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� ...N:" <br /> •� .. � <br /> ; ,,,,,,�,. -�� ._. <br /> � . . . ,. ,. . .. _. - <br /> �- , <br /> . a.n;w•�,.M.. .. . � . �.�.<,�.��..:. <br /> . , r <br /> �.3:/:!d/ lxlWa.�.�..-��.�.���.._.___._��._.._.�..�___.__._' _.___�_._.. .. .�. ...... . .. .. ...�..... ......� _...-.._ L..... .__,......._ . -. . <br /> � ' ���Y�,/7` Anl � -... `.— . <br /> 7. Pro4�e�io� e�4 E�oc�dc�'o�JI�ia4o I`i Q6io E��o�c7�y. u aorroti:cr i��a to p�r7om th��'.,__„,r.�cna'c,r_�_�.s c�,._n���� -f- <br /> " tht3 S_surfiy In�tiur�tcnl, or lhcro t� n t�IIal procc_d:np th�l n�y ol�nL^�CenlP,r n�.':.ct Lcnd:fR r{ghtD In lh5 Rr�p�sSy(CUCh ns o pf�C:Cr��� b � ��- <br /> bc.n::Nptcy, nrob^_t�,tor cond::r7nc��on er for��:turo ot to rnTOrc� i�e:a or r��al1►lona), lhcn Lcnd�t nay do cnd p�y�sr�ri�^t���t b��c��c:sy � <br /> " � to protoct tho valuo o! the Property and Lendere rf�Dte In tha Prop�ty. I.e�dere cotbnm may hcUde p�yln0 ony euraa eecuned by o fkn ( ., . °' ' <br /> � whtch h�e prbrity ovsr thb&scunry In�waweiL �ppoeuhfl In coun, pay6np r��on�hl��ttomqy'o t�s ind �t�rinp on tM P�op�iy to r�ahe I �''`` <br /> repaYe. ARhCUflh l.ondw m�y Wc� actFan undK thta ptuqr�fh 7,I.�nder da�s not haw to do eo. -_ <br /> My amount� dlabunsd by L6ncMr undor lhis parapreph 7 ehQW tocomv eddkbn�l dobt of BArroww aocurod by ihia �curtry In�Wnr�nt. � _ <br /> Untesa 8orrower end l.�tWr agras to othK brm!ot payrn�nf,th�sa unounW ehtll h�ar int�nst trom th• dat� of dbburtMn�►t il th�Not� ''" <br /> -r��_ <br /> rt� cnd�!t�!1 6�payc.hb. effth Intcsc:t, upon not�CO hom Lend°r to�orrower requestinp psyment. =_- <br /> ' 0. Mort�age In�ranceo II I.M►dN nquWd moR�� hturenCO s6 � Condibn of rtukinp th� ban s�r,und by lhN S�CUrity �`� <br /> InsWmast, Borrowar shaN p�y tho pramtums roqulr�d to rs�fhlah tha mo�tpeQa in3urenc�h eftact. II, (or any raaaon.lh�mortpi�hsunnce �• s;�r� <br /> coverape requked by I.ender tapeas ar ceasos to 6e In ettecF, Bonowet Bh�U p�y the piw+tbm9 requfred ta obtafn covorapp auDatutttily � �! <br /> equivnient to the mortpa8e hsurance prevbusy In efloct, nt e Co3t Bubstflntlaly eQulvelen!to the cost to Bortowar of Ihe rr�rtp�p�h�uranC� <br /> previousry In eftect, Irom an akemnte mortpege Insuror approved by Le+�der. It substenthly �quNafent moRpaQ� Inaunnc� cowapf b not "`� <br /> avalsbb, Borrotve► shail pey to Lender ettch month a sum aqucl to one�twelfth of the yaary mortpago inauranc0 prarnbm boinp pab by - � <br /> �" Borrowor wh�n th» hsurana coverspa Wpsad or caased to ba h oBec� Lender wfY aacopt, usa tnd rettln th�s� p�rm�nts aa � bst �c> • ,s,- <br /> resorva h iiw af rtwrtpapa hsur�utc0. Loas roserv� paymecits may no bnper ba roqulrod, at tho optbn o1 Lw�d�r, R mort� Insurana ;`r�ti <br /> covaagA(in tha amount and for the perbd thtt Lender requMos)provfdAd by nn hsure►epproved by Lender epah bccomes ovalkbN�nd I� � . <br /> obtahed. Borrower shall pay the prembms requlred to rnahtah moApa�e insuronce In eftect, or to provkSe a bs9 resaua, unlY th� ,�, <br /> requirertwnt for mortpapo hsuranca ends N accordance wkh eny written spre�nent between 8onnwer and Lender or applic4bk law. � • <br /> �• 9. Inapectton. Lende� or ito agsnt may make ruasanable antries upon ond hspecttons of the Property.Lender eht�Y An Borrowor "� , <br /> notfca at tfia time o}er pFar fo en hapectbn spec6y�ip raesanabk cause for tha hspscttan. � <br /> 10. Co�demnaUon. fie procaeds at any award or ciaim (or damapes, direCt or consequential, kt ConnoCtbn wkh ony ' ° "�`'�s� <br /> ' contfemnetbn or other takinp of any part oi the Property, or for convoyance h Ileu of condemnatbon, aro hereby flssb►tad and shtl b�p�ld � � <br /> . z <br /> ro Lender. -- <br /> In the ovent of a total takinq o}the Property,tho procaeds chaN be appibd to the sums 6ecured by this S6curity InsWmwi6 whWh�s a '° <br /> not thon dud,wkh ony exCOSS p41d t0 Borrowar. In the evor�t of a pertlal takinp of the Property In whkh the t4Y morket vilue of ttw Prop�Ry �� <br /> Ynrtwsdintoty bafor� th� t4kiny ts�ual to or pnater thui tha amount of tha sums secund by this Sacurity InsWmant IrtxMdMtoly bMor� th� ��' <br /> ' tekinp, unfes�s BoROVror and Londer otharwlse aprse h wrkhp,tha sums secured by this Sacurky InsUument shaN ba raducod by th�unount � <br /> o}tho proceeds rtwR�Ned by the toYOwtnp fractl�n:(a)the toffiI amount the o1 sums secured Ym�ediatety baforo ths tdclny,dMd�d by @)ths � �'- <br /> falr merkut vnlue of lhe Property Immadietery betore the taklnp.My balance shetl be paid to BoROwer.In the event of a putW ta�ktn9 0! the . ���..�--- <br /> Property In whiCh the fat marFcet veluo of the Property imrt�edlatey betore the takiny ks less then the amount of th�sums 6eCUred 6rrfwdiat9ly . ,,� ' _-- <br /> batoro tha tekhp, unless Borrowar and Lendar othorwMo apree tn wrRhp or uniess appucable law otherw{ss provides,the procoads �haH be _ / _— <br /> annUed to the sums secured by tht�Securitir InsWment whethor or not tho sums nre then due. ` : <br /> --�==�F-- <br /> � If th�Property Is abnndoned by Bortower,or Y, after not�e by Lender to Bortower that the conder►uior offers to maka�n award a sotta ^— � -- <br /> t CHim for damay�a.BoROwer hus to rospond to Lendor wRhh 30 days after the dato the notice Is qlven,Lender Is authori�d to co0�ct and � � <br /> apply th9 proCeed9,at k� optbn, elther to restomtbn or repair of the Property or to the sums seCUred by this SeCUrfty InstrumarR, who21►�r � <br /> or not then du0. � <br /> Unless Lender end Bortower otherwise aqreo h writhg, any applicatbn of procoeds tu princlpal shey not extend or poatpoae tha duo � • <br /> l dnte of the monthry paymonts n,erred to in parepraphs 1 and 2 or Chanfle the emount ot such payments. ' <br /> ` 11. Borrower Not Releaaed: Forbearance By Lender Not a Welver. Extensbn of tha Nmo tor payma►t or mod�icatlon � `.s.._ �, <br /> ot amorttutton of th�suma secured by thb Securty Inswment prentad by Lender t�any successor h hterest of Borrowx ehtl not opor�t� j �"�',;��,,, . <br /> b releasa the I(ebll'Ry o}thY oriphal Bortower or Borrowers successorG h fnterost. lende►shell not be requMed to cnmrneaca proc�dhya �, : <br /> apatnst eny successor In interest or retuse to eMend tMna for payment or otherwisv modiy emorti�tbn ot the sums secured by thb Socurity <br /> InsWment by roason ol any demand made by the oripfnal Borrower or Bortowor's succo5sors in htaresG My forbearenCe by Lwider B ., <br /> exercishp any ripht or remedy shap not be e walver oi or preclude the exerctse ol any ripht or remedy. <br /> 12. Succeasors and Aaal�na Bound; Jolnt and �everat Ltebllity; Co-stgnera Tno coYena�cs end a�reen►sncs or ,. '. ��,�.�� <br /> thb Sscurity InaWm�nt sh�M bind and be�efR the succassors and assi�ns ot Lender and BoROwer, subject to the provlsbne of puagraph � � ` �� � <br /> 17. @orrowars cov�nants u�d �pnexn,ente shaH be Joht enJ soveral. My Borrower who co•slpns thls Securky InsWment but does not � <br /> exacute th�Noto: (n)f9 caslpnhp this SeCU�Iy InsWment ony to monyaye, qrant, and Convey that Borrowers fnlerest h the Propaly under ,,, ' <br /> the terms oi ttils SYCUrfty InsWme��t;(b)Is not personaly oblipatad tu pay tho sums secured by this Securityr Instrument;arad(c) �greos thtt , . , j <br /> / '�•., <br /> Lander nnd eny other 8ortarwe�may ayreo to extend, modily, forbear or malce any accommodatbns wft� reyard to terms o1 RT�I; Sacuriry • � • <br /> Inswment or the Note wtthout that Borrowers consent. � <br /> � 13. Losn Char�es. �r cno b�n socurod by thb SaCUrily Insbument Fs sub}act to a iaw whICA set9 m4xirtwm ben Charpes. end Qnet �, ,' <br /> �� I�w ts OnaMy Onterpretcd eo thet tho htenst or other ban charpes coYected or to be collected In connectbn wRh the ban e�eod oi+e �y,� �: <br /> permlted IimRs, then; (a) any 6uCh ban cha�ps BhaN be reduced by the amount necassary to reduco the Cht►rrpe to tho pamRtod 1'mR; and <br /> �^1 any sum9 at6ady colkCtod trom klorrower w�{ch exceeded permAtad limks wiA be retunded to BoROwer. Lender may chooso to meko , <br /> � thu :�tund by reduchy th0 prY�cipal o�ed undcx tho Nota or by makinp c� diroct paymtx►t to Borrowor. If a roiund retduCOS pthClp91, 9he <br /> raductio�i wIY be Veated e9 s partlal propflyment wilhout any prepayment charpe undor tho fVote. <br /> 14. NoUcea Any nolico to Uortower provided tor In this Securiry Instrument shall be given by deltvering Et or by rnaffnp k by flrst � <br /> cl�ss maY untesa aApRcabb bw requtes use ot another rnothod. Tho not�e ahau be disctod to the Property Address or any othar adarusa , <br /> Borrower deSipnates by not�e to Lond�. Any nottco to Lendnr shall bo pNon by first ciass mail to Lenders nddmss steted hcxeh or any '. <br /> other address Lendw desipnates by nat�Ce lo Borrower. My not�Ce provlded for h this Socurity InsWmont shau be daemed to have beon <br /> � pkCn t0 Bortower or LE3ndet when qNe� as prov3ded 'n thls ptunprflph. t <br /> 15. Gov��ning l.a+w; Severabfliry. This St1CUr3y InsWtnOn4 5httll b0 govemod by fedarel law and th0 law of the JurlsdfCifmn h <br /> which the Property b focated. In the event thnt eny provisbn or clnuse of thls Socurity InsWmont or tho Noto conllsts wKh appl�cabb @w, <br /> 6uch contlict shaM not attect olh�r provisfons of this SaCUn'ty Instrument or tha NotO whk;h can be given oilact wF,hout the conl6cthp .1 <br /> , provkslon. To thls end the provhbn�of thb SecurRy Insdument and the Note are declamd to bu sevareble. "; <br /> _ _ __ ._; 16. BOif011`0�'8 COpy.Bartowor shaN be flNen one contomwd copy of the Note and ot this Sr.�curiry InsUumFx�t. • <br /> : 17. Trenste�of the property 4r e Be�eticlal Interest in BOi�OW@i. If flll Or eny psrt o1 the Proporty or ony inteR�st h ' <br /> i N t3 �ofd or VenSterted (or M e betieliChl {nterest h Bortower Is 6o1d or Van3Pertetl end Bortovror IS not e natural pc�on) w�hout Lendala <br /> � pr�Or�rc@ten Cansent, Lender mey, et Its optbn, requlre Immedlete payment �n NG of eA sums secured by thls Securly Instrvment However. � <br /> . � thb optbn ahnd not ba e�cNC�;od by Lender Y ezerciso Is prohbRod by federal Uw as of the date ol thls Socurily instrumenl. <br /> 11 Londor axenCises lhl9 oplbn, Londer eha�plw Borrower notica ol nccoSeratton.The notice shaY provid��poriod of not IDSS thtn 30 <br /> dey� trom the deto tl�e notfce is deWored ur malUd wkhYn which the Bovowar must pey ao sums cocured by [hb Securty InSWment. If <br /> � Bo�*owar(alb to pey thuso sums prior to tha tixpiretbn o!thfs parbd,Lender may invake any romedles pe+m!ttod by thls 5c3cutiy tnsWrnent <br /> wRhcut turther notica or dan�'u�d¢n Bartower. <br /> ' .. � Fo�m 0Q:0 �l90 - <br /> , FtCD0.11AO(6fw) P�y��al 6 <br /> ,�I eo <br /> � - <br />