds ol arry award or c/aim for damages,d�reCt or consequenhal,in connochon wdh arry condemnanon or other takmg of the �
<br /> Trust Property,or erry Fp�t[heroof,or for com�c3yanco in Ireu ol or�n anhC�pafion o!ccndomnahon,a�e hereby assigned ra antl shall be paid to �•�i
<br /> Benoficiary. Trusror wiG lile and prosecute,n good leith and wdh due ddgance.its clarm for arry such awurd or payment.and wdl cause tho some lo be �
<br /> eollected and pa(d to Eeneliciary,and,should rt fad to do so. Trusror rnaNCabty aufhorrzes and ompowors Beno6aery.in the nume oi Tiustor or ' ��
<br /> � othen,v�se,ro l�la prosecute sottle or mmprom�se erry such cla�m and to collect. rece�pt!or and rerain the proceads.If fho Trusr Froperty�s abnndonad I
<br /> by Tivsro�o►,slfar notice by Benefrciary to Trustor that the condomnor oflers to make en award or settlo a claim tor damages.Trustor lails ro respond to , , y:
<br /> � Boneticlary withln thirty(30)days elter the date such no6ce�s maded,Benehciary�s authonzed ro collecl und apph�fhe proceeds m the mannor �;
<br /> IndrCatod herein. The proCeeds o!e�ry mvard o�cla�m may;aRo�deduChng all musonablo costs and exponses.�ncludmg attomey lans. which mey havo y •
<br /> been mCUrred by 8onelicinry In the collection thereoL at the solo drscrtttwn ol Benefrc�ary,be rolensed ro Tiusror,app�red to msbrahon of Trust Property.
<br /> o�applied to the payment o!the IndaCmdnoss.UNess Bene6cfary and irusror othe�»•+se agrse in wntmg,arry such epplrcaGOn of proceeds ro y i
<br /> � Indebiedness shall not extend or postpone the duo date ol the Noto or Ihe payment ol nrry�ns�allmonts called tor thereundec
<br /> 12, Tiusror Not Reloaseti.Exronslon o!the�me�or payment or moddicatlon N any amort�zahon ot the Indebledness,qranted by Benehaary to arry �, _
<br /> � succossar in inrerost o�Trusror shsll not operaro to roleaso.m any menner, the liab�liry of Trustor And Tusror's suCC:essors m mterest.Benehaary shall ' •�
<br /> I ' .,
<br /> n�t bQ roqwrod[o commonco proceedmgs against suCh successo�or mluso ro extend hme for payment or otherw�so mod�y amornzation o!the �I
<br /> , ' Indobtodnoss by reason o1 arry domand madd by Tiusror and rrus(or's successors�n intorest . �
<br /> -- ..m�.a........��i.a,.i..m nf narF.bccal vet��O� .
<br /> ._:_:---__---._:.- _ .. _ .. _- . .�__. _.
<br /> 13. Financlnllnfr�rmntion.Upon request o/BenoUUary. I�uStO�wmprwiae m nuncirow�y..r���������•�ov���,--�°_.•..__.___ _ . __ �:
<br /> ltustor.tho conso��tlt+ted balanco shcer and sratemenf oi vrtm�rtgs ot irusbr and any and all guarontors ot the Indobtednoss securod hervby.�!any. :
<br /> and wdl pro�iido and do��v�1r to Bctne6ciary such othar�manC�al�nformanon ond m such mannv�us Bonohcrary may reasonabty ro4uest from hma to ��
<br /> � trmo. `'I
<br /> � 14. F�npncrul Cownants.M eddition fo erry oNOr Gnanartl covenants of i�ustor msdo in pny other agrctemon�, instrument o�documa�L Tiusror sho�l
<br /> 't compry�v�th and shnll cnus0 e�ry end n!!g�arantors of the IndebmdnOSS sccurotl hBreby to cvmpiy wrth,or bo in tompliancct wilh. th�t followmg I
<br /> ' Gnartadl cwonentS-(7his paragraph shatl not tlpply d r,ovannnts nnU re4uiromenf5 arp not set forth heroin) �' ;
<br /> � 15. SchC�ulo of Loasos Wdhin tpn(10)dttys altor demand. Tiustor sha/I fum�s�to Benohaary u schedule.cort�6od to by Trustoc sefting forth all leases
<br /> � 01 t�o Tiust Proporty.or arry portion the�eof. �ncfuding in onch cas�,tho name ol the tonants or occupants.a doscnphon ot fno spaco occup�od by
<br /> such tonnnt a accu�anf,fho rontal payablp fOr such spaco.and sucn other�n/ormuGnn�nd documents w�th respect to such�oases and tenanc�os
<br /> � as Bonnt�c+ary m�y ransondbry mquest. �
<br /> , f 16. Cacnn�ts ol irustor wdh Respoct to Leasos W��hout tho p�ror�intten cansent ot 6enelicra�� rrustcr sha 4 not. d�mcUp ar�ncluectly �v�rn respect ro ' i
<br /> arryleaso ot spaco in tho Tiusf Proporty.or any pprtron rn��oo�. �vherner such loaso�s now or neroa/rer�n e��stence
<br /> . , l
<br /> � � _ _ -.. . ,. _ _- -- -------
<br /> + �� , .
<br />