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<br /> , . (n)�ccp!or p�rmlf nny prp�ymont dlscount or nWanr.o ptyrr�cnf olront hcroundcr In oxcasa of ono month, � �� e�4'�U a7`i
<br /> (bJ Caneol o�form/nat�Iho samo,or accopt urry concvl.�atlon,tosMnarlon or surrena4�r tharoof,or pormlt nrr/ovcnr to occur whlch wovld occur __ -._
<br /> thort�unda to tcrminoro a�cnncol tho sumo,other thon tormfnoliOn lor nonpnymont cl ront, _--
<br /> (o) Amond a modlfy tho samo so as to roduco fho rorm thon.�ol, Ihe rentaJ payablo thorounder,or to chanpo nrry runaval pmvls!on�tAoro/n
<br /> contolnod, -
<br /> (d) Walve Brry defauR thoreundor or breach fhereol, �
<br /> ' (o) Glve any consnnt, weNo�or epprova!thereundor o�take ary aho�ecHon In connoctlon fhoravlth,or wlth p loasoo thorvundo� whlr.h��tiufd hrtva -
<br /> .. tha clfcct ol bnpslring tho v�luo of tha fa,,coYs Inforast thor�irntlaY cr th�proparry sutycct tharafa o�of Impalrinp the posltlon cf/nfarast W �--
<br /> Benoliclsry thnroln,a -
<br /> (� Soll,assfpn,pledpe,monQage o.othenvlse dlspose o%a encuinber fts lnterest In airy sald lonso or vrry renta,lssuos,�nrolits lssulnp a edslnp
<br /> . thoroundo� `°
<br /> 17. Walver ol Statute ol UmBat/ona Tlmo!s ol the essenco In all of riustoya obllgatfons and dut/as horoundor,and to the extent permltied by law,7Yiistnr
<br /> � weNss sll p�sent or/uturo statutos ol llmltatlons wlth riespectro ary dabt, domand or o611gatfon securod horoby and eny ect/on or proceeding lor
<br /> ' the purposo ol vn�orc/ng th/s DeQd ol bust o�any r/ghts or remud'as contelned herein. �
<br /> 18.Asslgnmant ol Deposit�!n tho aront construcUun of lmpravorr�oma Is confampletad hy tha loan evldanced by tho Note sbcun3t!iioreE�yS es additfonel �_-
<br /> . socurlry there,'ore, riustor herob�hanalors end osslgns to Bene!lclary all Nght,title and Interest to eny and all monles deposlfed by or on behaff o/
<br /> � 7iustor wlth arry clty,counry,publlc body o�sgoncy,sanitary�isfsiG,uWiry compam;nnd arry othsr body or egency,lor the Instttllr�don or to secure
<br /> the InstellaHon o1 arry uNllry by liustor,pertoMing to rhe Trust Property_ —
<br /> lA Corporsdon o�Partnershlp Exls(enca I!Tiusror Is a corporatlon,gancraJ psrtnershlp,or!lmf;ed partne�shlµ!t nrlll do all th/ngs necessary to presenre Rs
<br /> �� caporafe or partnerahlp cxlstnnce,as the case msy be, and all dgN�s s�pr/vllegos under the I�nvs ot tho state of!ta lncorpo�tlon or orFnnlzsfion.
<br /> „ 2Q Forbearencv by Bene/Iclary Not a Wir/ve►.Any/orbearence by Benellclsry/n exerc/sing srry rlght or remedy hereunder,o�othenv/se alfardod b�� -
<br /> appllcab/e law,shafl not be a walver of or precfude the exerclso ofary auch rlght or remoaly.fie pracurement of/nsurence or the psyment ol taxes
<br /> or the dlscherge ol tlens or chargas by Bcnollciury sholt not ba o r�lv�r of 8anoflclary s nght to aacelerata the n.atu�/ry ol u�e Indef�teu��ess. �
<br /> „ 21. Remed/es Cumulat/ve.All remedles provldod!n thls Deed of lius[are distlnct ond cumulative to any other dght or remedy under th/s Qeed o/1Yust -
<br /> o�aKorded by law or equlty, and may be exerdsed concurrQnfy,independently or successlvey
<br /> 22.Succossora and Asslgns Bound;Jo/nt and Sovom/Uoblliry;Capdons. Ihe cavenants end agreementa horeln contalned shall bind,and the dghts =-�_=
<br /> hereundor shall lnuie tq fhe naspective successora and asslgns ol Benopclary, TiuStee,and Tiusto�AI!covenant�and agroementa o/Trusto�shall `
<br /> , , be/olnt and several.rhe captlons end headings of the pareg�ephs ol tMs Deed ot liust aro lor comranlence oNy and ere nof to be used to lntorprot ---
<br /> or daf/ne the provlslons hereol. --
<br /> 23l NoBco.Except 1or eny notice requlmd under appllcable law to 6a gNan ln enothe�manne►,(a)n►ry notice to Tiustor prov/ded forin thls Deod of T�uat
<br /> shall be glven 6y melling such not/ce by certBled mall,rofum recalpt nequested atldrt�ssed to Tiustoi ef!fs malling address sot loNh sboVe or at such =
<br /> other addross as Trusfor mey deslgnate by notice to HuneNclary as provlded hereln,end(b)srry notice to Benepcl8ry or Tiustae ahall ba glven by r
<br /> certiflsd ms11,return recslpt requested,to Bene/lclery's and TiusteAS rnalOnQ address stated hereln or to auch other address as BenellClary or � '
<br /> Tiustee may doslgnate by not/ce to 7Yustor as provlded hereln.Arrynotice proWded!or!n fhls Deed ot T�ust shall be doemed to have boen ghren to �
<br /> Tivato�Bonel/Clary or Tiustee when glven!n the manner dealgneted hereln.
<br /> � 24.Oovem/n(�Lsw;SevereblllN. Thls peed ol 7iuSf shell be ooverned bi the laws ol thA Statn nl NaNmgkn. (n►ha.�.A��Q.���„Y,yr�,i��.�!��,M�:;;f� � �
<br /> Deed ol Aust confl/cts wlth appllcabfe law,such con/!!ct shall not allect other provlalons ol thls Oeed of Tiust whlCh can be glven eHoct wlthout the � ��
<br /> conl icUng pmv/slona and to thls end the provlslons ol thls Doed o1 busf are declared to be severabfe.
<br /> , 25.Eventa ol Dn/aWt.Esch ol the lollowing occurrences:hall conslifute an event of deleWt hereundei(herolnaRer called an"Event ol Delault'J:
<br /> (e) Tiusror shal!la1/to pay whon due any p�lnclpal,Interest, orprinGpal end fnterest on the Indebtedness, �"
<br /> (6J Any wananty oJ tlfle msde by Tiustor herem shall be untrua
<br /> (c) 1Yustor shall lef!to observe or peAorm any ol the covenants,a9raements,or contllt/ons In thls Deed ol Tiust,
<br /> (d)Arry representaGon or wannnry mede by Tiustor on erry Jlnanc�N staren►ents or reports submitted to Beneliclary by or on behsll of liusto�she/1
<br /> prove false or materlalty misfead/ng,
<br /> (e) Austor shel!lafl ta�eAorm or obsorve any of the covensnt�cond/tions or agriaements contalned In,or binding upon Tiustor under any bullding �-�
<br /> loan agmament,socudry ngreemenL loan sgmement,f/nancfng sfatement,or any other agreement,lnst�ument or document exocutod by Tiustor �,;►
<br /> !n connocNon with the ban evldenced by the Note. �c
<br /> (� A tNSt86�lBCBIVOIOIIIqU1d8f01 Ol thB TNSt P/Op@!ly OI01 TNSf0ISh8116D App0iI11@d,or arry ol the credirors o1 Trustor shnll lile a petldon!n �
<br /> bsnkruptcy agalnst Trusroi a lor fhe reorgaNzatlon of Tiusta p�asuaru to[he Foderaf Bankniptcy Codd or any slmllsr Imv,whether fedortlf or stbt� �t'.�_
<br /> end!f such onio�or petlNOn shall not be dlsCharped or dlsrnlsssA wltMn thlrry(30J days elter the dato on whlch such orcfer or petlt/on vies liled,
<br /> (p) liustor shal!llle a pctNHOn pursuant to the Federel Bankrup�ry Code a arry slmllar law,federal or state,or i!Trustor shall be adjudged e �,.��.
<br /> ` �� 6ankrupt,or be declared InsoNont,or shall make an esstgnmenf lor Ihe benel/t ol cred/tors,or shall edmlt In wdNng!ts InobllJry to pay!to dobts �
<br /> a8 they become due�or shall cansent ro the eppolntment of a reco�ver af all or erry part oi the Tiust Property, �
<br /> (h) Flnal/udgment for[he payment ol money shall be rendered ageinst Trustor and hustor shall not dlscharge the same,or esuse!t to be �^
<br /> .. dlscha�ged,wlthln thlrry(30)days slter the enfry thereo%or sha!I not appoal there/rom or from the order,dacree or procoss upon whlch or
<br /> pursuant to whlch sald/udgment wes grented,based,or oNOrad,and socuro a strry ol executlon pending such eppeal,
<br /> (q Tiusror shsll sell or crrney Ihe Tiust Properly, or any part therad,oi any lnterost thereln,or shal!be d'mesfed ollts tJtle,or any Interost fhereln,In
<br /> . any menner or wey, whethnr voluntarlly or Imroluntarlty,withou!Ihe wntten consent ol BeneBclery being flrsf hetl end obtelned,or
<br /> Q) 1/Austor Is a coiporaBon oi partnershlp and more than Irtty portent(50%)ol the shares or benellcial/nterests in such corporaflon or
<br /> � partnersh/p,as the case may be,shall be fiansferrod or conroyed, whethe�vo/untanly or Involunterily,wlthout the writton consent oi Bene!!clary
<br /> befng llrst had and obtafned.
<br /> 2&Accelaretlon o/Oebt:Foreclosure.Upon fhe occuirence of any FvEnrof Dolault,or eny Hma theroafte�Benellclary may,at!ts optlon, deClare al!tho
<br /> Indebtedness securod horeby lmmed/atory due and payeble and tha same shnll bea�lnterest et fhe defoult rate,lf any,sot forth In the Note,or �. ;
<br /> othenvlso ut tha hlghost mte permltted by law,and,Irrospective of whgther BeneJlclury exercisos sdld opdon,it may,at Its opt/on and!n its sole
<br /> discrotlon,wllhout orry turihar noNce or demand to or upon Tiuslo�do one or mae ol the lo/fow/ng:
<br /> , _ (a) BeneJlclary may entor upon,tako possnsslon of,msnago and operale the Tiust Properry or arry part theroof;moke repalrs and alteraflons ond do �
<br /> arry acts wh/ch Beaellclary deoms propor to protoct the securltyfhereo% and elther wlth or without fakln�possesslon,!n Its own name,sus lor f
<br /> or othenvlso collect und recelve mnts,Issues end prolits, lndudmg tlase past due end unpa/d,and appty fhv 3nmo,less costs antl expenses of
<br /> ope�atlon and co!loctlon,Including reasonable afforney�oes end Boneficlory's costs,upon the Indobtednoss socurod hereby end In such order �
<br /> as Benel/clnry may deferm/no.Upon mquost of 8onoflclary,Tr�sfor shaf!assemble and shaU mako avallable to Beneliciury any ol tho Trust � •
<br /> Property whkh has been iamovod.The entoring upon and takingpossesslon ol the 7tust Proporty,rhe collectlon of arry ren�s,lssues snd prollts, �
<br /> and the spp/lcaUOn thoreof as aloresa/d,sha!!not Curo oi waiva any delault thoretoloro or thereafter occurring,or aHect any noHce ol delaulr or
<br /> nodCe of s810 hereundor orlmalldnte 8ny aCt dona pursuantlo a�y suCh notiCe.Notwdhstanding Beno/iCiery's contlnuonco in possess/on w
<br /> " rocolpt and uppl/caf/on ot rents,lssues or profifs,Bonollciory shetl be ontlfled ro oxercise every rlght provldod Ior In thls Dec7d o/Tiusf or by!nw I
<br /> upon or alior thv occunence of nn Evont o!Default,lncluding tha rir�hl to exerClse the power of salo.Any ol fhe aCt/ons referred to in this
<br /> • partigraph may bo tuken by Benellclary at such tlme as Banotic�ay mey determino without regard to fhe adoquacy o/ary securlty fa tha : .
<br /> -,; - -� . . -- .:.uo..iwno5o 5vi.uiGci irtt.o"v� . .
<br /> (b) 8one�fClary sholl, wlthout reDurd ro the edequucy ol any securltylor Ihe/ndobtedttess socured hereby,be entrtlod to fho eppdintment ol a � •
<br /> rocolvvr by any court having/urlsd�cdon, wAhout notice,to fuke possession of,protect,end mnnago the Trust Properiy and operate the samo
<br /> ' . and cofleCt the rents.lssues und prolifs thorofrom. ,
<br /> • (C) �eneliclary may bring arry actlon!n erry Cowt ol compofonf�unstl,cffon to loroc/oso thls Daod ot 7Yust or enlorce arry o!tho covonnnts haroot.
<br /> (d) Benol/clary mrry oloct M csuso thp Tiust Pioperry or arry part menqf to De sold under tho powor N sale,and m such ownt 8enohcrary or Tiustao
<br /> t - sNnll�rvp suCh notko ol dQluult and notico ol selo as rnuy be Ihon reqwpd by law. Therealtot upon thp pxpnaf(on ol such hmo and tho givmg ol �
<br /> such notico ol safo as mny then bo mqu(rod tr�1mv, Trustoo, �u rho umo and placo speci/rod by tho nouco ol sa1e.sha�l soil such Tiust Proporry,or
<br /> arry part thereo!spocdiad by Bonelrclnry,et public auctlon to Ino hghest biddor lor cesh�n lawful monsy ol fho Un�ted States of Amonca. Upon
<br /> � rocolpt ol prrymont of�ho prlce bld. 7iustoe shall uppy tho prucoc�ds in mo Iollowing ordor.�p�N��ho cosr and expensos ot oxo�is�ng tho paver ol
<br /> � salo nnd ol fho sola/nclud/n fl but not limlted ro,truston's tvos or npt mao than SSOOAD plus onahotl ot ono porcenf ol tho gross salo pnce,and
<br /> , roasonablo attomoy I(aos,(li)to tho!ndobtodnpss,and(m/tho excou, d my.(p tho porson or pQrsons lQgalty enhtlod(herpto.
<br /> SAll costs untl oxponsus Incuriedby Bonaliclary/n anforcing a►ry nghfun0er th�s Ueod of liust,mdudmg wdhout hmrtn0on,obstract o�rdlo feos.
<br /> „ apprulsal lees,promiums lor titlo Insuranco.attornvy foos and tourt mslx shn�l bo and conshfuto Indobtodnpss socurod horopy
<br /> c--- --
<br /> .!'
<br />