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' :�,T ... . . . .. : <br /> } -.,.�+ � . • . <br /> � .. ..�wfrc. . . .. •. . . <br /> .�. .. -41r ,� . . .... � � � . .. ,,...r�a++✓.�wilAldifb� . . �. <br /> 1 � �.�_:+.=i.2'..1'3N..�•.�N'•^--,�..:..a��.:31v..F•:i+u- - �:h_ '" <br />�..�,..i .... 1—���`_ ��iY�iw" _ ....�......w - _' ..`�._.,..`..,.J.._� �.,..__� <br /> ,-,;�,:..7�,,.,. � :94-- �,0�'62 ���Y <br /> ��-,,:. <br /> Thc Funds shall be hcld in un institutian whosc dcposits arc insurcd by a federal agency, instrumentulity, or entity - <br /> (including Lendcr, if L.endcr is such an instiuitionl or in any Fedcral Honte Loan Bank. I..cnder shall apply the Funds to pay A►c <br /> Esc raw Itcros. l.cndcr may not�:Imrgc 13nrrnwur for holJin�and applyin�thc Funds, tmnually nnuly�ing thc escrow nccount,or <br /> .. vcr�fyin�thc Escrow Itcros,unless!..cndcr p�y�.Uorrov�cr intcrctit on thc Funds nnd applicablc li��v permitti I.c:ndcr tn mul<c suc{i . <br /> a ch��rgc. Howcver, L.cnJcr may requirc Bnrrowcr to pny a c�nc-timc charge for an independent real cstate t:�x rcporting scrvicc <br /> use� by I.cndcr in connectian with this laa�i, unlcss ;►p�lic�blc luw providcs athcrwisc. Untcss an ugrccment i:: macic ar ___,., <br /> upplicablc Inw rcquires interest to bc paid,l.cndcr shull not be rcquircd to�ay eorrowcr iiny intcrest or carnin��;on the I�unds. ��' <br /> � 9orrawer nnd Lcndcr may �+trcc in writing.howcvcr, th,�t intcrest shsdl bc paid on ti�c Funds. [.cndcr shnll �;ivc to Sorro+rcr. <br /> ° wit3�out charbc, an annunl accounting of thc Punds, sh�nving crcclits and debits to thc Funds und thc purpasc for whlch cach �".=m� <br /> ` dehit to the Funds wus mude.The I�unds ure plr.dged as additionul security for all sums su:ured by this Securiry instrument. <br /> - ' ,. � IF the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts pe:i witt�l to bc hcld Uy applica61e Icnv, Lendcr�hnll account tc�Borrower � � <br /> for the excess Funds in nccordance with thc rcquircmcnts of applicable law. If thc nmaunt of thc runds held by Lcnder�at any <br /> tiine is not sufficicnt to pay the Bscrow(tems whcn duc, L.endcr may so notify Qorrower in writing, und, iu such casc Borrowcr <br /> shall pay to I..ender thc umown necessnry to rnnkc up thc dcficiency. anrrower shall makc up thc dcfiaency in no more than o_� <br /> twelve monthly payments,at I..ender's sole discretiun. ___ <br /> • Upon payment in full �f all surns securcd by this Securiry Instrumcnt. Lcnder shall promptly rcfund co Borrawer any _ <br /> ' of he Prode t�h j��if,luna cr Funds h hd by Lcn er t tl e tQne of acqois ticm or sale a5 aeredt aguinstl he sums�s�cured by =�_-__ <br /> P Y PPY Y —. <br /> this Securiry Instrumcnt. <br /> • 3, Applicntion of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by L.ender under paragrap s <br /> I and 2 shaU be applied: tirst, to uny prepaymcnt charges due under thc Note; sccond, to amaunts payablc under paragraph 2: _ —_ <br /> ' ` thi rd,to interest due; fourth,to principal due: and last,to any late chnrges duc under the Notc. ___.__ <br /> 4. Char�es; Liens. Borrower shali pay all tuxes, :sssessments, charges, fines cnd impositions attributuble to the Property _ <br /> �� w}�ich may attain priority over this Securtty Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if uny. Borrower shall pay <br /> � these ohli�etions in the manner provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that msuiner,Borrower shall pay the[n on time directly <br /> ' to the person o�ved payment. eorrow�r shell promptly fumish to Lender all nutices of amounts to be paid under this p�ras;raph. _____ <br /> If Borrower makes these payments directly,Bonower sh�ll promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> • Horrower shall promptly dischar�e any lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Bonower: (a)agrees in <br /> writing to the payment of the obli�ation secured by thc lien in a manner acceptuble to[.�nder;(b)contests in good faith the lien ___ <br /> by, or defends aga+nst enforcement of the lien in, Iegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevent the <br /> en forcement of the licn; or(c)secures from the holder�f the licn an agrcement satisfactory to I.ender subordinatin�the lien to `__ _ <br /> �. this Security Instrument. If I.ender dctermines thut any pan uf the Property is subject to a lien which may nttain priority over ____ <br /> this Security Instrument,'Ler.der may give Borrower n notice identifying the lien. Bonower shall sutisfy che lien or talce une or _ <br /> mnrc of thc actians sct fonh above within 10 days of[hc giving of notice. <br /> 5. Hnzard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall kecp the improvements now cxisting or hereafter erccted on the �,.,__ <br /> Property insurcd against loss by fire, ha•rnrds included within thc term "cxtended coveragc" and any other hazArds, including = <br /> ' Iloods or flooding, far which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintaineci in the amounts and for the periods r <br /> : �ti,�r L.�n�lrr rr�uires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval - <br /> -- --- _.- <br /> " wliich shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower failc to maintum coverage �ic,c:�i�e� abc.�, i.:.r.�c:•"•'.�;. ar L.�nrlrr'c ��_ <br /> .,� option, obtain mvei�a�e to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. <br /> ��-- <br /> All insurance policies and rene�vals shall bc acceptable to Lcnder and shall inciude a standurd mortgage cluuse. Lender � <br /> shall havc thc right to hold the policies und rencwals. If l.ender rcquires,Borrawer shall promptly givc to Lcnder all receipts of <br /> .• ` �. paid premiums and renewal notices. I n the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice ro the�nsurance carrier and L.ender. _'_. <br /> l.ender may makc prosf of loss if not made prompdy by Borcower. ___ <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wnt�ng, insurance procceds shall bc upplied to restoration or repais of the _____ <br /> • Property damaged,if the restoration or repnir is economicaUy feasible and L.ender's security is not lessened.If the restoration or <br /> repair is not econontically fcasible or Lendcr's sccurity would be Icssened. thc insurancc procccds shall be applicd to thc sums �_ <br /> ' secured by thix Security [ntitrument, �vhether or nat then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. [f Borrower abandons the �•'; <br /> Property,or does not answer within 3� Jayti s�notice from L.rnder that dir insuranre carrier has offcred to settle a clairn,then y,m, <br /> Lender may collect the insurancc pra e�ds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair ur restore the Property or to pay sums �. .,,. <br /> securcd by this Securiry Instrument, u�hether or not then due. The 30-duy period will beSin when the notice is given. f;-., _ <br /> Unless Lender and Burrower otlicnvise agrcc in writing. any application of procceds to principal shall not cxtend or � . = <br /> ' , pc,stponc�he due datc of the m��n:hly payments rrfcrreJ to in paragraphs I xnd 2 ��r chxnge thc amount of the paymcnts. If � , <br /> • ' under paragraph 21 thc Property is ucyuircd by L�nder, Borrower's right to any insw•ance policies und proceeds resulting from : <br /> �� ,.. <br /> �: damagc to thc Property prior to thc ucyuisition tihall p:iss to Lcnder to thc extcnt of thr. ,ums+ecured by this Scc:urity Instrument ,;;., <br /> �• inimediately prior to the ncquisition. ��'" <br /> b. Occupancy, Preservution,Matntenance and Protection of the Property:Burrower's Lo�n Application; Leuselmlds. . <br /> Borrower shall occupy, e�tablish,and use thc Property as Borrower's principal residencc within sixty days after the execution of �, <br /> t�is Security Instrument and shall amtinue to accupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence fbr at Icast one year ufter <br /> - tfie date of <xcupancy, unless Lender otherwixe agrees in writing, which consent sh�ll not he unrexsonably withheld,or unless <br /> extenuatin� circumstances cxist whidi are lx:yonJ Borrowcr's control. Borrowcr �hidl not destroy, damage or impair the f,.'• <br /> Property,.illow thc !'ropeny tu Jeteriorate, ur cummit ��•atite un the Property. B�>rrc»vcr shull bc in dcfault if any furfeiture r,�; <br /> •tction or procecding, whethcr civil or criminal, is hcgun that in Lendcr's good ta�th judgment rould result in forferture of thc I <br /> � Property or ntherwise materially impair thc licn rrcatcd hy this Scc:uriry Instrumcnt or Lcnder'ti sccurity interest. Borrowcr may <br /> cure such u default and reinstate, a� pruviJed in paragraph IR,by rausing the actiim or prcuceding to be dismi�sed with u ruling I • <br /> that, in Lcnder's good faith Jctcrmination, prccludcs farfciturc of thc Barrowcr's intcrest in the Pr<�perry or othcr rnatcrial <br /> i mpairment of the lien crcated by thix S�v:uriry In+trument e�r Lcnder's security interest. Bnrrc�wer�hall :dso he ii�default il' i <br /> E Borrower, during dte luan appliratiun prcxe�ti.Eave muterially false i�r inacrurate inforn�ation ur titatentent�tu Lettder Icx failed <br /> t o provide Lender with any material intixmation) in r��nnectiun with thc luan cvidenced hy tlic Note. inrluding.hut nat limitrd I <br /> • t a represcntations c�nrcrning Burrc�wcr'c occupancy uF�hc Pruprny uti:t ptinClpal rctiidcncc. If thi>Scrurity lnxtrumcnt n un:i � <br /> leaschold. Borrowcr shull romply �vith all thc provisiuns �if thc Ica�c. ll Borzuwcr arquirc+ frc tidc ta thc Pru�xrty. Ihc <br /> i easchold and thc I'c;e�title chall not mcrgc unlcss Lendcr agrces to thc mcrgcr in writing. I <br /> � 7,Protection nf Len@er's IZI�6t5 In the Property.lf Borri�wcr fails to perform the covenants and agrecmcnts containcd in i <br /> this Security Instrument, or thcre i�a Iegal prorceJing that may significandy affect Lcndcr's rights in Ihe Property (su�h us a , <br /> procceding in bankruptcy, probate. I'ur condemnatiun ur furfciture ur tu enforcc laws or regulationsl, then L�:nder ivay dn and <br /> pay for whatever is nece,sary tu protect d�c value of thr Praperry and L�nder'z riglux in the Pr��perty. Lender'ti action� may I <br /> � �nclude paying xny �ums securecl by a lien which has priurity uver thi� Securiry Instrument, appearing in raurt, paying <br /> _---- � ---_ _.._....__��_ ....�....,,....• �:.... .....�.,.,�.,r:n„ „�th�Prnnrrtv ti�tnake reaairs. Althou}�h [a`ndcl'ntay txke a�[iun under thiti paragraph � <br /> �-- _ __ _ _ ___ ■w,.,.�uu�.. u...,....� .........._ ...� <br /> � 7,Lendcr docs not havc cu Ju xo.� . <br /> „ Any amount� JisburticJ by Lendcr undcr this paracruph 7 .hall bcrrnnc aJditicmal dcbt ul Hurm�►•cr �rrur�d hy thi. <br /> • Sccurity Instrument. Unlcxs Borruwcr and Lcndcr a�rcc tu othcr trrm�of�pa)'mcnt, thctic amounts tih.tll hcar intcre+l tiom thc <br /> i datc uf disbunement ut tho Notc ra�c and �hall hc payahlc. witli intcr�+L upun nuticc fnmi Lrndcr t�� H��rruwcr rryu�.ting <br /> • payment. <br /> `' 8.AtortFn�;e Insun►'L.cnder rcyuircd mort�±agc in.uranrr as a runditian��f msking th�I�r,ui+ccurrd hy thi. krurn� <br /> Instn�mcnt. Burrowcr shall p:ry thc prcmiunu reyuircd tu nr�intain thc�,c inwranrc in r(Irct. II. li,r:uiy rc.u�m, thc <br /> ), martEage insuranre ruvcr.ige reyuircJ hq Lender lap+r�ur rcatieti tu hc in�ft��rt. Norrowrr�hall pay th�pnmium. reymrr�l to <br />_ � obtain cuvcra�c tiubtitantially cyuivalcnt tn thc monga�;c inwran�r previ�,u+ly in rffr�t. at a cu,t tiuh.tantially �yui�•;dcm a� thc <br /> cost tu Burruw�r ol'thc murtE.��;c intiur.mrr prcvi��u,IJ• in cffrct. from :m altcrn:uc nu�rt�:a�;c in�urcr appru���ti1 h� Lrndrr. II <br /> � � �rf N �1 �.� Form 3028 9190 <br /> ,.� <br /> � � <br />