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<br /> a..,.='.�._.� '—""..___'_•-.."_"""".._._.__._�..._,__'__.._'__'�._�__..__��._..�..—'_"""' .
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<br /> � . Lcnd=t n;av, ct cny tE��, cal:�l cnd ho;d Funds L� cn cmounl nat ta c::c:;�d tRo m�cLnum rnaunl n i�''ar a [„d:ral.,�r,,..t' moR��g�
<br /> to=n r���y rcr;74'J (�S DCfr6.r;,�a c�eroc� cccount¢nd.r tiz� f:,d�rel['.��I Gct^t� .'.'cit:cr„�nl Proc�du�c� !st of 1074 es cJr.�ad�fl fror�i QI:r.� Co ,
<br /> tL��a, 12 U.S.C.2001 et ccq. (`�ie:5'�°), uni:aa another L�e� ehat eppl:_�to �hs Fund� acto o t_�ccr er�ioum.II oo, Lender r�i�y,nt eny U�::�, _�
<br /> aailool ond hofd Funds 6� an amour,t not to excaed the lasaor nmaunt. Londor may estWiwSo tha anounl af Nnds d�io on tha baals nt , �•`_-
<br /> curtont data and reasonsble estMates of ex�endkurea o1 futun Escrow Itoma or oth�rwfse In 4cCOrRltnca wkh opp{icabM taw. ___.
<br /> " The Funds ahetl bo hetA In an Instkutbn whpse Jepoafie era baurad by a fedoral igertoy, hewmentoGty�or eniky (Includinp I.endar, M =
<br /> .':,
<br /> - L�ndR N suoh�n h�tMutbn)or h �ny F�d�rd Hom�Loan &nN. L�nd�r thtN�ppy th�Fund�lo pay th�Escrow I,Nnf. Land�r rt►�y not ' _
<br /> .. , churpo Dorrower(or holdlny and aprylnp the Funds, annuattj anrystnp �he oscrow eccuunt, or verHyhfl iha E6crow Item�, unbs�Lender --
<br /> pay�BotrowK hta�st on lh� Funds and appBc�bb I�w p�rmR�Under to mdc� euch s charp�. HowwK,LMtHr mty tpuln tlortowK ta +��•-
<br /> � pay a on♦ibrw oharpo tor en hdop�ndent real osGtt�tax npoRinp seru�e u!etl by Lanrf�n c�onnsctbn wkh thh fo�n,unbte epplic�bM ww
<br /> RroY'�s othonvlso. Uniess an ep��emenl fs med� or applfcabN kw roqulrsa htar��t to bs pQld. Lender shall not be �quY�c1 to pay ���
<br /> D�ttow�r any intarett or eamhps on the Funda.BaROwer and L.�ndir mry �prN {n wrRinp,how�vw,thQl I�tarest ehaY ba ptfd an tho Funds. � , �r--
<br /> �� � Londiv shtA pMra to Bot�ow�r, wkhout charpe, an annu4l YccaunlNp ot the Funds,showinp crodlts and debRs to the Fund�and lho purpo=o "?
<br /> for whlch osoh dabk to the F�nda wa�madr. The Funde ar�pMdped�e addNbnal socurRy lor tN eums securod by thb Sxurity InsWm�n� �� �`a.-
<br /> , lf th� Fundr hotd by Londw wcceed th• amoun(s permRted to b� held by app�cabte Iaw, Lanckir sh�N account to BoROwK lor tiw , �-
<br /> excesa Funds h�ccordanca wkh the requlremento ol apptbable kw. If the amount oI the Funds held by Lender at eny tim�b not w(ffci�nt •• w;�
<br /> to poy ¢ha Escrow ltems whon due, Londer may so notNy HoROwer In wrRhp, and, fn cuch cece Bortower shaN pay to Len�e►th�amount '�_
<br /> necesaary to make up tho dc+ficiency. E3ortoww�heU make up th9 do(bbncy h no more than twelve monthty paymanu, at L.�nd�fa sok ''
<br /> dfsa�tian. `����
<br /> "" � Upon p�ym�nt In (uN of �Y aumt swCUnd by th�s Sacurky Instrumant, Le�der shaM prompty retund to BoROwer �ny Funds hsid by : ��•
<br /> �� Landw. If.under psr�graph 21,I.�ndx shtY�Cqufh ot se1 tha Proparty,L�nder,Prfor to the acpubkkn or sak o!th� Prope�ty,shlN eppy �-
<br /> any Funde he�d by Lender nt the time of acquMRbn or sale as a credk apuinst tha sums secured by thls Socuriry InaWment. ,... :,;�.__�_
<br /> 3. A�f(fI1Cl1U011 O�Pay1riC1116. Unless nppNCable law prov{des otherwfse,etl paytnents recelvod by Lender under punpriphf 1 �nd - -=��•�'m=�=
<br /> 2 ehaU be appued: Ikst, to any prepeymsnt charpes due under the Nofe; second, to flmounts paynble under parapraph 2; thtrd to hterast � :;.
<br /> dus;fauRh, to pnc�lpd due;and laat,to any int�ohupee duo under tho Note. '.h ' •
<br /> � 4. C�18��Ea� ILlens. Borcowor shoY pay aN texes,ae�essment9,Charyes, (fnes and Ynposkbns atVbutabie to lhe PropeRy whirh rtwy �+__
<br /> atUin prbrky ovor this SecurRy Instrument, artd leasehold ptyments or pround rants, k eny. Barrow&r shaY pay theso oblipalbnt in th� �r" .
<br /> • mannet provided h pereq��,vh 2, or M not pald in that manner, Sorrower shall pny them on thw dfrecty to the porson ow�d p�yrt�nG �+:��3����
<br /> �•�ar�,as-�
<br /> Bortowet shflll promptP• 4untsh to Lender all notices ot emaunts to be pald under this paragreph. ff Bortowa makas thsse ptymonts �i;'� �� ,
<br /> ' dirocty,BoROwer shaY p:crtpty tumish to Lender recopta evldenchp the paymenta. "`�
<br /> Bortoww sh¢A prom�a:ty dischar�any Ilan whiCh h�a prbrUy ovw this Socurlty I�strumont uniess Borrawer. (n)apr� h wrking to tha , * "����r
<br /> ----_=__' -- paymani oi ini ou�iiion sacu�eu' ur ii�i iiw� Li i Tiai���w�i,z.w�iiuii i� t��i�� iu)cr,r�r :$:.:.3:Rti 2~B:`ai Ci. C: $...."t�q.:"»! ?"-'�
<br /> entorcernw�t o!tho li�n in,Iepal procoedhys whlCh Yi tho L.andefs npinbn o�te to provent ths entorcamw�t ot tho Ibn; or(o)cpcurq kom �` ,
<br /> the hotder of the Ilen an aprearnwit satishctury to Lendor subordlnatinp tha Iien to this Sacuriry InsUuma+it. I}Lender determinos tt�at ony k�: �''
<br /> part o}the Property Is SubJec:t to e Ilen wh�h may ettah prbrity over thts Secur(ty lnsWment, Lender may qive Bortower a notka id�ntlfpinp �'i � � •
<br /> ' the Ilen. Borrower shaA satisty the Ilen or take one or more of the actbns sot torth nbove wkhh 10 daye of lhe pHinp o!noti�v.
<br /> ,..o°. .
<br /> �� 6. Hazard or Property Insurence. BoROwer shaU koep tho Improvemonts now Eucisthp or he�eafter er�ated on the Property �- �.
<br /> Insursd tp�fn5t bss by fire, haterds Includnd wkhin the terrn 'extended covareye' and nny othor ha7ards, hCludhy►bods ot Noodhp, for ! f,
<br /> wh�h Lender requPes hsurance. This fnsurence sha�bo mnhtahed (n the amounts and for the perbds that Lende►requires. Th� Insur� .`.� �
<br /> cartler providlnp the bsurence shall be chosen by Qorrower subJeot to Lender's epproval whbh shn4 not bo unreasontby wkhMid. If � ,���
<br /> Bortowc�r fafls to mahtah covera{�e doscrbed nbovo, Lendor may, nt Londers optlon, oUtain covorape to prot�ct Lenders ripht! In the „�'
<br /> Propa+ty h eccordanco wkh parepraph 7. �� �'
<br /> AC hsurnnce poUCWs u►d renewal� ahntl be accep24ble to Lender end shell includa a standard mortpape clausa. Lender shall htw th� ' '
<br /> ripht to hold tM poYcka and rawwQls. I(Laider reQuires, Bortowor shaY promptty ylva to Lander nY �ecelpt8 of pnW premlums and ronowal . ,����-4
<br /> . ,b..-_
<br /> notVCes. In th�evor►t o} Iaas, BormwK shaN plvs prompt nat�e to the Insurance cartter and Lender. Lendw rtwy m�ko proot of b�� Y not '--
<br /> made prompty by BoROwer. '"
<br /> , Unless Lender end BonoHer otherwise flpre9 In wrRinp, insurance proceeds shnY be applted to restoratbn or repalr of th� Property � 1•
<br /> • damaped, If the restoration or repaP !s economicaly 9ousbb end Lenders securky is not lessened. If the rostor�ttan or ropaM b not � � ;�+4
<br /> economicaly feasble or Lendere security would be lessoned,the hsurence proceeds shnA bs epplled to 1he sums secured by thfs Secu�ity I fj�.
<br /> Instrument. whether or not then due,wkh any oxcess peld to Borrower. If Bortower abandons the Properly, or doee not answer wRhin 30 i �� ;, :
<br /> daye e not�e Mom Londor that the hsurance cartkjr has oNc�red to sottle a clnim,thon Lsndctr may c�Aect tha Insurence proceeds. LendK i ,� ;� �-
<br /> , mny use the proceeds to ropafr or rostoro the Property or to pay sums socurod by thls S�curity InsWment, whether ar not then duB.7he � , .
<br /> • 30-0ay poriod wUI bepin whon the notice M pNen. I
<br /> ' . Unless Lender end Borrowe► otherwlse ayree In w�Rhp, a�y eppl�atbn of procaeds ta pnc�lpal shall not vxcend or postpone the dua ' `�
<br /> dato ot the monthy pnyments reten�d t� In pamqraphs t end 2 or chanpe the amount of the paymsnts. It under paraprnph 21 Iha Prope�ty ,
<br /> fs acqulred by Lender, Bortowers rlpht to eny Insurence policles and prBCeeds resuRlnp hom damaqe ro the Property prior to the 6cqufsRbn � _
<br /> shall pass to Lender to tho extent of tho sums aecured by th� SacnrNy InsWmsnt t�rsmedlatety prlor to the acqulsklon. .
<br /> - 6. Occupancy, PreservaUon. Melntenence and Protectlon vf the P�operty; Borrov�er'� Loan Appltcation; �
<br /> Leaseholda. Borro�ver ohall oCCUpy,establtsh,and uso tho Proporty es Borcower's princlpal rosldenco wkhh shty days efter tho oxecutlnn
<br /> ot thl� Socurity InStrumCr►t nnd shnll Contlnuo to occupy tho Property a Bortotircrs princlpnl rosldenco far at�sst ono ye3r after tha�ata of �
<br /> ocCUpflnoy, unless Londor othenvlse nflrees h writhg,wh�h consont s:iall not bo unrensonaby wkhheld,or unless extenuathp olrcumstencos
<br /> oxMt which aro beyond Borrowors convol. Bortower shnll not dostroy, damngo or Impnlr tho Proporty,allow tho Property to dotc�lornto, or
<br /> � Commk w8sto on the Progerty. Borrowor Shall bo In dotnult if pny tortolturo nctlon or proceodhp, whothar CIv�!or crlminsl, Is hequn that In � �
<br /> • Londc►rs go0d tnkh Judgment cculd rpsuft h lorfollure of tha PropoRy or othan�ISO matoriolty imDaM tho Ihn crentod by thts Socurity , ;
<br /> � InsWmant or Lendore security hterest. Borrower may curo such e dolauk and rehstuto,as pravaed in purnD�aph 10,by causlnp tiie actbn
<br /> or proCOedinp to be d�mMcod wN.h a rulhp thet, fn Lendar's good fakh dotamhntinn, procludas tor5nkuro of tho Borrowors htarost h tho
<br /> , Property o� othor matwtal Impahrwnt of the Oen created by thEs S�eurty InsWrtx�nt or lender's socu�t,y htcrost. Borrowor shaN nlso bo In
<br /> dolauR H Borrowor, durhp tho ban npplbatbn process, ,.n.ave matortalry fuMe or Ineccu�ate Informutbn or stutcxnents to Londor(or lutbd to
<br /> prov{de Lcsnder wkh uny material htarmatbn) {n Connectton wRh the ioan evldancod by the Note,hcVdlnp, but not limfted to, reprosentatbns
<br /> consominy Borrowere occupanoy ot the Property es e pnc�lpal resldence. It thls Socurity tnsWmont Is on e Iessohold. Borrower shail
<br /> campty wkh HII tho provisbns ot th� k�so. lf Borrowcr ucquiros tQO tRb to tho Propcxty, tha inasohold flnd the foe titb shall not merpe
<br /> unlesa lw►d�aflrees ta the merpc�t In writlnp.
<br /> , '
<br /> ',�,� � Form 709J o/po
<br /> ' c� . Pt000.LM0(6/O�) P�p�7 0l 6 .
<br /> � 6E
<br />