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• . -..n�„ ' , r;.r <br /> -�..�ti. . •. _. • - <br /> • �- ,. _ . _. ....,,n, ., �-__ --- <br /> f ' ' ,4 , n , ' �. . . - •.,`'�'�c�"�}��''�"'��:?T+:s:;;:iar=-- <br /> - � 'Wy .,.., ,. . ........�,. 4Ka]:t•. •i �. . � �rt w��trwikNiP'•-ti' i�sr _ r. <br /> ,. "���� F���s��,e�` <br /> .. ':'�i-"+y��_ - — - <;,C.xru:��tu,Y�.. ��u,�a,,.._ _ .•..w.nir.w. - - .....a:...��.._......_..,..........�-'-' �.�°�S_;�. . .- <br /> u � �J 4 �,�,� <br /> - �._. .. ,; � ����:��3 - . �rn,�.� <br /> , <br /> �:�a�.-ild. <br /> • ' �1,R;;�;z;r,�I;:�t1Fs;�@aCratll P,c�xttoaj t�'a. Upnri r!olauU by Peu�lor tn tho poymnnt of or p�rlor�uc�rse oi the tcrns cnd coi�Ailians o} °"' <br /> "Vli��;�40,c;r;�y vaia�:af,,���odi�(tu9io;i��r antcnsia�is Ili�rcoi,or t�t���s�yrt�nt oP cmy olit,^,•r litd:bPcGm�s sc�urc:l hcrchy or in th-�G�rtarr„nr.e �" <br /> , ' OI G;i'�►OO IR>3 CGIiUC1ISili�1 f.7 G�tCOr�i�nis�C�rcu,iu�+,Eai��ftciary i�m�ilccicrn oll sur�is;OC1tlCA��Pt�?�71rrGitcdialcly�;u��;,:1 faya5!�ca�ih�r,r;�i� � <br />_Y� �. yhall ther�upon hecema due and payable wllhout presc�ntis�ent,denunA,proto�f ar�iollco of any klnd.Tharea(ter,@eneftsinry rroy deliver/a r .. *. <br /> ' Trustcs a writlen decfara►ton ot delault and demancl tor sate,irusle�o ehall have the power o}salo ol lhe ProQerly ontl il`Aene1(tiary deGides the e•, .. :__,_r..�,,�,.. <br /> Proao►ty Is to 6e sold it shu11 deposi4 wHh Trostee thi3�aed at Yrusl nizd fhe Nole or notee and ony other doturnanls eviderxinp e�penditures • <br /> 4,,...,. . setured hereby,and shail deliver to Truslee a wrUlen noli�e o1 defaull nnd eleclion ro cause ihe Proptrly to 1>e sold,ond troste�,in surR,shall . ~ • ,� «_ <br /> prepora o similar nolice In the farm rmqutred hy low whfch shall hn duly lilad lor record by Trustoe. "x`""`^T^���,,_ <br /> (o)AP1s•r 91ia lu��se o4 su:Ei ti��as aiuy ba rcqu!rcc�by lo�:(oilo��lnp tha recorRt►tinn��Mnttr.�a f dR fmi l►,an d I�ot ir.e o►[3 e fnu 1i mi d Not ice o f '••�� ___ <br /> a� Sot�havinp been qivEn us requfred by(aw,Trusfee,wflhoul demnnd an Trustor,sholl sell the Prop�rty in one or more pacels arH!In such order ��:�,;�;��-�t�;..`�r <br /> as Trusta may determina on the dota and at the tlme ond ptoce designoted In said Notice oi Sale,at public auctian to the hi�hesf bidder,the pur• �.�•� -.._ • _ <br /> . �� chose price poyable in cash in IawFul money of Ihe United States at the time oP sale.The person eondutting the sale may,far any cause he or she •� _ <br /> ' deems expedient,postpo7o tho salo trom tfine to tlme uMit it shall be complefed and,in every such ease,r�otice of poslponement shall be given r ..°_. <br /> by publit declaration thereof by such person at 1he timo and ploce losl appointed for the saiej provided,if the sale Is postponeA for longer than .�� 'f_ <br /> � orca�1)day hayond ths day designnted In the Notica ot Sc�lo,nolice thmraof sholl be given in tha some manner as the original Nolfce ot Sole. ; • <br /> Trustee sl�all execute and deliver to the purchaser tts Dend conveying Ihe Property so sold,but wi�hout ony convenant er warronty,oxpress,or '� ' � <br /> • � implied.ihe recitals in the Deed oi any matters or fucts shall ba condusive prooi of tho truthiulness 4hereof. Any person,ineiuding without � . � � �' <br /> . � ' �Y"— <br /> limitation T�us►Ee,moy purchase a�tho sale. � <br /> (b►.Whe�Trusteo cells pursuant to fho powers herein,Trus�ee shall apply the proceeds at the salo to paymenf of the costs ond expenses of <br /> exercistng tha power a�sole and of the sale,(ncluding,without limitation,lha paymenl of Trustea's Fees inturred,whith Trusfeo's Fetts shuN nof • <br /> `. tn the agpregate exceed Iha(oilowing omounts basod upon tho amount securod hereby and remaining unpatd: S percentum on the balnnce - •�;;;;y����'t;�:� <br /> t thrreair ord ihe�to tha itGms sat{orth in subparagraptt(c)hcrcof in thc order thcrein sfated. ' `,__ <br /> (c)Aher poying tho Nems spetitied in subparograph(b►,il�ha salo is by Trustea,or the proper court anQ o�her costs oi doreclosure ond solo , '',,.',-���='� <br /> � il the sole is pursuont to judiciol foreclosure,the praceeds of svlo shall be opplied in the order stated 6elow to 1he payment ot� ��:+�%�;-."— <br />. �:.t �; <br /> ; (1) Cosf of any ovidence of title procured in tonnec9ion wilh such sale and of any rovenue required lo be paldj � :� '� '� - <br /> (Z► Attorneys teESr � . ___ <br /> • (3► All sums fhen secured herebyi -_ <br /> ' ' � (4) Junior trusf deeds,mortgoges,or other licnholders;and , ':,�,`"4�� �; <br /> (S► Tho remolnder,ii ony,to tho person or persons legally entifled thereto. � � ��':,;' � <br /> ' '."f'v:�/ .. . <br /> Id1 If the Bonef(tiary of this Oeed of Trost is a bank ns defined by Nehroska(ow,any stotemant tontoinod in any other section of Ihis deed ° <br /> notwitl�standinn,ihe Onne(itiary shall not bo entitled to recoive or take and dobtor shall nof be obliguted fo pay or glve;any confesslon of judg• ' '.'�y;s� <br /> , ment,powor o}attorney to contess(udgment,power of attornoy to appear for a borrower in a judicial proceedir.g or agrQement to pay the costs ��- ' : <br /> ' . � of collettion of fho ottomcys'fees,unless such octs of collection would not otherwiso be prohibited by Nehrosko law.Pravided, however, Ihat �y.1 ; ' <br /> this section does not apply to the Trustee tee reterred to in paragraph 6(b).Provided further,that this parogroph shall not apply to this Deed o► � ' <br /> � Trust,i(the Qeneficiary is not n hank. �+ ' <br /> 14. Aldifbnd Seewit�Inttrwn�nts.Trustor,at its expense,will execute and deliver to tho 6enefitiary,promptly upon domand,such securi• �• <br /> ty ins4ruments as may be requlred by Bene(iciory,in form and substance satisfacPOry to eeneficiary,covering ony ot the Property conveyed by } �' . � ; <br />_ this Deed of Trust,whith securify insfruments shall be addilional security for Trustor's failhful performnnce ot nll of the terms, covenan►s ond . , <br /> conditions of this Oeed ot Tnist,the pramissory notes secured heroby,and any other security instruments executed in connection with this tron- ",� - : <br /> •� soction.Such instruments shall be recorded or filed at Trustor's expense. .• ��,� <br /> 13. A►patntnunf o1 Sutetuor Tru�te�. Bene(iciary may, from timo to time, by a written instrument executed and otknowledged by �� � :t � <br /> • Beneficiory,mailed to Trusfor and retorded in tho tounty or counties in which the Property is localed and by otherwise complying with the provi- " ' <br /> � .. sions of the opplicoble laws oi fhe Stato oI Nebrasko,substitute a suctossor or successors to the Trustee named herein or utting hereunder. '�'�' � <br /> �:`#;�,.,�-__ <br /> „ I A. IIIIPfttT011l.Beneliciary,or its ogents,represe�tatives or workmen, are outhorired to enter ot any reosonoblo time upon or in any pnrt ,, : r.� � <br /> of the Propetty tor fhe purpose of inspetfing the s�me and for the purpose of performing any ot the acts it is authroized to pertorm under the . i� . <br /> ' terms of the Decd of Trust. ' <br /> ° . ' 15. Option fo fortclo�e.Upon the occurrence of any def.alt hereundor, Beneficiary shall hove the option to forecloso this Dead o(Trust in � �, �� <br /> ' the manner provided by law for tlie foreclosuro of mortgages on real property. I � ,��v <br /> 1 b. f�rebe�rant�b�Qen�fietory Not�Waiv�v.Any torebearance by Beneficiary in exercising any right or remedy here�under,or otherwisc� •�.°` <br /> � ofiorded by applicable law,shall not bc a waiver of or precludo the exereise of any such right ar remedy.Likewisu,the waiver by Beneficiary o1 �' ;� <br /> '� any default ol Trustor under this Deed of Trust sholl not be deemed to bo a waiver of ony other uv similor defaults subsequently oteurring. � � ' ' ` <br /> � 17. Tr�ster Pief Rele�ae�.Extunsion of the tima for payment or modificution or amorti:atian o(the sums setured by this Dced oi Trust � ,�' << <br /> �� r <br />, granted by 8eneficiary to any successor in fnterest ot lrustor shall not operotcr to releose,in any manner,the liability of the original Trustor and � ' . <br /> Trusfor's suttnssor in interest. Benofitiory shnll not be required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuso to extend time for � ''„ <br /> pnymen�or otherwise madify amorti:ation of the sums secured by this Dced of Trust by reoson of any demund mado by the arit�inal Trustor and � <br /> Trustor's suaossor(n interest. i . � <br /> ; 16. Senefleloryt't Powen.Wilhout offccling the liability of the Trustor or ony other person lioble far the poyment of any obligation herein � ' <br /> C ' mer�tioned, and without affettinp fho lien or ttiorge oF this beed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretoforc released os � . �' <br /> sesurity for 1hE Iull amaunt of all unpoid obliqations,6eneiiciary moy,from timo to time and without notice, (i)roloose any person so liable.(ii► 7 <br /> ' . ° eKfend fho moturlty or alter ony o(the terms of any such o6ligotions. (iii) qYont other indulgences, (iv)release or recomoy,or cause fo be I • <br /> releosed or retonveyed at any time ot Deneticinry's options any parcel,portion or all of the Property,(v)toke or release any othe�or addilional , ' <br /> seturity for ony obliyntion herein mentioned,or(vi)make compositions or other arrangements wilh de6tors in refation thereto. � <br /> 19. iulvre Adroneet. Upon request of Trustor, Trust�e ot lrustee's option, prior to retonvcyantc oi the Property to Trustar,mny mnke � <br /> • future odvances to Trustor. Sucl� future advonces, with interest thereon, shall bo secured by tl�is Trust Deed when evidonced by promiscory •'_. � <br /> � notes staling that said notos are socured hereby:provided th�t at no tim�shall the secured p►incipnl, luture odvances,nof intluding sums ad- � . " <br /> -- - - .._.._..,..Y...�..�---....:... -----�--------�--_:__:__�_�._._:. . ,.,� �, <br /> -,. ___ _�-.-__ ._,_�c�..n�oncov.n��on�ccvau�vyy�cywcy.�..s�pu�un.umnv� a 4f�F•J�7K • .—:..-._ . ' ..__ i <br /> .� � � ; <br /> � <br /> � 20, Ruanre��nee b�Trwtee.Upon written reQuest oi Beneticiary stating thot oll sumc seeu�ed hereby have beeri paid,and upon Surrender <br /> o( lhis deed of Trust and the Nofo to Trustee for cuncellolion nnd retention and upon paymenl by Trustor of Trustea's fees, Trutt�o Slmll , ` ' <br /> � reeo�voy ro Yrostor,or the ptrson or persons legally entitled thereto,without warranty,ony portion of the Propctrty then held hereunder. ihe ' <br /> � recitals in suth roconveyance ot any matters or facts shall be tonclusive proof oi the tru4hFulness�hereof.The gran�ee in any reconveyance mny ' <br /> _ � ' ' be described as"the person or parsons legally entilleA thcreto". � <br />_ ; <br />. <br /> . ; <br /> : <br /> � � � �� , � <br />