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<br /> .. S.4c,aco,I!��c��°::,:YO�G:�J�::�vV.^�a.Trustar shall poy all to�cos,OfiS09�D1�i119 Giil�01I1C7 CIIGTQ09, includhzp,e�i4iiou4 Iir�iiPOtlon,fiR�s Qnd irn• • `� :
<br /> position�o4�ributablo fo fhe Wropar4y,and IeasQhold paynients o�qround ren9s,ii a�y,bofere tii�sa;ns b�cor�io dofieGuont.Truy400�{tull pror��p- ._.._
<br /> fly turnish to Beh�ficiory all notices of amounts due unAer this rbroaroph,and fn the e�ent Trustar shall make payment direttly,Trustor�holl ��;;,;;
<br /> promptly furnish to Bena}iciary receipts evidencinp suth puv:nents. Trustor ehol) pay ail tox�s and asssssmen4s M1hkh mny be le�led upan —_.
<br /> .. BenefEciary'e i�terest her6fn or upon this Deed o�Yrusf without repard to any law thc►1 mny bo enocted inpus(ng paymenf oi tf+e whole or any Y i-.
<br /> • port the►�o1 upon th�B�r►efickry. '—'�
<br /> 6. A11it{tMi U�ni�►roteNkn of Mn�fk{�ry'i Sit�vit►t.Trustor shall make u!1 payr�ants oi tnterest and prlrtclpol and payments of any ,-•�-
<br /> other chages. fe�s and oxpenses controcfed fo be puid to any existlny litnho�dere ar priar beneficiaries under a�y prlar deed oi trust ar mor- - �,�
<br /> tpage befa e the data they are deUnquent and promptly pay and dischar�e any and all other Ilens,claims or charpes which nwy�aopordize the �:�.,�.
<br /> security granted herein. li Trust'or tails to mnke any such paymant or foils to perform any of the covenants and ayreements contained in this �
<br /> Deed of Trust,or in any prior mortgago or d�ed af trust,of if any action or proceedb�p is commencEd whieh ma4eriolly offecfs Heneficlary's in-
<br /> terest in the Property,including,but not limited to,eminent domain proteedings,or p►aeedinps invol�ing o decendont,or if Trustor fails to pny ,.�
<br /> . Trustor's debts genarally as thay hecome due, then Beneficiary, at Beneffciay's opt(on and wifhout notice to or demarxl upon Trustor and T��
<br /> without releasing Trustor from any oblipation hereunder,may make such appearances,disburse such sums,and take such octfon as is necessary �4
<br /> to pratect Benefitiory's intorest including,but not limited to,dlsbursement of reasanoble attornay's fees,poyment,purchase,contost or com- `;
<br /> • pramise of ony encumArance, charge ar lien,and entry upon the Property fo makA repoirs.In the event that Trustor shall inil to proture in- ° '�
<br /> , surance or to pay taxes,ossessments,or ony other eharges or to mcke any poyments to oxisting prior Uen holdors or benoficlaries,eeneflctury
<br /> � may procure such insurance and make such poymont.Any amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant,to this Parograph 6 sholl bocome additional '�
<br /> irdebtedness of Trustor secured by this Deed of Trost.Such omounts sholl be payable upon notico from Beneftdary to Trustor requesting pay- '�
<br /> ment thereof, and shall bear interest from the date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time an outstonding principal under the •� .,�tu ,
<br /> .. Mote unless payment of interest ot such rnte would be contrary to opplicable law,in which event such omounts shall bear interest at the highest ' .
<br /> rate ermissible under o licable low.Nothin contained in this Para ra h 6 shall re uire 8eneficiar to intur an ex ense or take an attion , ° ""`
<br /> P PP 9 9 P q Y Y P Y _. �.
<br /> hereunder. + �—
<br /> � 7. A:ttBnn��nt of R�nti.Beneficinry shall hove the ripht, power ond authority during the continuance of this Deed of Trust to tollect the °"
<br /> rents, issues and profits of the Property and of any personal property lototed thnreon with orwithouf taking possession of fhe property affetted °��;_-.
<br /> hereby,ond Trustor hereby obsolutely and untonditionally assigns oll such rents,issues and prafits to Benefitiary.Beneficiary,however,horeby " � �±��
<br /> consents to the Trustor's collection and rotonsion of such rents, issues and profits os they accrue and become payable so lang as Trustor is not, , _,'��_
<br /> at such timo,in default with respect to payment ot any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performance of any agreemant hereunder.Upon ` ��F
<br /> any such defnulf,Beneficiary may at ony time,eithor in person,by agent,or by receiver to be appointed by u court,without notiee and withaut `• ��-'—
<br /> regard to the adequacy of any seturity for the indebtedness hereby secured, (a)enter upon and take possession of fhe Property or uny part ��,� .—
<br /> thereof,and in its own name sue for or otha�•wise collect such rents,issues ond profits,including those post due ond unpaid,and apply tha same, "�'��
<br /> �;T ,� , less costi and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable attorneys fees, upon any indebtedness secured nereDy,and in such � '
<br /> order os Beneficiary may determin�; (b)perform such acts of repair or protection as muy be necessary or proper fo canserve the volue of fhe ;'�� ;
<br /> Propertyr(c)leosa the Sume or any part thereof for such rental,term,and upan such conditions os its judgment may dictute or terminate or ad- ; '�� �
<br /> just the terms and conditions of any existing leose or I�ases.Unluss Trustor ond Beneficiary apree otherwise in writing,any opplication of rents, � ti. ,
<br /> issues or profits to ony indebtedness securod hereby shall not Qxtend or postpone the due date of tho installment poyments os provided in said ",
<br /> � pronissory note or change the amount of such installments.The entering upon ond toking possession of the Property,the collection of such , �
<br /> � rents, issues and profits,and the applicotion thereof as aforesaid, shall not waive or ture ony defuult or notice of default hereunder, or in- • ''
<br /> validote any oct done pursuant to such notice. Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary,os further security for the periormante af the obligations ."'':
<br /> secured hereby,ull prepaid rents and all monies which may have been or may hereofter be deposited with said Trustor by any lessee of tlie Pro- ",•.,�
<br /> perty, to secure the poyment of any rent or damapes,and upon dela�lt in the performance of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to ,� ��• {
<br /> , delive�such rents and deposits to Benefitiary.Delivery of written notice of Benefitiary's exercise of the rights granfed herein,to any tenant ot- � �� •
<br /> cupying said premises shall be sufPicient to require said tenant to poy said rent to the Beneficiary until furthar notice. ���
<br /> 8.Csxda�n�tlan.If titlo to any part nf the Property shall be taken in condemnation proeeedings,by right of ominent domain or similor attion, .��"'-��
<br /> or shall be sold under fhreot of tondemnation,oll awards,damages ond proceeds are hereby assigned and shall be paid fa Benefitiary who shall , - .,
<br /> apply such awards,damoges and proceeds to the sum sotured by this Ooed of Tn�st,with the excess,if any,paid.to Trustor,If Trustor reteives -
<br /> , any notite or other information regarding such actions or proceedinps, Trustor shnll give prompt written notice thereof to beneficiory. ,���
<br /> � Beneficiary shall be entitled,ot its option,to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own nome any such action or proceedings ond shall be en- I /� Y�^d
<br /> titled fo make ony compromise or settlement in connection with ony such action or proceedings. f�,'-:
<br /> 9. Ren�adias Not E:eludv�.Beneficiary shnll bo entitled to enforce payment and performonce of uny indobtedness ar obligations securod ' a
<br /> hereby nnd to exercise oll rights ond powers under this Deed of Trust or undor any other agreement executed in tonnottion herewith or any laws I r� ��t
<br /> � now or hereoftor in forco,notwithstanding somo ar all of the sucN indebtodness and obligations seturod heroby moy now or hereofter be other- ��"• �, Y
<br /> wise setu,ed,whether by mortgage,deed of trust,pledge,lien,assignment or otherwise.Noither the acceptante of thls Deed of Trust nor its ' ��-''�
<br /> enforcement whetlier by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers horein contai�ed,shall proiudite or in any manner affect -
<br /> Beneflciary's right to realizo upon or enforco any other security now or hereaftor held by Beneficiary,it being agread thot Beneficiory shall be ;
<br /> ontitled to enforce this Ueed of Trust and any other security now or hereafter held by Benefitiary in such order and manner as it may in its ab- ' '
<br /> . solute dfscretion determine.No remedy horoin canferred upon or reservod to Dertoficiary is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy heroin x
<br /> or by law providod or permitted,but eoch shall be cumulative and shall bo in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hrreafter ..
<br /> �xisting at law or in equity or by stotuto. Evory power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Benefitiary or to which it may be
<br /> otherwiso entitled,may be exercised,concurrontly or independent{y, from time to time nnd as often os may bo deemed expedient Beneficinry �
<br /> and it moy pursue inconsistont remedies.Nothing herein s{ioll be�onstrued as prohibiting Baneficiory from seeking a deficiency judgment against , ;�
<br /> " the Trustor to the oxtent such action is permittod by low.
<br /> 10. TneiP�r o}PPOp�n�s Aaumptlan.tf all or any part of the property or any interest therein is sold,transferrod or canveyed by Trustor • �
<br /> without 8enoficiary's prior writton consent,oxcluding (al the creotion of o lien or�ncumbrunte subordinato to this Deed of Trust,(b)the crea- , r
<br /> tion of o purthase money secu�ity interost for household appliances,(c)u transfer by dovise,descont or by operation of law upon the death of o �
<br /> _-- -—_— . . . - • • •• • - •
<br /> �
<br /> � �omt tenant or (a) tno pront ot any iaaseno�a mtorQSt ot tnree yaars or ioss not containing an oprion io purcnose, oeneTi�iary may, oi =_�"
<br /> � Beneficiory's option,detlare nll the sums secured by this Deud of Trust to be immediately dua and payable,or cause the Trustoe to file o notice
<br /> • of default. 8enefitiary shull have waived such option to accelerote if,prior to ffio sole,t�onsfer or conveyante,Benefitiary and the person to
<br /> whom the proporty fs to bo sold or transfarrad rooth agreement in writing that tho tredit of such person is sotisfactory to Buneficiaryr ond that
<br /> � „ � the interost poyoblo on tha sums SQCUred by this Duod of Trusf shall bc at suth ratu as Bone(itiary shall ruquest.
<br /> � ^ ;
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