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<br /> stibstnntially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage ivnot avu3lable.Borro�ver shall pay to Lr.nder eacl�month a sunt equal to •
<br /> onc-t�ti•clflh cif thc ycarly mortgngc insurancc premium being paid by Borrnwcr whcn thc insurancc covcragc lapsed or ccased to
<br /> bc in cff�;it. l;,cndcr will acccpt, use�ind retain these payments as u lust rescrvc in licu c�f mortg:.i�c insurancc. I.��ss reservc
<br /> payments niay no'langcr be rcyuircd, at the option of Lendcr, if monguge insurancc covcrage(in the umount und far thc period
<br /> that Lender requires)provided by un insurcr approveci by Lender again becomes availabl��ind is obtuined. Horrower shull pay •.�,,
<br /> the premiums rcquired to muintain mortgage ins�rancc in cffcct.or ta provide a loss rese�vc,until thc requiremcnt far mortgage
<br /> - - insurance ends in accordance with:uiy�vritten ugreement between Sorrower and Lender or applicable law. ,
<br /> 9. InsE►ection. L.ender or its agent may makc reasonable entrics upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall givc
<br /> Borrower noilce at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspectian. "•i
<br /> !0. Condemnatton. The prnceeds of any nward or claim f'or d�e�uages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br /> condemnation or other t��king of any part of the Property, or for comeyance in lieu af condemnatian, are hereby assigned:►nd �;.r°�;
<br /> . shall bc paid to Lendcr. .�.,��
<br /> In the evcnt of a total tuking of the Property,the procceds shall be applicci to the sums secured by tBis Securiry Instrumcnt, '''��':
<br /> , .;u
<br /> ' whether or not then due, with any exccss paid to Borrowcr. In the cvent of a partial taking of the Property in which the fnir -:s
<br /> market value af thc Property immediately beforc the taking is equal to or greater than the umount of the sums secure.d by this '`�'`
<br /> , , Security Instrumcnt inimeSiutely before the tnking,unless Borrower und L.ender otherwisc ugrce in writing, the sums secured by ����
<br /> . this Security Instrurnent shall be �educed by the amount of the procecds multiplicd by the following fractioii: (u) the total ����
<br /> amount of the sums securcd immcdiately brforc the taking, divided by(b) thc fair market value of the Property immediutely -__
<br /> before the taking. Any balar►ce shall be paid to Borrower. In the event af a partial taking of the Property in which the fair —"
<br /> - , market value of�he Property immediutely before the t:ilcing�is Iess than the umaunt of the sums secured immediately 6eFore the �
<br /> tal:ing, unlcss Borrower and L,cnder otherwisc agree in writing or unless applicable luw otherwise provides,the proceeds shall
<br /> be applied to the sums sccured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. __.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if, after noticc by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers t��make an
<br /> awurd or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is givcn,
<br /> Lender is authorizeci to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of thc Proper[y or tu the sums _
<br /> ° secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. �t._
<br /> ° Unlcss I.endcr and Borrower othenvisc agree in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shnll not cxtend or �
<br /> gt=
<br /> ' postponc the duc datc of the monthly payments referced to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. rF:--
<br /> 11.Hwrrower Not Releused;Farbutrance By Lender Not a Walver. Extension of the time for payment or modification
<br /> -, of amonization of the sums secured hy this Security Instrument granted by l.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> not operate to rcicusc thr,liability of thc original Borro�ver or Borrou�er's successors in intcrest. L.ender shall not be rcquired to °
<br /> commence procecdings aguinst any successor in interest or tefuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortizatfon
<br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason o( any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's _
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearanee by L.ender in exercising any rigiit pr remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the -
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> • 12. 5uccessors and Assi�ns Bound; Ju1nt and Several Liabflity; Ca•signers. Thc covcnants and agreements of this
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind und benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject tu the provisions oF
<br /> ,+ _ .,ts °:2•:: ' t ..; n.. ; c .,
<br /> .... -.---.- _----.�.. F)'SI'i1U'lil�ltl 1 i. BuiluwCi�i Cviii�a�li�i� u�i.. :i^��:.. �.... S �3°j02:2 ...^.� SC`JCf.. . ..� B'J:i't)::�T ::�20 "...3' -�lpR.°. t21.°. .."C!l:St� ,,._.._..
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br /> Borrowcr's interest in ilie Yroperty under thc terms of this Security Instrumenr, (b) is not personally obligatcd to pay the sums
<br /> ' secured by[his Security Instrumcnt;and(c)agrces that Lendcr and any other Borrower may agrec to extend. modify, forbetv or
<br /> , m:ilce any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If thc loan seeured by this Security Instrumcnt is subject to a law which sets maximum loun charges.
<br /> ' and that la�v is finally interpreted so that the interest or other luan chur�;e� rollected or to be collected in connection with the �'
<br /> � loan excexd the permiued limits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount nccessary to reduce the charge a
<br /> ta thc permittcd limit: unJ (b)any sums already collected from Bnrro��cr which exccedcd pennitted limits rvill be refunded to
<br /> Borrowcr. L.cnder may choosc to makc this refund by reducing the principal owcd undcr thc Note or by making a direct ��
<br /> payntent to Borrower. If :t refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any j�-._
<br /> prepayment charge undcr the Notc. �'?�;"
<br /> 14.Nottces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry[nstrument shall be givcn by delivering it or by mailins [�<;:
<br /> , it by first class mail unless applicuble law requires use of another method.The notice shull be directed ro the Property Address "-°
<br /> �;a_;
<br /> • or any other address Borrower designates by notice to L.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to j���
<br /> Lender's addrcss stateci herein or any c�ther address Lender designates by notice to Bormwer. Any notice provided for in this [��,
<br /> ' �� _ " Securiry Instrumcnt shall be deemed to have been given to Borm�ver or[.cnder when given as provided in this paragraph. _
<br /> 15.Governin� Luw; Severability. This Securiry [nstrwnent shull hc guvcrned hy fcdcrul law und the law of the y���
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In thc event that any provision or clause of�his Security[nstrument or the Note '.
<br /> conflicts with applicable law, such contlict shall not affect other provisions of'this Security Instrwnent or the Note which can be �
<br /> � � given effcct without the conflicting provision. To thiz cnd thc provisions of this Scrurity Instrument and thc Notc arc declarcd
<br /> . to bc sevcrablc.
<br /> �. 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given ane confurmeJ copy uf thc Note and uf thi�Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> , 17.Transfer of the Property or u Beneficiui Interest In Borrn�ver.If all ur uny part of thc Property or uny interest in it •
<br /> is sold or trunsfcrnd(or iF a bcnctirial intcrest in Borrciwcr is snld or transl'crrcd and Burrowcr is not a natural pcnon)without
<br /> L,endcr's prior writtcn conscnt. Li:ndcr may, at its optiun, rcyuirc immtdiutc paymcnt in full af ull tiums securcd by this
<br /> _ � Sccurity Instrumcnt. Howevcr,thiti optiim shall not bc cxcrciscd by Lcnder if'cxcrcisc is pri�hibitcJ by tcdcral law as of thc datc
<br /> � � of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> I If Lcneicr excrciscr this option, Lcnder shall give Borrower notice of acrcleraticn.Thc noticc shall providc a periud of not
<br /> Icsti than 30 duys from thc datc thc nnticc is dclivcrcd c�r mailcJ within which Borrowcr must puy ull sums sccureJ by this
<br /> ,. Sccurity Instrumcnt. If Borrowcr fails to pay thesc siimti priur to the expiration uf this period, Lcndcr may invokc sny remcdics �
<br /> � permittcd by this Serurity lnstrumcnt without further noticc or dcmand on Borrowcr. . I
<br /> 18. Borrowcr's Eti,�ht to Reinstatc. If Borrowcr mceis ccnuin ccmdition�, Bc�rruwcr tihall havc thc right tc� havc
<br /> cnforccmcnt of Ihis 3crurity Instrument di�runtinucd at any timr pric�r tu thc carlirr uf`. (u) S duy�� lor .urh ��thcr pericid .n I
<br /> apPlicab:c law may �pccify for rein�tatcmcnU before .alr uf ihe Pniprrry pursuant lci any puwrr e�l .ule �nnlained in thi. ,
<br /> Sccuriry In�trumcnt:or(b)cnuy ut a judgmrnt cnfurcing thiti 5crurity ln,trument.Th�nc runditiun�arc that &�rrnµrr:(a1 pay�
<br /> Lendcr all >.ums whirh thcn �ti•uulJ bc duc undcr thi� Scruriry Instrumcnt and thr Noic u. if nu:irrclrr.itiun haJ urrurrcJ; (h) '
<br /> cures any dcfault uf any uthcr ciwenantti ur ugrecnrentti: lrl pa��x all rxExnar> incw•reJ in rnfurrinE thiti Sccurity In,trumcnt.
<br /> including, t�ut not IimitcJ tu, rcasonablc auurnryti' fc�s .uid ldl takc�wch acticm ati Lcndrr may rca�nnably rcyuir� tu a�wn:
<br /> that thc lien uF this Sccurity Instrumrnt, L.cndcr'� rights in thc Prupcny and Borruwrr'ti ubligatiun ti� pay thr .ums .c�urcd hy
<br /> . --"� thts 5ccunty Intitrument siiaii ron�inuc unciian�.�ti. upon rcin�taicmcnt ny norrowcr. �nis �cruriiy inscn�mcm .uiu mc
<br /> obligations scrurcd hcreby tihall rcntain lully rl7rrtivc as if nu arrrlcralion hud��crurrcci. Huwrvcr. thi� ri�h� tu rcimtatr >hall
<br /> not apply i��thr r.�sc nf arrcicration undcr paragruph 17.
<br /> 19. S:ale of NoQe: Chun};c �if L�nin tier��icer. Th� Nutc or a parlial intercst in lhc Nute (to��lhrr with Ihi. Srruril�•
<br /> , Instrumcnt) may bc ti��IJ on�ur nu�rc timrs without priur nutirc tii Borro�scr. A�alc may result in a rhangr in thr rntih•�f�n+,��n
<br /> r as thc "Laan S�rvic�r"1 that cullccts monthly p.rymcnt,duc uncicr thc N�ur:uiJ thiti Sccurity Imtrumrnt.Thcre al�u may hr unr
<br /> ' . ur ntorc chan�rti uf thc Luan Scr�•ircr unnnlatcd tc�a y.dc��I thr N�ue.Ifthcrr iti a changc uf thr l_uan tirn�ircr. ki��rru��•cr��ill hr
<br /> - gi�•cn wrilten nulirr��t�th�rhanEc in accurdancr witit parugr�ipli 14.ibi��•r cmd aprlirahlc la��. 'i'hc nalirc��ill,t��tc Ih�namr;in�1
<br /> z addrrss uf Ure ncw L�r,in Scrvircr:tnd Ihc addretiti t�� �vhich pa}•rncnts ,huuld hr maJc. 'i'hr n�,tirr ��ill al.�,rnniaii� an} uih�r
<br /> � inFarniatinn rcyuircd hy applirahlc I:i��•.
<br /> 20. �{arx�rdous tiubst�mces. E3urr����•rr .hall nut rau�r or prrmit thc ��rescnrr, u.r. di,pu�ul. ,turagc. ur rclra,c „I :my
<br /> t f H:uardou� Suhslctn�c� ��n ur in thr Prupert}•. Burrowrr tih.dl nut du, nnr :dlin�• atn•��nr rlu t�i du. :utything att'rrtin�: th�
<br /> t Pruperry �hat is in �•iulation uf any lim�irunnt�nt,il La��•. "i'hc prG��dittg lu•ii xnlrnrrs�h.dl nut apply lu thr prc+cn�•r. u��. nr
<br /> titoragc un th� I'r��p�rty ut'�mall yu.�ntitir+��f Hatarduu. tiuh�lanvc� thai arr grnrrall� rrrugniir� tu l��:�ppn�pnatr to n��rmal
<br /> " rctiidrntial u�cti;uid tu maintenanrr��f thr I'n�pert}.
<br /> � �'w�•i����. Form 3028 9190
<br /> ----- �- — --- - -- •
<br />