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".'_�.."_ <br /> �... <br /> .Y� _ <br /> � � � d��►'"' �Q���e�a� _�.. <br /> • (a) tbacept a pormlt any pn:pcyment,discount cr ndvanco ptymont of ront iteround�r In oxcoss of ono month, <br /> , (D) Cance!or�mminntu tho snmo,o�accop�ary cancollotlnn,torminatlon or swront;��th�raol,a po�mlt any c��nt(a ACCUr�vhlCh would ocCUr <br /> th¢raundo�to forminAfo o�cnncc!Iho sama,ofhor fhan tC�minntlon lor nonpaynt3nf ol ront, <br /> • (C) Amond or modily tho samo so as ro roduco tho twm thcrCOl,tho rentnl psyablo thsrotrnd��a to ehonr�o orry rone:vnl provfslons thon�fn <br /> contalnod, <br /> (d) Wahro uny dolc�uU(horounda or bronch thomol, �i.. <br /> (o) 0lve eny consnnt,watvor or opprovu�thoreundor o�fnka arryr ot�nr actlon In connoctlon thormvlfh,or v�ifh a lossao thoroundo��vhlch v�ould hcvo <br /> � tho oHect ollmpaldnp tho value o/tho lossora lnterast themundor a thv proporty subJnct thorotq or ollmpairing Ihe posltlon of lnterest o! .:.: <br /> B�not/clary thoreln,or <br /> (n Soll,asslpn,pledge,mortgago or othenvlso dlspose o/,or encumbor Its Interost!n erry snld loaso or erty ronts,rssuo�,prol�ts issWnD or n�lslnp <br /> tharoundor. — <br /> 17. Wnlvor of Statute ol UmltaUons.Tlme!s o►the essonco!n a/f of Tiustor's obf/gnUons ond dutlos horoundar;and fo fho oxtont pormltfod by law, 1Fusta <br /> wa/voa&II prosent or luture atetutes ot IlmltaUons wlth rospect ta arry dobt,domand or obll�allon aecwod horoby nnd any acflqn o�procooding for <br /> the purpose ot enforcing th/s Deod ol Trust or arry dghts or romedlos r.onminad ho�oln. ' � <br /> 18. Asslpnmttnt ol Deposlts.In the afent constructlon of lmprovumonta!s conternplatod by tho fonn evldoncod by tho Noro socurod homby,os additlonnl ': ' <br /> �ti secur(ry therelo%Tiustor hereby trans/ers end asslpns to Benoticlsry,ull dght,tlfle and lntvrost to sny and ell monles depos/tad by or on bohBH of h�- <br /> ' TYustor H•!th arry clry,counry,publlc body or agonty,sunitary distr/ct,utllity compa�ry,and any othor body or nponcy,lor th3 lnstallatlon or to st3cura ;, <br /> the lnstallatlon o!arry utllity by Tiusto►,poRalNng to the Trust Proporty. `�<" <br /> 19l Co�poraUon or Partnershlp Exlstence.1!Tiustor/s a caporsUon,geneml pannershlµor Gmltetd parmershlp,it w•i�do ttll th/nps rteCOSSary to preserve!ts """ <br /> t <br /> corporefe or pnrtnershlp exlstenco,as the ceso may be,nnd all dghts und pdv!leges undor tho Irrws ol Ihe stete W!ts incorporetlon or or(�anlzatlon. ���`_ <br /> Z0. Forbearance by @enellclary Not a Wnlvvr.Any lorbearance by Benepclory!n exerclsing arryr dght or romedy heroun�e�or othnrnlse alfadad by �':�� <br /> appllcable law,shall not be e walver o!or preclude tha exerclse o!arry such dghl or►emody.The procuremetu of lnsurAnco or the payment of taxes <br /> or the dischsrge ol 11ena or charges by 8enefldary shnll not bo t+wafve�o!�enellclary's rlght to accelorare tAe matu,Yty nf the Indebtednesa __ <br /> 21. Remedles Qumulativa All romedios prwlded!n thls Deed o!Tiust are dlsdrtct snd aumulaHve to arty other rlghf or remady under thls Doed ot TYust <br /> or a/lorried by law or equlty,and may be exoriclsed concurrentty,Indepentlentty or suCCessfvety. <br /> ' 22.Successors and Asslgns Bound;Jolnt and 5eversl Llsblllry;Captlons. The cwenants and agreementa hereln contelned aha/l bind,end the d�hts <br /> hereunde�sha/l lnure to,the respective successors and asslgns o)Beneficlary,Tiustee,and Tivator.All covenants and sgreomnnts ol7Yustor shRll <br /> be/olnt and severaL The captlons and headlnDs o!the paregrapha o1 fhis Dead of Trust ere!or conventence only and are not to be used to lntorpret <br /> or deflne lhe provlslons hereol. <br /> . 2a Not(co.Except tor erry notice requlred undor appllcable law to be given in another manne�(a)ary notice to Trus[or provlda�!fo�In thls Deed of Trust <br /> shall be given by malling such nodce by certilled mall,retum rocolpt requested addressed to Tiustor at!ts malling adalross set loRh above o�at such <br /> � � othe�addresa as Tiustor may deslgnate by notice to Benellclary as provlded heroln, and(b)arry notice to Benellciary or Tiustao shall bri gNan by <br /> certifled mall,retum mcelpt requested,to BeneOclsry s and Tiuste:Ys mailing address atated heroln or to such ofJ�er address ss Benoticlsry or <br /> , 1Yustee may deslgnste by notice to Tiusror as provfded hemin.Arry notice provided forin thls Deed of Tiust shaR be deamed to have baen glvon to <br /> Tiusto6 Benellclery or Tiustee when glvan!n the manner designated hereln. <br /> , ,� 24. Goveming Lew;Severabl!!ty.Thls Deed o/Tiust shell be governed by the laws of!he State of Nebraska. !n tho event arry provlslon or clause o/thl� _ <br /> Deed of Tiust confllcts with appllcablo law,such conflkt shall not aHect other provlslons o/►hls Desd of Trust whlch can be given BHect wlthout the <br /> --'----- ,__ . . a....0 ....,......,. ti�, <br /> ' ---- - -- conmctmg prowsions ano ro rhis and ihn prwiaiun5 of i�d-o;.wad U�usi a's�o,,.��..t,......,..��...M ° <br /> 2� Evonts ol Delault.F_ach ol the following occurrences shall constitute an event ot default hereunde�(herefnniter called an"Evenf of pefeu/Y): � <br /> , (a) Tiusro►shall lall to pay when due arry pdnc(pal,Inferest,o�princlpal and Into�est on the Indebtedness, <br /> ' (b)Arry wananry ol Utle made by Tiusta heroln shall be unhue, <br /> (c) Tiusto�shall fall to observe o�perlorm any ol the covenants.agraements,oi conditlons In this Deed ol Trust, <br /> (d) Any�presentallon or warranry mado by Tiustor on any Jlnanclal statemonts or reports submltted to Banepclary by or on bahA7 0l Tiustor shall <br /> prove false or materially misleading, <br /> (e) Tiusfor shall fall to perform or nbserve airy of the cwenents,condltfons or agreements contafned!n,or bind/ng upon Tiustor under arry 6ullding �_ <br /> loon egreemenL security agreement,loan sgreement,llnancing statement or Qiry other agreement,lnsbument or document executed by Trustor <br /> In connectlon wlth fhe losn evldenced by Mo Note, �T'a <br /> (� A mrstee,recelwr or/lquldafor o/the Tiust Pmperty or o(TNSto►shell be appolnted,or ary of the crsdilors d Tiustor shail file a pelftbn ln �'° <br /> bankruptcy egalnst Tiusro�or for fhe reorgnnlzeGon o!Trustor pursuant to tho Fedeml BanWUptcy Code,o�any slmllar lasv,whether lederal o�atste� ' <br /> end H such ordo�or potltion shsll not bo dlscharged or dismissed wlthfn thlity(30)days alfer Ihe dafe on whlch such orcler or peUtlon wes llkxl, � <br /> �� (g) Trustor sha11 flle a petitlon pursuant to the federe!Bankruptcy Code or arry simpar law.ledoral or stete,or d Tiustor shall be sdJudgod a F�''� <br /> bankrupt,or be declared/nsolvent,or shall make an asslgnment for tho bone0t of creditors,or shnll admit ln wntlng!ta lnublliry to pay Its debts �' <br /> as they become due, o�shell consent[o the nppointment o/a recelver of all or eny part of the Tiust P�nperly, <br /> (h) Flnal/udgment lor the psyment of money shall tre rendemd against Tiustor and Trustor sholl not dlscharge tha same,or cause!t to ba �~a <br /> dischar ed,withfn th! (30)d alter the ent thereol,or shai!nof e peal therefrom or from the ordor,decrae or process upon whlch or �' " <br /> 8 nY � �Y P r.� . <br /> pursuant to whlch asld�udgment was grentad,based,or entered,and secure o s�ay o!executlon F.ending such appeel, <br /> Q) Trusror sha/l sel!or convoy the Tiust Property,or arry part themo%or any interest thereln,or shall be dlvested o/its tiUe,or srry inte»st thereln,!n " <br /> any msnner or way,whether voluntarlty o�lnvoluntarily,wlthout the written Consenf of Benel�clnry bo:Yig hrst hed and obtelned,or <br /> � Q) ll Trusror ls a CorporeUon or portnershlp and more than liity percent(50%)of the sharos or beneliclal interesfs In suCh corporetlon or <br /> partnershlp,as the case may be,Shall be translened or conveyed,whether wiunlarlly orinvolunfari/y,�viUrout tho wrltron consUnt o/Beneilclary ,, <br /> boing flrst had end obtelned. �. <br /> � 2& AccelereNon ol Debt;Foreclosuro.Upon the occurrence oi arry Event of Defeult,o�arry trme tho�ealter,Bene/�c1ary may,at Its optlon,declsre all the '�� <br /> fndebtedness secured heruDy immadlatoty�ue and payable and the same shall bear lnterest at the default rete, il ary,set forth!n tho N�te,or f <br /> othenvise et�hv hlghest rete permltted by law,and,irrespect/ve of whethei 8eneficlsry eze��ises sald option,it may,at its opt(on and(n its sola � <br /> dlscneNon,viithout arry lurther notfco or domand to or upon Tiusto�do one or more of tho folbwln8: <br /> (a) 8eneticlary may entor upon,take possesslon ol,manege and operate the Trust Proporty or arry part the�eo%make repairs and aiterattons nnd do � <br /> arry ecta wh.lch 8eneficiery de9ms proper to protect the securlry thereot,and oithor wlth or without taking possosslon,!n!ts ovm nams,sue for • <br /> � or oth6nvlso collnct and recelve rent�lssues and profits,lncludlrtp thoso past due snd unpald,and appy the seme,less costs und expenses of �. , <br /> operatfon and collectlon,includ/ng rieasonablo nttorney fees und BeneliCiary's costs,upon the lndebtedness sea�red hereby and in such order { <br /> as Benollclory may datermine.Upon request ol Bensllciary, Tiustor shal/assomblo and sht�ll mn6�a availoblo to BQneficlary any o!tho hust I <br /> Property whlch has bnon removod. The ontering upo�t end teking possession of thB Tiust Prcperty, the collec0on o�Hny rents,Issues and prollts, <br /> � and the applicntlon thereol as aloresa(d,snall not cure or wano any delaWr ther�rotore or therealter occuning,or alfect uny nofrco ot default or <br /> notice o/s8/e herDUndor or lnvalltlaro arry act done pursuunt to any such nohce. Notwithstand/ng Beneficiary's cont�nuance in possession or <br /> rocolpf und appllcation of ronts.issuos or Arofits,Benoliciery shall be Qntrtlpd ro oxercise every nght provrded for�n this Deed o�TrusP or by lpw <br /> upon or after tho occuneneo o�un Event o�Default,rncludrng tho nght to oxo�iso fho pavvr of sale.Any ol the achons reterred to�n this <br /> pa�agrepb moy bo tekvn by Bonoficlary at such t(mo as Benohciory may dotermmo w�thout regnrd to the odequacy ol any secunry for rhp <br /> Indobtodnvss socurod her�by! <br /> '7 !hl F7anwfir.larv.ehal! wirhnur reonro ro thn ndeauncv ot anv secuntv!or the Indebtedness socurnd hereby. be entdled to the npporntment oi a _ <br /> � rcJCOivor by a�ry CouR having�unsdichon,wrthout take possession o�,protect,and manage fhe Tr�st Proporty and opo�ato tho same <br /> and coUect[he rents. issues and prolits therelrom. <br /> (c) Bono%clary may bring ony oction in erty court of comperont�unsdichon ro loreclose thls Daed ol frusl or onforco arry ol the covonents horool. <br /> (d) BenefrC�ary mny oloU to�ause fhe Tiust P�perry or urry purt Mereoi ro be sold undor tho paver o1 sale.and�n such want. Bonefic�tfry or Trustoo <br /> shal/gN0 such n00co o/defau/t�+nd noNcc3 01 salo as may ba then roqurrad b,�law Thort3alta[upon tho axprrahon ol such hmo ond tho grv�ng ol <br /> • such notico ol salo as mtry then be rtquirt�d by law Trus�vo,ar ths t�mo and place spec�had by tho nonce o1 sc+�o,shau sea such irusr Proporry.or <br /> ary part fhONql SpeCilied by Beneficlary,at public aucbon fo fhe h��host brddCr fo�Cash m lawful monoy d Iho Urotad Stvtes o1 Amoncn.Upon <br /> rt�cetpf ol prrymont ol tho pnce b/d. Tiustee shall appy tho pmcoods m tho folbwing ordor:(�)ro tho cosf and Qxponses of oxarois�ng tho powor ot <br /> su�o nnd ol the salQ lncNd�ng but not l�mitod tat trustoe's foes or rtot more3 thon$500.00 pius one-nnll 01 ono porcant o!thn gross salv pr�cc,ono <br /> roasonab�o attomoy leo�(n)ro tho lndebrodness,and(m1 tho excoss.d eny,ro fho porson or perswu rogaiy ennned fnoroto <br /> A!I costs nnd vxponsos(ncurrt�d by Bonoficlury m enforcmg arry nght undor 1h�s Daetl oi irust,mcludmg without 6m�mfron.obstrnct or hdo loes. <br />. • nppro(SGI fnoS prom�ums fo�titlo insurAnCO,atiorntty loos and cnurt costs.shnll bo and conshtufo Intlobtodnoss svcu�od homby <br /> � <br /> • <br />