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• :� � . . <br /> " ' �> / ,��.��`.' �.. ''� . . ., . � .. _. .. ., .. � ,;.,me�tafi�vs�Mr....,;�..,z+.. <br /> - r �q�pp,�a. . .. . �:*tl�RVyyv✓'-�+43�n�y.qr..�. . �, . . A ... ., . <br /> ' :.s..,.._... .,rt�e�»+ <br /> , '�:...t�' _..___—�_ ...d�_..r. . . ......._..__.—�_.�..__' ..—.::t�L=�.���is2r�.,..,a���...�...—.•.y_�YS�.. ,_, <br /> �. ., . <br /> ., Q'���•'����j+'1/I��� . ,� <br /> � �Inst7uturo � tn. ts ol Funds.If tho amount ol tl�o FunUs hold tr/Bonoflnnry shull no/Gn sufliclont to pay taxos,nssossmcnts, <br /> lnsurunco promlums und pround ron�s as Ih�y(aN duo, Trustor shall pay to Bonollclary ony amount nocassary fu mako up tho dcticloncy�ilthin thlrry <br /> � days from tho da�o notico fs malldd by Bonoflclary to Tiustor roquosNn�paymenf thorooL Upon paymant!n ful!ol all lndobNdnoss,Boneflclnry shnll �' <br /> prompty relund to Tiustor a�ry Fuods�1old by Bensllclary.1!tho Trust P�operry!s soldunder fho paver ot�ulo or tho Tiust Proporry ls otho�wlso ��,.; <br /> acqulretl by Benollclary,Oeno!lciary sha11 appty,immedlntey p��or ro fhe salo of fhe 1Yus1 Proporiy or Its acqulsltlon hy Bonof/clery,any Funds h�ld <br /> � by BoneHclnry at tho dmo ol appl/cotlon a9 e Crodit agalnst tho indebtodness. 1!Bencflclary oxocutos a wrltfen w•nivor ol Tiusro�'s ob!lpntfons undar � ��`�'.' <br /> . thls paiagraph 4, Trustor covnnants ond agreos to pny,beloro the same bocomo dellnquent,all taxos,nssassmenta,lnsu�anco prcmlums,pround ,:���-�• <br /> , ronts,nnd nll othor chnrgos vihatsowor!evled upon or assessed,pleced or mede sgalnst the bust Properly. Tiustor lurthw nnroes,upon wrliton <br /> ' roquost by Bono(ldnry,fo prompfty doNver fo BeneNclery all mcelpts lor fhe pnymont of such charges. Tiustor Ilkewlso agress to pny all taxos, ���. j�_ <br /> �� asseasments and other charges lovlod upon or assessed,placed or made agalnst,or measurod by,this Dsed ol Tiust or tha rocordaUon horool. �'~��'-' <br /> ' 5. Appllcatlon o/Paymvnts.RU payments recelved by Bonollclary es to arry debt,liability or obligaHon owed to Bonellclary Gy Austor may bo applled by ��___. <br /> � Benellclnry to the payment o/the Indobtedness or to sny such other debL 1lablGry or obligaGon,In eny order o�mannor ol oppllcodon whlch y T.�_�.-_ <br /> Doneticlary,!n!ta abso/ute dlscroflon,deems epproprlate.Un/oss othenvlse electod by Bone�lclary,any sur,l�payment sha�l be doemod appllod!l�st �'=- „- <br /> to tha peyment ol arry dobt,Ilab/fJty or obligatlon other than the Note. �=±-_- <br /> & Charges;Uens. 1Yusto►wi/1 keep the Tiusf Property freo lrom all Ilens and encumbrances whlch!n any way may,!n the/udgment oJ Bonollc/ary,have <br /> ` prloriry ovor,or lmpalr fhe socurlry o(thls Deed o/liust but Ttustor nead not dlscharge any such Ilen so long as Tiustor shall a�ree,ln writln�,to `����. <br /> i--,_ <br /> � . pay the obllgatlon secured by such uen fn a manner scceptable to 8ene!lclary end shallin good Ialth con[est suCh Ilen by appropna[v fepnl �=_- ` <br /> proceedings eHective to prevent the enforccment of the Ifen and the loss of any/nterost In or part oJ the iiust Propsrt y. _.. <br /> 7. Hazard Insurence. Tiustor shall keep Iha bWJdings snd other lmprovements now exlstlng or hereaher erected on the Tiust Property lnsured by _ <br /> lnsurance cnnlers satls/actory to Beneflclary a�alnst loss try fl%hazards lncluded!n the term�t�xtended covorege"and such other hazards, �---_ - <br /> casualt/es and conNngenc/es as moy be requlred by Beneficlary,!n such amounts and for such pe�lods as may be requ/rod 6y Bene(Ic1Ary. The ���-. <br /> � pollcy o!lnsurence shell be In lorm acceptable to Benellclary,provlde that the same mrry not be cancelled or modilled wlthout!ilteen(ib)days pdor ��•�� <br /> written notice ro Benoflclary,and shall have loss payable provlslons fn lava ol and!n form acceptab/e to Bene!lclery.All prem�ums on lnsurence —� <br /> pollcles shall be pald!n the manner provlded under paragraph 4 hereol or,If not pald in such manne6 by Tiustor making payment at least li/teBn(16) �� <br /> days prior ro tho due tlate, dlrectty to�he fnswsnce caniet Beneticiary shali have the right to hoid fhe policies end ranvwels thetaof and nusfor shalf �� _---- <br /> promptty/urnish to Beneflciary a/l ranowal noM.ces and afl pald premfum recelpts recelved by it!n no event shall Bene/lClary or Tiustae bo hold pk�:n=_ <br /> � �esponslblo tor lalluro to pay lnsumnco premlums or for any loss or damage arising ou[of a dolect!n arry pollcy or arlsing out ot sny falfure of arry v° <br /> insurance compnny to pay for any loss o�damage insured agalnst o�for/ailure by Trustor to eflect the lnsuranco requlred hereunde�In tho went of <br /> loss. Trustor shall give prompt noUCe by mall to the lnsurance carrler antl Benellclary.Benelldary may mako proof ol loss il nnt made promptty or ln ��''Y= <br /> r`'. <br /> proper lorm by Trusroc All policles of Insurdncu and any and all refunds ol unearned premlums aro here6y asslgned to BenellC/ary es additlonal � - <br /> secudry lor the payment ol tho lndeAtedness.In the event o!Bene/iclary's oxe�cise ot the power of sple r,ontalned hereln,or In the event of <br /> • loreclosuro,all right,tltle and lnterest of Trustor!n and to any lnsurence pollcy Ihen In force shall pass to the purchaser at the trustee's sslo or �' . <br /> lorec/osu�e sale.In case ol any loss,fhe inswance proceeds may,at fhe option oi Benellclary,be appllad by Benollclary upon the Indebtedness,or <br /> � ary part thereo%and!n such ader and amount as Bonellclary may determme;or sald lnsu�anco procaeds,at the opflon oi Bene!lclery,may either __ <br /> be used in replacing or restoring fhe irust Pioperry partially or totally destroyvd fo a condlflon sadsiactory to Beneflclary;or sald InsurenCe ' '�� <br /> proceeds,or any ponlon thereol, may be released ro Tmsror.Unless BeneNclary and rrusmr otherwlse agree in wrlNng,any such sppllcatlon ol <br /> lnsurance proceeds shall not extend or postponn the due date o/the Note,or ariy lnstallments called lor therein,or change the amount of such <br /> Installments.I/the Trust Proporty!s ocquired by 8ene!lclary pursuant fo the exerclse of the paNer o►sale or other loreclosure,aU rlghG tltfe and <br />--- " mterest o�lrusfo�in ano to erry�nsurancaprocaaua paynuia na n�nYUii ul ciarnayv iu iiro TruSi i-�Lj�dr'iy NiIGi iD iha"�o v'�a^Cyi:lbf��,^,�::�::Ys�s:C �' <br /> 8enelfclary and shall be applled lirsf ro the costs and expenses,including attomey fees,lncunud In collecting such procaeds,then In the menner =�-- <br /> and!n the ord8r provlded hereln. <br /> , 8. Preservallon and Malntenance of Tiust Property. Trustor will keep the buildrngs end other improvements now or herealto�erected on the Tiust <br /> Property!n good repalr and conditicr,and wl1l not commit or permrt waste,wlll not alter the design or structural characte�constltutlng sry bulld/ng __. _. <br /> now or he�esRe�erected on and constituting tho Tiust Proeprty without the prior written consent ol 8one/IClary,wlll not do eny act or thing whlch _ <br /> would unduly/mpalr or depreclate Ihe value ot the Tiust Properry and wll/not abandon Ihe Trust Properry. 7rustor wlll not remove any Iixtures _ <br /> constltuting the liust Property unloss the same are immediatety repleced wifh uke properry subJoct ro the Ilen and secudty interest of thls Deed o! _ <br /> 71'ust and of at least equaf value and ut!liry. Trustor wlll comply with a11 present and future ord7nances,regulations and requlrements o/arry '- <br /> governmenhtl body whlch are applicab/e ro the 1Yust Property and to the occupancy and use fhereot.ll fhls Deed o/Tiust!s on a unit In a 1'�'�. <br /> condomlNUm or a pinnned uNf development, Tiustor shall perform all of Trustor's obGgations under tfie declaradons or covenents creatlng or <br /> governing the condomlNum or the planned unit development,the by/ews and regufarions ol the condominlum or planned unit devolopmant,and the ��'� <br /> ConsBtuont documents. ' ° ��.^ <br /> � 9. Inspectlon.Beneflclary or!ts agents may,at all reasonable t�mes,enter upon the Tiusf Proporry for tho pu�pose ot inspectlon.Benellc/ery shall have , •^ <br /> no duty to make suoh lnSpectlon and shall not be liable ro Trustor or to any peaon m possesslon if it makes or lails fo make any such inspeCllon. .i .-� <br /> � 10. Protection ol Secudty.ll Trustor lails ro pedwm any o�the covenants end egreemenis contained in thls Deed ol Tiust,or il nny action or proceeding . <br /> !s commenced whlch does or may adverse/y aBect the Tiust Property or thn�nrerosr of i�ustor or Bene�ic�ary the�ein or the titlo o�Tiustor thereto, � <br /> then Benel(olary,at!ts ap[lon,may per/orm such cov9nants and agroomonts,make such ag8inst and Investlgate such nCtion �,;% <br /> o�proceeding nnd take such other ac�ion as Benelidary deems necessnry ro protett its interost including,but not Umirod to,disbursement ol <br /> reesonabfe attoriey lees and entry upon the Tiust Property to make repairs.Any amounfs dlsbursed by Aeno/iC�ery pursuent to thls paragreph 10, <br /> with interest thereon,shall constltute Indebtedness of Tiustor secured by this DeeU of lfusf.Unless Trustor and Benefrcery agree to other terms of <br /> payment,such amounts shall be payable upon notice Irom Benelicisry to Tiuslor reqvesting payment thereol,entl shall bear Interest irom tho dt+tU <br /> o/dlsbursement at the dofault rato,R any,set lorth in the Noto.or otherwise et Ihe highest rare permitted by law.Nothing contained in this pnragraph <br /> shall roqulre Beneflclary to inCUr any expense or teke any achon horoundei rrusto�irre�vCabty authonzes and empowers Beneliciary to ente�upon <br /> the Tiust Properry as Tiustor's agent and,In Tiustor's name or o►horw�se to pedorm any and all covenants and egreements fo be pe�formed by ,� <br /> ' Trustor as herein provlded. Beneficiary shall,at its option,be subrogatad to arry encurnbrance.Ilen,clalm or demand and to eli nghts and securities <br /> for thn peyment thereof peid or discharged by Benellciary undor tho provis�ons horoof and erry such subrogahon nghis shall be oddltional snd <br /> cumu/ative securlry lor this Deed ol irust. <br /> 11. CondemnuNon. The p�oCeeds ol any award or claim/or dameges,dimct or consequential,in connec6on wdh arry Condemnahon or othor taking ol the i <br /> Tiust Propert}t M arty part theroof,or for convayanco in!!eu o/or m anhcipetion ol condemnahort,ero hereby nsslgned to and shall be paid to � <br /> Benefklary. Tiusror wdl lile and proseCUtv.irt good/nith and wrth duo Ai6c�onco.As cla�m for a�ry such award or payment,and will cause tho same ro bo � <br /> ii � <br /> Collected and pn(d to Beneliciary, and,should it lail to do so. Tiustor urevocaby aufh,onzes antl nmpowers Benehaary,m tho name o!Tiusror or � <br /> • othenv� life,prosecute,sottle or compromise a�ry such claim and to collect,mco�pt!or and rotain fhe procQeds.Il the Tiust Property�s abandoned <br /> ' by Tiustor,o�nRor notice by BeneGciay to Trustor that tho Condemnw oHOrs ro makv en award or settlo n claim lor damages. Tius�or lods ro respond to , <br /> BeneflClBry wlthln thlrty(30)days alter fhe date such notice�s maded,Benohciary is authonzed to collect and appty tha proceeds m tho mannor , <br /> lndicated hereln. The proceeds of arry awarcl or claim may,afhtr doduchng nll masonub/o costs and oxpensos.�ncluv�ng attorney lees.wh�ch may haw � <br /> been inCUn�d by Beneficiary in the collectwn thoreol,at tho sole discrehon of Benol�c� rebased to Tiusto�appl�ed to rostoraUOn oi Tiust Prope�ty. • <br /> or upplled to the paymeM ot the/ndebtedness.Unless Beneticiary and Tiustor othenv�se agree m wnhng,any such appl�canon ol procoods to <br /> Indebtodness shall not extend or poslpono fhe duo dn(e ot fhe Noto or fhe payment of any instanments celled lor thoroundor. <br /> 12. Tiustor Not Relensed.F_xtenslon o!the Nmo/or paymont or moddlcation ol�ny amortrzation of fho Indohtodnoss granfod by Benelrciary to arry � <br /> succvssor in rnterost o�Trus(or shttll nOf Operate to release.m nrry manne� tha Ilabrliry ol irustor and Tiusror's succossors in�nterese BeneLC�ary shall <br /> nOt be requirod ro Commence proCaedings agamst such successor or reluse to e.rtend t�mv for puymenf or olhprwiso mod�ty amortizahon ol the <br /> _-'-' .- "._'.'. .', illutlu(afirltlSJ[ry rvitavei vi oiry voii�c:�v/iraun iry .i'uaivi ai�u'�ivaivi a�w�:ooaaaa v.niio�ooi- . <br /> 13. Flnoncial lnlormation.Upon rttquest ol Benef�ciary, Tiustor wdl prowde to Bene6crQry, wifhm ronery(9U)tlAys ot tho closo of each hscA+year ot <br /> , 7rusto�the consolidatad belance shoef and statement o�oarnings ot Tiustor and arry and all qunrnntors ol tha Indobtadnoss socwod heroby.�t��ny. <br /> ond w(11 provide and dolrver M Beneliciery such otner(monael�nformahon end m such manner as 8ene��c�ary may reasonably�oquost lrom hmQ ro <br /> , tima. <br /> , , t4. Finnnclsl Covenanfs.!n edddion fo a�othe�hnnncral coyQnAnts of Tiusror made m any othor aqroompnc roshumenf or documonL Tiuslor shal� <br /> comp/y with and shall cause nny and Qll guurantors o/tho Indobtodness secured hur�b,�to comply w�tn,or be�n compl�onco w�th,rhe�ollow�ng <br /> , linanaul covonan�s:(This pu�ogruph shall not apFly d covenants und mquuompnts aro nor ser forth horein I <br /> � 15. SChadulo o/LoOSOS.Wdhin(On(10)tlayS Oft3�domuntl, Tiusfor ShpH fum�Sh t0 BCnel�ciary al schadulo.Cortd�od fo by lorfh all�oaSUs <br /> r ol tho flust Propert};or any port(on fhemol.rncludmg in each caso, fho numo o/fho tonants ur occupanfs,a doscnphor o�fhc spaCO occup�od by <br /> � such tvnant or occupunf, tho rental pnyable!or such spaco. and such othor�nformnnon and documonts wrth�ospoct ro such ioases and fonanc�os <br /> . es BPnehdary mdy roUSOnab�y roquQSf. <br /> �. � . 16. COVOnBnts o/Tiusfor wrth Rospeet(o Lvases.Wrthout fho pnor wnttan consonl oi Benohc�ary. Trusror shall noL U�rectly o��novocfty. wrth r�spocl fo <br /> ony lveso of SpUCO!n fhtt riust Proporty,or nny port�on thorool,whethpr suth Ipaso�s now a horpnfter m ex�sronCe <br /> �T <br />