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T.t�'_ <br /> a�.':ca�t••-..,' -•�� tiw+u�rL'LLniva.�w.�....._... t ul�. � . <br /> .. .r.�.__.. <br /> . . ���r� ����"�5 <br /> applic;�blc Im� muy +pccify fur rciotitatcrncnt) bcfore salc of thc Propcny pursuant tn �my puwcr o�sulc cantuincd in ihis <br />- �� Sccurety Instrumcnt;or(b)entry of u jud�ment cnfarcing this Security Instrumcnt. 7'hosc conJitions f�rc that Dorrowcr: (a) <br /> pays [..ender all sums which then wauld be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no accLleration had <br /> • • accurred;(b)cures any defnult af uny othcr covenants ar agrecments:(c)psrys aU expenses incurred in enfurcing this Security �?;� <br /> Instrumcnt, including, but not limited�o.rasonable nttumeys'fees; and (d) takes such a.ction us Lendcr may rcasonably A <br />' requir�to nssurc that thc Uen nf this SccuritS�Insuument,l.c�idcr s righGs in the Praperty and Bottotiver+obligation to pay the �w,'; <br /> sums sccured Uy this Sccurity Instnimcnt shall continue unchangcd. Upon reinstatement by Qorrower, t1�is Security _ <br /> ` [nstrument und the obligations secured hereby shtdl r�main fully effcclive as if no aceeleration had�ccurred. Howcver,this �_�_ <br /> ' " right to rcinsiat�ehall not apply in thc casc oF ucccleration under paragraph 17. __ <br /> i9, Snle ot Notc; Chnngc of I.onn Servtcer, The Notc or a partial intcrost in the Notc (togGther with this Security �s`_ <br /> Instniment)may be sold one or more times without prior natice to Bonower. A �ale may result in u change in the entity ,�;,,,;;:_ <br /> " (known as the "Loan Servicer")thot collects montff(y puyments due under thc Note and this Sccurity Instrument. There also _---� <br /> �,-- <br />' , may bc onc or morc chungcs of the Loan Scrvicer unrelatecD to a salc of the Natc. If therc is a changc of the Loan S�rvicer, �,, <br /> Bonower will be�iven written notice oP the change in eccordance with par►graph 14 abuve and applicable la�v. The notice � <br /> � « will sta�c the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and thc addre:ss to which payments should be made_ 'fhe notice will =_� <br /> also contain any othcr information rcquire.d by npplicablc lnw. -- <br /> 20. Hnzardous Substnnccs. Borrou•cr shall not cause or p�rmit thc prescnce,use,disposal,stom�;c,or relcase of any <br /> . Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone elsc to do,anything affecdng the _-- <br /> Propecty that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or _ <br /> � storage on the ProQerty of small quantide s of Hazardous Substances that are ge�erally recognized to be appropriate to narmal _ <br />- residemial uses and to maintcnancc of the Property. <br /> Borrouer shall prompUy give Lend�r written notice of any imesti�ation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other acpon by any <br />' governmcntal or regulamry agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous SovemmentalEor�ne ulat�' <br /> Law of which Borrower has actu�Q knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notitied by pny g S 17' �, <br /> authoriiy, that any remo��al or other remediation of any Ha�ardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower � <br />_ , shnll promptly take all necessary remedial ac¢ions in accordance with Environmental Law. � <br /> As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"am those substances defined as toxic ur liacardous substanees by _ <br /> Envirunmental Law and the following substunces: gasoline,kerosene, other flammable or toxic peuoleum praducis. toxic _ <br /> pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvente, materiuls containing atbestos or fonnaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As � <br /> uscd in this paragraph Z0,"Environmental Luw"rneans feder�l laws and luws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located <br /> that rclate to health,safety or cnvironmental protection. —_- <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: __ <br /> , 21. Acceleration; Remedfes. I.ender shall give nottce to Borrower prfor to ncceleratlan follow-in� Borrower's __ <br /> breach oi nny covenant or agreement in tt�is Secur[ty Instrument(6ut not Jprior to n�celeratton u�nder paragrnph 17 — <br /> � unlessappiicabie iaw provid�;uii�cr�isej. Ti��t�tfC�sl:�o!!oe.^°�— i;: (s?t�P T=PfaIII*;rbl the action req_uired to care the ��' <br /> default; (c)a dute,not less thun 30 da�ys Prom the date the notice is given to which the default mast b�e _ <br /> cured;►�nd(d)that failure ta cure the deFnult on or before the dute speclfled In the notice may result in acccteration of 6.�� <br /> � the sums secared by this 5ecurity Instrument und sale oY thc Property. The notice shaU further infoezn Barrower of <br /> the right to�einstate after acceleratlon w►d the rigl�t to brtng a court aation to Assert the non-existence of u defnult or <br /> su�y other defense of Borrower to aceelcration:tnd sale. If tlie dcSs�ult is not cured on or before the date spet[tied in .^�� <br /> " the nottce,i.ender at its optton may require imniedinte payment ir�t1u11 ot all sums secured by this Securtty Instrument _ <br /> . , �v[thout turther demand and muy Invoke the power of sale anc7 any other remedtes permitted by npplicable luw �,_. <br /> Ixnder shull be enUtled to coflect al� expenses incaPred in pursuing the remedieg provided (n th(s paragroph 21, <br /> ° including,but not Itmited to,re�sonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. :�F <br /> I(tl�e pox'er of sale is[nvoked,Tl�ustee shall record a nottce of defnult in each county in whtch nny part of the ,, <br /> ' ° Property is locuted und shall mail copi�es of sucli notice iu tl�e manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to 's <br /> the other persons prescribed by applicnble law. After the t3me required by appl[cnble Inw,'llrustee shall�ive pnblic , � <br /> notice of sale to the persons end in the manner prescrlbed by applia+ble law. 7Yustee,without demnnd on Borrower, . �� <br /> � shall sell the Property at public a�ctta,n to the highest 6fdder at the time and pince nnd under the terms desl�naterl in :`'. <br /> the natEce of sale in one or rnore parcels and in nny urdcr'It�ustce determines. 7Yustee may postp�ne sale of All or any <br /> parcel of the Property by publIc Announcement at the tfine nnd pince of any prevfously scheduled snle. Lender or its <br /> desi�nee may purchase the Property at eny sate. <br /> ' Upon recelpt of ppyment of the prtce bid.'Ilrustee shall dcliver to the purchnser 1lrusdEe's deed ronveying the <br /> Property. The recitals In the 11ru�tce's deed shall be g�rim�n fncie evidence of the truth oP the sG�tements�nnde therein. <br /> 'Ihustce shull npply the procceds of the snle in the follo�ving order: (a)to all costs and expenses of exerclsing the power <br /> , I <br /> � �� i <br /> �. <br /> � .... . .._. -- ._. _. .._.. .----..-••--•—�— �---- _ <br /> i " � <br /> ,,, - .. <br /> r <br /> i� . � <br /> , <br /> • , ,� <br /> 4 . .. <br /> , � , <br /> ._1 .. <br /> . .. � <br /> .v � <br />