_ �,e� .. Jae�.
<br /> ., .,s��l�►� ' '. ��� I , ^i'___
<br /> f1lSLL�'! - ' . - - .
<br /> _ . .
<br /> ,. . .—��_-_._'_ ---_'_"...—_--—._'_ . — . . . —_-- _--. .._-- . --- --_— .__ ____ .
<br /> � .� _T_ � I I . �n1 ^� .______.__�-'__• ._____•""""__ ....�.. . , •, ���T+4 ��r�- . , ..»
<br />_� , . - ..4. Y�1 t [l�}�..htT., . vi�. :4�__....�e_ .._....._.....__i�.+wti:]6. ��
<br />�l�r.- .Fr� . . .. . ' .. ' ' � ... ��. - __
<br />---.. ���r-:��.;�rt:-. r�q���f��3"d4 .. .. .: .
<br /> � 7. b�roEccgP�r� �4�,e���:e'o Alflia4a le� ��� 6�Peg�cr�y. it �orro�:cr ra�� eo ��rtorm��o co•r�nnn►��nd c�rC_mCnta con4�fned n �� - ��
<br /> thi3 &CCUriy InOGur.i:nt, or tic,o b a 1�Qal prosc�ilL1� t71�1 fil�y Ok,jJll�CCntP/nCCCt LCnd��'a ri�hto In tho Prop�rty (cuafl ns o proce�tl�tp In ,n4
<br /> bcntcmp;oy,prob,f�,(a7 cond.r��n^tfan or tu�°:,uro a�to cnt�r�;o t�e:a st�YLoI_�tionD), ►h�n �Cnd�t rri�y tlo cnd p�y fot r�ho!;�er b n�r.t�ccry t '
<br /> , to prot�ti u'�a v,tu� 04 th� Frog�riy cnd I.GnG;.fp ri�hta L�th�Prop�try. Lcnal=ra c�tlon� nay tnc�ud��2�ylnfl eny cur�i� cccurcd i�y n t°n ' ��
<br /> " „ �vhich hai priorky qver thb S�curily InsWrtwat,eppearki8 h couA, payi�g rp�sanable attomoy`e toes and ontorhp on Iha Pro�arty to msko � • -
<br /> � , repairo. Alhoayh I,�nd�r may tak�actbn unds►thb peraqn,oh 7,I.�ndw dn�s not haw to do so. � . •�
<br /> My unounte dhdurs�t9 by Undmr under thb puaflraph 7 eh�N d�come addkbrnl debt o1 Borrower s,ecuretl by thi9 Security Instmmenl. t. •
<br /> Unleaa Borr►�tiwr�nd l,�n�r tpre�to olhsr t�ms of psyrtNrf,th�s��mounta IhtN bur InterQSt from Ilio date o!dlsburesmant et fha Noto � ��^°
<br /> � rets and ohall b�payabM,wkh fntKraf,upon nottcs kam LMdx lo Borrow�r�qu�sttnp paYm�nt• I �
<br /> � 8. Mortgnge lree�+►ance. ff L!ntf_v reGuked moA�eM fne�rence « a condNbn ot makhg tho ban sWCUrod by lhi� Secunty g��;
<br /> „ Instrum�nt,Bo►rawu eh�M pay tha{x�nlum�nquind to mihUb th�moRp�g� i��uranC� In oHeol. If,lor nny ra�son,the mortp�pe inaurance ; „ . --
<br /> � • coveaq� rpuMed by L�ndM b�psis a cwt�s to Qa In �t, BOROWN 6haN pay the promlums rAquYad to obUth covenp� substtntyy �
<br /> � � equlv�ient to th�mortpap�htunnce provbusy b Ntact, al�co�t eubstant4ity equlvaMnt ta 1ho oost to Bonower of tho mortpaDa hsurence . �-
<br /> prwbuay h efNct. kom en ak�rntta mortp�pe Insuror opprov�d by Le�der, I1 eubstentfeiy �r{uMatent mortpape hsurence caverap9 h �ot �_
<br /> P y moR hsuran�� premium belnp p41d by � "
<br /> ,. , evatlebte, Borrower Bh�N s to Lendw each month a 6um equal to onaM�effth of the yearty aeQo , � r
<br /> eoaower wh�n tha Insuru�ce coverape ia�aed or ceased to be Yi eftec4 Lender wul accept, uso end retah thase paymenta aa e bss „
<br /> rescrva {n Ipu o} mort�qo {nsur,�nce. Losa iaserva payraas mey no wn�:r b� �qukc�, at tho optbn of Lendcr, H mort�eQe insurnnco ; •�� �^
<br /> � coveraQ�(In tho amount�nd lor ths perfod lha4 Lender requ(re�� provlded by an h&urer approved by Len�ler aQah trecomes avalieble and Is I
<br /> . obtahed. Borrower shal pey t1�e premiums required to mahtah mortpapB � Y,��.
<br /> bsursnco h etfoct, or to prcvWe a bss reswve, unlil the
<br />• requkoment(or martpepe hsurance�ds In accordnnce wRh any wrRten epreement beriveen Bnrrowsr and L.onder ar nppllcnbta law. y *
<br /> ,. • 9. Inspectlon. Lende► or fts rtpont may muke reasonflble enVies upon snd tnspoct(ons of the Property. Lender shall qNe Borrower � „ ;
<br /> notice at tha tirtw oi or prior to nn hspectbn specHyrhp reasonabfa cauae tor tl�e Inspectbn. �
<br /> 1d. Condemn�tlon. The procoeda o} any award or ciatm tor dam¢pes, dY�ect or consslquential. !n connectbn wRh any �
<br /> candernnntlor� a ather t?k5�fl o/eny pert af the Propeity, or /or conveyence tn I�eu ot condemnatbn,tue horoby sssigned and sha8 be pald I �'
<br /> to Lendea .. °�y4
<br /> In tha avent of�toul takhy of th�Propsrty,the proceeds shaN be appked to the sums secured by thfs Securily InsWment,whether or '
<br /> not than du0,wBh any excess pald to BoROwor. In the evont of a partini Wkhy ot the Prop�rty In whbh the IuM mnrtcet valuo ot the Property � " '�
<br /> Immediatoy bafore the tekinp Is equal to or preater then the amount of the sums secured by thb Socurity InsWment knmediatey betoro the
<br /> " tukhp,uniess Borabwer end Lender othenvise ayree h writing,the sums secured by this Security InsWmeat shfll! be reduced by the amount �—�
<br /> , ot the proceeds erwkqGc�d by tho loibwinp hactbn:(a)the total amount ot the sums securod immedlatery before the takinp,divtded by @)the J
<br /> falr marfcq valuo of the Pro � ���
<br /> p�rty YnrnedhCey betore the takhg.Any batance ahaY be pald to BoROweu In the event o!e partiai tekhp ot tAe
<br /> Propaty h whfch tha faY rtuAcet value ot the Property Mrxnediatey before the teklnp Is less than the emou�it of the sums securad immedlacey .13� ��'
<br /> beforo the taklnQ, unlesa Bortower and Lender otherwise eQree h wrRhp or unbss applicable law othorwbso provides, the procoeds shall be � ��. '`�-
<br /> • appibd to the sums socured by thls 6ocurily InsWment whethor or not the curns aro then dua. ! 'r"/�. —
<br /> II the Pro , � :..
<br /> p0rty fs abandoned by Sorrower.or M,after notke by Londer to gortower that the con�emnor oNore to msko an award or sedb �•�
<br /> a Ciaim for damopes,Borcower tails to res�ond ta Lender wkhh 30 days aftor the date the notice is pFvon. Lender ts authorized to colbct end I ���
<br /> � eppy the proceeds,at Re optton,ekher to restomibn or repafr of tho Proporty or to the sums seaured by thls Security Inswment. whether � ..��^:p •
<br /> or not then duo. I �� �
<br /> � Unless Lender ond Bortowor othervvise aproe in writi�q, any epplicatlon o(proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone lhe due , �
<br /> ; date ot the�rsonthy paymenta rnie�7od to In par�praphs 1 end 2 or chanpe the smount o}such p&yments. �. � �
<br /> _, 11. Borrov�rer Not Reteaaed: Forbearenco By Lende� Not a Welver. Extensbn o� cne ►me ror payment or , .��
<br /> modificatbn o}amortimtbn ot tho sums secured by this SecurByr Instrument prunted by Lender to any succossor in htrxest of Oorrowa sha!I w
<br /> � not opente ta reieasa the I'�nbii�y of the oripfnal BoROwer or 8orrowers successore h hterest. Lender shall not ba roquired to commence � -, ���
<br /> ' � procaedhps ayeinst any auccessw h Interest or rotuse to extend time for paYrtient or othonvise modi►yr amortiratlon of tha sums secured by � •� ..�J
<br /> thhs Sacurxy InaWment by reason o!any de�nand made by tho orlyinnl Borrowa or Borrowers successors In htaest. Am forbearttnce by ��' .�
<br /> Lendar in exwclsinp u�y rfphQ or remedy sheN not be a waker of or precwde the exercfse of any rlpht or remedy. i ' "'
<br /> 12. Si�ccesaero end Assigna Bounm; Jotnt and Severel Liebitity; Co-signere. rno covenants and aflr�ernencs ot
<br /> this Secunly Instrammt shaY bad and benefit the successors end esslpns o4 Lender and Borrower,subJect to tho provisbns of pnreyraph � ". � ',4,,. �_ -
<br /> ' 17. BoROwe�s Cov�fanb and apreertiente BheN be �oht and several. My Bortower who co-sipns thls Socurity Ins4rument but does not � , "' �r.
<br /> oxecuts tA� Note: (�)b co-slpninp this Security Instrument or�y to mortgsge,erent,nnd convoy khat Bortowar9 Interost h tho Property undor ' ''
<br /> the term!of thb SecurRy InsUumen� (b)Is not personalty obii�ated to pay tho sums saCUred by this Security Instru7�cxit;and(c)a�rees that �,
<br /> � Lender and any oth�r Borrawa►may apree to extend, modfy,lorbear or mnke eny accommodations wfth repard ro tartns of thls �ocnrny i /�'t ti.`
<br /> InStniment or tho Nots wkhout thot Bor►owefs Consent. • '' ��'T
<br /> 13. Loan Charpes. If tha ban secured by thLs Security InsWmont ts subJect to a 1aw whlCh sete mexknum lonn Chnr�e9, flnd thet �*�.=
<br /> law � M�ly hteeprqtsd so that the hterest or other ban Charges collecled or tu be Collectod In connection v�it� the loan exceed the , ':
<br /> .;, ,, . .
<br /> �: ,.-
<br /> � � permRt9d knUe,thon; (���ny auch fo�n ch�tpes shaN tre reducod by the emount necessary to reduc�the charpn ta the pc�rmHtod I'mk; and ' � '
<br /> ,� , (b) eny sums llra�dy co6ct�ef trom Borrowar wh�h exceedod permkted IinRs wiM be re'lmded to Bortower. Lendor may ch�os� lo mska ,�`' ?� +
<br /> � .. . , this wfUnd by reduclnp th�princpat owed undor tho Note or by makinp a dYect payment to Borrower. It n rotYmd roducos pnc�ipal, tho ,'�
<br /> reductbn wiN da treeted�s e part6�l prepeymont w�Thout any prepayment cherge under the Nota. , `
<br /> 14. NOUCCO. My notico to Bortowet provkbd for h this Security InsUument ahall bo flMen by dullverhe ft or Dy mnfltnp k by fist '
<br /> class mnY unloss spplic�bM Mw requlres us�of another method. The noNce sheY be dlrected to the Pro�erty Address or any othor nddross
<br /> OoROwa►deslpnatss by not�� to Lender. My notice to LonduP shatl be pknn by (Yst class mall tu Lenders addros� statod hereh or any �
<br /> , olhar addyss Lsnder d�slpmtee by notVco to Dorrower. My not�a provlded for h thls Sc�curiry InsUument shall bo daemad ro havo bcaon �
<br /> ptvon to Botroww ot Lender when pken as provld�d in thls peregraph. Y
<br /> 16.Govecning Law; Severa�gtltty. TAis &6CUrily Instrumont 6h811 be povortoed by todtxel law and tNe 47w o} tho JurlsdlCtlon h
<br /> � which tho Prop«ty Is Oocated. In the event that ar►y provlsbn or clsuse ot this Security MSWmant or tho Note conflicts wfih oppl'�cable law, �
<br /> ' ,� suCh conflict sha� not lHact otliar prov4sbns ot thfs Securiy Instrument o� lhe Note wh�h can be pHFx� oifoct without tho contlicthp �
<br /> � provtsbn. To this end the provtsbns oi thFS SSc+aun'ty InsWmont and tho Nota are decierod ro be swerabse. r.
<br /> 16. BO�fOWC1'a Cvpy. Oortower shQp ho pMen one cantom�ed Copy of the Note and of thls SE�CUrity�nstrument. � �`
<br /> " 17.Transter of the Property Ar a Beneflclel Interest In�orrower. It nA or nny purt of tho PropoRy ar nny IntMOSt In �, ��P
<br /> � � q Is aoW or transtorcad(or I� peneficlnl Intemst h E3ortower Is sold or tran5t�red end Borrower Is not e naturcil�►�son) wkhout Lenders
<br /> __._-- - �� ���'- ••• �r��� ���___.. _. r __.�__ __..� a___�_._ __"___.� a.r _� _r �..�� ��...�A 1..�N�1�C` v:h� IneM����� 41nu�a��v �•
<br /> -_ - - �,..... .....m. rww.n. w.�s.� na��a�na vUtwm��oyv�o muouncv yaTn�an�• ryn v� a. ov..�a w.....w�� .......�..��� -.__...-_-.� ....._.._. .. �:— �
<br /> Ihis Cption s�atl n¢t UY exorclsed by Lender M oxerci,e Is proh6ded Ay fedoral 1aw es ol tne dato of thls Security InSWmont. •
<br /> • , ��LsnSM ex�rc:lsN lhb optbn, Lvrtden ahaY qNe Borcower not�e of accalerction.The notice shaN provide a period of not bss lhun 30 .
<br /> S day� from Lh� cfatY th�notkb a deVuf�yd or maYec7 wU�h which the Bortower must pay all sums soeurod by thls Socur�ty Instrument. If
<br /> � � BortowYr(H�Qo pay thess eum�priar to tA� e.��itbn of thb perbd,l.ender mey Invoke any rtmedies pemiHtod by ths S�,�curity Instrurnont
<br /> wilhout NAher notk�or demend on Bortowx.
<br /> � y I
<br /> I
<br /> 1
<br /> - Pa��0 ot 6 Form 907E G/GO
<br /> I P�C:i.111t0(1C(N) ,
<br /> i. ,. '
<br /> � ea
<br /> i
<br />