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� .. �, . -- <br /> / `�Jt�.Fr'. � ... " .. .' „ ...� - � y . <br /> r .. <br /> ' � " .^!�i�.�_ '` �' � .,,_..z�......_1___....� �___._.----�---__._._....,.. _ _ -- <br /> ,. � ,. <br /> ' ' " •�.�._�.___^____'_"_..._._.._ . .-."' "____`_"_.W3.....�s .�.....Yt.t�s. <br /> - .. fLi.."• <br /> (1 ,�qe u . � � � • <br /> 1� • r� �?'•.R��'i�O � � ' .1 �_ <br /> cpam�t futuro monfhty�n,.,,�-�rrrr�t�d3�T0�ds II Ihn nmounf ol tho Funtls�cld by 9onchC.inry shnll not bo sull�cront fo pcy fnxos.[+ssoSSmonts, <br /> mau�anco prammms nnd pround rr,nrs ns thcy fail duo, Ilustor r.ho11 p.ry to Dannhciary nrry nmounr nocoss��ry fo maAO up fho Uclrcionq wdhm thlrfy <br /> days fiom thn Unto notico!s mmfoU 6y Donal�cinry!o t�ustar rcquosf�nD paymont Ihorool.Upon paymonl�n full of a!1 mdobtoUnoss,8cnolrc�ory shnll __ <br /> prompfly roluntl to➢usror nny Funds hold by 8onoflclary ll fho Tiusf Propony/s sold undor Iho powor of snlo o�iho hus►Propoiry Is olhonvlSO _ _ <br /> nc�ufr�d by Boncflclnry,Bonodclary shnll nppty.�mmodiataty prla►lo tho sulo ol tho Trust Propony or�ts ncqulsitlon by F3onCflClnry,nny Funds hold <br /> Dy Ron�fiGary e�fho dmo of npphcntlon ns n crod�f a(�nlnsl fho Indobtodnoss.II 6onofic�ory oKOCUtos a wntmn wn�vor o!IYustor's obNr�atfonmundC� -- <br /> � thls pnragrnpli 4,TFusfo►COVOnant9 nnd aproos to pny,boforo tho snmo bocomo dohnquont,oll toxos, nssossmmts,msuranco promlt.�ms, p <br /> " ron(A,nnd oll othor chnrpoe whntsoaro►Invlod upon or nsaossad,p6�ccd or mndo npalnsf tho Tiust Proporty Ti�stor lurthor agroos.upon willton <br /> roquosf by prornptty doUvor fo Bonollclary al!rocalPts for fho pnymont ol such chnrpos. i�ustor I�ACwlso u�roos ro pay Qlltnxus, <br /> nssossmnnts and otno�chnrpes lovlotl upan or assossod,placod or rnHJO u�ninat,a moasurod by,this Qced o!Trus�of tho roCOMh!Inn hereol. - <br /> 5. AppllcaNOn ol Paymonfs.Atl prryments rocoNOd by Bonoticlary as to orry dobt,linb111ry or obllflntlort owod to Bonoflclnry by Tiusfor may bo app�lcd Dy � i,. ,.r`4,,_— <br /> " • �onoficinry ro fho paymonl ol fho Indobrodnoss or to any such othor dobt I1nb1Ury or�bllpptlon,m nny o�dor a mnnnor ol oppllcatlon whtCh '� , <br /> BoneBclary,1n Ics absoluto dfscrotlon,dooms npAropdate.Unloss othonviso o/ocrod by BonoliGary,eny suCh ptryn►ant shull bo doamad appllad lirst ., `. :`__ <br /> 10 the paymont ol nrry dcbt,IlaDl/Iry or obdpatlon othnr than tho Noto. ,�.. <br /> 6.Charpos;Uons. Tiusto�wtll kaop the Tiust Property froe Irom all Ilens ond oncumbrancos whlch ln arty way may,�n tho judpmenf ol Bonollc/ary,havo � :,;,; <br /> prlodry ovo�or Impau tho socurtty of,thls Daed ol Tiust but Tiustor nood not disChArpo nny such lion so Iong os Trusfor shall a,qroo,in wrlNng,fo •y�,;iY'__ <br /> � pay tho obllgatlon secured by suCh 11on rn A mt+nner aCCOptabla to BoncflClBry end shell In�ood fnith conloat such Ilon by approp�iafe Wgal :=,A�,� _ <br /> procvoa�ings oftective ro prevont th�enforcornent o/tho lion end the loss ol nny Intorost In or port ol►ho Tiusf Properry. �,,' 'y:� .,,,, <br /> �f�y„�_ <br /> 7. Hazartl lnsuranco. Tius[or shall keep tho buildings and othnr lmprovemants now exls8np or hereaRor erocted on tha Trust Property lnsurod by �,�,�,,;�;�,k;,:_., <br /> msuranco cunlws satlslsctory to Benohciary egA(nst loss by Ilro,hnzards lnCfudod!n the term'bxtonded comiagei'end SuCh othe►hezAids, ���,5�`�;;�._.. <br /> casualNes and contlngenaes as mAy be requlred by BeneOclary,in such nmounts and for such perlods os may be roquirotl by BBnellGary. Tho <br /> • poliCy o/insurence shal!be 1n fam ncceptablo to donelicldry,p�ovldo that the snme mey not be cenca�fed or rnodiliod wlthout liReen(1&)days prla iA�c^�--= <br /> ;o:.:'.i�.,,..�.. <br /> written nodce fo Hene�lclary,and shall have loss payable provlslons in favor o!and!n fomi acceptable ro Benoliclary.All promiums on lnsuranco ��u-.__ - <br /> Q,'Y:t-�:--- <br /> policles shall be pald in the manner pmvidod undv►paragraph 4 hemo/ot d not peld/n such mannei by 7NStor mnking payment at least filtesn(ib) v: .- _____ <br /> days prior lo Il�e Jue data,directly to tho insurance cerr/e�9�neflclary sha11 hmio the rlght to ho�d the pollclos end renpwals thereol and Austor shall qr _ <br /> promptty furnish to deneticlary all renewal noNCes and all pald pramlum recelpts recolvad by it In no event shell Beneflcfary a Tiustee De heitl ,� _- <br /> responsible ta faifure to pay lnsurance premiums or lor any loss or damage adsing aut ol a de(ect 1n arry pofrcy or adsing ou�of any leliuro of ery �.s'"��:- <br /> insurance company to pay for any loss or damage lnsured agalnst or for failuro by Tiusta ro otlect the lnsuranto roqulred hereunder. In tho event o1 <br /> Ioss.7rustor shai�give prompt notice by mad to the insurance cariier and Benolicfary. Bvnelicia�y may make prool of loss i!not mado promptly or!n <br /> proper form by Trustor.Allpolicias ollnsu�ance and arry and all relunds ot unearned p�emlums a�e hereby asslgned ro Benedclary as additlonal ��° <br /> secunry for the pnyment ol the Indebtedness.In the evenf ot Benellciary's exerciso oi the power o/sale conta/ned horetn,or in tho evunt ol ,�,�._, <br /> � loreclosuro,all right Ntfo and mterest ot Trustor In and to any insurance poGCy lhen in lorce shall paSS lo the purchnser at the trusfee's sale or �_i:__.------ <br /> lomcfosure sale.In case ol eiry loss,the Inswance proceods may,at the optlon ol Benellclary,be appliad b/Benellclary upon tho lndebtednoss,or f-__ <br /> any part thereot,and!n such order and amount as Beneliclary may determine;or sald insurence procoads,at the opnon of Bonaficlery;rney etthe� E�. --- <br /> be used(n roplacing or restodng the Tiust Property part�alty or totalty destroyad fo a conditlon snUslactory ro BBneliciary;or sald InsurenCO �� <br /> pmceQds,or arry port7on ihereol,may be released to Tiustoc Unfess Beneliclary and Tiustor otherwise agree in wriBng,srry such appGcation of �:.,- <br /> • insurance proceeds shall not extend or posrpone the due date of the Note,or any rnstallments caqed for therein,or change the amount o/such ..• <br /> Instenments.ll the Tiust Property is acqulred 6y Bene/iclary pursuanf to the exerclse o�tho power of safe orofher/areclosure,all dght tltle snd - <br /> ...........,..:„o.,.A.,�.,„mraarls nevable as a�esult ot dama.qe to the Tiust Properry p�ior lo the sale or acqulsitfon shall pass to � <br /> � - i��idrdSi ui iiiiu7'vP l:.,....�......�............__� _. . . �: .___. <br /> Benefic/ary and shall be applied first to the costs and expenses,including attomey tees,�ncurred in colfectmg such proCeeUS,tnen►n rno manner .n__. <br /> ' antl In the order prwided hereln. �„`„�'_`- <br /> &Proservallon end Malntenance oi Tiust Properry.Trustor wlll keep the buildings and oiher improvements nav or horeaRvr erocted on the Tiust , <br /> Property in good ropair and condition and wil!not commit or permlt waste,wlll not alte�the design or slructural character constltutrng arry bWlding _ <br /> nav or hereafter erecfed on and constrtuting the Tiust Proeprty without the prlor written consent ot Beneficlary,will not do any act or Ihing whlch <br /> would unduty lmpair or depreclate the vtllue of the Tiust Properry ond wfll not abandon the Trust Property Rusror wlll not remove any lixtun9s <br /> constRuhng the Tiust Prnperry unless tho same are�mmediater�replaced wlth like property sub/ect to 1he I�en and secu�lty Interest ot thls Deed ot - <br /> 1?u8t and o►st least equel valus and utlllty.Trustor will Compfy w!M all present and�uture ordinances,regulations enU requlremants of arry _ <br /> ,. governmentel body whlCh ore appllcable to the Trust Proporry and fo the occupancy and use thoreot.It tnls Deed of Trust Is on e untt fn a - <br /> condomiNum or a planned unit development Trusto�shall perlorm all of Tiustnr's obfigntfons unde�the decla�etlons or covonants crieating or <br /> govern(ng thn condominium or thv plannnd unrt dovelopment, the bylaws and rogulations a�the condom�nWm or planned unit development,and tha ,.rF'' <br /> conshtuent documents. � � �- <br /> 9. Inspection.Beneficlary or its agents may,at all reasonable nmes.enter upon the Tiust Properry lor the purpose ol inspection.Berteflclary shall have �,. <br /> . rto dury to make such inspechon and shell not be liable to Tiustor or to arry person in possossion d it mekes or falls to make any such inspeCtfon. � , <br /> . f0. Protectlon of Security.It Trustor faNs to perform any ot the covenants and agreements contnined(n thls Deed of Trust,or il any acNon or proceeding ..,, .._ <br /> !s Commenced which does or may adversely alleCt the Trust Prope�ty or the intorest of Tiustor or Benehciary�her+9ln or the tltle of Trusto�thereto. ��r�,�y-�,�� <br /> �_r� then Benellclary,at!ts optlon,mey peAorm such cavenants and agreoments,make such appearances,delend egamst and investigate such actfon . , r�;- <br /> or proceoding and take such other action as Beneliciary deems necessery to protoct rts mtorest includmg,bul not limited to.disbursement o! y/� ,��" �t; <br /> rensonable attorney faeS end entry upon the Tiust P�operty to make repairs.Any amounts dfsbursed by 8enefklary pursunnt to th/s paragrsph f0. - � <br /> with inte�ost thereon,shall constltute Indebtedness of Tiustor secu�ed by thls Doed ol Trust.Unless Tiustor end Beneficery agree to olher terms of • ' ` ( �__ <br /> paymont,such amounts shall be payable upon nohco Irom Benellclary to Trusror requesting payment thereo%and shafl6ear(nterest Wm the date �,�r_, <br /> of disbursement at thn defaul�rate,A arty,set IOrth in the Noto.o�othenvise at tho hrghest rate perm/tfed by law. Nofh(ng contamed in this peregraph -- <br /> . � sAall require Beneflclary ro Incur any expense or fAke erry actron ho�eundec Tiusror vrevocabty authonzes and ompowers BoneflC(ary to enter upon �L.;� <br /> the 7rust P�operry as Tiusror's agent and,in Tiustor's name or othenviso ro poriorm arry and atl covenants and agreem9nts to be pvAO�med by i' :: �`_' �'' <br /> Tiustor as horein provided. BeneUciory snall,at ds optior,he su6rogated to Any encumbrance,6en, clnim or domand antl ro all dghts and securities �� �� <br /> �� for the payment thereot paid or d�schargatl by Benefic�ary under tho provisions hereof and any such subrogahon nghts shnl!bo addilional and <br /> cumulative socurity for fhis Deed of Trust. �•� <br /> i1. Condumnahon. rho proceeds ol arry award or Clafm/or damoges,tlusct or consoquvnhal,m connoctron wnh any condemnatlon or ot0�er faking ol the �r"�' <br /> Trust Propvrry,or any part thereof, a!or conveyunco m lieu ol or m ant�clpehon oi condomnahon,are herehy assigned to end shall be paid to �•; <br /> Bene6clary. Tiustor w�ll lile and prosocu!o.m good ladh and with due dlligoneo. ds claim tor arry such award or poymerit,and wdl ceuse fho samo[o bo _ <br /> colleCted and paid to Benehcmry.and.should rt fail ro do so. Tiusfor u�evOCObfy authonzes und ompowers Beneficrary.�n fhe nome of Trustor or <br /> ' othenviso,to f�le,proscrcufe, sottle a compromise a�ry such claim nnd to colloct.mco�pt for and rotain fhe proceeds If tho Tiust Properry�s abandoned q <br /> by Trustot or,alter nonco by 8enalrc�ary to Tiustor that tho condemnor oNOrs to rnako an awarcl or settle a ciaim.for damagss. Tiusror lads fo rospond to � <br /> BeneLCiary wdhln thnfy(90)dt+ys aRor fho dato such nohco�s madod.Benehciery�s nuthonzod lo col/cJCf tand opply�ho proceeds in fhe manner �I <br /> md�cnrod herein The procoeds ol ory award or claim m�ry,aRQr deducbng a:l roesonable costs ard oxponses. .ncludmg attomey lecrs. wh�ch may hmo f �, <br /> been inCUned by Bonehaary�n tho collvchon sole mscrohon ot m�oasev ro Tiusroc apphed to restoratron o�Tiust Properry. ' <br /> ar applfetd ro the payment ol thv Indnbtodness.Un7pss Benoficiary and Tiusror othonv�se egree m wrihng, ary such apphcahon of proceeds M , <br /> Mdebte7dnoss shall not oxtond or pOStpOne the duo dt+tQ ol the Noro or the paympnt o/arry mstallmertts ca//etl Io�rhereundor <br /> 17.. Tiusror Not Rolnnsod.Extensron ol the tlme lor prrymont or mod�hCahon ol niry amortizahon ot thn Inde6tQdness grantad by Benahciary rn any <br /> saccossor�n mferest o/Trusror shall not operota to ro�ttsse,m arry mannet tho 6nbd�ry ot Trusror and Trustors successors m inrorost.6enohciary shall '� <br /> ' not bo roqu�rttd ro commonCa procoed�ngs against such succosror or roluss to oxtond nme lor payment o r ofhenv�se moddy amortizah�n of the <br /> , —_ , �__ �,wd,ra,�,ncc nv mnson ol env demand mado by Tiustor and Tiustor's succvssors m rnrerost. ��` <br /> 13 FinanCrnl lnformnhon. Upon roquosf ot BanpGCiory. Tiustor wdl prw�dv to BonohC�ory.�vdhm nmory(901 days o�the Ciose of oach hscai yearor <br />