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T� . _. / j . � . <br /> , �� .� . ir. � ' ., ' . .. . _ _ ._ <br /> � . }�... ., .a� . .. . .// . `'i'�. ��t� - � � A- <br /> � ��7�c".. ... � .. � , ,- ....� -,..J:•-.pi�l/P:Xrfi��iSA� i..l . . <br /> , <br /> , �J . <br /> .,�. . , .-�. .� �aT�_____...�='�rwnrm� - <br /> .. . . .v,1a;� .�.._.n fi.r.? . . �,. .:..�rs,Yrtw[t��uu � , _ YM1W�� ..�.. <br /> , '�1���. �. .w.�...a+`•�,.^ � w�.�. �Y. � ,�. _ <br /> ` �."" <br /> • '_._'�.�._�.__'"'__..�.__""__"_�._'_"_'_tL_._._.."""__'"___— "' _.._. ....� r. . .._ <br /> r. <br /> F�._ ^ ' .=___.. <br /> =itf,....�.' . . .' -. __ __—_" <br /> hG�. �._�'�����"r� ' �-�:�. <br /> � i'. G�zotacttc�c� 641.o���P'p F�I�Ei40 Ifi RSiO P70��P�1. n�oRO��:cr s�c, io��no�� c�a cuv�,�nto and c.�rc��enc�csnlstrtcd G� � , u_�~-- <br /> il�A_ <br /> thb T�cur�,y�790I'UT�t::II, or lhc;o b o l�g�l prncc�dtnd that may ol;;ail;;,;nth� nl:��t Lcnd_7°e rlghto L� tiio Prap�riy(auch no o prrsc".d`:�D�� - -- <br /> b:nkruptoy.OTaCa����ar oan�_r�znr,t�on or tt�f;,'.tur�or to cnPOrco L��•ro or r�u�.tlon��, ihcn Lcn��r r�»y dn r.nd pay tar erfiat;:JC.r I� nc�c�c.^.ry I^__, �" _. ' ' <br /> lo protaat tho valu�di tho Rroparry and Land�e ripnls k� tfln Proporiy. Lsnda�e[tr.ibna may �a�Go Raytr,p t�ny sams ee=esis�hY�� L __. <br /> whbh hu priorky ovw thle 8oaurky InnWm�n:, eRp�rinp b aourt, p�yfnp r�aaonebie Htomoy'e laes and anterhp on;to Ptopwsy to mnke • <br /> rop�k�. Ahhouph LNndM mfy tak�aotbn under lhia ptr4prnph 7,Lend�doea not haw to do mo. • <br /> � „ My tmount� cibburi�d by L�nder undw thle paropruph 7 BhcN h�c�m��tddilbnAl dobt of BoROwer scacured by this SacurFry In!wrnent. — <br /> � UnNss Flortowx and Landfr�pr�s to oths► tertnt af piyment, th�se�mounte ah11 bitr (nlar�st hom tha date o9 dis6uro�t at Ih� Note � _ <br /> rY�cnd cP��7 h���y�hh,e�Rh M1�rC51, upnn notice hom Lender to [3crroww reQuabtirtp payment. •'-'"' <br /> ��� 9. MORqCj�e If1iU�811C0. 1! I.mcNr r�quind morty�Qe hfunnc��� � condlbr�o} m�khp th0 ben socurod by thts Security ✓ __� <br /> Inatrummt, Bortow�nhaN pay lh�pr�mlum�roqulred to mahtnh th�mortpiQo haurs,nc� in�tk►ct.It, lor any reason,th�moAgap�„auronca .,___ <br /> co�wr�pi roquWd by Laida lop3es or ce4eem to ba In efleat, Bortower ehau p�y th� premfums requ�ed to obtaln covereDe substant4ly g�:��'_ <br /> " equkaMnQ to th�mortprp�bsunncs prwbusy b attact,et�coat substuitMly vqukaNnt to th�cost to Borroww of tho mortpape hauranco �',�, <br /> • pnvbuay h sfNct, hom en akarn�t� moRpaps haurer approvad by I.ender. tl substu�tiaEy equNatent maRpage hauranco cawrap� b not • ,i�t <br /> � evaNa6M, BomDwK �htq pay to Undsr�ach manth � sun� �qutl to on►twdfth of Ih� yoe►ly mortpa¢e hsunnce premtum befnp patd by ;. <br /> •• Borcow�r when ths h�luru�c• caverape Ispa�d ar c�ased to be In efiact. Lsr+dur w�, uso and rotafn these payments n� a bss � <br /> raaaw In Wu of mortp�p� hsunnce. Loas rosavs paymonts may no bnnor bo nequYod, at tha optbn of Lendsr, B mortQapa Insurcince .-a== <br /> y.r <br /> • � aovurayo(in th�emount u►d lar the parbd that Landx requlre�)provided by in haur�r approved by Lender apab becomos avatlable and Es .�� <br /> • � obt�hed. 8artowar •haN poy th� pr�m��ms riquPad to maintafn mortpege hsurancY N eNect, or to provlde e bss resenro, until Ihe • <br /> ° ropulre+nerti lar mortpe�haunnce ends h�ccordance wkh any wrttten apreQment betwac►�Bor�owor and Lender or epryl�abfe law. ., <br /> 9. Inapcatlon. I.andx or ks apant may rtsake reaennnbb ontrie�upon cuid hapectbna of tho Property. Lender shall plve Borrower , <br /> not���t th�ttrtN ol or piior to an hspoctbn speo�yhp reasannble case(or ths Nspeclbn. �� ' - <br /> „ . 10. COndC�VIR�!lI9d1. Tha prsc°°de ot eny nwerd or chkn for dartuge�, dlrant or conaequont(nl, h connectbn wkh any �.� , <br />- condemnatbn or ather takinp of any part of the PropeAy, or tar conveyance h Ikw ol c�ndomnatbn,are horeby esslpned and ehnp be pakt � <br /> " to LendAr. I . •�,��,,�.L�• <br /> In tho event of a total takhp nf tha Property,tho procoada ahall bo nppl��to tho sums secureJ by thls Security Instrument, whether or =_ ,!�'-_ <br /> not t�en du�. wkh any excesa Rab to Borrower. In the event of o paAial t�khp o1 tho Property In whbh the faM mArket value of the Rroperty , 1�! <br /> Immediatey before the taklnp is equal to or preater than the amount of the sums aac�ued by this Securky inatrument hxnedistey belqre tho �—�--+ <br /> takhp,un{ess Barrower�nd I.onda otherwfse apree In wrkinp, the sums securad by thb SeCUrity Instrumenf shall be reduced by the amount �b,i <br /> oi tha proceeds muNfplbd by the toltowhp hactbn: (a)the total amount of the sums secured immediatey before tho takinfl,div{ded by(b)the ° <br /> .. � �E <br /> talr market valu�o!th�Property Immedktely betoro the takiny. My bt4tnce shall b0 Do� to Bortower. In the event ot a partinl takln0 of the <br /> PropBrty h whlch the fair maAcet vsluo of the Property lmrnedkttey botore lhe takhp Es bss Ihan the emount of the sums secured immedtatey ' �., ' ;_� <br /> before the takhy, untess Bortower and Lender otherwise aqree In writing or unbs9 8pplfcable law otherwise provldas,the proc5ods shall be '��'��'�- <br /> spplied to thr�sums secured by thls Securky InsWment whuther or not the sums er0 then due. � : ���� <br /> ___ !!�� Qrnrar�i la ahanrinnwd by Bortowa►, or H,aka►not�e by Lander to Bono�ver lhtit the condomnor ofters to maka an awt�rd or Lettte L•__,...�„ —. <br /> a cl�im tor Oamapos,Bortower ta0s to respond to Londer wNhh 30 days after th0 dnte Ihe not�ce Is ANen,Lender Is authori:ed to conect ano � : <br /> �� eppy the proceeds,at ks optbn,ekher to restorutlon or repak of the Property or to Iha cums secured by this Socurity Instrument,whether •s°'� <br /> or not then due. I ; <br /> Unless Lende�end Borrower otharwise naree h wrRhg, any eppl'�catbn of pro�eeds lo pnc�ipal shnll not extond or postpone the due <br /> date of the manthy payment8 eeteRed to tn pareyrephs 1 end 2 or ohanpe the amoa nt of such paymonts. ��� <br /> 11. Borrower Not Releeaed: Forbeernnce By Lender Not e Weluer. Extensbn or cne �tme �or payment or �,''. 3 . . <br /> modHicatbn o}amorti�ation ot the sums secured by thls Securityr InsWment prante0 by Lonaer to any succossor h hterest ot Bortower sBall `. <br /> � not opc�ato to reiaeso tha Iisbllity ot tha ar{qinai Bonower or Barrawers successors h inlorest. Lendor ohall not be requked to commence •%'± <br /> roceedhpe eyalnst an successor in hterest or refuse to extend tYne tor payment or ot�awise modity amortVatlon of tho suens secured by <br /> � p Y � �,' <br /> � thts Security Inshument by reason of ony demand made by the oripinal Bortower or BoROwers successors in hteresG Any forbenranco by . ; <br /> Lender b exerolsh9 any right or remedy shail not be e waMer of or preclude!he exarcBe ot any ri�ht or remedy. ' � <br /> � 12. Succeaaora dnd Asalgna Bound; Jolnt end Severat Uablliiy;Co•signera. Tne covenants end eqreemente of E; , � <br /> �� thls Security Inatrument shn0 Q�hd and benefit the succossors and essipns of Londer a�d Borrower, subJect to the provtstons ot paragreph ! ' :. �k...�� <br /> � 17. 8orrower's cavennnts and apreements shaG be Joht ttnd sevorel. My Borto�vor who casigns t�is Securky Instrument but doeo not � `'�-� s� . <br /> , execute the Noto: (a)Is casipninq this Security inshument ony to mortgnpa,granl,zind convey that Borrowers Intnrest in the PropertY under I <br /> the terms of thls Securicy InsUUment; (b)ts no4 porsonally oblfgated to pey the sums eocurod by thts Security InsWment; and (o) agroes that <br /> lender and any other Borrowar mny ngroe to oxtond, mod'�iyr, torbear or mNce eny accommodattons wfth regard to tertns of this Security '� . �, � <br /> InsWment or the Note wRhout that Bortowers consent. � r �"'�' <br /> 13. loan Chargea. If the loan seCUrod by thls Secudty Instrume�t Is subJoct to a taw which sots maximum loan chergos,and that I � .3 <br /> Iflw t9 finaly hterpreted 6o that the Intorost or othor lonn chBr{�os collectod ar!o be collected h connoCtlon with the toan excc�ed ths I �,, •�,. <br /> permkted fmNs,then; (a)any suoh ban cAar�es shail be redu�ed by tno amount n ocessary to roduce tho chnrpe to t hu perm k te d I:m R;a n d ' �" �! <br /> . (b)any sums atoady colbcted from Borrower whlch oxceodad pormittod IimRs w1i bo reNnded to Bortowor. Lendor may choose to mnko � `�'• � f <br /> thls retund by reduch0 tho pnc�lpal owed undor tho Noto or by making a dMect payment to Bortowar. If a rotund reduces pnc�ipul,tho � <br /> re6uctfon will be troated as a paRlal p�epuyment without any propaymant chnrgo undor lho Note. <br /> � 14. Noticea. My nottCd to Borrownr provldRd tor h thls Socurity Instrr�mc3nl shae be plven by delNoring li or by mailinq it by first � <br /> claas ma[I unless epplbabl8 law requtes use of another method. Tho not�o sha0 bo directed to the Proporty Addross or any othor address . � <br /> BoRawer deslpnates by nottco to Londer.My not�CO to Landor shall be pNcan by 1'rst cL�ss mull to Lender's address statnd haeh or any , x <br /> ' othor cddre39 Le�dnr desl�nates by notfce 4o Borrowor. My notice provldad ta Gn ihis Security instrumant shell bo deemed to have boen <br /> gNen tn Borrower or Lender whon ylvon as provldod h thls paragrnph. , � <br /> 1b. Governl�g Lew; Severablllty. Thls Security InsWment shail be govemed by federnl law nnd the Inw of tho judsd�tton in <br /> • whfah the Rroperty Is loCated. In ihe event that any provlsbn or Ctause af thls Socur�yr InsUument or the Noto Conflfcts wfth nppl',cabb lu+v, <br /> such ContCat shad not alloct other provkbns oi th's Socurity Inswment or tho Noto whteh can bo gNon e(fect wfthout the contl�Cthg <br /> provlslon. To this end tho provisbn� of thls Security Instrument and the Noto aro docl�rod to bo sovcmbb. Y� <br /> 18. Borrowor'o Copy. Bortower shell be qhren one coniortnad copy ai tho Nolo nnd of this Sacurity Instrumnnt. <br /> 17. Transter of tR�e Prope�ty or e Beneticlel Intereat In k3o�rawer. If nii or any paR ot tho PrOperty or 0ny Interost h ,` .' <br /> _-.. _ _ _.. __ . . .. . . . . „ .--.�-•-•'-•---- '- ^---...-- '- --'� --`---" '.�.a n.........e. ie nn. n nnturnl narcnnl wNhaut LCiOdQf'6 "- <br /> - __ R i5 SOtO or vansterteo tor n u um�m�:e�ncmoai •� DVnVAQ� q .7VN .n um�o.o.�w.d.............�. .� .._. _ .._._._. �_ . . __ - <br /> . prior written consont, Lenda mny, at ks option,requlro ImmodWto peymont In tuu ol nl► sums securod by thls Sacurity Instrument.However, T ' <br /> thls optbn shaA not be exerolsod by LondAr H oxprClse i�prohibitod by tedcml taw as ot the dato of this SACUriry Instrumont. <br /> If Lender exercis�9 this optlon, Londor ethaq pMe Borcow�not�Ce of accokxatfon.The not�o sholl provido e parbd of not Wss than 30 <br /> ' days hom tho date the not�ce 13 dol:vorod or mafbd wfthin whfch tho Bonowe3r r�ust pay nll sums securod by ehis Socudty Inswmont. If i <br /> , Borrower tafts to pay th�so Lum9 prlor to tho p.�irntlon of this perlod, LendtK m�y Inmko nny remadfos permitted by this SBCUrity�nSUUmont <br /> � w4hout tudher not�e or domand on BorrowEx. , . <br /> , <br /> , P�(fo 3 01 6 Form 002!0/00 � . <br /> � ' Kt07V.t1A0(tOfW) . - <br /> � i <br /> � // ' <br /> �0 <br />