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� . .. . . . .. � . <br /> '• � _'�1F�.` <br /> . , .,y� . .. .�-? <br /> , -iac�. <br /> 6 ,�ICV'�' , ' .. ��SR`lN�h i. . � <br /> . . �_� <br /> �.. <br /> . .��M1�. �• ` .. . <br /> �.. <br /> ...� .�. ' �.�.'__� .'��_�..�....__'_���..�..���.��.._. -_ <br /> .. � ....._.�___-�.�-.�..._.._ ..�".�._ <br />"__._... . <br /> .. . .J4'..,.. <br /> 9 a. �DYP�t1CSP�0 �JJI�J�if�8 �L'If9G4At�. If Borrorrcr mc�to Co.flnln condlllan�, Borto+�rcr ohnq h�v� tho rk�ht to hava cntorcCm�nt of A <br /> ' thla ��CUr�ty Inatrumcnt dl:COntinucd nt eny tlm� prlar to th� cSrl�r of: (c) 6 e1�ya (or ouch othct p�rlod no c�pl' t�a m�y epcalty tor � � <br /> rolnstatcmant) betore eafe of the Property purouant lo nny poefcr of cab contatncU In thl� S�curity In�trumcnh or (b) cntry of n Jud�m�nl <br /> � onlnrclnp tliis &ecurit�r �nswmsnt. Those aondfttons cire Ih¢t Borro�er: (ct) poys Londcr a�l aums which Ihcn would be due under this�� y'_w!!!� <br /> Securtty InstNmsnt ond lhe Nofe eo B no accoiaratbn had occurted; (b)curos any dolnuR ot any other covennnt or eyroements; (o)P�96.P ___ <br /> ail oxponaas hcurted In antaraNp this Sacurily Inotrumont,Inaludinp,but not Iimftcd to, raaoonabb attomeyo' toos;nnd(d)take� suah aotkn �� _ <br /> ae Londer may ro�aon�by roquire to assuro the!the Ilen of thls St�CUrky InsWmenQ Lor�dere riphta h lhe PropsRy and Bortuw�e obllpattan s�"*�° <br /> ' to pay the oum� secured by lhla Stjcurity Mstrumont ahall conthue unchanped. Upon refnstatomont �y Borcower, this SeCUrfty Instruma� `;-. - <br /> end the obiipatbns siCUrod hereby BhaM remeMl Nlty oHf3ctNe as M no accebredon had oecurcrs3. Horf;.v;.r, thl� rtght to re!nstato shell no� ��� <br /> eppy h ths caa�ot acceieratbn under ptuayrePh ��• ' <br /> ' 19. Snle oi Note; Change of Loen Servt�er. The NOte Ot e ptld�l hlerest k1 the Not9 (t00othM wilh �hh SeCUrk� , ,� ' <br /> Instrument) may be sold ono or more tlmos wRhout prlor not�e to BoRawer. A edl� may resuR h a chanpe In the entky (knoxn as th�� <br /> 'Loan Serv�er")that callecta monthy payments due under the Note and lhh 5c�curty InsWment. Thore slso may be one or mon ahanyea <br /> �� <br /> ' of the Loen Sorvber unretated to a saie of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Bortower wlll bo ghren wrRten notke of the �,�y, <br /> chanfle In accordance wRh parapceph 14 above and eppi'aabla law. The notice wl] stato tho and Address ot th�new Loan Servker , , <br /> and the address Zo whkh paymants ehoutd be made. The not�e wiN also con4ain eny othcr fntormatbn requYad by appl�CSb�e law. � , ,� <br /> 20. Hezerdouo Substance�. eorrawer shall not cause or permR the prosonce, use, dlspossl, ctoraye, or release of nny I <br /> � Hazardous Subotnnces on or In tha Property. Borrowur ehall not do, nor e!bw enyon�elso to do, nnytlihp t►Hoctinp lhe Propertyr that Is h <br /> vbletion ot any Envkonmmcanntal Law. The precoding two sontonces shell not apphr to the prosonce,use, or storogo on the Proporty ot sn�all � <br /> quantkfes o1 Hazardoua SupstanCes that ure gone►aIN raco9nized to b� epp�oprLnte to nortnal residential uses cnd to msintenenco 04 Ihe ` <br /> Praperty. � <br /> � 8orrower ahail promptly Ohre Len�bor writtan notbe of nny hveatipetbn, otelm,demnnd,Iawauii or other actlan by any flovemmental or � „ <br /> � regulatory agonay or prNate party hvoNing the Property end any Harardous Substence or EnvYOnmontai Lnw o1 whbh Borrower hns aCtunl I <br /> knowlatlee. It Bortowor ieams, or is naliiied by any flovommontei or repu[atory authortty, that any removal or other remedtatbn of any . �` <br /> Hezardoue Subste.nce aNecthp the Property 1s ner.essary, BoROwer 6hail prompty take all necosscuy romedlal aCtions h accordanCe with , _ <br /> Ernkonmontal Law. I ��� <br /> As used h this paraflreph 2D, 'Haznrdous Substances" are thoso subcmncos defined es toxb or hamrdous substances by i �`y+ <br /> Environmental Law end the followfnp substnnces: gasoline, kerossne, uther flammabb or toxb potroleum praducts, toxb pestbfdes end I � <br /> herbiCides, votatlie soNonts, materials Contahhp aebestos or (ormaldehyde. and radloactNe materinls. As used h this paragraph 20� rt'�.., <br /> f •Environmentnl ts�v" means tederel laws end laws of the Judsdbtbn where the Property ls located that relate to heakh, safery or � .�,; - <br /> � environmental protection. I � "''r- <br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bottower and Lend�v IuAher covenant and nyroe as follows: .� i=; <br /> � 21. AcCeieration; nembi�ies. �ci�MCi S:iS�: $!:'� :!^�nw tn enrrower D�IO� l0 acceteretlon ioltowing �___� ��-__ --- <br /> 1 � , �. <br /> � Borrower'e breach o4 any aovanant or apreement in this Security Instrument (but not prlor to acceleratlon <br /> under pAragreph 'J7 unless nppliceble law providea oiherwise). The noUce shell speclty: (e) t1�e dafault; <br /> • (b) the actlon requlred to cure the defeult; (c) a dete. not less than 30 deys irom the dete the notice ta I <br /> given to Borrower, by •Nhich the detault must be curcd; ancl (d) that tetlure to cure tNe detautt on or <br /> before the dete specifled in 4he notice nnny result In acceleraUon of the auma secured by this Security <br /> � Insvument and sale of the Properry. The notice shall further Intorm Bor�ower ot tl�e right to �einatete after �.. ; <br /> eccelereUon and the right to bPing e court actfon to assert the non-exigtenc� oi a deteult or eny other ; ,;� : <br /> detenso of Borrower to acceleret[on end sale. If the detault fa not cured on or before the date speci�led i , ',�� <br /> tn the notice, Lender at Ita optton may require Immediate payment in tull of ell sums secured by t!►la , <br /> Securlry InaVument without turther demand and mey invoke the power of sa le un d any o t h e r r emedies , �� <br /> perm�ited byP applicable law. Lender shall be entltled to coll�ct ell expenses incurred tn pursuing the �, � . <br /> remediea provided In thts peragreph x1, includtng, but not Iimited to� reesoneble eriorneys' fees end coste . ••� <br /> • ��:�� �.��: <br /> of title evidonce. <br /> If ti�o powor of sal� Is invoked� Truatee shell record e notice of default in each counry in which eny <br /> pa�t of the Properry Is located and shell mall coplee of such notice In the manner prescribed by eppllcebte ; <br /> Inw t9 Borrower end to the other persons prescribed by applicnble iaw. Aiter th� time requlred by , f'', ;� <br /> appi�cable lew, Yrustee ahall flive publtc notice o? sale to the persons antl in the manner preacribed by ; ,. _ <br /> eppliceble lew. Truatee, without demend on Borrower, shell sell the Property at publlc auation to the , � i' f. <br /> hlghest bidder dt the time end place and under the terms destgneted In the notice o4 sale In one or more .: , , <br /> parcels end In eny order Trustee deterrnineb. Trustee may postQone sale of all or any percel of the i ,�: ' ' ,S� <br /> � Property by public anr�ouncement at the tfine nnd place oi eny prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or ita <br /> designee mey purchese the Property et eny sale. <br /> Upon recelpQ ot peyment oi the price bld, Tru�tee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> conveying tho P��operry. The recitats In the Trustee's d�ed ahatl be primn facle evtdence of the Vuth of <br /> the atetements made thereln. Trustee shall epply the proceeds of the sale in the tollowinc� order: (a) to all <br /> coats and e�ensea of exercistng the power of sal¢, and the sale, including the payment of the Trustee's ' <br /> teea iectually incurr�d, not to exceed 3 °,5 of ti�e principal amount of the note et the time of the <br /> declarnUon of defautt, end rensan0ble attorney'a teea as permitted by tew; (b) to all sums secured by tNis , <br /> Security Instrun�+ent; end (c) pny excecs fo the perROn or Per�ons logally entlUed to iL <br /> 22. Reeonveyanee. Upon pnymont ot ctll sums socured by this Sacurdy Instrument, Londer shall roquost Trusteo to reconvey tho <br /> Proporty nnd shnil eurrondor thls Sticurity Instrumont nnd atl notes evldonchg dobt socured by this Security Instrument to Trustoe. TNStee <br /> • shall roconvoy tho Proporty wkhout wnrrnnty nnd without chnr�o to tho person or persons tegnlN entRbd to it. Such porson or persons shall a <br /> �, <br /> � pay nny reCOrdatbn costs. + <br /> _ ... 1 �s_ �,hstlwte Trustee. Lender, nt its optfon, muy trom tkn� to tlrno romovo Trustoe and appolnt n successor trustoe to any <br /> � Trustoo oppohtod heroundor by an hstrumont recorded h tho cuvnty In whfCh th(s SCCUrRy ���Strumont �s rocoroed. 'riirtnoui conviwln���o�� =- - <br /> the Proporty,succosaor W�too ahnll succoad to ail the titte,power nnd dutles conlorred upon Trusteo horeh und by apDltcablo law. <br /> IZ4. Requeat tor No4teea. Borrower requosts thpt coples ot Iho notkos ol datuuR end sale be sent to Bortowers ttddress whfch <br /> ; Is lhe Property Addross. <br /> 2b. 6ilde�s to thia gccurity Instrument. If ono or moro rldere aro exoc�tod by Borcower nnd racordod together with tnls <br /> i SctCUrity instrumont, tl�o covonants and uprctemonts of each such ridor sha� bo incorpornted hto and shuli amond nnd suppbmont the — <br /> Icovenants and ayreementa ot thls Sacurity InsUumont as if lhe rtdor(s)wero a Dart of this Socurity Inswment. <br /> { I PtpO 4 01 0 FOrm J02D 0/OO � <br /> � Ft0Y9.L�7(i(10/W) � <br /> i <br /> `1 , 1 <br /> Y �u <br />